APAR Identifier ...... II14420      Last Changed ........ 08/11/25
 Symptom ...... IN INCORROUT         Status ........... INTRAN
 Severity ................... 4      Date Closed .........
 Component .......... INFOPALIB      Duplicate of ........
 Reported Release ......... 001      Fixed Release ............
 Component Name PA LIB INFO ITE      Special Notice
 Current Target Date ..              Flags
 SCP ...................
 Platform ............
 Status Detail: Not Available
 PE PTF List:
 PTF List:
 Parent APAR:
 Child APAR list:
 *                                                             *
 *  The purpose of this info APAR is to document z/VM TCP/IP   *
 *  messages that can be received which are not documented     *
 *  in the TCP/IP Messages and Codes manual (GC24-6124).       *
 *                                                             *
 * Keywords: 5735FAL00 TCPIPINFO                               *
 *                                                             *
 *                                 LAST UPDATE: 07/18/2008 JMH *
 |                                                             |
 |DTCMON401I TCP/IP is low on <buffer_type>s. Of <total>       |
 |           blocks, <num_free> are free. You should           |
 |           monitor this.                                     |
 | EXPLANATION:                                                |
 |   This informational message indicates that the TCP/IP      |
 |   server is running low on the specified type of data       |
 |   buffer or control block. This warning is sent when the    |
 |   number of available blocks falls below a particular       |
 |   inform threshold (typically 10%). In addition to being    |
 |   written out to the TCPIP console, this message is sent    |
 |   to every user in the INFORM list. For more information    |
 |   regarding how TCP/IP allocates data buffers and control   |
 |   blocks out of a free pool and how it monitors that        |
 |   free pool, refer to Section (Free Pool          |
 |   Statements) in the TCP/IP Planning and Customization      |
 |   manual (SC24-6125).                                       |
 | SYSTEM ACTION:                                              |
 |   Operation continues. If the number of available blocks    |
 |   continues to drop and reaches a limit threshold, TCP/IP   |
 |   will attempt to allocate more blocks dynamically.         |
 | SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE:                                 |
 |   Monitor the situation. The NETSTAT POOLSIZE command       |
 |   can be used to display information about all of the       |
 |   control blocks and data buffers in the free pool. For     |
 |   information on using the NETSTAT POOLSIZE command,        |
 |   refer to Section 7.2 (NETSTAT Command) in the TCP/IP      |
 |   User's Guide (SC24-6127).                                 |
 |                                                             |
 |                                                             |
 |DTCMON402W TCP/IP was very low on <buffer_type>s. Of         |
 |           <total> blocks, <num_free> are free after         |
 |           <num_alloced> more were allocated.                |
 | EXPLANATION:                                                |
 |   This warning message indicates that the TCP/IP server     |
 |   was running low on the specified type of data buffer      |
 |   or control block and that it automatically allocated      |
 |   additional blocks.  This takes place when the number      |
 |   of available blocks falls below a particular limit        |
 |   threshold (typically 5%). In addition to being written    |
 |   out to the TCPIP console, this message is sent to         |
 |   every user in the INFORM list. For more information       |
 |   regarding how TCP/IP allocates data buffers and control   |
 |   blocks out of a free pool and how it monitors that        |
 |   free pool, refer to Section (Free Pool          |
 |   Statements) in the TCP/IP Planning and Customization      |
 |   manual (SC24-6125).                                       |
 | SYSTEM ACTION:                                              |
 |   Operation continues.                                      |
 | SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE:                                 |
 |   Monitor the situation. The NETSTAT POOLSIZE command       |
 |   can be used to display information about all of the       |
 |   control blocks and data buffers in the free pool. For     |
 |   information on using the NETSTAT POOLSIZE command,        |
 |   refer to Section 7.2 (NETSTAT Command) in the TCP/IP      |
 |   User's Guide (SC24-6127). If you wish to have TCP/IP      |
 |   allocate a higher number of a specific control block      |
 |   or data buffer at initialization, you can update the      |
 |   appropriate POOLSIZE statement in the TCP/IP              |
 |   configuration file.                                       |
 |                                                             |
 |                                                             |
 |DTCMON403E TCP/IP is critically low on ACBs. NOACBCUSHION    |
 |           was specified. Of <total> blocks, <num_free>      |
 |           are free.                                         |
 | EXPLANATION:                                                |
 |   This message indicates that TCP/IP is running             |
 |   critically low on the number of activity control          |
 |   blocks (ACB's) that are available and that it will        |
 |   not be able to dynamically allocate more since the        |
 |   NOACBCUSHION parm was specified on the ASSORTEDPARMS      |
 |   statement in the TCP/IP server configuration file.        |
 |   This message is displayed when the number of available    |
 |   activity control blocks falls below a particular          |
 |   inform threshold (typically 10%). In addition to being    |
 |   written out to the TCPIP console, this message is sent    |
 |   to every user in the INFORM list. For more information    |
 |   regarding how TCP/IP allocates data buffers and control   |
 |   blocks out of a free pool and how it monitors that        |
 |   free pool, refer to Section (Free Pool          |
 |   Statements) in the TCP/IP Planning and Customization      |
 |   manual (SC24-6125).                                       |
 | SYSTEM ACTION:                                              |
 |   Operation continues.                                      |
 | SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE:                                 |
 |   Investigate the situation. The NETSTAT POOLSIZE command   |
 |   can be used to display information about all of the       |
 |   control blocks and data buffers in the free pool. For     |
 |   information on using the NETSTAT POOLSIZE command,        |
 |   refer to Section 7.2 (NETSTAT Command) in the TCP/IP      |
 |   User's Guide (SC24-6127). In particular, the ACB pool     |
 |   information should be reviewed and either the number      |
 |   of ACB's initially allocated based on the ACBPOOLSIZE     |
 |   statement should be increased, or the NOACBCUSHION        |
 |   parameter should be removed from the ASSORTEDPARMS        |
 |   statement so that TCP/IP will dynamically allocate        |
 |   more activity control blocks as needed.                   |
 |                                                             |
 |                                                             |
 |DTCMON404E TCP/IP is critically low on <buffer_type>s        |
 |           and can't allocate more. Of <total> blocks,       |
 |           <num_free> are free.                              |
 | EXPLANATION:                                                |
 |   This error message indicates that the TCP/IP server       |
 |   was running critically low on the specified type of       |
 |   data buffer or control block and was unable to            |
 |   dynamically allocate additional blocks.  The reason       |
 |   that TCP/IP could not allocate more blocks is most        |
 |   likely due to its virtual storage being exhausted.        |
 |   For information regarding how TCP/IP allocates data       |
 |   buffers and control blocks out of a free pool and how     |
 |   it monitors that free pool, refer to Section    |
 |   (Free Pool Statements) in the TCP/IP Planning and         |
 |   Customization manual (SC24-6125).                         |
 | SYSTEM ACTION:                                              |
 |   Operation continues, but the system may run in degraded   |
 |   mode until more resources become available. Additional    |
 |   messages will be displayed regarding the state of the     |
 |   system.                                                   |
 | SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE:                                 |
 |   Take corrective action immediately. This includes         |
 |   increasing the virtual storage size of the TCP/IP         |
 |   virtual machine and then monitoring the status of         |
 |   the various pool elements. The NETSTAT POOLSIZE           |
 |   command can be used to display information about all      |
 |   of the control blocks and data buffers in the free        |
 |   pool. For information on using the NETSTAT POOLSIZE       |
 |   command, refer to Section 7.2 (NETSTAT Command) in        |
 |   the TCP/IP User's Guide (SC24-6127).                      |
 |                                                             |
 |                                                             |
 |DTCMON405E Resources are exhausted. TCP/IP is disabling      |
 |           interrupts and running degraded.                  |
 | EXPLANATION:                                                |
 |   This message follows DTCMON404E and indicates that        |
 |   the TCP/IP server is disabling interrupts and running     |
 |   degraded because it was unable to dynamically allocate    |
 |   additional data buffers or control blocks that were       |
 |   needed.                                                   |
 | SYSTEM ACTION:                                              |
 |   Operation continues in degraded mode.                     |
 | SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE:                                 |
 |   Take corrective action immediately. This includes         |
 |   increasing the virtual storage size of the TCP/IP         |
 |   virtual machine and then monitoring the status of         |
 |   the various pool elements. The NETSTAT POOLSIZE           |
 |   command can be used to display information about all      |
 |   of the control blocks and data buffers in the free        |
 |   pool. For information on using the NETSTAT POOLSIZE       |
 |   command, refer to Section 7.2 (NETSTAT Command) in        |
 |   the TCP/IP User's Guide (SC24-6127).                      |
 |                                                             |
 |                                                             |
 |DTCMON406E TCP/IP will re-enable when <buffer_type>s         |
 |           become available.                                 |
 | EXPLANATION:                                                |
 |   This message follows DTCMON404E and DTCMON405E            |
 |   and indicates that once the necessary data buffers        |
 |   or control blocks become available, the TCP/IP            |
 |   server will re-enable for interrupts and no longer        |
 |   be running in degraded mode.                              |
 | SYSTEM ACTION:                                              |
 |   Operation continues in degraded mode.                     |
 | SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE:                                 |
 |   Refer to the system programmer response that is           |
 |   documented for the DTCMON404E and DTCMON405E error        |
 |   messages.                                                 |
 |                                                             |
 |                                                             |
 |DTCMON407I TCP/IP was low on <buffer_type>s, disabled,       |
 |           and has recovered. Of <total> blocks,             |
 |           <num_free> are free.                              |
 | EXPLANATION:                                                |
 |   This informational message indicates that the             |
 |   TCP/IP, which was running in degraded mode due to         |
 |   a lack of resources, has now recovered.  This             |
 |   means that the necessary data buffers or control          |
 |   blocks have once again become available.                  |
 | SYSTEM ACTION:                                              |
 |   Operation continues.                                      |
 | SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE:                                 |
 |   Although the system has recovered from degraded mode,     |
 |   you still should investigate what caused the system       |
 |   to have to run in degraded mode. Refer to the             |
 |   documentation for prior error messages that appeared      |
 |   when the system went into degraded mode.                  |
 |                                                             |
 |                                                             |
 |DTCMON409E Unauthorized OBEY request                         |
 | EXPLANATION:                                                |
 |   This error message indicates that you have issued         |
 |   an OBEY request to a z/VM TCP/IP stack or a z/VM          |
 |   VSWITCH controller stack from an unauthorized user.       |
 | SYSTEM ACTION:                                              |
 |   Operation continues.                                      |
 | SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE:                                 |
 |   Reissue the OBEY request from an authorized userid (a     |
 |   userid that has been listed in the OBEY configuration     |
 |   statement for the TCP/IP stack or controller stack        |
 |   that the OBEY request was targetted for).                 |
 |                                                             |
 |                                                             |
 |DTCPRS007E Error encountered in reading <fn ft fm>:          |
 |DTCPAR123I <line_number>: <error_description>                |
 | EXPLANATION:                                                |
 |   This message indicates that an error was encountered      |
 |   while reading and processing the statements in the        |
 |   specified TCP/IP server configuration file. The           |
 |   DTCPRS007E message is followed immediately by             |
 |   DTCPAR123I messages that describe the error or            |
 |   errors that were encountered.                             |
 | SYSTEM ACTION:                                              |
 |   Operation continues if possible. For some errors,         |
 |   TCP/IP will display additional informational              |
 |   messages (i.e. - DTCPAR094I, DTCPAR095I, and              |
 |   DTCPAR096I, and DTCPAR097I may be written out in          |
 |   order to display the home list).                          |
 | SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE:                                 |
 |   Correct the problem in the TCP/IP configuration file      |
 |   and, if necessary, restart the TCP/IP server.             |
 |                                                             |