Programming Interface Information:
The Monitor Records are intended Programming Interfaces that
allow the customer to write programs to obtain services of z/VM.


Control Block Contents
Cross Reference


 FUNCTION - Map a Monitor record.
        Through the Monitor Control Area
        MRRECHDR    Monitor Record Header
 DESCRIPTIVE NAME - Monitor Event Record
                    Domain 4 - User Domain
                    Record 10 - User Interaction at Transaction End
 DESCRIPTION - Describes a VMDBK's interaction with other VMDBKs
               during a transaction.  A separate record is generated
               for each VMDBK in a virtual complex that contributed
               to the transaction.
  - Fields labeled by the prefix, 'USEITE_HF', are high-frequency
  - The following is the order in which the user is tested for its
    wait state.  If the user is in more than one state, it is
    counted only in the first of the list.

MRUSEITE Control Block Contents

Dec  Hex  Type        Len  Name (Dim)             Description
   0   0  Structure   200  USEITE                 Start of monitor record
   0   0  Character     0  USEITE_MRHDR           Record header. See MRRECHDR
                                                  for details.
   0   0  Character    20  MRHDR                  
   0   0  Unsigned      2  MRHDRLEN               record length in bytes
   2   2  Unsigned      2  MRHDRZER               field of zeros
   4   4  Unsigned      1  MRHDRDM                domain identifier
   5   5  Unsigned      1  *                      
   6   6  Unsigned      2  MRHDRRC                record identifier
   8   8  Character     8  MRHDRTOD               Time at which this record
                                                  was built. In time-of-day
                                                  (TOD) clock format. See IBM
                                                  System 370 XA Principle of
                                                  Operation for explanation of
  16  10  Character     4  *                      
  20  14  Character     0  MRHDR_END              End of header
  20  14  Character     8  USEITE_VMDUSER         User logon identification
  28  1C  Unsigned      2  USEITE_VMDCPUAD        Processor address
  30  1E  Signed        2  USEITE_VMDSLCNT        Count of minor time slices
                                                  that have expired since the
                                                  start of current transaction.
  32  20  Unsigned      4  USEITE_VMDSVMFX        Number of times the SVM
                                                  wait flag was left on at the
                                                  end of a transaction and had
                                                  to be reset by the scheduler.
  36  24  Character     8  USEITE_VMDSVMID        VMDBK name for the last
                                                  successful IUCV, VMCF or
                                                  APPC/VM Send for this virtual
                                                  machine. Valid in base VMDBK
  44  2C  Bitstring     1  USEITE_VMDSVMWT        Service-virtual-machine
                                                  (SVM) wait flag byte - valid
                                                  in base VMDBK only.
          1... ....        USEITE_VMDSVMWF         VMDBK is waiting for a
                                                  response from IUCV, VMCF, or
          .1.. ....        *                       
          ..1. ....        *                       
          ...1 ....        *                       
          .... 1...        *                       
          .... .1..        *                       
          .... ..1.        *                       
          .... ...1        *                       
  45  2D  Character     0  USEITE_VMDSVMW2        Back-up byte to the
                                                  VMDSVMWT byte. Its contents
                                                  will persist longer than they
                                                  would in VMDSVMWT. Valid in
                                                  base VMDBK only.
  45  2D  Bitstring     1  USEITE_VMDSVMWT        Service-virtual-machine
                                                  (SVM) wait flag byte - valid
                                                  in base VMDBK only.
          1... ....        USEITE_VMDSVMWF         VMDBK is waiting for a
                                                  response from IUCV, VMCF, or
  46  2E  Character     0  USEITE_VMDRDYCM        Flag byte set by IUCV,
                                                  VMCF, or APPC whenever
                                                  IUCV/VMCF/APPC makes an
                                                  external interrupt. It is
                                                  sort of a "reference bit"
                                                  that tells the scheduler that
                                                  IUCV/VMCF/APPC has been
                                                  active recently. Valid in
                                                  base VMDBK only.
  46  2E  Bitstring     1  USEITE_VMDSVMWT        Service-virtual-machine
                                                  (SVM) wait flag byte - valid
                                                  in base VMDBK only.
          1... ....        USEITE_VMDSVMWF         VMDBK is waiting for a
                                                  response from IUCV, VMCF, or
  47  2F  Bitstring     1  USEITE_CALFLAG1        Flag byte
          1... ....        USEITE_CALBASE          If on, this is the base
                                                  VMDBK. VMDBASE
          .1.. ....        *                       
          ..1. ....        *                       
          ...1 ....        *                       
          .... 1...        *                       
          .... .1..        *                       
          .... ..1.        *                       
          .... ...1        *                       
  48  30  Unsigned      4  USEITE_HFQUCT          Number of times VMDBK was
                                                  sampled for high-frequency
  52  34  Unsigned      4  USEITE_HFDISP0         Number of times the VMDBK
                                                  was in Q0. VMDSLIST =
                                                  VMDDISPL and VMDELIST = 0.
  56  38  Unsigned      4  USEITE_HFDISP1         Number of times the VMDBK
                                                  was in Q1. VMDSLIST =
                                                  VMDDISPL and VMDELIST = 1.
  60  3C  Unsigned      4  USEITE_HFDISP2         Number of times the VMDBK
                                                  was in Q2. VMDSLIST =
                                                  VMDDISPL and VMDELIST = 2.
  64  40  Unsigned      4  USEITE_HFDISP3         Number of times the VMDBK
                                                  was in Q3. VMDSLIST =
                                                  VMDDISPL and VMDELIST = 3.
  68  44  Unsigned      4  USEITE_HFELIG0         Number of times the VMDBK
                                                  was in E0. VMDSLIST = VMDELIG
                                                  and VMDELIST = 0.
  72  48  Unsigned      4  USEITE_HFELIG1         Number of times the VMDBK
                                                  was in E1. VMDSLIST = VMDELIG
                                                  and VMDELIST = 1.
  76  4C  Unsigned      4  USEITE_HFELIG2         Number of times the VMDBK
                                                  was in E2. VMDSLIST = VMDELIG
                                                  and VMDELIST = 2.
  80  50  Unsigned      4  USEITE_HFELIG3         Number of times the VMDBK
                                                  was in E3. VMDSLIST = VMDELIG
                                                  and VMDELIST = 3.
  84  54  Unsigned      4  USEITE_HFSTCT          Number of times VMDBK was
                                                  high-frequency sampled. This
                                                  was once distinguishable from
                                                  USEITE_HFQUCT but is now the
                                                  same and is retained for
                                                  migration and compatibility
  88  58  Unsigned      4  USEITE_HFTIDL          Number of times this user
                                                  was found in test idle and
                                                  not in SVM wait
  92  5C  Unsigned      4  USEITE_HFTSVM          Number of times this user
                                                  was found in test idle and in
                                                  SVM wait
  96  60  Unsigned      4  USEITE_HFIOWT          Number of times this user
                                                  was in I/O wait. I/O wait
                                                  indicates that a guest is
                                                  waiting for I/O completion
                                                  status and thus is prevented
                                                  from running. VMDIOWT
 100  64  Unsigned      4  USEITE_HFCFWT          Number of times this user
                                                  was found in console-function
                                                  wait. During such a wait, the
                                                  virtual cpu is not permitted
                                                  to run. VMDCFWT
 104  68  Unsigned      4  USEITE_HFSIMWT         Number of times this user
                                                  was found in 'simulation
                                                  wait,' in which the CPU is
                                                  simulating some hardware
                                                  functions such as
                                                  instructions, interrupts, or
                                                  timer updates, and the
                                                  virtual machine is thus
                                                  prevented from running to
                                                  avoid potential conflicts
                                                  with the simulations.
 108  6C  Unsigned      4  USEITE_HFWTPAG         Number of times this user
                                                  was found in page wait. Page
                                                  wait is when the current
                                                  guest instruction refers to a
                                                  guest page which is not
                                                  present in host storage and
                                                  must be brought in from
                                                  auxiliary storage. Page wait
                                                  prevents the virtual CPU from
                                                  running, however it is a
                                                  "soft wait" condition, and as
                                                  such can be cleared by a
                                                  guest PSW swap. VMDWTPAG
 112  70  Unsigned      4  USEITE_HFCPUWT         Number of times this user
                                                  was found waiting to run on
                                                  the real CPU. VMDSTATE =
 116  74  Unsigned      4  USEITE_HFCPURN         Number of times this user
                                                  was found running on the real
                                                  CPU. VMDSTATE = VMDISPCH
 120  78  Unsigned      4  USEITE_HFESVM          Number of times this user
                                                  was found in SVM wait and in
                                                  the eligible list.
 124  7C  Unsigned      4  USEITE_HFLOAD          Number of times this user
                                                  was considered a loading
                                                  user. VMDLOADU is on and
                                                  VMDSLIST ^= VMDDORM.
 128  80  Unsigned      4  USEITE_HFDORM          Number of times this user
                                                  was found dormant. VMDSLIST =
 132  84  Signed        4  USEITE_HFDSVM          Number of times this user
                                                  was found in SVM wait and in
                                                  the dormant list. Note: this
                                                  count is also included in
                                                  USEITE_HFDORM. VMDSVMWF of
                                                  VMDSVMWT = on and VMDSLIST =
 136  88  Unsigned      4  USEITE_HFOTHR          Number of times this user
                                                  was not found in any of the
                                                  above states
 140  8C  Unsigned      2  USEITE_VMDCNTID        Number of times user was
                                                  not granted a test idle time
                                                  when it went idle in the
                                                  dispatch list
 142  8E  Unsigned      2  USEITE_VMDCTIDL        Number of times this user
                                                  was granted a test idle time
                                                  when it went idle in the
                                                  dispatch list
 144  90  Unsigned      4  USEITE_VMDDFRWK        Count of 'deferred' work
                                                  items for the VMDBK. A
                                                  'deferred' work item is an
                                                  asynchronous task that has
                                                  yet to run. This VMDBK shall
                                                  be prevented from completing
                                                  its logoff until this count
                                                  is zero, i.e., when all such
                                                  work items have been run.
 148  94  Bitstring     1  USEITE_VMDSTATE        Scheduler/Dispatcher State.
                                                  X'63' = Review-suspended.
                                                  VMDBK is in transition to the
                                                  suspended state. X'58' =
                                                  Review-idle. VMDBK is in
                                                  transition to the idle state.
                                                  X'4D' = VMDBK has been
                                                  selected by dispatcher for
                                                  processing. X'42' = VMDBK is
                                                  ready for selection by
                                                  dispatcher once it goes to
                                                  the dispatch list. X'37' =
                                                  Test-idle. VMDBK is ready for
                                                  selection by the dispatcher
                                                  but should be dropped from
                                                  the dispatch list when
                                                  selected the next time. X'2C'
                                                  = VMDBK is suspended,
                                                  probably waiting for a
                                                  short-term event to occur.
                                                  X'00' = VMDBK is idle. No
                                                  work is available.
 149  95  Bitstring     1  USEITE_CALOSTAT        Virtual machine operating
          1... ....        USEITE_VMDSYSOP         User is primary system
          .1.. ....        USEITE_VMDUSRCT         User is counted as being
                                                  logged on
          ..1. ....        *                       
          ...1 ....        USEITE_VMDFORCE         User is to be logged off.
                                                  This may be requested by CP,
                                                  a forced logoff, or user's
                                                  logoff command.
          .... 1...        USEITE_VMDUFORC         User is forced to logoff
                                                  the system
          .... .1..        USEITE_VMDDISC          User is running
          .... ..1.        USEITE_VMDAUTOL         AUTOLOG/XAUTOLOG in
                                                  progress. User has been
                                                  automatically logged on. This
                                                  bit is set off when the
                                                  user's IPL statement is
                                                  processed, or (if there is no
                                                  IPL to process) when the user
                                                  enters a LOGON command from a
                                                  terminal to RECONNECT.
          .... ...1        USEITE_VMDXAUTO         The original command was
                                                  XAUTOLOG. Valid for the base
                                                  VMDBK only.
 150  96  Bitstring     1  USEITE_CALRSTAT        Reason(s) the dispatched
                                                  VMDBK is not being run
          1... ....        *                       
          .1.. ....        USEITE_VMDCFWT          VMDBK is in console
                                                  function wait. Either a
                                                  console function is active,
                                                  or the virtual machine is
                                                  waiting for the remaining
                                                  VMDBKs in the configuration
                                                  to enter console function
          ..1. ....        USEITE_VMDSIMWT         CP is simulating some
                                                  hardware function for the
                                                  guest such as instructions,
                                                  interrupts, and timer
                                                  updates. Virtual machine is
                                                  prevented from running to
                                                  avoid potential conflicts
                                                  with the simulations.
          ...1 ....        USEITE_VMDIOWT          Instruction waiting for
                                                  I/O status for completion.
                                                  (May be cancelled without
                                                  loss of system integrity.)
          .... 1...        *                       
          .... .1..        *                       
          .... ..1.        *                       
          .... ...1        *                       
 151  97  Unsigned      1  *                      Reserved for IBM use
 152  98  Unsigned      2  USEITE_VMDCPRMD(4)     Number of times this user
                                                  was pre-emptied from the
                                                  dispatch list (Q0, Q1, Q2,
                                                  Q3) due to a requirement for
                                                  storage for E1 users.
 160  A0  Unsigned      2  USEITE_VMDCWSGD(4)     Number of times this user
                                                  was removed from the dispatch
                                                  list (Q0, Q1, Q2, Q3) because
                                                  it reached its working set
                                                  size growth limit, and its
                                                  new working set size would no
                                                  longer fit into available
 168  A8  Unsigned      2  USEITE_VMDCETSD(4)     Number of times this user
                                                  was removed from the dispatch
                                                  list (Q0, Q1, Q2, Q3) because
                                                  it reached elapsed time slice
 176  B0  Unsigned      2  USEITE_VMDCIDLD(4)     Number of times this user
                                                  was removed from the dispatch
                                                  list (Q0, Q1, Q2, Q3) because
                                                  its test idle time had
                                                  expired or because it was
                                                  granted no test idle time.
 184  B8  Unsigned      4  USEITE_HFIOACT         High Frequency Count.
                                                  Cardinal number of times the
                                                  user had an asynchronous I/O
                                                  outstanding, causing the user
                                                  to be left in the dispatch
                                                  list. VMDIOACT
 188  BC  Unsigned      4  USEITE_HFLLIST         High Frequency Count.
                                                  Number of times the user was
                                                  in dispatch list waiting for
                                                  CPU but was on the Limit
                                                  List, prevented from running
                                                  by max share.
 192  C0  Unsigned      4  USEITE_HFPGACT         High Frequency Count.
                                                  Number of times the virtual
                                                  machine had page fault
                                                  requests active, but was not
                                                  in page wait (VMDWTPAG was
                                                  not set). This would occur if
                                                  asynchronous page fault was
                                                  being used and there was an
                                                  outstanding page fault, but
                                                  the virtual machine loaded a
                                                  wait state because it had no
                                                  other work to do. A virtual
                                                  machine can have page faults
                                                  handled asynchronously if
                                                  using the PAGEX feature or
                                                  the Page-Fault Handshaking CP
                                                  services via the CP PFAULT
 196  C4  Unsigned      1  USEITE_VMDPUTYP        CPU Type. Valid values:
                                                  X'00' - General Purpose (CP)
                                                  X'02' - zSeries Application
                                                  Assist (zAAP) X'03' -
                                                  Integrated Facility for Linux
                                                  (IFL) X'04' - Internal
                                                  Coupling Facility (ICF) X'05'
                                                  - zSeries Integrated
                                                  Information (zIIP)
 197  C5  Bitstring     1  USEITE_VMDCFGEM        Virtual configuration
                                                  indicators. Valid in base
                                                  VMDBK only
          1... ....        *                       
          .1.. ....        USEITE_VMDCPUAF         User requested CPU
          ..1. ....        *                       
          ...1 ....        *                       
          .... 1...        *                       
          .... .1..        *                       
          .... ..1.        *                       
          .... ...1        *                       
 198  C6  Bitstring     1  USEITE_VMDPUST         CPU Status flag
          1... ....        USEITE_VMDAFSUP         CPU Affinity suppressed
          .1.. ....        *                       
          ..1. ....        *                       
          ...1 ....        *                       
          .... 1...        *                       
          .... .1..        *                       
          .... ..1.        *                       
          .... ...1        *                       
 199  C7  Character     1  *                      Reserved for IBM use
 200  C8  Character     0  USEITE_END             

MRUSEITE Cross Reference

                      Hex           Hex
Name                 Offset Length Value
MRHDR                      0     20
MRHDR_END                 14      0
MRHDRDM                    4      1
MRHDRLEN                   0      2
MRHDRRC                    6      2
MRHDRTOD                   8      8
MRHDRZER                   2      2
USEITE                     0    200
USEITE_CALBASE            2F           80
USEITE_CALFLAG1           2F      1
USEITE_CALOSTAT           95      1
USEITE_CALRSTAT           96      1
USEITE_END                C8      0
USEITE_HFCFWT             64      4
USEITE_HFCPURN            74      4
USEITE_HFCPUWT            70      4
USEITE_HFDISP0            34      4
USEITE_HFDISP1            38      4
USEITE_HFDISP2            3C      4
USEITE_HFDISP3            40      4
USEITE_HFDORM             80      4
USEITE_HFDSVM             84      4
USEITE_HFELIG0            44      4
USEITE_HFELIG1            48      4
USEITE_HFELIG2            4C      4
USEITE_HFELIG3            50      4
USEITE_HFESVM             78      4
USEITE_HFIOACT            B8      4
USEITE_HFIOWT             60      4
USEITE_HFLLIST            BC      4
USEITE_HFLOAD             7C      4
USEITE_HFOTHR             88      4
USEITE_HFPGACT            C0      4
USEITE_HFQUCT             30      4
USEITE_HFSIMWT            68      4
USEITE_HFSTCT             54      4
USEITE_HFTIDL             58      4
USEITE_HFTSVM             5C      4
USEITE_HFWTPAG            6C      4
USEITE_MRHDR               0      0
USEITE_VMDAFSUP           C6           80
USEITE_VMDAUTOL           95           02
USEITE_VMDCETSD           A8      8
USEITE_VMDCFGEM           C5      1
USEITE_VMDCFWT            96           40
USEITE_VMDCIDLD           B0      8
USEITE_VMDCNTID           8C      2
USEITE_VMDCPRMD           98      8
USEITE_VMDCPUAD           1C      2
USEITE_VMDCPUAF           C5           40
USEITE_VMDCTIDL           8E      2
USEITE_VMDCWSGD           A0      8
USEITE_VMDDFRWK           90      4
USEITE_VMDDISC            95           04
USEITE_VMDFORCE           95           10
USEITE_VMDIOWT            96           10
USEITE_VMDPUST            C6      1
USEITE_VMDPUTYP           C4      1
USEITE_VMDRDYCM           2E      0
USEITE_VMDSIMWT           96           20
USEITE_VMDSLCNT           1E      2
USEITE_VMDSTATE           94      1
USEITE_VMDSVMFX           20      4
USEITE_VMDSVMID           24      8
USEITE_VMDSVMWF           2C           80
USEITE_VMDSVMWF           2D           80
USEITE_VMDSVMWF           2E           80
USEITE_VMDSVMWT           2C      1
USEITE_VMDSVMWT           2D      1
USEITE_VMDSVMWT           2E      1
USEITE_VMDSVMW2           2D      0
USEITE_VMDSYSOP           95           80
USEITE_VMDUFORC           95           08
USEITE_VMDUSER            14      8
USEITE_VMDUSRCT           95           40
USEITE_VMDXAUTO           95           01

This information is
based on z/VM V6R3.0.

Last updated on 22 Jul 2013 at 15:07:38.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2013