Programming Interface Information:
The Monitor Records are intended Programming Interfaces that
allow the customer to write programs to obtain services of z/VM.


Control Block Contents
Cross Reference


 FUNCTION - Map a Monitor record.
           Through the Monitor Control Area
        MRRECHDR    Monitor Record Header
 DESCRIPTIVE NAME - Monitor Sample Configuration Record
                    Domain 1  - Monitor Domain
                    Record 16 - Scheduler Settings
 DESCRIPTION - Provides current settings of scheduler tuning
               commands such as SET SRM DSPLICE.

MRMTRSCH Control Block Contents

Dec  Hex  Type        Len  Name (Dim)             Description
   0   0  Structure   128+ MTRSCH                 Start of monitor record
   0   0  Character     0  MTRSCH_MRHDR           Record header. See MRRECHDR
                                                  for details.
   0   0  Character    20  MRHDR
   0   0  Unsigned      2  MRHDRLEN
   2   2  Unsigned      2  MRHDRZER
   4   4  Unsigned      1  MRHDRDM
   5   5  Unsigned      1  *
   6   6  Unsigned      2  MRHDRRC
   8   8  Character     8  MRHDRTOD
  16  10  Character     4  *
  20  14  Character     0  MRHDR_END
  20  14  Unsigned      4  MTRSCH_SRMBIASI        Interactive bias intensity.
                                                  Set or defaulted by the SET
                                                  SRM IAB command.
  24  18  Character     8  MTRSCH_SRMTSLIC        Minor time slice size. Set
                                                  or defaulted by the SET SRM
                                                  DSPSLICE command.
  32  20  Character     8  MTRSCH_SRMTSHOT        The minor time slice used
                                                  for 'hotshot' users.
  40  28  Unsigned      2  MTRSCH_SRMBIASD        Interactive bias duration.
                                                  Set or defaulted by the SET
                                                  SRM IAB command.
  42  2A  Unsigned      2  MTRSCH_SRMLDGUS        Number of page reads a user
                                                  must do in a minor time slice
                                                  to be classified as a
                                                  'loading user'.
  44  2C  Unsigned      4  MTRSCH_SRMP1LDG        Percentage of 'Load
                                                  Capacity' which can be taken
                                                  by Q1, Q2, and Q3 users. Set
                                                  or defaulted by the SET SRM
                                                  LDUBUF command.
  48  30  Unsigned      4  MTRSCH_SRMP2LDG        Percentage of 'Load
                                                  Capacity' which can be taken
                                                  by Q2, and Q3 users. Set or
                                                  defaulted by the SET SRM
                                                  LDUBUF command.
  52  34  Unsigned      4  MTRSCH_SRMP3LDG        Percentage of 'Load
                                                  Capacity' which can be taken
                                                  by Q3 user. Set or defaulted
                                                  by the SET SRM LDUBUF
  56  38  Unsigned      4  MTRSCH_SRMLDGCP        Loading user capacity of
                                                  the system
  60  3C  Unsigned      4  MTRSCH_SRMP1WSS        Percentage of available
                                                  memory which is assignable to
                                                  E1, E2 and E3 users. Set or
                                                  defaulted by the SET SRM
                                                  STORBUF command.
  64  40  Unsigned      4  MTRSCH_SRMP2WSS        Percentage of available
                                                  memory which is assignable to
                                                  E2 and E3 users. Set or
                                                  defaulted by the SET SRM
                                                  STORBUF command.
  68  44  Unsigned      4  MTRSCH_SRMP3WSS        Percentage of available
                                                  memory which is assignable to
                                                  E3 users. Set or defaulted by
                                                  the SET SRM STORBUF command.
  72  48  Unsigned      4  MTRSCH_SRMWSSMP        Maximum MAXWSS percentage.
                                                  Set or defaulted by the SET
                                                  SRM MAXWSS command.
  76  4C  Unsigned      4  MTRSCH_SRML1DSP        Number of openings in the
                                                  dispatch list made available
                                                  to users in the short-running
                                                  (E1) transactions. Set or
                                                  defaulted by the SET SRM
                                                  DSPBUF command.
  80  50  Unsigned      4  MTRSCH_SRML2DSP        Number of openings in the
                                                  dispatch list made available
                                                  to users in the
                                                  medium-running (E2)
                                                  transactions. This value is a
                                                  subset of MTRSCH_SRML1DSP.
                                                  Set or defaulted by the SET
                                                  SRM DSPBUF command.
  84  54  Unsigned      4  MTRSCH_SRML3DSP        Number of openings in the
                                                  dispatch list made available
                                                  to users in the long-running
                                                  (E3) transactions. This value
                                                  is a subset of
                                                  MTRSCH_SRML1DSP. Set or
                                                  defaulted by the SET SRM
                                                  DSPBUF command.
  88  58  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                  - was MTRSCH_SRMXPCTG
  92  5C  Bitstring     1  MTRSCH_SRMFLAGS        Flags from the SRMBK
          1... ....        MTRSCH_SRMAWAIT        Active wait  is in use
          .1.. ....        MTRSCH_SRMLMCNS        Guest CPU u sage is being
                                                  limited using the consumption
          ..1. ....        *
          ...1 ....        *
          .... 1...        *
          .... .1..        *
          .... ..1.        *
          .... ...1        *
  93  5D  Bitstring     1  MTRSCH_CALFLAG         Miscellaneous flags
          1... ....        MTRSCH_PFXVVMXA        When ON, system is running
                                                  second level.
          .1.. ....        MTRSCH_SYSGPRFD        This flag is not
                                                  applicable when
                                                  MTRSCH_PFXVVMXA is ON. When
                                                  MTRSCH_PFXVVMXA is OFF and
                                                  MTRSCH_SYSGPRFD is ON, global
                                                  performance data (GPD) is
                                                  enabled for this partition.
          ..1. ....        *
          ...1 ....        *
          .... 1...        *
          .... .1..        *
          .... ..1.        MTRSCH_SYSISVRT        Current polarization mode.
                                                  ON = vertical OFF =
          .... ...1        *
  94  5E  Unsigned      1  MTRSCH_PUCMAX          Highest CPU type code
                                                  supported by z/VM. This value
                                                  defines upper boundary of a
                                                  dimension of arrays:
  95  5F  Unsigned      1  MTRSCH_CALWDA          Code indicating which
                                                  distribution algorithm is
                                                  currently being used.
                                                  1 - MTRSCH_RESHUFFLE
                                                  2 - MTRSCH_REBALANCE
  96  60  Unsigned      2  MTRSCH_OFFCPPAD        Offset within this record
                                                  to MTRSCH_SRXCPPAD array.
  98  62  Unsigned      2  MTRSCH_OFFEXUSE        Offset within this record
                                                  to MTRSCH_SRXEXUSE array.
 100  64  Bitstring     1  MTRSCH_SRMDSPFL        Dispatcher control settings
          1... ....        MTRSCH_SRMTSAFF        Thread soft affinity is on
          .1.. ....        MTRSCH_SRMPRLCL        Local preemption is on
          ..1. ....        MTRSCH_SRMTSAFS        Thread soft affinity
                                                  requested but suppressed
          ...1 ....        *
          .... 1...        *
          .... .1..        *
          .... ..1.        *
          .... ...1        *
 101  65  Unsigned      1  MTRSCH_SRMTSEPC        TSEarly Percent (hex)
 102  66  Unsigned      2  *                      Reserved for IBM use
 104  68  Unsigned      4  MTRSCH_CALCHIPB        Within-chip busy steal
                                                  threshold in microseconds
 108  6C  Unsigned      4  MTRSCH_CALCHIPD        Within-chip delay steal
                                                  threshold in microseconds
 112  70  Unsigned      4  MTRSCH_CALNODEB        Within-node busy steal
                                                  threshold in microseconds
 116  74  Unsigned      4  MTRSCH_CALNODED        Within-node delay steal
                                                  threshold in microseconds
 120  78  Unsigned      4  MTRSCH_CALSYSB         Within-system busy steal
                                                  threshold in microseconds
 124  7C  Unsigned      4  MTRSCH_CALSYSD         Within-system delay steal
                                                  threshold in microseconds
 128  80  Character     0  *                      Additional fields may be
                                                  inserted before here. Use
                                                  offsets to locate any fields
                                                  after this point.
   0   0  Unsigned      4  MTRSCH_SRXCPPAD(0:PUCMAX) Set SRM CPUPAD settings,
                                                  indexed by CPU type:
                                                    0 -- for type CP
                                                    1 -- not used
                                                    2 -- for type zAAP
                                                    3 -- for type IFL
                                                    4 -- for type ICF
                                                    5 -- for type zIIP
                                                  A scaled number where
                                                  X'00010000' represents one
                                                  CPU's worth of capacity.
                                                  MTRSCH_OFFCPPAD should be
                                                  used to locate this field.
   0   0  Unsigned      1  MTRSCH_SRXEXUSE(0:PUCMAX) Set SRM EXCESSUSE
                                                  settings, indexed by CPU type.
                                                  See MTRSCH_SRXCPPAD description
                                                  for possible type list.
                                                  MTRSCH_OFFEXUSE should be used
                                                  to locate this field.
                                                  16 - indicates the system should
                                                       be aggressive in using
                                                       unentitled CPU capacity.
                                                   8 - indicates the system should
                                                       be moderately aggressive in
                                                       using unentitled CPU capacity.
                                                   1 - indicates the system should
                                                       not be aggressive in using
                                                       unentitled CPU capacity.
   *   *  Character     0  MTRSCH_END

MRMTRSCH Cross Reference

                      Hex           Hex
Name                  Offset Length Value 
MRHDR                      0     20
MRHDR_END                 14      0
MRHDRDM                    4      1
MRHDRLEN                   0      2
MRHDRRC                    6      2
MRHDRTOD                   8      8
MRHDRZER                   2      2
MTRSCH                     0    128+
MTRSCH_CALCHIPB           68      4
MTRSCH_CALCHIPD           6C      4
MTRSCH_CALFLAG            5D      1
MTRSCH_CALNODEB           70      4
MTRSCH_CALNODED           74      4
MTRSCH_CALSYSB            78      4
MTRSCH_CALSYSD            7C      4
MTRSCH_CALWDA             5F      1
MTRSCH_END                 *      *
MTRSCH_MRHDR               0      0
MTRSCH_OFFCPPAD           60      2
MTRSCH_OFFEXUSE           62      2
MTRSCH_PFXVVMXA           5D           80
MTRSCH_PUCMAX             5E      1
MTRSCH_SRMAWAIT           5C           80
MTRSCH_SRMBIASD           28      2
MTRSCH_SRMBIASI           14      4
MTRSCH_SRMDSPFL           64      1
MTRSCH_SRMFLAGS           5C      1
MTRSCH_SRMLDGCP           38      4
MTRSCH_SRMLDGUS           2A      2
MTRSCH_SRMLMCNS           5C           40
MTRSCH_SRML1DSP           4C      4
MTRSCH_SRML2DSP           50      4
MTRSCH_SRML3DSP           54      4
MTRSCH_SRMP1LDG           2C      4
MTRSCH_SRMP1WSS           3C      4
MTRSCH_SRMP2LDG           30      4
MTRSCH_SRMP2WSS           40      4
MTRSCH_SRMP3LDG           34      4
MTRSCH_SRMP3WSS           44      4
MTRSCH_SRMPRLCL           64           40
MTRSCH_SRMTSAFF           64           80
MTRSCH_SRMTSAFS           64           20
MTRSCH_SRMTSEPC           65      1
MTRSCH_SRMTSHOT           20      8
MTRSCH_SRMTSLIC           18      8
MTRSCH_SRMWSSMP           48      4
MTRSCH_SRXCPPAD            0      4
MTRSCH_SRXEXUSE            0      1
MTRSCH_SYSGPRFD           5D           40
MTRSCH_SYSISVRT           5D           02

This information is
based on z/VM V6R4.0.

Last updated on 4 Oct 2016 at 15:07:09.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2016