APAR Identifier ...... PK51954      Last Changed ........ 09/08/24
 Symptom ...... AB ABEND             Status ........... CLOSED  PER
 Severity ................... 4      Date Closed ......... 09/04/24
 Component .......... 5735FAL00      Duplicate of ........
 Reported Release ......... 520      Fixed Release ............ 999
 Component Name TCP/IP V2 FOR V      Special Notice
 Current Target Date ..              Flags
 SCP ...................
 Platform ............
 Status Detail: SHIPMENT - Packaged solution is available for
 PE PTF List:
 PTF List:
 Release 520   : UK46022 available 09/04/29 (1000 )
 Release 530   : UK46023 available 09/04/29 (0902 )
 Release 540   : UK46024 available 09/04/29 (0902 )
 Parent APAR:
 Child APAR list:
 When multiple secure connections are open and active, the
 SSL server may exhibit degraded performance and response time
 when handling connections, administrative requests, or when
 processing Linux commands issued at the server console.
 Messages indicative of this problem are:
 hh:mm:ss __alloc_pages: 0-order allocation failed (gfp=0x1d2/0)
 VM: killing process vmssl
 Eventually, the server may abend, or become unresponsive and
 then be restarted by the z/VM TCP/IP stack server, at which
 point the message that follows will be issued on the SSL server
 Restarting you because KillClient called for reason: Fatal
  inter-VM communication error
 None.  However, increasing the virtual storage size of the
 of the SSL server virtual machine may provide some relief
 for instances where connection activity is low or
 * USERS AFFECTED: All customers running the z/VM SSL server.   *
 * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION:                                         *
 * RECOMMENDATION: APPLY PTF                                    *
 The reported problem was caused by incorrect logic in the vmssl
 daemon cleanCertblock() routine, which erroneously allocated a
 new certificate data structure (and associated storage) as part
 of its processing, and which incorrectly processed the chain of
 pertinent elements for the removal of unused elements (and the
 freeing of their associated storage).
 Logic within the cleanCertblock() routine has been updated to
 rectify these errors.
 With this APAR, a number of Reliability, Availability and
 Serviceability (RAS) enhancements have been implemented within
 the level 520 SSL daemon to provide improved diagnostic
 capabilities and certain aspects of internal server operations.
 Most of these changes already have been incorporated, as
 applicable, within the 530 level SSL server (via APARS PK52298
 and PK53928) and the 540 level SSL server (via APAR PK65850).
 However, to achieve greater consistency across all levels, minor
 RAS updates have been implemented via this APAR for the 530 and
 540 level SSL servers as well.  For the most part, these changes
 are internal to the server, with some changed messages.
 With this APAR, the following VMSSL command operands are
 introduced for (only) level 520:
     - allows one to direct the SSL server to log message and
       trace information to either the log file or to the server
  * GSKTRACE Trace operand
     - activates GSKit tracing of SSL connection processing
  * DEBUG Trace operand
     - activates detailed diagnostic tracing
 This APAR also provides changes to the level 520 administrative
 interface (SSLADMIN) to resolve problems with use of an
 (undocumented) '=' command diagnostic operator.
 An attempt to use this operator to forward unparsed command
 input to the SSL server currently fails, as shown in this
   ssladmin = TRACE DEBUG
   Sending unparsed input: TRACE DEBUG
   DTCSSL2423E An unexpected error occurred while processing
   DTCSSL2423E the SSLADMIN command.
   Command Complete.  rc: -1
 Updates to the simpleSend() routine resolve this problem
 and allow the '=' operator to be used as intended.  For
 reference, the diagnostic operators available for use with
 the SSLADMIN command are:
   *  Causes operational diagnostic messages to be produced for
      debugging purposes.
   +  Causes all command results to be placed in the file:
   =  Causes the supplied subcommand and operands to be
      forwarded to the SSL server as-is, with results displayed
      at the console.  No validation or adjustment of operands
      is attempted.
   Note: The previously listed diagnostic operators are intended
         for use in diagnosing SSL server operational problems,
         in consultation with the IBM support center.
 The revised information that follows will be included in any
 future updates to the following publication(s):
 SC24-6125-02 -- z/VM: TCP/IP Level 520 Planning and
 Chapter 22. "Configuring the SSL Server"
 Section: "VMSSL Command" ; Page(s): 560-562
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 Descriptions for the VMSSL command operands that follow are
 The VMSSL command LOGMODE operand is introduced:
  LOGMOde location
   specifies the location to which server message and trace
   information should be directed.
     Specifies that messages and server trace information should
     be directed to and maintained using a file.  FILE is the
     specifies that messages and server trace information should
     be directed to the server console.
  Usage Notes:
   1. CONSOLE is the preferred LOGMODE setting for normal server
      operations, and especially when server tracing is performed
      during problem diagnosis.  This mode allows for simplified
      management and retention of all server messages.  Console
      information can readily be captured by using the CP SEND
      command; for example:
 The VMSSL command TRACE GSKTRACE and DEBUG operands are
            .-NORMal--------------. .-ALL-----------------.
    |       |             .-...-. | |-ip_address--------| | |
    |       |-CONNections-+-----+-| |-:--port-----------| | |
    |       |             +-...-' | |-ip_address-:-port-| | |
    |       |-FLOW----------------' '-conn_number-------' | |
    |       |-GSKtrace------------------------------------| |
    |       '-DEBug---------------------------------------' |
    specifies that GSKit tracing of SSL connection processing is
    to be initiated.
    Note: When GSKit tracing is active, data for all SSL server
          connections is acquired and stored in a file that is
          separate from other SSL server trace data.  The
          GSKTRACE operand is intended for use in consultation
          with the IBM Support Center.
    Specifies that detailed diagnostic tracing is to be
    initiated.  The DEBUG operand is intended for use in
    consultation with the IBM Support Center.
 Documentation for these new messages will be included in any
 future updates to the following publication:
 GC24-6124-01 -- z/VM: TCP/IP Level 520 Messages and Codes
 Chapter 19.  SSL Messages ; Page(s): 305-313
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 New Message and Text:
  DTCSSL002I <text>
  Explanation:  This message provides informative text about the
     state of select configuration operands or other
     characteristics that pertain to overall server operations.
  System Action:  SSL processing continues.
  System Programmer Response:  None.
 Changed Message and Text:
  DTCSSL005E Pthread_create() error creating mainSSL Thread;
             errno: <errno>
  DTCSSL005E Pthread_create() error; errno: <errno>; At most
             <nnn> sessions can be accommodated
  Explanation:  A Pthread_create() call failed.  For the meaning
     of <errno> values, see Table 4, "SSL Server Reason Codes".
     Note that either format of this message might result because
     the SSL server has been defined with insufficient virtual
     storage to allow for its operation.  For the second message
     format, the defined virtual storage is insufficient to
     accommodate the number of connections specified by the VMSSL
     MAXUSERS operand, or the value specified exceeds the
     implementation maximum ( the 520 SSL server implementation
     can accommodate a maximum of 128 concurrent connections).
  System Action:   SSL processing continues.
  System Programmer Response:  Set the MAXUSERS value to less
     than <nnn> or increase the virtual storage size of the SSL
     server virtual machine, and restart the SSL server.  If the
     error persists, contact the IBM Support Center for
 Changed Message and Text:
  DTCSSL073E Broken pipe condition encountered
     The message text has been augmented for clarity outside of
     a debugging context.
  (The 'Explanation', 'System Action' and 'System Programmer
  Response' for this message remain unchanged.)
 New Message and Text:
  DTCSSL095I errno detail: <text>
  Explanation:  This message provides textual information defined
     by the system for an error number (errno) that has been
     reported as part of a previously encountered error.
  System Action:  SSL processing continues.
  System Programmer Response:  None.
 New Message and Text:
  DTCSSL097I Commencing RESET of server to again accept
  Explanation:  This message acknowledges receipt of an SSLADMIN
     RESET command that instructs the server to resume acceptance
     and processing of new connection requests.
  System Action:   SSL processing continues.
  System Programmer Response:   None.
 New Message and Text:
  DTCSSL107E Internal Error: ({S|U}) Send incomplete rc: <rc>
             len: <length_to_send>
  Explanation:  An error occurred while attempting to transmit
     data for a secured (S) or a clear/unsecured (U) connection.
     The total length of the data that was to be transmitted is
     indicated in the message.  For the meaning of <rc> values
     see Table 3, "SSL Server Return Codes".
  System Action:  The connection for which this error
     occurred is stopped; other connections continue to be
  System Programmer Response:  Contact the IBM Support Center for
 New Message and Text:
  DTCSSL115W LOG command declined; LOGMODE CONSOLE is in
  Explanation:  An SSLADMIN LOG command has been received, but
     the given command cannot be processed because all message
     output is currently being directed to the server console.
     For an SSLADMIN LOG command to be processed, file logging
     (LOGMODE FILE) must be in effect.
  System Action:  SSL processing continues.
  System Programmer Response:  To obtain the current server
     console log information while LOGMODE CONSOLE is in effect,
     use the CP SEND command, issued from a user ID that has
     appropriate CP command privilege to use this command.  For
 New Message and Text:
  DTCSSL120W Acceptance of new connections has been suspended
  Explanation:  The server has identified a problem with the
     socket connection used to handle new secure connection
     requests.  Because this problem exists, new secure
     connections cannot be established.
  System Action:  SSL processing continues.  Existing secure
     connections continue to be processed.
  System Programmer Response:  Examine the TCP/IP and SSL server
     log information for messages indicative of a problem
     associated with the sockets maintained between these two
     servers.  If the problem appears to be transient, instruct
     the SSL server to resume the acceptance of connections via
     this command:   SSLADMIN = RESET
     For a non-transient problem, ensure that any existing secure
     connections have been closed, then shutdown and restart the
     SSL server.
 New Message and Text:
  DTCSSL127E ckEPIPE() invoking shutdownNow() -- <reason>
  Explanation:  An error has been encountered that justifies a
     shutdown of the server.  As indicated in the message, The
     ckEPIPE() function has either detected an EPIPE error or has
     been directed by a calling function to initiate a shutdown.
  System Action:  SSL processing stops.
  System Programmer Response:  Examine the TCP/IP and SSL server
     log information for messages indicative of a socket error
     that corresponds to the handling of a secure connection or
     other server operation.  Review accompanying messages for
     more information.  If the reason for this error is not
     apparent and the error persists contact the IBM Support
     Center for assistance.
 Changed Message and Text:
  DTCSSL202E Internal error <location>; VMSSLGSK error <code>
  Explanation:  An error occurred at the source code location
     cited in the message while using functions that handle
     specific aspects of the SSL protocol.  For the meaning of
     the error code, see Table 3, "SSL Server Return Codes".
  (The 'System Action' and 'System Programmer Response' for this
  message remain unchanged.)
 Changed Message and Text:
  DTCSSL206E SSLADMIN peer closed connection
     'SSLADMIN' has been added to the message text for clarity
     outside of a debugging context.
  (The 'Explanation', 'System Action' and 'System Programmer
   Response' for this message remain unchanged.)
 New Message and Text:
  DTCSSL424E The label already exists in the request or
             certificate database.
  Explanation:  An SSLADMIN REQUEST command was issued for which
     the specified label is already in use.  The given label is
     associated with a certificate or certificate request that
     already has been stored in the SSL server certificate
  System Action:  SSL processing continues.
  System Programmer Response:  If appropriate, delete the
     existing certificate request from the SSL server certificate
     database and then reissue the subject SSLADMIN REQUEST
     command.  Alternately, rename the X509INFO file with which
     the subject label is associated, then reissue the SSLADMIN
     REQUEST command, with the new file name specified as the
     label operand.
 New Message and Text:
  DTCSSL425E TCP/IP service is not available; confirm that the
             TCP/IP server (<userid>) is running
  Explanation:  The TCP/IP stack server, with which the SSL
     server is associated, is either not logged on or is not
  System Action:  SSL processing stops.
  System Programmer Response:  Start the indicated virtual
     machine or ensure it is in a working state (for example, not
     in a CP READ).
 Changed Message and Text:
  DTCSSL501E No SERVER certificate was found with this label
  Explanation:  A server certificate with the label cited in the
     message cannot be located within the SSL key database.  The
     label in question has been specified to secure a specific
     port or port range.
  System Action:  The attempted connection is terminated.
  System Programmer Response:  Review the TCP/IP server
     configuration file and verify that all server certificate
     labels that have been specified as part of the PORT
     statement are correct.  If necessary, use the SSLADMIN QUERY
     CERT * command to review the labels associated with the
     server certificates that have been stored in the SSL key
     database.  Correct any problems, then retry the connection.
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 The revised information that follows will be included in any
 future updates to the following publication(s):
 Documentation for these new messages will be included in any
 future updates to the following publications:
 GC24-6124-02 -- z/VM: TCP/IP Level 530 Messages and Codes
 Chapter 19.  SSL Messages
 Page(s): 375-385 (level 530)
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 New Message and Text:
  DTCSSL002I <text>
  Explanation:  This message provides informative text about the
     state of select configuration operands or other
     characteristics that pertain to overall server operations.
  System Action:  SSL processing continues.
  System Programmer Response:  None.
 Changed Message and Text:
  DTCSSL005E Pthread_create() error creating <infoThread |
             mainSSL Thread | cloneThread (S|U)> errno: <errno>
  DTCSSL005E Pthread_create() error; errno: <errno>; At most
             <nnn> sessions can be accommodated
  Explanation:  A Pthread_create() call failed.  For the meaning
     of <errno> values, see Table 4, "SSL Server Reason Codes".
     Note that either format of this message might result because
     the SSL server has been defined with insufficient virtual
     storage to allow for its operation.  For the second message
     format, the defined virtual storage is insufficient to
     accommodate the number of connections specified by the VMSSL
     MAXUSERS operand.
  System Action:   SSL processing continues.
  System Programmer Response:  Set the MAXUSERS value to less
     than <nnn> or increase the virtual storage size of the SSL
     server virtual machine, and restart the SSL server.  If the
     error persists, contact the IBM Support Center for
 New Message and Text:
  DTCSSL127E ckEPIPE() invoking shutdownNow() -- <reason>
  Explanation:  An error has been encountered that justifies a
     shutdown of the server.  As indicated in the message, The
     ckEPIPE() function has either detected an EPIPE error or has
     been directed by a calling function to initiate a shutdown.
  System Action:  SSL processing stops.
  System Programmer Response:  Examine the TCP/IP and SSL server
     log information for messages indicative of a socket error
     that corresponds to the handling of a secure connection or
     other server operation.  Review accompanying messages for
     more information.  If the reason for this error is not
     apparent and the error persists contact the IBM Support
     Center for assistance.
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 The revised information that follows will be included in any
 future updates to the following publication(s):
 Documentation for these new messages will be included in any
 future updates to the following publications:
 GC24-6124-04 -- z/VM: TCP/IP Level 540 Messages and Codes
 Chapter 18.  SSL Messages
 Page(s): 377-383 (level 540)
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 New Message and Text:
  DTCSSL002I <text>
  Explanation:  This message provides informative text about the
     state of select configuration operands or other
     characteristics that pertain to overall server operations.
  System Action:  SSL processing continues.
  System Programmer Response:  None.
 Changed Message and Text:
  DTCSSL005E Pthread_create() error creating <infoThread |
             mainSSL Thread | cloneThread (S|U)> errno: <errno>
  DTCSSL005E Pthread_create() error; errno: <errno>; At most
             <nnn> sessions can be accommodated
  Explanation:  A Pthread_create() call failed.  For the meaning
     of <errno> values, see Table 4, "SSL Server Reason Codes".
     Note that either format of this message might result because
     the SSL server has been defined with insufficient virtual
     storage to allow for its operation.  For the second message
     format, the defined virtual storage is insufficient to
     accommodate the number of connections specified by the VMSSL
     MAXSESSIONS operand.
  System Action:   SSL processing continues.
  System Programmer Response:  Set the MAXSESSIONS value to less
     than <nnn> or increase the virtual storage size of the SSL
     server virtual machine, and restart the SSL server.  If the
     error persists, contact the IBM Support Center for
 New Message and Text:
  DTCSSL121E ckEPIPE() invoking shutdownNow() -- <reason>
  Explanation:  An error has been encountered that justifies a
     shutdown of the server.  As indicated in the message, The
     ckEPIPE() function has either detected an EPIPE error or has
     been directed by a calling function to initiate a shutdown.
  System Action:  SSL processing stops.
  System Programmer Response:  Examine the TCP/IP and SSL server
     log information for messages indicative of a socket error
     that corresponds to the handling of a secure connection or
     other server operation.  Review accompanying messages for
     more information.  If the reason for this error is not
     apparent and the error persists contact the IBM Support
     Center for assistance.
 SRLS:      SC24612502 GC24612401 GC24612404 GC24612402