Programming Interface Information:
The Monitor Records are intended Programming Interfaces that
allow the customer to write programs to obtain services of z/VM.


Control Block Contents
Cross Reference


 FUNCTION - Map a Monitor record.
        Through the Monitor Control Area
        MRRECHDR    Monitor Record Header
 DESCRIPTIVE NAME - Monitor Sample Record
                    Domain 0 - System Domain
                    Record 7 - Shared Storage Data
 DESCRIPTION - Named Saved System(NSS), Discontiguous saved
               segment(DCSS) and Shared Address Spaces
               Virtual disk in storage information is also
               included in this record since the disk is
               supported by storage, not DASD.

MRSYTSHS Control Block Contents

Dec  Hex  Type        Len  Name (Dim)             Description
   0   0  Structure    72  SYTSHS                 Start of monitor record
   0   0  Character     0  SYTSHS_MRHDR           Record header. See MRRECHDR
                                                  for details.
   0   0  Character    20  MRHDR                  
   0   0  Unsigned      2  MRHDRLEN               
   2   2  Unsigned      2  MRHDRZER               
   4   4  Unsigned      1  MRHDRDM                
   5   5  Unsigned      1  *                      
   6   6  Unsigned      2  MRHDRRC                
   8   8  Character     8  MRHDRTOD               
  16  10  Character     4  *                      
  20  14  Character     0  MRHDR_END              
  20  14  Unsigned      4  SYTSHS_SYSTANSS        Cardinal count of NSSs
                                                  which are currently active.
  24  18  Unsigned      4  SYTSHS_SYSTADCS        Cardinal count of DCSSs
                                                  which are currently active.
  28  1C  Unsigned      4  SYTSHS_RSASHARE        Cardinal count of resident
                                                  shared frames.
  32  20  Unsigned      4  SYTSHS_CALNUMSA        Cardinal count of shared
                                                  address spaces defined.
  36  24  Unsigned      4  SYTSHS_RSACTSHR        Cardinal number of resident
                                                  frames for shared address
  40  28  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use - was
  44  2C  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use - was
  48  30  Unsigned      4  SYTSHS_QDGSYSLM        Limit of total allocation
                                                  of virtual disks in storage
                                                  for all users on the system.
                                                  Units are 512-byte blocks.
                                                  (See Q VDISK SYSLIM command).
                                                  A value of -1 indicates that
                                                  there is no limit.
  52  34  Unsigned      4  SYTSHS_QDGUSRLM        Limit of total allocation
                                                  of virtual disks in storage
                                                  for any single user on the
                                                  system. Units are 512-byte
                                                  blocks. (See Q VDISK USERLIM
                                                  command). A value of -1
                                                  indicates that there is no
  56  38  Unsigned      4  SYTSHS_QDGSYSCA        Total number of currently
                                                  allocated blocks for virtual
                                                  disks in storage.
  60  3C  Unsigned      4  SYTSHS_QDGLKCNT        Total number of LINKS to
                                                  all virtual disks in storage.
                                                  This includes 1 for each
                                                  virtual disk in storage
                                                  created with the define
  64  40  Unsigned      4  SYTSHS_QDGDISKS        Count of active virtual
                                                  disks in storage. "Active"
                                                  being a disk that is
                                                  currently linked by at least
                                                  one user.
  68  44  Unsigned      4  SYTSHS_QDGRELOC        Total number of VDISK
                                                  blocks allocated for
  72  48  Character     0  SYTSHS_END             

MRSYTSHS Cross Reference

                      Hex           Hex
Name                  Offset Length Value 
MRHDR                      0     20
MRHDR_END                 14      0
MRHDRDM                    4      1
MRHDRLEN                   0      2
MRHDRRC                    6      2
MRHDRTOD                   8      8
MRHDRZER                   2      2
SYTSHS                     0     72
SYTSHS_CALNUMSA           20      4
SYTSHS_END                48      0
SYTSHS_MRHDR               0      0
SYTSHS_QDGDISKS           40      4
SYTSHS_QDGLKCNT           3C      4
SYTSHS_QDGRELOC           44      4
SYTSHS_QDGSYSCA           38      4
SYTSHS_QDGSYSLM           30      4
SYTSHS_QDGUSRLM           34      4
SYTSHS_RSACTSHR           24      4
SYTSHS_RSASHARE           1C      4
SYTSHS_SYSTADCS           18      4
SYTSHS_SYSTANSS           14      4

This information is
based on z/VM V6R4.0.

Last updated on 4 Oct 2016 at 13:21:34.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2016