Programming Interface Information:
This page primarily provides information
that is NOT intended to be used as Programming Interfaces of z/VM.

This page also documents intended Programming Intefaces that allow the customer to write programs to obatin the services of z/VM. This information is identified where it occurs by an introductory statement.



Control Block Contents  

Storage Layout  

Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)  

  NUCON Prolog Top of page
 NAME       : NUCON
 DESCRIPTION: Nucleus Constant Area
 FUNCTION   : Defines fields in CMS storage page zero
  NUCON Control Block Content Top of page

 NUCON DSECT Top of page
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure NUCON Nucleus Constant Area Fixed Storage Locations These fields (from X'0 to X'200') are reserved for exclusive use of the hardware as defined by the architecture. None of these fields can have initial values. All initialization of this area must be done at run time. 0000 0 Dbl-Word 8 IPLPSW Initial program loading PSW 0008 8 Dbl-Word 8 IPLCCW1 Initial program loading CCW1 0010 16 Dbl-Word 8 IPLCCW2 Initial program loading CCW2 0000 0 Dbl-Word 8 RSTNPSW Restart new PSW 0008 8 Dbl-Word 8 RSTOPSW Restart old PSW ------> GPI <***************************** ****************-- ACMSCVT This is the address of CMSCVT, the simulated OS CVT. 0010 16 Signed 4 ACMSCVT Address of simulated OS CVT ------> End GPI <***************************** *------------- 0014 20 Signed 4 ASYSREF Address of nucleus address table 0018 24 Dbl-Word 8 EXTOPSW External old PSW 0020 32 Dbl-Word 8 SVCOPSW Supervisor call old PSW 0028 40 Dbl-Word 8 PGMOPSW Program old PSW 0030 48 Dbl-Word 8 MCKOPSW Machine-check old PSW 0038 56 Dbl-Word 8 IOOPSW Input/output old PSW 0040 64 Dbl-Word 8 CSW Channel Status Word 0048 72 Signed 4 CAW Channel Address Word 004C 76 Signed 4 NUCRSV1 Reserved for hardware use 0050 80 Signed 4 TIMER Interval timer 0054 84 Signed 4 NUCRSV2 Reserved for hardware use 0058 88 Dbl-Word 8 EXTNPSW External new PSW 0060 96 Dbl-Word 8 SVCNPSW Supervisor call new PSW 0068 104 Dbl-Word 8 PGMNPSW Program new PSW 0070 112 Dbl-Word 8 MCKNPSW Machine-check new PSW 0078 120 Dbl-Word 8 IONPSW Input/output new PSW 0080 128 Dbl-Word 8 CPULOG (48) CPU logout area 0080 128 Signed 4 NUCEPARM External interrupt parameter 0084 132 Bitstring 2 NUCPUADR CPU address 0086 134 Bitstring 2 NUCEXCDE XA or XC external interrupt code 0088 136 Bitstring 1 NUCRSV3 Reserved for hardware use 0089 137 Bitstring 1 NUCSVILC *6 - SVC ILC 008A 138 Signed 2 NUCSVCN N*7 - SVC Interrupt code 008C 140 Bitstring 1 * Unused part of program interrupt 008D 141 Bitstring 1 NUCXAILC XA or XC mode ILC 008E 142 Bitstring 2 NUCPGCDE XA or XC program interrupt code 0090 144 Signed 4 * Reserved for hardware use 0094 148 Signed 2 MONCLASS N*1 - Monitor call class number 0096 150 Signed 2 PERCODE N*2 - Program event recorder code 0098 152 Signed 4 PERADDR Program event recorder address 009C 156 Signed 4 MONCODE Monitor call code 00A0 160 Bitstring 1 NUCEXAID Exception Access ID 00A1 161 Bitstring 3 * Reserved for hardware use 00A4 164 Signed 4 * Reserved for hardware use 00A8 168 Signed 4 NUCTXCP Translation exception data 00AC 172 Signed 4 * (3) Reserved for hardware use 00B8 184 Signed 4 NUCIOSID (0) XA or XC mode SID causing I/O int 00B8 184 Signed 2 * Reserved for hardware use 00BA 186 Signed 2 NUCIOADR (EC-mode) I/O device causing int 00BC 188 Signed 4 NUCINTP XA or XC mode Interrupt Parameter 00C0 192 Signed 2 LOWSAVE (0) Save area for 1st 160 bytes stg. 00C0 192 Bitstring 1 * (24) Reserved for hardware use 00D8 216 Bitstring 8 NUCTIMR CPU timer save area 00E0 224 Bitstring 8 NUCCLOK Clock comparator save area 00E8 232 Bitstring 8 NUCMCIC (0) Machine check interrupt code 00E8 232 Bitstring 1 NUCMCIC0 MCIC byte 0 00E9 233 Bitstring 1 NUCMCIC1 MCIC byte 1 00EA 234 Bitstring 1 NUCMCIC2 MCIC byte 2 00EB 235 Bitstring 1 NUCMCIC3 MCIC byte 3 00EC 236 Bitstring 1 NUCMCIC4 MCIC byte 4 00ED 237 Bitstring 1 NUCMCIC5 MCIC byte 5 00EE 238 Bitstring 1 NUCMCIC6 MCIC byte 6 00EF 239 Bitstring 1 NUCMCIC7 MCIC byte 7 00F0 240 Bitstring 1 * (8) Reserved for hardware use 00F8 248 Address 4 NUCFSA Failing storage address 00FC 252 Signed 4 * Reserved for hardware use 0100 256 Signed 4 NUCASIT (2) Contains the ASIT of the data space on machine checks related to storage errors. Will be 0's if error is in base address space 0108 264 Bitstring 1 * (24) Reserved for hardware use 0120 288 Signed 4 XCARLOG (16) Access register logout area 0160 352 Dbl-Word 8 FPRLOG (4) Floating point register logout area 0180 384 Signed 4 GPRLOG (16) General purpose register logout area 01C0 448 Signed 4 ECRLOG (16) Extended control register logout area End of Fixed Storage Locations CMS System Fields 0200 512 Character 32 SYSTEMID System name and date 0220 544 Character 64 INSTALID Installation identification 0260 608 Character 8 SYSNAME Name of IPLed saved system 0268 616 Signed 2 IPLADDR N*3 - Address of IPLed device 026A 618 Signed 2 SYSADDR N*4 - Address of system disk 026C 620 Signed 4 DEVICE Device causing last I/O interrupt 0270 624 Signed 2 HLPADDR N*5 - Address of HELP disk 0272 626 Signed 2 NUCYADDR N*6 - Address of Y-disk 0274 628 Character 12 FEIBM ' Component ID-IPCS referenced 0280 640 Character 24 DIAGTIME Buffer for Diagnose timer 0280 640 Character 8 CURRDATE Current date - mm/dd/yy 0288 648 Character 8 CURRTIME Current time - hh:mm:ss 0290 656 Signed 4 CURRVIRT Current elapsed virtual time used 0294 660 Signed 4 CURRCPUT Current elapsed CPU time used 0298 664 Signed 4 LASTVIRT Previous elapsed virtual time use 029C 668 Signed 4 LASTCPUT Previous elapsed CPU time used 02A0 672 Character 8 LASTCMND Last command issued 02A8 680 Character 8 PREVCMND Next to last command 02B0 688 Character 8 LASTEXEC Last exec procedure 02B8 696 Character 8 PREVEXEC Next to last exec 02C0 704 Character 8 LASTLMOD Last module LOADMODed into main storage 02C8 712 Character 8 LASTTMOD Last module LOADMODed into the transient area. 02D0 720 Dbl-Word 8 DATIPCMS Date (mm/dd/yy) at last IPL CMS 02D8 728 Dbl-Word 8 CLKVALMD Timer(STCK form) at midnight (0000 hours) 02E0 736 Signed 4 NUCENAWA (2) Work area for nucleus ENABLE invocations 02E8 744 Address 4 NUCLDSET Ptr to LOADSET of PRGBKs 02EC 748 Bitstring 1 NUCCSLTM Temp save area for translation mode for CSL call in XC-mode mach 02ED 749 Bitstring 1 NUCFSTM Temp save area for translation mode for FS calls in XC-mode mach 02EE 750 Bitstring 1 NUCPRTM Temp save area for translation mode for PARSECMD call in XC-mode 02EF 751 Bitstring 1 NUC2EF Reserved for future IBM use 02F0 752 Address 4 NUCAFRSC Branch Addr for SUBPOOL CREATE 02F4 756 Address 4 NUCAFRSD Branch Addr for SUBPOOL DELETE 02F8 760 Address 4 NUCAFRSR Branch Addr for SUBPOOL RELEASE 02FC 764 Signed 4 NUC2FC Reserved for future IBM use 0300 768 Address 4 NUCIDAL IDAL pointer 0304 772 Signed 4 NUCIDALL IDAL length 0308 776 Signed 4 NUCFSR14 R14 savearea in support of BALR entry processing for FS macros on XC-mode virtual machine. 030C 780 Signed 4 NUCPRR14 R14 savearea in support of BALR entry processing for PARSECMD macro. 0310 784 Address 4 NUCITEXC EXTXCTL entry point in DMSITE 0314 788 Signed 2 NUC314 Reserved for future IBM use The following fields are used by the GLOBAL module to create a list for TXTLIB concatenation. 0316 790 Signed 2 NUCTLANU TXTLIB alt. number GLOBALed 0318 792 Signed 4 TXLIBSVA Alt. libe save area TXTLIBS 031C 796 Address 4 NUCTLANA TXTLIB alt. name list address 0320 800 Address 4 NUCTLADI TXTLIB alt. directory list addr 0324 804 Signed 4 NUCTLASI TXTLIB alt. free storage size 0328 808 Address 4 NUCAFROC Branch for Cond CMSSTOR OBTAIN 032C 812 Address 4 NUCAFROU Branch for Uncond CMSSTOR OBTAIN 0330 816 Address 4 NUCAFRRC Branch for Cond CMSSTOR RELEASE 0334 820 Address 4 NUCAFRRU Branch for Uncond CMSSTOR RELEASE 0338 824 Signed 4 VMSIZEG (2) Reserved for CEC 0340 832 Address 4 NUCAMQVM MQSERIES POINTER FOR CEEPIPI 0344 836 Address 4 NUCMCKSA Anchor for DMSITM save area 0348 840 Signed 4 TXLIBSV Libe save area TXTLIBs 034C 844 Signed 4 MACLBSV Libe save area MACLIBs 0350 848 Signed 4 TOTLIBS Total global chains (bytes) 0354 852 Address 4 NUCTLDIR TXTLIB directory chain address 0354 852 Address 4 TXTDIRC Alternate name for NUCTLDIR 0358 856 Address 4 NUCLICMD Anchor to LOAD/INCLUDE c-block 035C 860 Address 4 NUCTRBUF Pointer to trace buffer 0360 864 Signed 4 NUCITSSA (16) DMSITS general reg save area DEBUG dump parameters 03A0 928 Dbl-Word 8 DUMPLIST (0) DEBUG dump parameter list 03A0 928 Address 4 GRS015 Address of GPR save area 03A4 932 Address 4 LOC0176 Address of low core save area 03A8 936 Address 4 FIRSTDMP Address of first location to dump 03AC 940 Address 4 LASTDMP Address of last location to dump 03B0 944 Address 4 FRS06 Address of FPR save area 03B4 948 Address 4 DMPTIT Address of dump title line 03B8 952 Address 4 NUCSGIOP Pointer to SGIOP build area 03BC 956 Character 132 DMPTITLE Dump title line 0440 1088 Signed 4 GLBLTABL Reserved 0444 1092 Bitstring 1 NUCTRFLG Trace buffering flag 1... .... NUCDMSTR X'80' NUCDMSTR .1.. .... NUCTRF40 X'40' NUCTRF40 Reserved for trace support ..1. .... NUCTRF20 X'20' NUCTRF20 Reserved for trace support ...1 .... NUCTRF10 X'10' NUCTRF10 Reserved for trace support .... 1... NUCTRF08 X'08' NUCTRF08 Reserved for trace support .... .1.. NUCTRF04 X'04' NUCTRF04 Reserved for trace support .... ..1. NUCTRF02 X'02' NUCTRF02 Reserved for trace support .... ...1 NUCTRF01 X'01' NUCTRF01 Reserved for trace support 0445 1093 Bitstring 1 NUCFLAGA Miscellaneous flags 1... .... NUCOLDCM X'80' NUCOLDCM Two word command processing flag .1.. .... NUCREADY X'40' NUCREADY Long/Short RC on READY Message ..1. .... NUCY2000 X'20' NUCY2000 CP has Year 2000 support, thatis extension of diags x'14',x'd8', x'bc',x'264' & new diag x'270' ...1 .... USRVERSN X'10' USRVERSN The VERSION at X'200'not deflt .... 1... NUC44508 X'08' NUC44508 Reserved for future IBM use .... .1.. NUC44504 X'04' NUC44504 Reserved for future IBM use .... ..1. NUC44502 X'02' NUC44502 Reserved for future IBM use .... ...1 NUCZARCH X'01' NUCZARCH Reserved for CEC 0448 1096 Address 4 ERR$202 User error address 044E 1102 Signed 2 CURRCENT Century part of CURRDATE BATCH monitor information 0450 1104 Bitstring 1 BATFLAGS BATCH flags 1... .... BATRUN X'80' BATRUN BATCH monitor running .1.. .... BATLOAD X'40' BATLOAD Loading BATCH processor ..1. .... BATNOEX X'20' BATNOEX Suppress user job execution ...1 .... BATRERR X'10' BATRERR BATCH reader error .... 1... BATCPEX X'08' BATCPEX CP command executing .... .1.. BATUSEX X'04' BATUSEX User job executing .... ..1. BATMOVE X'02' BATMOVE MOVEFILE executing from terminal .... ...1 BATTERM X'01' BATTERM User job being flushed 0451 1105 Bitstring 1 BATFLAG2 More BATCH flags 1... .... BATXLIM X'80' BATXLIM User job limit exceeded .1.. .... BATXCPU X'40' BATXCPU CPU time exceeded ..1. .... BATXPRT X'20' BATXPRT No. printed lines exceeded ...1 .... BATXPUN X'10' BATXPUN No. punched cards exceeded .... 1... BATDCMS X'08' BATDCMS Disabled CMS command called .... .1.. BATIPLSS X'04' BATIPLSS BATCH IPLing saved system .... ..1. BATSTOP X'02' BATSTOP BATCH stopping after current job .... ...1 BATSYSAB X'01' BATSYSAB System ABEND in progress 0452 1106 Bitstring 1 BATFLAG3 More BATCH flags 1... .... BATCPFNG X'80' BATCPFNG CPF link failure .1.. .... BATPRT X'40' BATPRT LOADVFCB was issued ..1. .... BATCPCH X'20' BATCPCH BATCH CP check flag ...1 .... BATABNAB X'10' BATABNAB System ABEND is ABENDing .... 1... NUC45208 X'08' NUC45208 Reserved for future IBM use .... .1.. NUC45204 X'04' NUC45204 Reserved for future IBM use .... ..1. NUC45202 X'02' NUC45202 Reserved for future IBM use .... ...1 NUC45201 X'01' NUC45201 Reserved for future IBM use 0453 1107 Bitstring 1 BATFLAG4 BATCH virtual printer type 1... .... NUC45380 X'80' NUC45380 Reserved for future IBM use .1.. .... NUC45340 X'40' NUC45340 Reserved for future IBM use ..1. .... NUC45320 X'20' NUC45320 Reserved for future IBM use ...1 .... NUC45310 X'10' NUC45310 Reserved for future IBM use .... 1... NUC45308 X'08' NUC45308 Reserved for future IBM use .... .1.. NUC45304 X'04' NUC45304 Reserved for future IBM use .... ..1. NUC45302 X'02' NUC45302 Reserved for future IBM use .... ...1 NUC45301 X'01' NUC45301 Reserved for future IBM use BATCH processor entry points 0454 1108 Address 4 ABATPROC Main entry 0458 1112 Address 4 ABATABND User job ABEND entry 045C 1116 Address 4 ABATLIMT User job limits table 0460 1120 Address 4 AUSERRST Restart entry point 0464 1124 Signed 4 NUSERFWD Fullword for users 0468 1128 Signed 4 NUCRSV7 Reserved for future use DOS library pointers 046C 1132 Signed 4 DOSLBSV Libe save area DOSLIBS 0470 1136 Address 4 NUCROSAD DMSROS workarea address 0474 1140 Signed 2 NUCROSDW DMSROS workarea size in Dwords 0476 1142 Signed 2 NUC476 Reserved for future IBM use 0478 1144 Address 4 NUCAVW Addr of Alternate-VSAM workarea 047C 1148 Address 4 NUCMTAV MT address vector 0480 1152 Address 4 NUCAPLD PLD anchor 0484 1156 Bitstring 2 NUCMTFLG (0) MT flags 0484 1156 Bitstring 1 NUCMTFL0 1st MT flag byte 1... .... NUCMTMP X'80' NUCMTMP MP enabled .1.. .... NUCMTNB X'40' NUCMTNB nonbase processor ..1. .... NUCMTA24 X'20' NUCMTA24 caller amode 24 ...1 .... NUCMTRTE X'10' NUCMTRTE run thread exists .... 1... NUCMTISG X'08' NUCMTISG console input signal wanted .... .1.. NUCMTDS X'04' NUCMTDS drop special segment .... ..1. NUCMTDSP X'02' NUCMTDSP have started dispatching .... ...1 NUCMTEN X'01' NUCMTEN mt call issued 0485 1157 Bitstring 1 NUCMTFL1 second MT flag byte 1... .... NUCMTCWT X'80' NUCMTCWT in command wait .1.. .... NUCMTSFS X'40' NUCMTSFS monitor sfs async io ..1. .... NUCMTEXC X'20' NUCMTEXC exec() is in progress somewhere ...1 .... NUCMT1SG X'10' NUCMT1SG con1ecb signal wanted .... 1... NUCMTROO X'08' NUCMTROO root processes exist .... .1.. NUCMTFRK X'04' NUCMTFRK fork is allowed 0486 1158 Bitstring 1 NUCBCPU (2) base CPU address 0488 1160 Address 4 NUCAKGA KGA anchor 048C 1164 Signed 4 NUCOSMP MT OS Sim 0490 1168 Address 4 NUCOSPL OS simulation plist address 0494 1172 Address 4 NUCOSPLL OS simulation plist length 0498 1176 Address 4 NUCCELGT Addr of Get CEL Anchor routine 049C 1180 Address 4 NUCCELST Addr of Set CEL Anchor routine 04A0 1184 Address 4 NUCMACLS Anchor for SET/QUERY MACLSUBS 04A4 1188 Address 4 NUCCELSV Addr of SVC CEL Anchor routine 04A8 1192 Signed 4 NUCPPID Current posix pid 04AC 1196 Signed 4 NUC4AC Reserved for OPENVM support 04B0 1200 Signed 4 NUCTCBO TCB OLD pointer 04B4 1204 Signed 4 NUCTCBN TCB NEW pointer 04B8 1208 Signed 4 NUC4B8 Reserved for OPENVM support 04BC 1212 Signed 4 NUC4BC Reserved for future IBM use 04C0 1216 Address 4 NUCRSK Reusable Server Kernel 00NUCRSK NUC4C0 NUCRSK NUC4C0 RSK modules say NUC4C0 04C4 1220 Address 4 NUCADCO Anchor for COMMDCSS data area 04C8 1224 Signed 4 NUC4C8 Reserved for future IBM use 04CC 1228 Signed 4 NUC4CC Reserved for future IBM use 04D0 1232 Signed 4 NUC4D0 Reserved for future IBM use 04D4 1236 Signed 4 NUC4D4 Reserved for future IBM use 04D8 1240 Bitstring 1 DOSFLAGS DOS simulation flags 1... .... DOSMODE X'80' DOSMODE DOS environment flag .1.. .... DOSSVC X'40' DOSSVC DOS SVC simulation flag ..1. .... DOSVSAM X'20' DOSVSAM DOS VSAM running flag ...1 .... DOSCOMP X'10' DOSCOMP DOS complier running flag .... 1... DOSPIO X'08' DOSPIO DOS printer indicator .... .1.. VSMINSTL X'04' VSMINSTL VSAM install flag to relocate DCSS table .... ..1. NUCOSDLB X'02' NUCOSDLB OS DLBL was issued .... ...1 DOSEOJ X'01' DOSEOJ Indicates DMSDOS EOJ processing 04D9 1241 Bitstring 1 DOSRC DOS return code to user 04DA 1242 Bitstring 1 NUC4DA Reserved for future IBM use 04DB 1243 Bitstring 1 NUC4DB Reserved for future IBM use 04DC 1244 Address 4 ALTASAVE Address of LTA save area 04E0 1248 Address 4 ABGCOM Address of partition comm. region 04E4 1252 Address 4 ASYSCOM Address of system comm. region 04E8 1256 Address 4 ADOSDCSS Address of DOS DCSS 04EC 1260 Signed 4 SVC12SAV Work area for SVC12 04F0 1264 Address 4 DOSFIRST Address of first DOSCB in chain 04F4 1268 Signed 2 DOSNUM Number of DOSCBs in chain 04F6 1270 Signed 2 DOSKPART Number of K-bytes in DOS partition 04F8 1272 Address 4 APPSAVE Address of prob. prog. save area 04FC 1276 Address 4 DOSTRANS Address of DOS transient area 0500 1280 Signed 4 AALTCVT Alternate addr field for CVT 0504 1284 Signed 4 DMNTECB DMSTIO DEMOUNT timer ECB 0508 1288 Signed 4 NUC508 Reserved for future IBM use 050C 1292 Signed 4 NUC50C Reserved for future IBM use 0510 1296 Signed 4 NUC510 Reserved for future IBM use 0514 1300 Signed 4 NUC514 Reserved for future IBM use 0518 1304 Signed 4 NUC518 Reserved for future IBM use 051C 1308 Signed 4 NUC51C Reserved for future IBM use 0520 1312 Address 4 ANUCEND End of DMSNUC 0524 1316 Address 4 AUSRAREA Start of CMS user area 0528 1320 Address 4 CURRSAVE Address of current save area 052C 1324 Signed 2 CODE203 Code number of last SVC 203 052E 1326 Signed 2 NUC52E Reserved for future IBM use 0530 1328 Address 4 NUCFRWRK A(Storage Management Work Area) V-constants for calling 'ADTLKP/ADTNXT/ADTLKW' via BALR calls: 0534 1332 Address 4 VCADTLKP BALR equivalent of 'ADTLKP' 0538 1336 Address 4 VCADTNXT BALR equivalent of 'ADTNXT' 053C 1340 Address 4 VCADTLKW BALR equivalent of 'ADTLKW' Console I/O pointers 0540 1344 Address 4 CURRIOOP Address of current I/O buffer 0544 1348 Address 4 PENDREAD Address of pending read operation 0548 1352 Address 4 PENDWRIT Address of pending write operation 054C 1356 Address 4 FSTFINRD Address of finished read buffer 0550 1360 Address 4 LSTFINRD Address of last finished read buffer 0554 1364 Address 4 AINTRTBL Address of user input translate table 0558 1368 Address 4 AOUTRTBL Address of user output translate table 055C 1372 Signed 2 NUMFINRD Number of finished read buffers 055E 1374 Signed 2 NUMPNDWR Number of pending write operations Loader information 0560 1376 Signed 4 VMSIZE Virtual memory size 0564 1380 Signed 4 ALDRTBLS Address of the loader tables 0568 1384 Signed 4 STRTADDR Module starting address 056C 1388 Signed 4 FRSTLOC Module beginning address 0570 1392 Signed 4 LASTLOC Module ending address 0574 1396 Signed 4 LOCCNT Loader location counter 0578 1400 Signed 4 LDRADDR Loader return address 057C 1404 Signed 4 LDRRTCD Loader return code 0580 1408 Dbl-Word 8 PSW User's starting PSW 0588 1416 Signed 4 LDRFLAGS Loader flags 058C 1420 Signed 4 PRHOLD Pseudo register counter 0590 1424 Signed 2 TBENT Initialize table entries to zero 0592 1426 Bitstring 1 UNRES 0593 1427 Bitstring 1 MODFLGS MOD flags 1... .... NOMAPFLG X'80' NOMAPFLG NOMAP flag .1.. .... CLEAROP X'40' CLEAROP CLEAR option flag ..1. .... MODGNDOS X'20' MODGNDOS Module generated with DOS option ...1 .... MODGNALL X'10' MODGNALL Module generated with ALL option .... 1... SYSLOAD X'08' SYSLOAD Allow load >FREELOWE or <TRANS .... .1.. MDPCALL X'04' MDPCALL Indicate call from DMSMDP .... ..1. LOADINCL X'02' LOADINCL LOAD, INCLUDE 1=LOAD 0=INCLUDE .... ...1 GEN370FL X'01' GEN370FL SET GEN370 Flag 0=ON <Initial setting> 1=OFF 0594 1428 Signed 4 GET1 DMSLSY R1 save location 0598 1432 Signed 4 DSYM (2) DMSLSY work space 05A0 1440 Signed 4 JSYM DMSLSY unique symbol base 05A4 1444 Character 1 NXTSYM 1st char of unique symbol 05A5 1445 Bitstring 7 * Rest of unique symbol 05AC 1452 Signed 4 ALIASENT Alias entry point (dynamic load) 05B0 1456 Signed 4 DYNAEND Max. load loc. (dynamic load) OS simulation pointers 05B4 1460 Address 4 NUCLCNTA Location count alternative 05B8 1464 Address 4 LABFIRST Address of first LABSECT 05BC 1468 Signed 2 LABNUM Number of LABSECTs 05BE 1470 Bitstring 1 NUCSIMFG OS simulation flags 1... .... NUC1OSAC X'80' NUC1OSAC 1st O/S disk being accessed .1.. .... NUC1ACER X'40' NUC1ACER 1st O/S disk access error ..1. .... NUCTVIOF X'20' NUCTVIOF SET TVICALL OFF ...1 .... NUCTVISL X'10' NUCTVISL SET TVICALL SL .... 1... NUCTNEVR X'08' NUCTNEVR SET TAPENEVR 1-OFF 0-ON .... .1.. NUCTCSLO X'04' NUCTCSLO SET TAPECSL OFF .... ..1. NUCFPLCA X'02' NUCFPLCA Pipes intercepting command output .... ...1 NUC5BE01 X'01' NUC5BE01 Reserved for future IBM use 05BF 1471 Bitstring 1 NUC5BF Reserved for future IBM use 05C0 1472 Dbl-Word 8 FCBTAB (0) FCB chain anchor 05C0 1472 Address 4 FCBFIRST Address of first FCB 05C4 1476 Signed 2 FCBNUM Number of FCBs in chain 05C6 1478 Bitstring 1 * RESERVED FOR WPL 05C7 1479 Bitstring 1 OSSFLAGS OS simulation flags 1... .... COMPSWT X'80' COMPSWT Compiler switch .1.. .... OSSMNU X'40' OSSMNU DMSSMN unconditional flag ..1. .... OSRESET X'20' OSRESET ...1 .... OSWAIT X'10' OSWAIT Used by OS-WAIT and CMS-WAITECB .... 1... DYLD X'08' DYLD Dynamic loading in process .... .1.. DYLIBO X'04' DYLIBO Omit dynamic library scan .... ..1. DYLIBNOW X'02' DYLIBNOW Dynamic library scan .... ...1 DYMBRNM X'01' DYMBRNM Linked via member name 05C8 1480 Address 4 ATLBMODL Address of tape label processor 05CC 1484 Address 4 LINKLAST Address of last OS linkage block 05D0 1488 Address 4 LINKSTRT Address of entry point of last module 05D4 1492 Address 4 TAXEADDR Terminal attention exit element address 05D8 1496 Address 4 ATSOCPPL Address of tmp plist for TSO programs 05DC 1500 Signed 4 DCBSAV DCB restoration address Switches 05E0 1504 Bitstring 1 OPTFLAGS Option flags 1... .... NOIMPEX X'80' NOIMPEX No implied exec commands .1.. .... NOIMPCP X'40' NOIMPCP No implied CP commands ..1. .... NOSTDSYN X'20' NOSTDSYN No standard synonyms ...1 .... NOABBREV X'10' NOABBREV No command abbreviations .... 1... NOPAGREL X'08' NOPAGREL No automatic page release .... .1.. NOVMREAD X'04' NOVMREAD No automatic VM console read .... ..1. NUC5E002 X'02' NUC5E002 Reserved for future IBM use .... ...1 RDTDRCT X'01' RDTDRCT Console read Type=Direct 05E1 1505 Bitstring 1 MISFLAGS Miscellaneous flags 1... .... KXSWITCH X'80' KXSWITCH Kill execution switch .1.. .... KOSWITCH X'40' KOSWITCH Kill tracing switch ..1. .... RELPAGES X'20' RELPAGES Release pages switch ...1 .... GRAFDEV X'10' GRAFDEV Graphics console .... 1... QSWITCH X'08' QSWITCH Quiet SW for CRD .... .1.. NODDSK X'04' NODDSK Don't access D disk .... ..1. NEGITS X'02' NEGITS Negative return code from DMSITS .... ...1 ATTNHIT X'01' ATTNHIT Attention posted 05E2 1506 Bitstring 1 MSGFLAGS Message flags 1... .... NOTYPOUT X'80' NOTYPOUT No typing - set by exec .1.. .... NOTYPING X'40' NOTYPING No typing - set by HT ..1. .... NORDYMSG X'20' NORDYMSG No ready message to be typed ...1 .... NORDYTIM X'10' NORDYTIM No time on ready message .... 1... REDERRID X'08' REDERRID Error code to be typed in red .... .1.. NOERRMSG X'04' NOERRMSG No error messages to be typed .... ..1. NOERRTXT X'02' NOERRTXT No text on error messages .... ...1 SPECLF X'01' SPECLF Linefeed for typewriter CCW 05E3 1507 Bitstring 1 DBGFLAGS DEBUG flags 1... .... DBGEXEC X'80' DBGEXEC DEBUG executing .1.. .... DBGPGMCK X'40' DBGPGMCK DEBUG entered by a program check ..1. .... DBGEXINT X'20' DBGEXINT DEGUB entered by an external interrupt ...1 .... DBGABN X'10' DBGABN DEBUG entered from DMSABE .... 1... DBGNSHR X'08' DBGNSHR No shared-segment present .... .1.. DBGSHR X'04' DBGSHR Shared-segment present .... ..1. DBGRECUR X'02' DBGRECUR Recursion flag .... ...1 ABNXTSW X'01' ABNXTSW User ABEND exit taken 05E4 1508 Bitstring 1 MISFLAG2 More miscellaneous flags 1... .... EXRESET X'80' EXRESET OSRESET wanted 0=YES 1=NO .1.. .... OSTYPLD X'40' OSTYPLD OS type load 1=OS type load 0=Non-OS type load This is used by DMSSLN to indicate to DMSLDR that the text load is from an OS macro type load. ..1. .... DONTHASH X'20' DONTHASH Do not invoke R/W disk hashing ...1 .... NUCTNABL X'10' NUCTNABL TOD clock accounting enabled .... 1... NUCCPCMD X'08' NUCCPCMD DMSINT check for CP command .... .1.. NUCLKED X'04' NUCLKED LKED command issued .... ..1. NUC4KKEY X'02' NUC4KKEY 4K storage key facility exists .... ...1 NUCVECTR X'01' NUCVECTR 1=Vector facility is in use 05E5 1509 Bitstring 1 NUCFLAG3 Even more miscellaneous flags 1... .... NUCPENDW X'80' NUCPENDW Pending write, update CMS window .1.. .... NUCEXEC X'40' NUCEXEC DMSINT check for IMPLIED EXEC ..1. .... NUCSERVE X'20' NUCSERVE Set server 0=Off 1=On ...1 .... NUCSRVAB X'10' NUCSRVAB Private server ABEND recursion .... 1... NUCCOMDR X'08' NUCCOMDR COMDIR status flag .... .1.. NUCURLBK X'04' NUCURLBK Current LINKBLK position 1= current LINKBLK on start of chain (use LINKSTART) 0= current LINKBLK on end of LINKBLK chain (LINKEND) This is used by DMSSTA to indicate which chain pointer for the LINKBLK chain points to the most recently added LINKBLK .... ..1. NUC5E502 X'02' NUC5E502 Reserved for future IBM use .... ...1 NUCIPLDN X'01' NUCIPLDN IPL done (for private server) 05E6 1510 Bitstring 1 EXECFLAG Exec flags 1... .... EXECRUN X'80' EXECRUN Exec command running .1.. .... EXECSTOP X'40' EXECSTOP Halt interpreter recognized ..1. .... EXECMASK X'20' EXECMASK Halt interpreter enabled ...1 .... EXECHALT X'10' EXECHALT Halt interpreter has been issued .... 1... EXECTRST X'08' EXECTRST Trace can be reset by XEDIT .... .1.. NUCEXSST X'04' NUCEXSST Exec segment status 0=off 1=on .... ..1. EXECTMSK X'02' EXECTMSK Trace start enabled .... ...1 EXECTRAC X'01' EXECTRAC Exec trace requested 05E7 1511 Bitstring 1 PROTFLAG Storage protection flags 1... .... PRFPOFF X'80' PRFPOFF Storage protection is shut off .1.. .... PRFTSYS X'40' PRFTSYS System routine in transient area ..1. .... PRFUSYS X'20' PRFUSYS System routine in user area 05E8 1512 Bitstring 1 TSOFLAGS TSO flag byte 1... .... TSOATCNL X'80' TSOATCNL Read cancelled by attention 05E9 1513 Bitstring 1 SUBFLAG CMS subset flag-byte .... 1... SUBREJ X'08' SUBREJ Subset command reject .... .1.. SUBRTN X'04' SUBRTN Subset-return .... ..1. SUBINIT X'02' SUBINIT Subset initialization .... ...1 SUBACT X'01' SUBACT Subset active 05EA 1514 Bitstring 1 NUCMFLAG Nucleus machine flag 1... .... NUCMXA X'80' NUCMXA Virtual machine in XA mode .1.. .... NUCMA4A8 X'40' NUCMA4A8 CP supports Diag x'A4'/'A8' ..1. .... NUCMEC X'20' NUCMEC 370 machine with ECMODE on ...1 .... NUCLA20 X'10' NUCLA20 Default LOAD address is 20000 .... 1... NUCM210 X'08' NUCM210 CP supports Diag x'210' .... .1.. NUCMXC X'04' NUCMXC Virtual machine in XC mode .... ..1. NUCM370 X'02' NUCM370 Virtual machine in 370 mode .... ...1 NUCMCDS X'01' NUCMCDS MCDS feature present in hardware 05EB 1515 Bitstring 1 NUCTAMDE AMODE of last transient 1... .... NUCTA31 X'80' NUCTA31 AMODE of 31 .1.. .... NUCTA24 X'40' NUCTA24 AMODE of 24 11.. .... NUCTAANY NUCTA31+NUCTA24 NUCTAANY AMODE of ANY .... ...1 NUCTA64 X'01' NUCTA64 Reserved for CEC 05EC 1516 Address 4 ASYSNAMS Addr of SYSNAMES entries 05F0 1520 Address 4 NUCLANGA LANGBLK anchor 05F4 1524 Address 4 ADMSLIO Loader output routine 05F8 1528 Address 4 VCFSTLKP BALR equivalent of 'FSTLKP' 05FC 1532 Address 4 VCFSTLKW BALR equivalent of 'FSTLKW' 0600 1536 Dbl-Word 8 SYSREF (0) System routines and data areas 0600 1536 Address 4 AFVS File management work area 0604 1540 Address 4 AOPSECT I/O operations plist area ------> GPI <***************************** ****************-- ADEVTAB This address is used to find CON1ECB for the WAITECB macro. It points to device information for CMS. CON1ECB is located at offset X'C' into this device information. CON1ECB is the only field of the device information that is supported as a programming interface. 0608 1544 Address 4 ADEVTAB CMS device table ------> End GPI <***************************** *------------- 060C 1548 Address 4 AFSTLKP Find an FST for a file 0610 1552 Address 4 AGETCLK Get time from CP timer 0614 1556 Address 4 AFSTLKW Find a Read/Write FST 0618 1560 Address 4 APIE Ptr to active SPIE/ESPIE exit 061C 1564 Address 4 AIADT Ptr to ADT chain 0620 1568 Address 4 AUSER User defined storage area 0624 1572 Address 4 ARDTK Read a disk record 0628 1576 Address 4 ASCANN Convert command line to plists 062C 1580 Address 4 ASSTAT Ptr to the S-stat 0630 1584 Address 4 ATABEND 0634 1588 Address 4 ASUBSECT Work area during SUBSET mode 0638 1592 Address 4 ADMSSVT Address of OS SVC simulation 063C 1596 Address 4 AWRTK Write a disk record 0640 1600 Address 4 ASTRINIT Ptr to OS storage reset 0644 1604 Address 4 IADT Ptr to ADT chain 0648 1608 Address 4 NUC2SP Ptr to syncpoint manager block 064C 1612 Address 4 NUCTAPCB Ptr to tape control block 0650 1616 Address 4 ADMSPIOC Put CCWs and data in user buffer 0654 1620 Address 4 APGMSECT Program interrupt work area 0658 1624 Address 4 AIOSECT I/O interrupt work area 065C 1628 Address 4 ADMPEXEC Dump from executing program 0660 1632 Address 4 ADIOSECT DMSDIO work area 0664 1636 Address 4 AABNSVC ABEND macro entry point 0668 1640 Address 4 ADMSERL Message work area 066C 1644 Address 4 ADMSCRD Make available read input line 0670 1648 Address 4 ADMSFREB DMSFREE/DMSFRET macro entry point 0674 1652 Address 4 ASVCSECT Maps fields for SVC interrupts 0678 1656 Address 4 AADTLKP Find an Active Disk Table 067C 1660 Address 4 AUPUFD Close all files / update disk 0680 1664 Address 4 ASTATEXT 0684 1668 Address 4 AOSRET OS SVC routine return address 0688 1672 Address 4 ACMSRET CMS routine return address 068C 1676 Address 4 ASCANO Convert command line to plists ------> GPI <***************************** ****************-- AEXEC This is the address of DMSEXI, the CMS module that is the interface to the REXX, EXEC2 and EXEC interpreters. This address can be used by programs that need a minimum-overhead subcommand call mechanism. 0690 1680 Address 4 AEXEC Interface to EXEC handler ------> End GPI <***************************** *------------- 0694 1684 Address 4 ASTART Execute a group of programs 0698 1688 Address 4 AADTLKW Find a Read/Write ADT 069C 1692 Address 4 AUSABRV User-defined abbreviations 06A0 1696 Address 4 AEXTSECT External interrupt work area 06A4 1700 Address 4 ASCBPTR Ptr to 1st STAE control block 06A8 1704 Address 4 ADMSROS Address of DMSROS 06AC 1708 Address 4 NUCASTQY BALR entry for storage query 06B0 1712 Address 4 AACTLKP Creates, chains and manages AFTs 06B4 1716 Address 4 AACTNXT Find next AFT 06B8 1720 Address 4 AACTFREE Get a new AFT 06BC 1724 Address 4 AACTFRET Return an AFT 06C0 1728 Address 4 AADTNXT Find next ADT 06C4 1732 Address 4 ATRKLKP Allocate an 800-byte disk blk 06C8 1736 Address 4 ATRKLKPX Deallocate an 800-byte disk blk 06CC 1740 Signed 4 NUC6CC Reserved for future IBM use 06D0 1744 Signed 4 NUC6D0 Reserved for future IBM use 06D4 1748 Address 4 AERASE Delete a file or group of files 06D8 1752 Address 4 ATYPSRCH Check for common filetype 06DC 1756 Address 4 AUPDISK Update file directory on disk 06E0 1760 Address 4 AKILLEX Halt execution (in DMSABE) 06E4 1764 Address 4 ATFINIS Temporarily close output files 06E8 1768 Address 4 ARDBUF Read one or more records 06EC 1772 Address 4 AWRBUF Write one or more records 06F0 1776 Address 4 AFINIS Close one or more files 06F4 1780 Address 4 ASTATE Look for a file on any disk 06F8 1784 Address 4 ASTATEW Look for a file on R/W disks 06FC 1788 Address 4 APOINT Set file read or write ptrs 0700 1792 Dbl-Word 8 * (0) 0700 1792 Address 4 NUCNADDR Nucleus Address Table 0704 1796 Signed 4 NUCSVQ13 DMSSVQ R13 save area CMS file system routines will not allow a read operation into any address lower than NUCLOWAD (end of NUCON). 0708 1800 Address 4 NUCLOWAD Address of end of NUCON 070C 1804 Address 4 ATEMPLIN Command line translation area 0710 1808 Address 4 NUCAMD80 Hex constant of 80000000 0714 1812 Address 4 NUCAMD7F Hex constant of 7FFFFFFF 0718 1816 Address 4 NUCSTTMC 31-bit entry point for STATE 071C 1820 Address 4 NUCSIMWK Ptr to OS/MVS simulation ctl blk 0720 1824 Address 4 NUCLDEND Maximum load address 0724 1828 Address 4 NUCLDBK Anchor for LOAD process LDPBK 0728 1832 Dbl-Word 8 NUCSVQPW DMSSVQRX PSW save 0730 1840 Bitstring 1 NUCLDPF Contains text load process flags. Mapped by NLFLAG1 field in LDRST. 0731 1841 Bitstring 1 NUCMODF Contains flags associated with loading/generating module files 1... .... NUCMDMAP X'80' Indicates the loader table has been replaced by the load of a module MAP 0732 1842 Bitstring 1 NUCLDPG Contains flags associated with the text load process which is mapped by NLFLAG2 field in LDRST 0733 1843 Bitstring 1 NUC733 Reserved for future loader use 0734 1844 Bitstring 2 NUCHSTR Loader history records 0736 1846 Bitstring 2 NUCRLDR CONTAINS COUNT OF RLD RECORDS 0738 1848 Address 4 NUCANC Anchor routine address 073C 1852 Address 4 NUCANCHR Address of anchor block 0740 1856 Dbl-Word 8 * (0) 0740 1856 Character 255 CMNDLINE 083F 2111 Bitstring 1 * 0840 2112 Dbl-Word 8 * (0) 0840 2112 Character 8 CMNDEXEC 0848 2120 Character 536 CMNDLIST 0A60 2656 Dbl-Word 8 * (0) 0A60 2656 Character 320 CONSTACK Save areas 0BA0 2976 Signed 4 FREESAVE (16) 0BE0 3040 Signed 4 BALRSAVE (16) 0C20 3104 Signed 4 WAITSAVE (16) VSAM and AMSERV control words: 0C60 3168 Dbl-Word 8 * (0) Percent of available user storage to reserve for GETVIS/FREEVIS use when running VSAM: 0C60 3168 Signed 2 PCTVSAM 50 percent for CMS/VSAM use 0C62 3170 Bitstring 1 NUCVSAM2 VSAM information flag 1... .... NUCNRST X'80' NUCNRST AMSERV 'NORESET' option specified 0C63 3171 Bitstring 1 NUCGEXIT REXX Global Exit execution flags 1... .... NUCGEEXC X'80' NUCGEEXC An exit is executing .1.. .... NUCGELST X'40' NUCGELST Executing exit is last ..1. .... NUCGENXT X'20' NUCGENXT Current points to next to invoke ...1 .... NUCTEENT X'10' NUCTEENT Trace End immediate requested .... 1... NUCC6308 X'08' NUCC6308 Reserved for future IBM use .... .1.. NUCC6304 X'04' NUCC6304 Reserved for future IBM use .... ..1. NUCC6302 X'02' NUCC6302 Reserved for future IBM use .... ...1 NUCC6301 X'01' NUCC6301 Reserved for future IBM use 0C64 3172 Address 4 NUCVIP Address of VSAM interface Beginning and end of "IKQLAB" (when in storage): 0C68 3176 Address 4 ADIKQLAB Set to A(IKQLAB) when in storage 0C6C 3180 Address 4 NDIKQLAB Set to end of IKQLAB when in storage 0C70 3184 Address 4 ALOKTB LOCK/UNLOCK resource table 0C74 3188 Address 4 ADMSVIB Addr of VSAM interface bootstrap 0C78 3192 Address 4 AVIPBLK Address of DMSVIP 4K block 0C7C 3196 Bitstring 1 VSAMFLG1 VSAM information flag 1... .... VSAMRUN X'80' VSAMRUN VSAM system loaded .1.. .... VSJOBCAT X'40' VSJOBCAT VSAM job catalog active ..1. .... VIPINIT X'20' VIPINIT DMSVIP has been initialized ...1 .... VSAMSERV X'10' VSAMSERV CMS/AMS system loaded (AMSERV running) .... 1... VIPSOP X'08' VIPSOP OS interface SVC 2 call .... .1.. VIPTCLOS X'04' VIPTCLOS OS TCLOSE call .... ..1. VSAMSOS X'02' VSAMSOS OS AMSERV/CATCHECK running .... ...1 VSRACTIV X'01' VSRACTIV DMSVSR (VSAM reset) active 0C7D 3197 Bitstring 1 NUCC7D Reserved for future IBM use 0C7E 3198 Bitstring 1 NUCC7E Reserved for future IBM use 0C7F 3199 Bitstring 1 NUCC7F Reserved for future IBM use 0C80 3200 Address 4 AVSAMSYS Addr of VSAM saved system 0C84 3204 Address 4 AAMSSYS Addr of CMSAMS saved system 0C88 3208 Address 4 AVSREOJ DMSVSR entry point from VSAM $$BACLOS 0C8C 3212 Address 4 AVSRWORK Addr of DMSVSR workarea 0C90 3216 Address 4 ACBLIST ACB list bulit by OPEN/CLOSE 0C94 3220 Address 4 NUCASYID A(DIAG X'00' response) 0C98 3224 Address 4 AABWSECT Pointer for IPCS 0C9C 3228 Address 4 ADMSZIT Pointer for IPCS 0CA0 3232 Dbl-Word 8 * (0) Secondary address table 0CA0 3232 Address 4 ADMSTRKA EDF disk block allocate 0CA4 3236 Address 4 ADMSTRKM EDF disk block mark function 0CA8 3240 Address 4 ADMSTRKD EDF disk block deallocate 0CAC 3244 Address 4 ADMSALU Addr of RELEASE subroutine 0CB0 3248 Address 4 ASORTFST Addr of SORT FST subroutine 0CB4 3252 Address 4 ADEVSUP CP to OS dev type conv table 0CB8 3256 Address 4 ADEVIND Dev const table index 0CBC 3260 Address 4 ATBLIND Dev constants table 0CC0 3264 Address 4 ABLKIND Dev blksize index 0CC4 3268 Address 4 ALABELRD Addr of label read routine 0CC8 3272 Address 4 ALABELWR Addr of label write routine 0CCC 3276 Address 4 ADMSLADN LOCATE/ADD requested ADT 0CD0 3280 Address 4 ADMSBLKR EDF block read routine 0CD4 3284 Address 4 ADMSBLKW EDF block write routine 0CD8 3288 Address 4 AABBREV Abbrev resolver in DMSINA 0CDC 3292 Address 4 ADEVSUP2 Device support table for FBA 0CE0 3296 Address 4 AESTATE Extended plist state 0CE4 3300 Address 4 AESTATEW Extended plist state for R/W 0CE8 3304 Address 4 AEPOINT Extended plist point 0CEC 3308 Address 4 ATRUNC File truncate function 0CF0 3312 Signed 4 ABAMSYS Pointer to CMSBAM DCSS 0CF4 3316 Address 4 NUCSCBLK SCBLOCK chain anchor 0CF8 3320 Bitstring 1 BAMFLAGS CMSBAM shared segment flags 1... .... DOSBAM X'80' DOSBAM FB-512 support available 0CF9 3321 Bitstring 1 NUCOSFLG OS loader support flag 1... .... NUCOSRUN X'80' NUCOSRUN OSRUN command issued .1.. .... NUCSYSDF X'40' NUCSYSDF $SYSLIB defined by LDR suprt ..1. .... NUCGLOBL X'20' NUCGLOBL GLOBAL done by OSRUN ...1 .... NUCOSRLD X'10' NUCOSRLD Member loaded for OSRUN 0CFA 3322 Bitstring 1 NUCCFA Reserved for future IBM use 0CFB 3323 Bitstring 1 NUCCFB Reserved for future IBM use 0CFC 3324 Address 4 AHASHMNT Addr of hash table maint routine 0D00 3328 Address 4 NUCLRIWA DMSLRI Work Area 0D04 3332 Address 4 ASSTATX Addr of shared copy of SSTAT 0D08 3336 Address 4 ASSTATZ Addr of dummy 2nd SSTAT hblk 0D0C 3340 Address 4 AYSTATX Addr of shared copy of YSTAT 0D10 3344 Address 4 AYSTATZ Addr of dummy 2nd YSTAT hblk 0D14 3348 Address 4 ADMSIOW CPU in wait state until finish 0D18 3352 Address 4 ADBGSECT DEBUG workarea 0D1C 3356 Address 4 ADMSABW ABEND work area 0D20 3360 Address 4 NUCERO Error message routine 0D20 3360 Address 4 ADMSERR Old name for NUCERO 0D24 3364 Address 4 ADMSCWT Calling program wait for I/O 0D28 3368 Address 4 ADMSCWR Write output to console 0D2C 3372 Address 4 ADMSIOWR Wait until I/O complete 0D30 3376 Address 4 ADMSITI Handle all I/O interruptions 0D34 3380 Address 4 NUCABEND Main ABEND entry point 0D34 3380 Address 4 ADMSABN Old name for NUCABEND 0D38 3384 Address 4 AABNGO Special ABEND entry 0D3C 3388 Address 4 ALADAD Auxiliary directory processing 0D40 3392 Address 4 ACITDB Clear read and write stacks 0D44 3396 Address 4 ADMSITSR SVC handler ABEND recovery 0D48 3400 Address 4 ADMSFRES NOP entry point 0D4C 3404 Address 4 ASTGSB Call STRINIT from nucleus 0D50 3408 Address 4 AINTAB ABEND entry point for DMSINT 0D54 3412 Address 4 ADMSCAT Stack a line of input 0D58 3416 Address 4 ADMSCPF Pass virtual console function 0D5C 3420 Address 4 AEXCAB Address of exec ABEND rtn 0D60 3424 Address 4 NUCFSTLN First line in program stack 0D64 3428 Address 4 NUCLSTLN Last line in program stack 0D68 3432 Address 4 NUCNLSTK Number of lines in prog. stack 0D6C 3436 Address 4 NUCNBSTK Number of program stack 0D70 3440 Character 8 NUCTIEIN Listing tiein field 0D78 3448 Address 4 NUCAFCHS Addr of OS fetch work area 0D7C 3452 Signed 4 NUCCBLKS Ptr to mods loaded by DMSLOS 0D80 3456 Address 4 NUCSFSCB Ptr to SFS control block 0D84 3460 Address 4 NUCSDSGB Ptr to SDS global ctl block 0D88 3464 Signed 4 NUCD88 Reserved for future IBM use 0D8C 3468 Address 4 NUCAEXR Pointer to DMSEXR for EXT/REP 0D90 3472 Address 4 NUCOPNMC Ptr to FSOPEN routine 0D94 3476 Address 4 NUCAPARL Ptr to parser storage release 0D98 3480 Address 4 NUCCDCBA Ptr to Communication Directory Control Block 0D9C 3484 Address 4 NUCCWR13 DMSCWR R13 save 0DA0 3488 Address 4 NUCFNSMC Ptr to FSCLOSE routine 0DA4 3492 Signed 4 NUCAXLOC Address of Xedit Locked chain 0DA8 3496 Address 4 NUCCSLVT Ptr to error routine initially Ptr to CSL 1st level vect table after CSL initialization This field may be modified as new 1st level tables are needed (i.e., for TRACE, etc.) 0DAC 3500 Address 4 NUCCSLV2 Ptr to CSL direct call routing routine. routine routes direct CSL routine calls to proper storage location. 0DB0 3504 Signed 4 NUCCSLFE 2 fullword bitmap for track- 0DB4 3508 Signed 4 * ing front-ended CSL routines 0DB8 3512 Signed 4 NUCDB8 Reserved for future IBM use 0DBC 3516 Signed 4 NUCDBC Reserved for future IBM use 0DC0 3520 Address 4 NUCARELM Pointer to CMSREL message 0DC4 3524 Address 4 NUCLDMOD Branch entry to LOADMOD 0DC8 3528 Signed 4 NUCLODSV Save area for LOADLIB totals 0DCC 3532 Address 4 NUCWRKBK Address of WRKBK chain 0DD0 3536 Address 4 NUCCSLBK Address of CSL Block 0DD4 3540 Address 4 NUCEXREP Address for Extract/Replace 0DD8 3544 Address 4 NUCDCSCB Pointer to the first DCSCB in the chain 0DDC 3548 Address 4 NUCSVQOF Address of PL/AS overflow rtn 0DE0 3552 Address 4 NUCCWA System Stack Storage Control Blk 0DE4 3556 Address 4 NUCPHI Start of high part of nucleus 0DE8 3560 Address 4 NUCCHI End of high part of nucleus 0DEC 3564 Address 4 NUCAPIO Printer I/O routine 0DF0 3568 Address 4 ATCBPTR DOS TCB address 0DF4 3572 Address 4 AGAMSEG GAM/SP anchor blk address 0DF8 3576 Address 4 NUCALPHA Start of CMS shared nucleus 0DFC 3580 Address 4 NUCSIGMA Start of S- and Y-stat storage 0E00 3584 Address 4 NUCOMEGA End of CMS shared nucleus 0E04 3588 Address 4 NUCNLTRT Address of national lang TRTBL 0E08 3592 Dbl-Word 8 NUCPLIST (0) Untokenized plist 0E08 3592 Address 4 NUCPLCMD Address of command token 0E0C 3596 Address 4 NUCPLBEG Addr of start of arg string 0E10 3600 Address 4 NUCPLEND Addr of end of arg string 0E14 3604 Address 4 NUCPLFID Addr of fn ft fm identifier NUCPLFID NUCPLSWT NUCPLFID NUCPLSWT 1-byte switch used in DMSSCN 0E18 3608 Address 4 NUCHSHTB Hash table management 0E1C 3612 Signed 4 NUCPATHF Anchor for CONSOLE path table 0E20 3616 Signed 4 NUCDEVF . and CONSOLE device table 0E24 3620 Signed 4 NUCSMBLK Windowing master control block 0E28 3624 Address 4 NUCSZABV Size of area above nuc. freted 0E2C 3628 Address 4 NUCADFNC Addr of nucleus function table 0E30 3632 Signed 4 NUCLDR0S Save R0 in DMSLDR (new plist) 0E34 3636 Address 4 NUCUPPER Uppercase translate table 0E38 3640 Address 4 NUCERT DMSERT work area address 0E3C 3644 Address 4 NUCXCBLK Anchor for nuc extension chain ------> GPI <***************************** ****************-- NUCXFRES This is the cumulative amount of TYPE=NUCLEUS free storage which will be retained by nucleus extensions through an ABEND. This does not include storage accounted for in SCBLOCKS in the NUCXCBLK chain. This field is used by DMSABE when performing abend recovery. 0E40 3648 Signed 4 NUCXFRES ------> End GPI <***************************** *------------- 0E44 3652 Address 4 NUCXCBEE SCBLOCK free list anchor 0E48 3656 Signed 4 NUCUSER1 FW for exclusive use of users 0E4C 3660 Signed 4 NUCUSER2 FW for exclusive use of users 0E50 3664 Signed 4 NUCUSER3 FW for exclusive use of users 0E54 3668 Signed 4 NUCUSER4 FW for exclusive use of users ------> GPI <***************************** ****************-- USERLVL USERLVL is reserved for use by the user. It's contents are returned in R0 after QUERY CMSLEVEL is issued. 0E58 3672 Signed 4 USERLVL ------> End GPI <***************************** *------------- The following 2 full words are initialized in DMSINQ. The following 4 bytes are reserved for IBM use only. They contain information relating to the level of CMS being used. They are returned in R1 after QUERY CMSLEVEL is issued. 0E5C 3676 Bitstring 1 CMSLVL Reserved for future use 0E5D 3677 Bitstring 1 CMSPROG Unique program product id defined in CMSLEVEL macro 0E5E 3678 Signed 2 CMSSERV CMS service level in binary ACMSLVLM is reserved for IBM use only. It contains a pointer to the message QUERY CMSLEVEL issues. 0E60 3680 Address 4 ACMSLVLM 0E64 3684 Address 4 AIUCVTAB Addr. of IUCV table 0E68 3688 Signed 4 NUCXEND Counter of End-of-command nucleus extentions 0E6C 3692 Signed 4 ABNXTPTR ABEND exit anchor 0E70 3696 Address 4 ADMSABXR ABNEXIT reset entry 0E74 3700 Address 4 AIMMTABL Addr of immediate command command work area 0E78 3704 Signed 2 IMESCAPE Immediate command escape char information 1... .... IMACTIVE X'80' Immediate command escape char active 00000E79 IMCHAR IMESCAPE+1 Immediate command escape char 0E7A 3706 Character 1 NUCEXSMD Exec segment access mode 0E7B 3707 Signed 1 NUCQEFLC CMSLEVEL returned by DMSQEFL 0E7C 3708 Address 4 SVCWKADR Addr of DMSDOS SVC workarea 0E80 3712 Address 4 ADMSCSF Addr of command search function 0E84 3716 Signed 4 NUCEXIS Pointer to EXISBLK of most recently referenced EXEC In Storage-- 0 if this exec has been dropped from storage. Fields for preserving the relocation information from the LOAD/GENMOD process 0E88 3720 Address 4 RLDDATA Address of the buffer that is used to save RLD information from the LOAD/GENMOD process. 00002000 RLDDWSZ 8192 Size of the RLDDATA buffer in doublewords. 0E8C 3724 Address 4 RLDPOINT Pointer to current item in the RLDDATA buffer 0E90 3728 Address 4 ADMSEXQ BALR entry point for DMSEXQ 0E94 3732 Signed 4 MISCECB MISC. use ECB 0E98 3736 Dbl-Word 8 NUCTODCA (2) TOD clock accounting area 0EA8 3752 Character 5 NUCLANGC Current language 0EAD 3757 Character 1 NUCNLLID National language level id 0EAE 3758 Bitstring 1 NUCDBCS SET DBCS flag 1... .... NUCDBSYS X'80' NUCDBSYS SET DBCS SYSTEM .1.. .... NUCDBON X'40' NUCDBON SET DBCS ON|OFF 0EAF 3759 Bitstring 1 NUCEAF Reserved for future IBM use 0EB0 3760 Address 4 NUCLANGD Default language LANGBLK ptr 0EB4 3764 Address 4 NUCEXSAD Address of exec segment Fields used by the GLOBAL command to maintain library lists for MACLIBs, LOADLIBs, DOSLIBs, and TXTLIBs. The following fields point to the name lists used by GLOBAL. 0EB8 3768 Address 4 NUCMLNAM MACLIB name list address 0EBC 3772 Address 4 NUCLLNAM LOADLIB name list address 0EC0 3776 Address 4 NUCDLNAM DOSLIB name list address 0EC4 3780 Address 4 NUCTLNAM TXTLIB name list address The following fields point to the lists of directory pointers used by GLOBAL. 0EC8 3784 Address 4 NUCMLDIR MACLIB directory list address 0ECC 3788 Address 4 NUCLLDIR LOADLIB directory list address 0ED0 3792 Address 4 NUCDLDIR DOSLIB directory list address 0ED4 3796 Signed 4 NUCED4 Reserved for future IBM use The following fields contain the size (in doublewords) of the free areas obtained by GLOBAL to keep the name lists and the directory pointer lists. 0ED8 3800 Signed 4 NUCMLSIZ MACLIB free storage size 0EDC 3804 Signed 4 NUCLLSIZ LOADLIB free storage size 0EE0 3808 Signed 4 NUCDLSIZ DOSLIB free storage size 0EE4 3812 Signed 4 NUCTLSIZ TXTLIB free storage size The following fields contain the number of GLOBALed libraries 0EE8 3816 Signed 2 NUCMLNUM Number of GLOBALed MACLIBS 0EEA 3818 Signed 2 NUCLLNUM Number of GLOBALed LOADLIBS 0EEC 3820 Signed 2 NUCDLNUM Number of GLOBALed DOSLIBS 0EEE 3822 Signed 2 NUCTLNUM Number of GLOBALed TXTLIBS Fields for preserving the history information from the LOAD/INCLUDE/GENMOD process 0EF0 3824 Address 4 NUCHSTDA Address of the buffer that is used to save history information from the LOAD/INCLUDE/GENMOD process. 00001FFE NUCHSTSZ 8190 Size of the history buffer (NUCHSTDA) in doublewords. 0EF4 3828 Address 4 NUCHSTPO Pointer to the next available space in the history buffer (NUCHSTDA). 0EF8 3832 Address 4 NUCLANSS Current language DCSS address The following field is used for internal queue management. 0EFC 3836 Address 4 NUCSCRQA Anchor for Queue Manager The following fields are used for internal storage pools. 0F00 3840 Address 4 NUCSMSTA Queue Mgr message blocks 0F04 3844 Address 4 NUCSMSTB Queue Mgr control blocks 0F08 3848 Address 4 NUCSMSTC Window/Vscreen control blocks V-cons for fullscreen CMS attn-hit & write-pending routines. 0F0C 3852 Address 4 NUCWEXWR DMSWEXWR - fullscreen refresh 0F10 3856 Address 4 NUCWEXRD DMSWEXRD - fullscreen attn 0F14 3860 Address 4 NUCAPAR Address of command parser 0F18 3864 Address 4 NUCCIOBF Addr of I/O buffer for DMSCIO 0F1C 3868 Address 4 NUCASTTV Addr of VALIDATE routine 0F20 3872 Address 4 NUCAXADT Addr of ADT index 0F24 3876 Address 4 NUCALADR Addr of ADT release routine 0F28 3880 Signed 4 NUCGETHI Highest value of MAINHIGH 0F2C 3884 Signed 4 NUCF2C Reserved for future IBM use 0F30 3888 Address 4 NUCCSFFN High-order byte indicator and FILENAME address 0F34 3892 Address 4 NUCADIE CMS termination address 0F38 3896 Character 8 NUCINSTS ' Installation segment name Amount of system storage, in doublewords, allocated for the Window Manager storage pool and pending messages enqueued. These values are used to reconcile system storage during abend recovery. 0F40 3904 Signed 4 NUCSMPST Storage pool storage allocated 0F44 3908 Signed 4 NUCSMQST Pending messages enqueued 0F48 3912 Address 4 NUCWVTIX Addr. of Vscreen WAIT routine 0F4C 3916 Address 4 NUCWVXPI WRITE Vscreen pgm. interface 0F50 3920 Address 4 NUCWMX XEDIT interface for windowing 0F54 3924 Address 4 NUCDSXR Data Space Exception Exit Addr 0F58 3928 Address 4 NUCMCXR Machine Check Exit Addr 0F5C 3932 Address 4 NUCSPCBK Anchor for data space structures 0F60 3936 Address 4 NUCMGM Address of CMS message module 0F64 3940 Character 8 NUCFMPFN Fullmap file name 0F6C 3948 Address 4 NUCDIAB REXX I/O support anchor 0F70 3952 Signed 4 NUCRXSOK RXSOCKET debug ptr 0F74 3956 Signed 4 NUCF74 Reserved for future IBM use 0F78 3960 Signed 4 NUCF78 Reserved for future IBM use 0F7C 3964 Signed 4 NUCF7C Reserved for future IBM use 0F80 3968 Address 4 NUCMCACH Pointer for message cache 0F84 3972 Signed 4 TIMRSAVE Timer Save Area 0F88 3976 Address 4 NUCVMGUI VM GUI Global Work Area Address 0F8C 3980 Address 4 NUCRXWK REXX Global Work Area Address 0F90 3984 Signed 4 NUCCSLS0 Reg save area for CSL Direct call 0F94 3988 Signed 4 NUCCSLS1 Reg save area for CSL Direct call 0F98 3992 Signed 4 NUCCSLS2 Reg save area for CSL Direct call 0F9C 3996 Signed 4 NUCCSLS3 Reg save area for CSL Direct call 0FA0 4000 Signed 4 NUCCSLS4 Reg save area for CSL Direct call 0FA4 4004 Signed 4 NUCCSLTB Traceback address for Direct call 0FA8 4008 Character 8 NUCFTYPE Save area for FILETYPE 0FB0 4016 Character 8 NUCMTSEG ' Name of VMMTLIB segment 0FB8 4024 Signed 4 NUCFB8 Reserved for future IBM use 0FBC 4028 Signed 4 NUCFBC Reserved for future IBM use 0FC0 4032 Signed 4 NUCFC0 Reserved for future IBM use 0FC4 4036 Address 4 OSTXTBUF The size of the buffer in storage to use before OSLOADing TEXT Initialized to X'50000' 0FC8 4040 Address 4 NUCWDBA CMS defaul debugger 0FCC 4044 Signed 4 NUCFCC BFS FSSM Anchor 0FD0 4048 Signed 4 NUCFD0 Reserved for future IBM use 0FD4 4052 Signed 4 NUCFD4 Reserved for future IBM use 0FD8 4056 Signed 4 NUCFD8 Reserved for future IBM use 0FDC 4060 Signed 4 NUCFDC Reserved for future IBM use 0FE0 4064 Signed 4 NUCFE0 Reserved for future IBM use 0FE4 4068 Signed 4 NUCFE4 Reserved for future IBM use 0FE8 4072 Signed 4 NUCFE8 Reserved for future IBM use 0FEC 4076 Signed 4 NUCFEC Reserved for future IBM use 0FF0 4080 Signed 4 NUCFF0 Reserved for future IBM use 0FF4 4084 Signed 4 NUCFF4 Reserved for future IBM use 0FF8 4088 Signed 4 NUCFF8 Reserved for future IBM use 0FFC 4092 Signed 4 NUCFFC Reserved for future IBM use 1000 4096 Dbl-Word 8 * (0) Align end of NUCON 00001000 NUCONLEN *-NUCON Length of NUCON in bytes
  NUCON Storage Layout Top of page
*** NUCON - Nucleus Constant Area
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   0 |                        IPLPSW                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   8 |                       IPLCCW1                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  10 |                       IPLCCW2                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  18
*** NUCON - Nucleus Constant Area
*** Overlay for IPLPSW in NUCON
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   0 |                       RSTNPSW                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   8 |                       RSTOPSW                         |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  10 |         ACMSCVT           |         ASYSREF           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  18 |                       EXTOPSW                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  20 |                       SVCOPSW                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  28 |                       PGMOPSW                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  30 |                       MCKOPSW                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  38 |                        IOOPSW                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  40 |                         CSW                           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  48 |           CAW             |         NUCRSV1           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  50 |          TIMER            |         NUCRSV2           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  58 |                       EXTNPSW                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  60 |                       SVCNPSW                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  68 |                       PGMNPSW                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  70 |                       MCKNPSW                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  78 |                        IONPSW                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  80 |                                                       |
*     =                        CPULOG                         =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 200
*** Overlay for IPLPSW in NUCON
*** Overlay for CPULOG in NUCON
*     +---------------------------+-------------+-------------+
*  80 |         NUCEPARM          |  NUCPUADR   |  NUCEXCDE   |
*     +------+------+-------------+------+------+-------------+
*  88 |:RSV3 |:SVILC|  NUCSVCN    |//////|:XAILC|  NUCPGCDE   |
*     +------+------+-------------+------+------+-------------+
*  90 |///////////////////////////|  MONCLASS   |  PERCODE    |
*     +---------------------------+-------------+-------------+
*  98 |         PERADDR           |         MONCODE           |
*     +------+--------------------+---------------------------+
*  A0 |:EXAID|////////////////////|///////////////////////////|
*     +------+--------------------+---------------------------+
*  A8 |         NUCTXCP           |///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+///////////////////////////|
*     |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+
*  B8 |/////////////|  NUCIOADR   |         NUCINTP           |
*     +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+
*  C0 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     =///////////////////////////////////////////////////////=
*     |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  D8 |                       NUCTIMR                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  E0 |                       NUCCLOK                         |
*     +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
*     +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
*  F0 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  F8 |          NUCFSA           |///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 100 |                       NUCASIT                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 108 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     =///////////////////////////////////////////////////////=
*     |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 120 |                                                       |
*     =                       XCARLOG                         =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 160 |                                                       |
*     =                        FPRLOG                         =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 180 |                                                       |
*     =                        GPRLOG                         =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 1C0 |                                                       |
*     =                        ECRLOG                         =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 200 |                                                       |
*     =                       SYSTEMID                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 220 |                                                       |
*     =                       INSTALID                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 260 |                       SYSNAME                         |
*     +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+
* 268 |  IPLADDR    |  SYSADDR    |          DEVICE           |
*     +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+
* 270 |  HLPADDR    |  NUCYADDR   |          FEIBM            |
*     +-------------+-------------+                           |
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 280 |                                                       |
*     =                       DIAGTIME                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 298
*** Overlay for CPULOG in NUCON
*** Overlay for DIAGTIME in NUCON
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 280 |                       CURRDATE                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 288 |                       CURRTIME                        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 290 |         CURRVIRT          |         CURRCPUT          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 298 |         LASTVIRT          |         LASTCPUT          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 2A0 |                       LASTCMND                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 2A8 |                       PREVCMND                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 2B0 |                       LASTEXEC                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 2B8 |                       PREVEXEC                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 2C0 |                       LASTLMOD                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 2C8 |                       LASTTMOD                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 2D0 |                       DATIPCMS                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 2D8 |                       CLKVALMD                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 2E0 |                       NUCENAWA                        |
*     +---------------------------+------+------+------+------+
* 2E8 |         NUCLDSET          |:CSLTM|:FSTM |:PRTM |NUC2EF|
*     +---------------------------+------+------+------+------+
* 2F0 |         NUCAFRSC          |         NUCAFRSD          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 2F8 |         NUCAFRSR          |          NUC2FC           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 300 |         NUCIDAL           |         NUCIDALL          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 308 |         NUCFSR14          |         NUCPRR14          |
*     +---------------------------+-------------+-------------+
* 310 |         NUCITEXC          |   NUC314    |  NUCTLANU   |
*     +---------------------------+-------------+-------------+
* 318 |         TXLIBSVA          |         NUCTLANA          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 320 |         NUCTLADI          |         NUCTLASI          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 328 |         NUCAFROC          |         NUCAFROU          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 330 |         NUCAFRRC          |         NUCAFRRU          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 338 |                       VMSIZEG                         |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 340 |         NUCAMQVM          |         NUCMCKSA          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 348 |         TXLIBSV           |         MACLBSV           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 350 |         TOTLIBS           |         NUCTLDIR          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 358
*** Overlay for DIAGTIME in NUCON
*** Overlay for NUCTLDIR in NUCON
*                                 +---------------------------+
* 350 ...                     354 |         TXTDIRC           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 358 |         NUCLICMD          |         NUCTRBUF          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 360 |                                                       |
*     =                       NUCITSSA                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 3A0 |          GRS015           |         LOC0176           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 3A8 |         FIRSTDMP          |         LASTDMP           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 3B0 |          FRS06            |          DMPTIT           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 3B8 |         NUCSGIOP          |                           |
*     +---------------------------+                           |
* 3C0 |                                                       |
*     =                       DMPTITLE                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +---------------------------+------+------+-------------+
* 440 |         GLBLTABL          |:TRFLG|:FLAGA|/////////////|
*     +---------------------------+------+------+-------------+
* 448 |         ERR$202           |/////////////|  CURRCENT   |
*     +------+------+------+------+-------------+-------------+
* 450 |:FLAGS|:FLAG2|:FLAG3|:FLAG4|         ABATPROC          |
*     +------+------+------+------+---------------------------+
* 458 |         ABATABND          |         ABATLIMT          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 460 |         AUSERRST          |         NUSERFWD          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 468 |         NUCRSV7           |         DOSLBSV           |
*     +---------------------------+-------------+-------------+
* 470 |         NUCROSAD          |  NUCROSDW   |   NUC476    |
*     +---------------------------+-------------+-------------+
* 478 |          NUCAVW           |         NUCMTAV           |
*     +---------------------------+------+------+-------------+
* 480 |         NUCAPLD           |:MTFL0|:MTFL1|  NUCBCPU    |
*     +---------------------------+------+------+-------------+
* 488 |         NUCAKGA           |         NUCOSMP           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 490 |         NUCOSPL           |         NUCOSPLL          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 498 |         NUCCELGT          |         NUCCELST          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 4A0 |         NUCMACLS          |         NUCCELSV          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 4A8 |         NUCPPID           |          NUC4AC           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 4B0 |         NUCTCBO           |         NUCTCBN           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 4B8 |          NUC4B8           |          NUC4BC           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 4C0 |          NUCRSK           |         NUCADCO           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 4C8 |          NUC4C8           |          NUC4CC           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 4D0 |          NUC4D0           |          NUC4D4           |
*     +------+------+------+------+---------------------------+
* 4D8 |:FLAGS|DOSRC |NUC4DA|NUC4DB|         ALTASAVE          |
*     +------+------+------+------+---------------------------+
* 4E0 |          ABGCOM           |         ASYSCOM           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 4E8 |         ADOSDCSS          |         SVC12SAV          |
*     +---------------------------+-------------+-------------+
* 4F0 |         DOSFIRST          |   DOSNUM    |  DOSKPART   |
*     +---------------------------+-------------+-------------+
* 4F8 |         APPSAVE           |         DOSTRANS          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 500 |         AALTCVT           |         DMNTECB           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 508 |          NUC508           |          NUC50C           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 510 |          NUC510           |          NUC514           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 518 |          NUC518           |          NUC51C           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 520 |         ANUCEND           |         AUSRAREA          |
*     +---------------------------+-------------+-------------+
* 528 |         CURRSAVE          |  CODE203    |   NUC52E    |
*     +---------------------------+-------------+-------------+
* 530 |         NUCFRWRK          |         VCADTLKP          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 538 |         VCADTNXT          |         VCADTLKW          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 540 |         CURRIOOP          |         PENDREAD          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 548 |         PENDWRIT          |         FSTFINRD          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 550 |         LSTFINRD          |         AINTRTBL          |
*     +---------------------------+-------------+-------------+
* 558 |         AOUTRTBL          |  NUMFINRD   |  NUMPNDWR   |
*     +---------------------------+-------------+-------------+
* 560 |          VMSIZE           |         ALDRTBLS          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 568 |         STRTADDR          |         FRSTLOC           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 570 |         LASTLOC           |          LOCCNT           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 578 |         LDRADDR           |         LDRRTCD           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 580 |                         PSW                           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 588 |         LDRFLAGS          |          PRHOLD           |
*     +-------------+------+------+---------------------------+
* 590 |   TBENT     |UNRES |:FLGS |           GET1            |
*     +-------------+------+------+---------------------------+
* 598 |                         DSYM                          |
*     +---------------------------+------+--------------------+
* 5A0 |           JSYM            |NXTSYM|////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+------+--------------------+
* 5A8 |///////////////////////////|         ALIASENT          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 5B0 |         DYNAEND           |         NUCLCNTA          |
*     +---------------------------+-------------+------+------+
* 5B8 |         LABFIRST          |   LABNUM    |:SIMFG|NUC5BF|
*     +---------------------------+-------------+------+------+
* 5C0 |         FCBFIRST          |   FCBNUM    |//////|:FLAGS|
*     +---------------------------+-------------+------+------+
* 5C8 |         ATLBMODL          |         LINKLAST          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 5D0 |         LINKSTRT          |         TAXEADDR          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 5D8 |         ATSOCPPL          |          DCBSAV           |
*     +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
*     +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
* 5E8 |:FLAGS|:FLAG |:MFLAG|:TAMDE|         ASYSNAMS          |
*     +------+------+------+------+---------------------------+
* 5F0 |         NUCLANGA          |         ADMSLIO           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 5F8 |         VCFSTLKP          |         VCFSTLKW          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 600 |           AFVS            |         AOPSECT           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 608 |         ADEVTAB           |         AFSTLKP           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 610 |         AGETCLK           |         AFSTLKW           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 618 |           APIE            |          AIADT            |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 620 |          AUSER            |          ARDTK            |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 628 |          ASCANN           |          ASSTAT           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 630 |         ATABEND           |         ASUBSECT          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 638 |         ADMSSVT           |          AWRTK            |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 640 |         ASTRINIT          |           IADT            |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 648 |          NUC2SP           |         NUCTAPCB          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 650 |         ADMSPIOC          |         APGMSECT          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 658 |         AIOSECT           |         ADMPEXEC          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 660 |         ADIOSECT          |         AABNSVC           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 668 |         ADMSERL           |         ADMSCRD           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 670 |         ADMSFREB          |         ASVCSECT          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 678 |         AADTLKP           |          AUPUFD           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 680 |         ASTATEXT          |          AOSRET           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 688 |         ACMSRET           |          ASCANO           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 690 |          AEXEC            |          ASTART           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 698 |         AADTLKW           |         AUSABRV           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 6A0 |         AEXTSECT          |         ASCBPTR           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 6A8 |         ADMSROS           |         NUCASTQY          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 6B0 |         AACTLKP           |         AACTNXT           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 6B8 |         AACTFREE          |         AACTFRET          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 6C0 |         AADTNXT           |         ATRKLKP           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 6C8 |         ATRKLKPX          |          NUC6CC           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 6D0 |          NUC6D0           |          AERASE           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 6D8 |         ATYPSRCH          |         AUPDISK           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 6E0 |         AKILLEX           |         ATFINIS           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 6E8 |          ARDBUF           |          AWRBUF           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 6F0 |          AFINIS           |          ASTATE           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 6F8 |         ASTATEW           |          APOINT           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 700 |         NUCNADDR          |         NUCSVQ13          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 708 |         NUCLOWAD          |         ATEMPLIN          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 710 |         NUCAMD80          |         NUCAMD7F          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 718 |         NUCSTTMC          |         NUCSIMWK          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 720 |         NUCLDEND          |         NUCLDBK           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 728 |                       NUCSVQPW                        |
*     +------+------+------+------+-------------+-------------+
* 730 |:LDPF |:MODF |:LDPG |NUC733|  NUCHSTR    |  NUCRLDR    |
*     +------+------+------+------+-------------+-------------+
* 738 |          NUCANC           |         NUCANCHR          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 740 |                                                       |
*     =                       CMNDLINE                        =
*     |                                                +------+
* 838 |                                                |//////|
*     +------------------------------------------------+------+
* 840 |                       CMNDEXEC                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 848 |                                                       |
*     =                       CMNDLIST                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* A60 |                                                       |
*     =                       CONSTACK                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* BA0 |                                                       |
*     =                       FREESAVE                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* BE0 |                                                       |
*     =                       BALRSAVE                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* C20 |                                                       |
*     =                       WAITSAVE                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------+------+------+---------------------------+
* C60 |  PCTVSAM    |:VSAM2|:GEXIT|          NUCVIP           |
*     +-------------+------+------+---------------------------+
* C68 |         ADIKQLAB          |         NDIKQLAB          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* C70 |          ALOKTB           |         ADMSVIB           |
*     +---------------------------+------+------+------+------+
* C78 |         AVIPBLK           |:MFLG1|NUCC7D|NUCC7E|NUCC7F|
*     +---------------------------+------+------+------+------+
* C80 |         AVSAMSYS          |         AAMSSYS           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* C88 |         AVSREOJ           |         AVSRWORK          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* C90 |         ACBLIST           |         NUCASYID          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* C98 |         AABWSECT          |         ADMSZIT           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* CA0 |         ADMSTRKA          |         ADMSTRKM          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* CA8 |         ADMSTRKD          |         ADMSALU           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* CB0 |         ASORTFST          |         ADEVSUP           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* CB8 |         ADEVIND           |         ATBLIND           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* CC0 |         ABLKIND           |         ALABELRD          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* CC8 |         ALABELWR          |         ADMSLADN          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* CD0 |         ADMSBLKR          |         ADMSBLKW          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* CD8 |         AABBREV           |         ADEVSUP2          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* CE0 |         AESTATE           |         AESTATEW          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* CE8 |         AEPOINT           |          ATRUNC           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* CF0 |         ABAMSYS           |         NUCSCBLK          |
*     +------+------+------+------+---------------------------+
*     +------+------+------+------+---------------------------+
* D00 |         NUCLRIWA          |         ASSTATX           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* D08 |         ASSTATZ           |         AYSTATX           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* D10 |         AYSTATZ           |         ADMSIOW           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* D18 |         ADBGSECT          |         ADMSABW           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* D20 |          NUCERO           | D24
*     +---------------------------+
*** Overlay for NUCTLDIR in NUCON
*** Overlay for NUCERO in NUCON
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* D20 |         ADMSERR           |         ADMSCWT           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* D28 |         ADMSCWR           |         ADMSIOWR          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* D30 |         ADMSITI           |         NUCABEND          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* D38
*** Overlay for NUCERO in NUCON
*** Overlay for NUCABEND in NUCON
*                                 +---------------------------+
* D30 ...                     D34 |         ADMSABN           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* D38 |          AABNGO           |          ALADAD           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* D40 |          ACITDB           |         ADMSITSR          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* D48 |         ADMSFRES          |          ASTGSB           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* D50 |          AINTAB           |         ADMSCAT           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* D58 |         ADMSCPF           |          AEXCAB           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* D60 |         NUCFSTLN          |         NUCLSTLN          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* D68 |         NUCNLSTK          |         NUCNBSTK          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* D70 |                       NUCTIEIN                        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* D78 |         NUCAFCHS          |         NUCCBLKS          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* D80 |         NUCSFSCB          |         NUCSDSGB          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* D88 |          NUCD88           |         NUCAEXR           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* D90 |         NUCOPNMC          |         NUCAPARL          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* D98 |         NUCCDCBA          |         NUCCWR13          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* DA0 |         NUCFNSMC          |         NUCAXLOC          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* DA8 |         NUCCSLVT          |         NUCCSLV2          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* DB0 |         NUCCSLFE          |///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* DB8 |          NUCDB8           |          NUCDBC           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* DC0 |         NUCARELM          |         NUCLDMOD          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* DC8 |         NUCLODSV          |         NUCWRKBK          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* DD0 |         NUCCSLBK          |         NUCEXREP          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* DD8 |         NUCDCSCB          |         NUCSVQOF          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* DE0 |          NUCCWA           |          NUCPHI           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* DE8 |          NUCCHI           |         NUCAPIO           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* DF0 |         ATCBPTR           |         AGAMSEG           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* DF8 |         NUCALPHA          |         NUCSIGMA          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* E00 |         NUCOMEGA          |         NUCNLTRT          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* E08 |         NUCPLCMD          |         NUCPLBEG          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* E10 |         NUCPLEND          |         NUCPLFID          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* E18 |         NUCHSHTB          |         NUCPATHF          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* E20 |         NUCDEVF           |         NUCSMBLK          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* E28 |         NUCSZABV          |         NUCADFNC          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* E30 |         NUCLDR0S          |         NUCUPPER          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* E38 |          NUCERT           |         NUCXCBLK          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* E40 |         NUCXFRES          |         NUCXCBEE          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* E48 |         NUCUSER1          |         NUCUSER2          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* E50 |         NUCUSER3          |         NUCUSER4          |
*     +---------------------------+------+------+-------------+
* E58 |         USERLVL           |CMSLVL|:PROG |  CMSSERV    |
*     +---------------------------+------+------+-------------+
* E60 |         ACMSLVLM          |         AIUCVTAB          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* E68 |         NUCXEND           |         ABNXTPTR          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* E70 |         ADMSABXR          |         AIMMTABL          |
*     +-------------+------+------+---------------------------+
* E78 |  IMESCAPE   |:EXSMD|:QEFLC|         SVCWKADR          |
*     +-------------+------+------+---------------------------+
* E80 |         ADMSCSF           |         NUCEXIS           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* E88 |         RLDDATA           |         RLDPOINT          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* E90 |         ADMSEXQ           |         MISCECB           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* E98 |                       NUCTODCA                        |
*     |                                                       |
*     +----------------------------------+------+------+------+
* EA8 |            NUCLANGC              |:NLLID|:DBCS |NUCEAF|
*     +---------------------------+------+------+------+------+
* EB0 |         NUCLANGD          |         NUCEXSAD          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* EB8 |         NUCMLNAM          |         NUCLLNAM          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* EC0 |         NUCDLNAM          |         NUCTLNAM          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* EC8 |         NUCMLDIR          |         NUCLLDIR          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* ED0 |         NUCDLDIR          |          NUCED4           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* ED8 |         NUCMLSIZ          |         NUCLLSIZ          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* EE0 |         NUCDLSIZ          |         NUCTLSIZ          |
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
* EF0 |         NUCHSTDA          |         NUCHSTPO          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* EF8 |         NUCLANSS          |         NUCSCRQA          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* F00 |         NUCSMSTA          |         NUCSMSTB          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* F08 |         NUCSMSTC          |         NUCWEXWR          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* F10 |         NUCWEXRD          |         NUCAPAR           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* F18 |         NUCCIOBF          |         NUCASTTV          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* F20 |         NUCAXADT          |         NUCALADR          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* F28 |         NUCGETHI          |          NUCF2C           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* F30 |         NUCCSFFN          |         NUCADIE           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* F38 |                       NUCINSTS                        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* F40 |         NUCSMPST          |         NUCSMQST          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* F48 |         NUCWVTIX          |         NUCWVXPI          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* F50 |          NUCWMX           |         NUCDSXR           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* F58 |         NUCMCXR           |         NUCSPCBK          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* F60 |          NUCMGM           |        NUCFMPFN-          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* F68 |          -(F64)           |         NUCDIAB           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* F70 |         NUCRXSOK          |          NUCF74           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* F78 |          NUCF78           |          NUCF7C           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* F80 |         NUCMCACH          |         TIMRSAVE          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* F88 |         NUCVMGUI          |         NUCRXWK           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* F90 |         NUCCSLS0          |         NUCCSLS1          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* F98 |         NUCCSLS2          |         NUCCSLS3          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* FA0 |         NUCCSLS4          |         NUCCSLTB          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* FA8 |                       NUCFTYPE                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* FB0 |                       NUCMTSEG                        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* FB8 |          NUCFB8           |          NUCFBC           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* FC0 |          NUCFC0           |         OSTXTBUF          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* FC8 |         NUCWDBA           |          NUCFCC           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* FD0 |          NUCFD0           |          NUCFD4           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* FD8 |          NUCFD8           |          NUCFDC           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* FE0 |          NUCFE0           |          NUCFE4           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* FE8 |          NUCFE8           |          NUCFEC           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* FF0 |          NUCFF0           |          NUCFF4           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* FF8 |          NUCFF8           |          NUCFFC           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*** Overlay for NUCABEND in NUCON
  NUCON Cross Reference Top of page
Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
AABBREV        0CD8
AABNGO         0D38
AABNSVC        0664
AABWSECT       0C98
AACTFREE       06B8
AACTLKP        06B0
AACTNXT        06B4
AADTLKP        0678
AADTLKW        0698
AADTNXT        06C0
AALTCVT        0500
AAMSSYS        0C84
ABAMSYS        0CF0
ABATABND       0458
ABATLIMT       045C
ABATPROC       0454
ABGCOM         04E0
ABLKIND        0CC0
ABNXTSW        05E3 01
ACBLIST        0C90
ACITDB         0D40
ACMSCVT        0010
ACMSLVLM       0E60
ACMSRET        0688
ADBGSECT       0D18
ADEVIND        0CB8
ADEVSUP        0CB4
ADEVTAB        0608
ADIKQLAB       0C68
ADIOSECT       0660
ADMPEXEC       065C
ADMSABN        0D34
ADMSABW        0D1C
ADMSABXR       0E70
ADMSCAT        0D54
ADMSCPF        0D58
ADMSCRD        066C
ADMSCSF        0E80
ADMSCWR        0D28
ADMSCWT        0D24
ADMSERL        0668
ADMSERR        0D20
ADMSEXQ        0E90
ADMSFREB       0670
ADMSFRES       0D48
ADMSIOW        0D14
ADMSITI        0D30
ADMSITSR       0D44
ADMSLIO        05F4
ADMSPIOC       0650
ADMSROS        06A8
ADMSSVT        0638
ADMSVIB        0C74
ADMSZIT        0C9C
ADOSDCSS       04E8
AEPOINT        0CE8
AERASE         06D4
AESTATE        0CE0
AEXCAB         0D5C
AEXEC          0690
AEXTSECT       06A0
AFINIS         06F0
AFSTLKP        060C
AFSTLKW        0614
AFVS           0600
AGAMSEG        0DF4
AGETCLK        0610
AIADT          061C
AIMMTABL       0E74
AINTAB         0D50
AINTRTBL       0554
AIOSECT        0658
AIUCVTAB       0E64
AKILLEX        06E0
ALADAD         0D3C
ALDRTBLS       0564
ALOKTB         0C70
ANUCEND        0520
AOPSECT        0604
AOSRET         0684
AOUTRTBL       0558
APGMSECT       0654
APIE           0618
APOINT         06FC
APPSAVE        04F8
ARDBUF         06E8
ARDTK          0624
ASCANN         0628
ASCANO         068C
ASCBPTR        06A4
ASSTAT         062C
ASSTATX        0D04
ASSTATZ        0D08
ASTART         0694
ASTATE         06F4
ASTATEW        06F8
ASTATEXT       0680
ASTGSB         0D4C
ASTRINIT       0640
ASUBSECT       0634
ASVCSECT       0674
ASYSCOM        04E4
ASYSREF        0014
ATABEND        0630
ATCBPTR        0DF0
ATEMPLIN       070C
ATFINIS        06E4
ATLBMODL       05C8
ATRKLKP        06C4
ATRKLKPX       06C8
ATRUNC         0CEC
ATSOCPPL       05D8
ATTNHIT        05E1 01
ATYPSRCH       06D8
AUPDISK        06DC
AUPUFD         067C
AUSABRV        069C
AUSER          0620
AUSERRST       0460
AUSRAREA       0524
AVIPBLK        0C78
AVSAMSYS       0C80
AVSREOJ        0C88
AWRBUF         06EC
AWRTK          063C
AYSTATX        0D0C
AYSTATZ        0D10
BATABNAB       0452 10
BATCPCH        0452 20
BATCPEX        0450 08
BATCPFNG       0452 80
BATDCMS        0451 08
BATFLAGS       0450
BATFLAG2       0451
BATFLAG3       0452
BATFLAG4       0453
BATIPLSS       0451 04
BATLOAD        0450 40
BATMOVE        0450 02
BATNOEX        0450 20
BATPRT         0452 40
BATRERR        0450 10
BATRUN         0450 80
BATSTOP        0451 02
BATSYSAB       0451 01
BATTERM        0450 01
BATUSEX        0450 04
BATXCPU        0451 40
BATXLIM        0451 80
BATXPRT        0451 20
BATXPUN        0451 10
CAW            0048
CLEAROP        0593 40
CLKVALMD       02D8
CMNDEXEC       0840
CMNDLINE       0740
CMNDLIST       0848
CMSLVL         0E5C
CMSPROG        0E5D
CMSSERV        0E5E
CODE203        052C
COMPSWT        05C7 80
CONSTACK       0A60
CPULOG         0080
CSW            0040
CURRCENT       044E
CURRCPUT       0294
CURRDATE       0280
CURRIOOP       0540
CURRSAVE       0528
CURRTIME       0288
CURRVIRT       0290
DATIPCMS       02D0
DBGABN         05E3 10
DBGEXEC        05E3 80
DBGEXINT       05E3 20
DBGFLAGS       05E3
DBGNSHR        05E3 08
DBGPGMCK       05E3 40
DBGRECUR       05E3 02
DBGSHR         05E3 04
DCBSAV         05DC
DEVICE         026C
DIAGTIME       0280
DMNTECB        0504
DMPTIT         03B4
DONTHASH       05E4 20
DOSBAM         0CF8 80
DOSCOMP        04D8 10
DOSEOJ         04D8 01
DOSFIRST       04F0
DOSFLAGS       04D8
DOSKPART       04F6
DOSLBSV        046C
DOSMODE        04D8 80
DOSNUM         04F4
DOSPIO         04D8 08
DOSRC          04D9
DOSSVC         04D8 40
DOSVSAM        04D8 20
DSYM           0598
DUMPLIST       03A0
DYLD           05C7 08
DYLIBNOW       05C7 02
DYLIBO         05C7 04
DYMBRNM        05C7 01
DYNAEND        05B0
ECRLOG         01C0
ERR$202        0448
EXECFLAG       05E6
EXECHALT       05E6 10
EXECMASK       05E6 20
EXECRUN        05E6 80
EXECSTOP       05E6 40
EXECTMSK       05E6 02
EXECTRAC       05E6 01
EXECTRST       05E6 08
EXRESET        05E4 80
EXTNPSW        0058
EXTOPSW        0018
FCBFIRST       05C0
FCBNUM         05C4
FCBTAB         05C0
FEIBM          0274
FIRSTDMP       03A8
FPRLOG         0160
FRSTLOC        056C
FRS06          03B0
FSTFINRD       054C
GEN370FL       0593 01
GET1           0594
GLBLTABL       0440
GPRLOG         0180
GRAFDEV        05E1 10
GRS015         03A0
HLPADDR        0270
IADT           0644
IMACTIVE       0E78 80
IMCHAR         0E78 00000E79
IMESCAPE       0E78
INSTALID       0220
IONPSW         0078
IOOPSW         0038
IPLADDR        0268
IPLCCW1        0008
IPLCCW2        0010
IPLPSW         0000
JSYM           05A0
KOSWITCH       05E1 40
KXSWITCH       05E1 80
LABFIRST       05B8
LABNUM         05BC
LASTCMND       02A0
LASTCPUT       029C
LASTDMP        03AC
LASTEXEC       02B0
LASTLMOD       02C0
LASTLOC        0570
LASTTMOD       02C8
LASTVIRT       0298
LDRADDR        0578
LDRFLAGS       0588
LDRRTCD        057C
LINKSTRT       05D0
LOADINCL       0593 02
LOCCNT         0574
LOC0176        03A4
LOWSAVE        00C0
LSTFINRD       0550
MACLBSV        034C
MCKNPSW        0070
MCKOPSW        0030
MDPCALL        0593 04
MISCECB        0E94
MISFLAGS       05E1
MISFLAG2       05E4
MODFLGS        0593
MODGNALL       0593 10
MODGNDOS       0593 20
MONCLASS       0094
MONCODE        009C
MSGFLAGS       05E2
NEGITS         05E1 02
NOABBREV       05E0 10
NODDSK         05E1 04
NOERRMSG       05E2 04
NOERRTXT       05E2 02
NOIMPCP        05E0 40
NOIMPEX        05E0 80
NOMAPFLG       0593 80
NOPAGREL       05E0 08
NORDYMSG       05E2 20
NORDYTIM       05E2 10
NOSTDSYN       05E0 20
NOTYPING       05E2 40
NOTYPOUT       05E2 80
NOVMREAD       05E0 04
NUCABEND       0D34
NUCADCO        04C4
NUCADIE        0F34
NUCAEXR        0D8C
NUCAFCHS       0D78
NUCAFROC       0328
NUCAFROU       032C
NUCAFRRC       0330
NUCAFRRU       0334
NUCAFRSC       02F0
NUCAFRSD       02F4
NUCAFRSR       02F8
NUCAKGA        0488
NUCALADR       0F24
NUCAMD7F       0714
NUCAMD80       0710
NUCAMQVM       0340
NUCANC         0738
NUCANCHR       073C
NUCAPAR        0F14
NUCAPARL       0D94
NUCAPLD        0480
NUCASIT        0100
NUCASYID       0C94
NUCAVW         0478
NUCAXADT       0F20
NUCBCPU        0486
NUCCDCBA       0D98
NUCCELGT       0498
NUCCELST       049C
NUCCELSV       04A4
NUCCFA         0CFA
NUCCFB         0CFB
NUCCHI         0DE8
NUCCIOBF       0F18
NUCCLOK        00E0
NUCCOMDR       05E5 08
NUCCPCMD       05E4 08
NUCCSFFN       0F30
NUCCSLS0       0F90
NUCCSLS1       0F94
NUCCSLS2       0F98
NUCCSLS3       0F9C
NUCCSLS4       0FA0
NUCCWA         0DE0
NUCCWR13       0D9C
NUCC6301       0C63 01
NUCC6302       0C63 02
NUCC6304       0C63 04
NUCC6308       0C63 08
NUCC7D         0C7D
NUCC7E         0C7E
NUCC7F         0C7F
NUCDBC         0DBC
NUCDBON        0EAE 40
NUCDBSYS       0EAE 80
NUCDB8         0DB8
NUCDEVF        0E20
NUCDIAB        0F6C
NUCDMSTR       0444 80
NUCDSXR        0F54
NUCD88         0D88
NUCEAF         0EAF
NUCED4         0ED4
NUCENAWA       02E0
NUCEPARM       0080
NUCERO         0D20
NUCERT         0E38
NUCEXAID       00A0
NUCEXCDE       0086
NUCEXEC        05E5 40
NUCEXIS        0E84
NUCEXSST       05E6 04
NUCFBC         0FBC
NUCFB8         0FB8
NUCFCC         0FCC
NUCFC0         0FC0
NUCFDC         0FDC
NUCFD0         0FD0
NUCFD4         0FD4
NUCFD8         0FD8
NUCFEC         0FEC
NUCFE0         0FE0
NUCFE4         0FE4
NUCFE8         0FE8
NUCFFC         0FFC
NUCFF0         0FF0
NUCFF4         0FF4
NUCFF8         0FF8
NUCFLAGA       0445
NUCFLAG3       05E5
NUCFMPFN       0F64
NUCFPLCA       05BE 02
NUCFRWRK       0530
NUCFSA         00F8
NUCFSR14       0308
NUCFSTLN       0D60
NUCFSTM        02ED
NUCF2C         0F2C
NUCF7C         0F7C
NUCF74         0F74
NUCF78         0F78
NUCGEEXC       0C63 80
NUCGELST       0C63 40
NUCGENXT       0C63 20
NUCGETHI       0F28
NUCGEXIT       0C63
NUCGLOBL       0CF9 20
NUCHSHTB       0E18
NUCHSTR        0734
NUCHSTSZ       0EF0 00001FFE
NUCIDAL        0300
NUCIDALL       0304
NUCINSTS       0F38
NUCINTP        00BC
NUCIOSID       00B8
NUCIPLDN       05E5 01
NUCITEXC       0310
NUCITSSA       0360
NUCLANGA       05F0
NUCLA20        05EA 10
NUCLCNTA       05B4
NUCLDBK        0724
NUCLDEND       0720
NUCLDPF        0730
NUCLDPG        0732
NUCLDR0S       0E30
NUCLDSET       02E8
NUCLICMD       0358
NUCLKED        05E4 04
NUCLOWAD       0708
NUCLRIWA       0D00
NUCLSTLN       0D64
NUCMACLS       04A0
NUCMA4A8       05EA 40
NUCMCACH       0F80
NUCMCDS        05EA 01
NUCMCIC        00E8
NUCMCIC0       00E8
NUCMCIC1       00E9
NUCMCIC2       00EA
NUCMCIC3       00EB
NUCMCIC4       00EC
NUCMCIC5       00ED
NUCMCIC6       00EE
NUCMCIC7       00EF
NUCMCKSA       0344
NUCMCXR        0F58
NUCMDMAP       0731 80
NUCMEC         05EA 20
NUCMGM         0F60
NUCMODF        0731
NUCMTAV        047C
NUCMTA24       0484 20
NUCMTCWT       0485 80
NUCMTDS        0484 04
NUCMTDSP       0484 02
NUCMTEN        0484 01
NUCMTEXC       0485 20
NUCMTFLG       0484
NUCMTFL0       0484
NUCMTFL1       0485
NUCMTFRK       0485 04
NUCMTISG       0484 08
NUCMTMP        0484 80
NUCMTNB        0484 40
NUCMTROO       0485 08
NUCMTRTE       0484 10
NUCMTSFS       0485 40
NUCMT1SG       0485 10
NUCMXA         05EA 80
NUCMXC         05EA 04
NUCM210        05EA 08
NUCM370        05EA 02
NUCNADDR       0700
NUCNLSTK       0D68
NUCNLTRT       0E04
NUCNRST        0C62 80
NUCOLDCM       0445 80
NUCOMEGA       0E00
NUCONLEN       1000 00001000
NUCOPNMC       0D90
NUCOSDLB       04D8 02
NUCOSMP        048C
NUCOSPL        0490
NUCOSPLL       0494
NUCOSRLD       0CF9 10
NUCOSRUN       0CF9 80
NUCPENDW       05E5 80
NUCPGCDE       008E
NUCPHI         0DE4
NUCPLCMD       0E08
NUCPLEND       0E10
NUCPLFID       0E14
NUCPLIST       0E08
NUCPPID        04A8
NUCPRR14       030C
NUCPRTM        02EE
NUCPUADR       0084
NUCREADY       0445 40
NUCRLDR        0736
NUCROSAD       0470
NUCROSDW       0474
NUCRSK         04C0
NUCRSV1        004C
NUCRSV2        0054
NUCRSV3        0088
NUCRSV7        0468
NUCRXSOK       0F70
NUCRXWK        0F8C
NUCSDSGB       0D84
NUCSERVE       05E5 20
NUCSFSCB       0D80
NUCSGIOP       03B8
NUCSIMWK       071C
NUCSMBLK       0E24
NUCSMPST       0F40
NUCSMQST       0F44
NUCSMSTA       0F00
NUCSMSTB       0F04
NUCSMSTC       0F08
NUCSRVAB       05E5 10
NUCSTTMC       0718
NUCSVCN        008A
NUCSVILC       0089
NUCSVQPW       0728
NUCSVQ13       0704
NUCSYSDF       0CF9 40
NUCSZABV       0E28
NUCTAANY       05EB C0
NUCTAPCB       064C
NUCTA24        05EB 40
NUCTA31        05EB 80
NUCTA64        05EB 01
NUCTCBN        04B4
NUCTCBO        04B0
NUCTCSLO       05BE 04
NUCTEENT       0C63 10
NUCTIEIN       0D70
NUCTIMR        00D8
NUCTLADI       0320
NUCTLANA       031C
NUCTLANU       0316
NUCTLASI       0324
NUCTLDIR       0354
NUCTNABL       05E4 10
NUCTNEVR       05BE 08
NUCTODCA       0E98
NUCTRBUF       035C
NUCTRFLG       0444
NUCTRF01       0444 01
NUCTRF02       0444 02
NUCTRF04       0444 04
NUCTRF08       0444 08
NUCTRF10       0444 10
NUCTRF20       0444 20
NUCTRF40       0444 40
NUCTVIOF       05BE 20
NUCTVISL       05BE 10
NUCTXCP        00A8
NUCUPPER       0E34
NUCURLBK       05E5 04
NUCUSER1       0E48
NUCUSER2       0E4C
NUCUSER3       0E50
NUCUSER4       0E54
NUCVECTR       05E4 01
NUCVIP         0C64
NUCVMGUI       0F88
NUCVSAM2       0C62
NUCWDBA        0FC8
NUCWEXRD       0F10
NUCWMX         0F50
NUCWVTIX       0F48
NUCXAILC       008D
NUCXCBEE       0E44
NUCXEND        0E68
NUCXFRES       0E40
NUCYADDR       0272
NUCY2000       0445 20
NUCZARCH       0445 01
NUC1ACER       05BE 40
NUC1OSAC       05BE 80
NUC2EF         02EF
NUC2FC         02FC
NUC2SP         0648
NUC314         0314
NUC4AC         04AC
NUC4BC         04BC
NUC4B8         04B8
NUC4CC         04CC
NUC4C0         04C0 00NUCRSK
NUC4C8         04C8
NUC4DA         04DA
NUC4DB         04DB
NUC4D0         04D0
NUC4D4         04D4
NUC4KKEY       05E4 02
NUC44502       0445 02
NUC44504       0445 04
NUC44508       0445 08
NUC45201       0452 01
NUC45202       0452 02
NUC45204       0452 04
NUC45208       0452 08
NUC45301       0453 01
NUC45302       0453 02
NUC45304       0453 04
NUC45308       0453 08
NUC45310       0453 10
NUC45320       0453 20
NUC45340       0453 40
NUC45380       0453 80
NUC476         0476
NUC5BE01       05BE 01
NUC5BF         05BF
NUC5E002       05E0 02
NUC5E502       05E5 02
NUC50C         050C
NUC508         0508
NUC51C         051C
NUC510         0510
NUC514         0514
NUC518         0518
NUC52E         052E
NUC6CC         06CC
NUC6D0         06D0
NUC733         0733
NUMFINRD       055C
NUMPNDWR       055E
NUSERFWD       0464
NXTSYM         05A4
OPTFLAGS       05E0
OSRESET        05C7 20
OSSFLAGS       05C7
OSSMNU         05C7 40
OSTYPLD        05E4 40
OSWAIT         05C7 10
PCTVSAM        0C60
PENDREAD       0544
PENDWRIT       0548
PERADDR        0098
PERCODE        0096
PGMNPSW        0068
PGMOPSW        0028
PREVCMND       02A8
PREVEXEC       02B8
PRFPOFF        05E7 80
PRFTSYS        05E7 40
PRFUSYS        05E7 20
PRHOLD         058C
PROTFLAG       05E7
PSW            0580
QSWITCH        05E1 08
RDTDRCT        05E0 01
REDERRID       05E2 08
RELPAGES       05E1 20
RLDDATA        0E88
RLDDWSZ        0E88 00002000
RSTNPSW        0000
RSTOPSW        0008
SPECLF         05E2 01
STRTADDR       0568
SUBACT         05E9 01
SUBFLAG        05E9
SUBINIT        05E9 02
SUBREJ         05E9 08
SUBRTN         05E9 04
SVCNPSW        0060
SVCOPSW        0020
SVC12SAV       04EC
SYSADDR        026A
SYSLOAD        0593 08
SYSNAME        0260
SYSREF         0600
SYSTEMID       0200
TAXEADDR       05D4
TBENT          0590
TIMER          0050
TIMRSAVE       0F84
TOTLIBS        0350
TSOATCNL       05E8 80
TSOFLAGS       05E8
TXLIBSV        0348
TXLIBSVA       0318
TXTDIRC        0354
UNRES          0592
USERLVL        0E58
USRVERSN       0445 10
VCADTLKP       0534
VCADTLKW       053C
VCADTNXT       0538
VCFSTLKP       05F8
VIPINIT        0C7C 20
VIPSOP         0C7C 08
VIPTCLOS       0C7C 04
VMSIZE         0560
VMSIZEG        0338
VSAMFLG1       0C7C
VSAMRUN        0C7C 80
VSAMSERV       0C7C 10
VSAMSOS        0C7C 02
VSJOBCAT       0C7C 40
VSMINSTL       04D8 04
VSRACTIV       0C7C 01
WAITSAVE       0C20
XCARLOG        0120
This information is based on z/VM 6.3.0.
Last updated on 22 May 2013 at 13:50:09 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2013