Programming Interface Information:
The Monitor Records are intended Programming Interfaces that
allow the customer to write programs to obtain services of z/VM.


Control Block Contents
Cross Reference


 FUNCTION - Map a Monitor record.
        Through the Monitor Control Area
        MRRECHDR    Monitor Record Header
 DESCRIPTIVE NAME - Monitor Sample Record
                    Domain 0  - System Domain
                    Record 14 - Expanded Storage Data (Global)
 DESCRIPTION - Assess use and benefits derived from expanded
               storage. This information should be used with
               record MRSYTXSP (Domain 0, Record 5) for a complete
               picture of expanded storage use.

MRSYTXSG Control Block Contents

Dec Hex  Type       Len  Name (Dim)             Description
  0   0  Structure  188  SYTXSG                 Start of monitor record
  0   0  Character    0  SYTXSG_MRHDR           Record header. See MRRECHDR
                                                for details.
  0   0  Character   20  MRHDR                  
  0   0  Unsigned     2  MRHDRLEN               record length in bytes
  2   2  Unsigned     2  MRHDRZER               field of zeros
  4   4  Unsigned     1  MRHDRDM                domain identifier
  5   5  Unsigned     1  *                      
  6   6  Unsigned     2  MRHDRRC                record identifier
  8   8  Character    8  MRHDRTOD               Time at which this record was
                                                built. In time-of-day (TOD)
                                                clock format. See IBM System
                                                370 XA Principle of Operation
                                                for explanation of format.
 16  10  Character    4  *                      
 20  14  Character    0  MRHDR_END              End of header
 20  14  Unsigned     4  SYTXSG_XSTXBGET        Number of expanded storage
                                                (XSTORE) allocations. NOTE: see
                                                record MRSTOXSU (Domain 3,
                                                Record 10) to locate the
                                                current user of XSTORE. If no
                                                MRSTOXSU is written, no user is
                                                currently attaching XSTORE.
 24  18  Unsigned     4  SYTXSG_XSTXBREL        Number of expanded storage
 28  1C  Unsigned     4  SYTXSG_XSTUSRSH        Number of times a Shared
                                                System (NSS/DCSS) was visited
                                                by migration. (Because of
                                                multiple visits to the same
                                                shared system, this number can
                                                be greater than the actual
                                                number of shares systems)
 32  20  Bitstring    8  SYTXSG_XSTCTXAV        Number of expanded storage
                                                blocks that are available, but
                                                not in use, by CP at this time
 40  28  Bitstring    8  SYTXSG_XSTCPPAR        Number of XSTORE blocks in CP
                                                partition. Updated only when
                                                XSTORE is attached or detached
                                                from user
 48  30  Unsigned     4  SYTXSG_HCPMDCPY        Cumulative number of times
                                                the data buffer was page
                                                aligned for minidisk cache
                                                usage. Value is sum of TCMPIN4K
                                                + TCMPOU4K
 52  34  Unsigned     4  SYTXSG_HCPMDCPN        Cumulative number of times
                                                the data buffer was not page
                                                aligned. Value is from field
                                                TCMPINVA. Note: when added with
                                                SYTXSG_HCPMDCPY, the result is
                                                the total number of data
                                                buffers moved to and from
 56  38  Unsigned     4  SYTXSG_HCPMDCPR        Cumulative number of pageins
                                                (from XSTORE to main storage).
                                                Value is sum of TCMPIN4K +
 60  3C  Unsigned     4  SYTXSG_HCPMDCPW        Cumulative number of pageouts
                                                (from main storage to XSTORE)
                                                Value is from field TCMPOU4K.
 64  40  Unsigned     4  SYTXSG_HCPMDCAC        Maximum number of pages the
                                                cache can be authorized to have
                                                in expanded storage. Value is
                                                from TCMXSMAX.
 68  44  Unsigned     4  SYTXSG_HCPMDCNE        Cardinal count of expanded
                                                storage pages in the minidisk
                                                cache. Values is from field
 72  48  Unsigned     4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                Previous field is no longer
                                                meaningful. (SYTXSG_HCPMDCPH)
 76  4C  Unsigned     4  SYTXSG_HCPMDCEX        Cumulative number of times a
                                                data buffer was not put in the
                                                cache because the fair share
                                                limit was exceeded. Value is
                                                from TCMFSLEX.
 80  50  Unsigned     4  SYTXSG_HCPMDCLI        Number of data buffers the
                                                user can insert per fair share
                                                interval. Value is from field
 84  54  Unsigned     4  SYTXSG_CALMDCAU        Number of users that did at
                                                least one insert into the cache
                                                since the last fair share
                                                interval. Value is from sum of
 88  58  Unsigned     4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                Previous field is no longer
                                                meaningful. (SYTXSG_HCPMDCHT)
 92  5C  Unsigned     4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                Previous field is no longer
                                                meaningful. (SYTXSG_HCPMDCMS)
 96  60  Unsigned     4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                Previous field is no longer
                                                meaningful. (SYTXSG_HCPMDCEM)
100  64  Unsigned     4  SYTXSG_HCPMDCIS        Cumulative number of inserts
                                                into the hash table. Value is
                                                from field TCMINSCT.
104  68  Unsigned     4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                Previous field is no longer
                                                meaningful. (SYTXSG_HCPMDCSP)
108  6C  Unsigned     4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                Previous field is no longer
                                                meaningful. (SYTXSG_HCPMDCSU)
112  70  Unsigned     4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                Previous field is no longer
                                                meaningful. (SYTXSG_HCPMDCFP)
116  74  Unsigned     4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                Previous field is no longer
                                                meaningful. (SYTXSG_HCPMDCFA)
120  78  Unsigned     4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                Previous field is no longer
                                                meaningful. (SYTXSG_HCPMDCLP)
124  7C  Unsigned     4  SYTXSG_HCPMDCQC        Cumulative number of
                                                insertions into the waiting
                                                queue. The waiting queue keeps
                                                track of users that are trying
                                                to request data that is already
                                                on its way to the cache. Value
                                                is sum of fields TCMSTKRD,
                                                TCMSTKEX, and TCMSTKPF.
128  80  Unsigned     4  SYTXSG_HCPMDCXG        Cumulative count of XSTORE
                                                blocks that Minidisk Cache gets
                                                from CP expanded storage. Value
                                                is sum of fields TCMXSTOR +
132  84  Unsigned     4  SYTXSG_HCPMDCXR        Cumulative count of XSTORE
                                                blocks that Minidisk Cache
                                                steals from expanded storage.
                                                Value is from field TCMXSTDL
136  88  Unsigned     4  SYTXSG_HCPMDCTR        Total eligible minidisk cache
                                                read requests: Cumulative
                                                number of requests to read one
                                                or more blocks of data from
                                                cache. Value is from TCMIA +
140  8C  Unsigned     4  SYTXSG_HCPMDCIA        I/Os avoided: Cumulative
                                                number of requests to read data
                                                from cache where all requested
                                                blocks were found in cache,
                                                thereby avoiding an I/O
                                                operation. Value is from field
144  90  Unsigned     4  SYTXSG_HCPMDCIB        Invalidated blocks:
                                                Cumulative number of cache
                                                blocks invalidated (discarded
                                                from cache) due to I/O issued
                                                at the virtual device level via
                                                a non-cachable I/O interface.
                                                Value is from field TCMDELCT.
148  94  Unsigned     4  SYTXSG_HCPMDCIT        Invalidation total requests:
                                                Cumulative number of requests
                                                to invalidate cache due to I/O
                                                issued to a virtual device via
                                                a non-cachable I/O interface.
                                                This includes requests where
                                                there were no blocks in cache
                                                for that virtual device, and
                                                therefore no blocks
                                                invalidated. One request may
                                                result in zero to several
                                                blocks being discarded from the
                                                cache. Value is sum of fields
152  98  Unsigned     4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                Previous field is no longer
                                                meaningful. (SYTXSG_HCPMDCIH)
156  9C  Unsigned     4  SYTXSG_TCMXIDSZ        Maximum allowable number of
                                                XSTORE blocks in track cache
                                                (based on avg age of XSTORE
160  A0  Unsigned     4  SYTXSG_TCMXSMIN        Minimum number of XSTORE
                                                blocks used by cache as set by
                                                user command
164  A4  Unsigned     4  SYTXSG_TCMSTLXS        Number of times the steal
                                                function was invoked to steal
                                                XSTORE blocks from the track
168  A8  Unsigned     4  SYTXSG_XSTAVGAG        Average age of paging XSTORE
172  AC  Unsigned     2  SYTXSG_HCPSTPXB        Bias for minidisk cache use
                                                of expanded storage. A decimal
                                                point is assumed to the left of
                                                the low order 2 digits. For
                                                example, a value of decimal 95
                                                in this field would be a bias
                                                setting of .95 .
174  AE  Character    2  *                      Reserved and available for
                                                IBM use.
176  B0  Unsigned     4  SYTXSG_TCMFSHVM        Number of fair share cache
                                                inserters during this fair
                                                share interval.
180  B4  Unsigned     4  SYTXSG_TCMRDCT         Count of successful read
                                                access to MDC records.
184  B8  Unsigned     4  SYTXSG_TCMPIN4K        Cumulative number of 4K
                                                aligned pageins (from XSTORE to
                                                main storage).
188  BC  Character    0  SYTXSG_END             

MRSYTXSG Cross Reference

                      Hex           Hex
Name                 Offset Length Value
MRHDR                      0     20
MRHDR_END                 14      0
MRHDRDM                    4      1
MRHDRLEN                   0      2
MRHDRRC                    6      2
MRHDRTOD                   8      8
MRHDRZER                   2      2
SYTXSG                     0    188
SYTXSG_CALMDCAU           54      4
SYTXSG_END                BC      0
SYTXSG_HCPMDCAC           40      4
SYTXSG_HCPMDCEX           4C      4
SYTXSG_HCPMDCIA           8C      4
SYTXSG_HCPMDCIB           90      4
SYTXSG_HCPMDCIS           64      4
SYTXSG_HCPMDCIT           94      4
SYTXSG_HCPMDCLI           50      4
SYTXSG_HCPMDCNE           44      4
SYTXSG_HCPMDCPN           34      4
SYTXSG_HCPMDCPR           38      4
SYTXSG_HCPMDCPW           3C      4
SYTXSG_HCPMDCPY           30      4
SYTXSG_HCPMDCQC           7C      4
SYTXSG_HCPMDCTR           88      4
SYTXSG_HCPMDCXG           80      4
SYTXSG_HCPMDCXR           84      4
SYTXSG_HCPSTPXB           AC      2
SYTXSG_MRHDR               0      0
SYTXSG_TCMFSHVM           B0      4
SYTXSG_TCMPIN4K           B8      4
SYTXSG_TCMRDCT            B4      4
SYTXSG_TCMSTLXS           A4      4
SYTXSG_TCMXIDSZ           9C      4
SYTXSG_TCMXSMIN           A0      4
SYTXSG_XSTAVGAG           A8      4
SYTXSG_XSTCPPAR           28      8
SYTXSG_XSTCTXAV           20      8
SYTXSG_XSTUSRSH           1C      4
SYTXSG_XSTXBGET           14      4
SYTXSG_XSTXBREL           18      4

This information is based on z/VM V5R3.0.
Last updated on 12 Jun 2007 at 12:35:23.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2007