Reusable Server Kernel

Problem 7 (Note): Link-editing

==================== 1999-04-13 10:28:21 (-04.00) ====================
Name:        ** Suppressed **
Company:     ** Suppressed **
Telephone:   ** Suppressed **
E-mail:      ** Suppressed **
This applies only to the beta, of course.
==================== 1998-08-31 15:32:07 (-04.00) ====================
Name:        ** Suppressed **
Company:     ** Suppressed **
Telephone:   ** Suppressed **
E-mail:      ** Suppressed **
When you link-edit your module, make sure you mention PSL TXTLIB
in your GLOBAL TXTLIB command.  PSL TXTLIB is included in the
materials you received in the beta.

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