Programming Interface Information:
The Monitor Records are intended Programming Interfaces that
allow the customer to write programs to obtain services of z/VM.


Control Block Contents
Storage Layout
Cross Reference


 FUNCTION - Map a Monitor record.
        Through the Monitor Control Area
        MRRECHDR    Monitor Record Header
 DESCRIPTIVE NAME - Monitor Sample Record
                    Domain 0 - System Record
                    Record 4 - Real Storage Data (Per Processor)
 DESCRIPTION - Real storage exception conditions. Provides
               an indication of memory contention and load.
               A separate record is generated per online

MRSYTRSP Control Block Contents

Dec Hex  Type       Len  Name (Dim)          Description
  0   0  Structure   48  SYTRSP              Start of monitor record
  0   0  Character    0  SYTRSP_MRHDR        record header
  0   0  Character   20  MRHDR               
  0   0  Unsigned     2  MRHDRLEN            record length in bytes
  2   2  Unsigned     2  MRHDRZER            field of zeros
  4   4  Unsigned     1  MRHDRDM             domain identifier
  5   5  Unsigned     1  *                   
  6   6  Unsigned     2  MRHDRRC             record identifier
  8   8  Character    8  MRHDRTOD            Time at which this record was
                                             built. In time-of-day (TOD) clock
                                             format. See IBM System 370 XA
                                             Principle of Operation for
                                             explanation of format.
 16  10  Character    4  *                   
 20  14  Character    0  MRHDR_END           End of header
 20  14  Unsigned     2  SYTRSP_PFXCPUAD     Processor address
 22  16  Unsigned     2  *                   Reserved for IBM use
 24  18  Unsigned     4  SYTRSP_PLSSTLFR     Count of frames taken to satisfy
                                             the free storage extend condition.
 28  1C  Unsigned     4  SYTRSP_PLSPRQDF     Count of tasks deferred while
                                             waiting for a page.
 32  20  Unsigned     4  SYTRSP_PLSSHRRD     Total number of page reads and
                                             PAGINs for shared pages
 36  24  Unsigned     4  SYTRSP_PLSALEMP     Number of times the available
                                             list became empty
 40  28  Unsigned     4  SYTRSP_PLSNOCMP     Number of times the demand scan
                                             ran and was unable to obtain
                                             enough frames.
 44  2C  Unsigned     4  SYTRSP_PLSMVB2G     Number of page translations that
                                             resulted in the page being moved
                                             from a frame >= 2GB to one < 2GB.
 48  30  Character    0  SYTRSP_END          

MRSYTRSP Cross Reference

                      Hex           Hex
Name                 Offset Length Value
MRHDR                   0     20
MRHDR_END              14      0
MRHDRDM                 4      1
MRHDRLEN                0      2
MRHDRRC                 6      2
MRHDRTOD                8      8
MRHDRZER                2      2
SYTRSP                  0     48
SYTRSP_END             30      0
SYTRSP_MRHDR            0      0
SYTRSP_PFXCPUAD        14      2
SYTRSP_PLSALEMP        24      4
SYTRSP_PLSMVB2G        2C      4
SYTRSP_PLSNOCMP        28      4
SYTRSP_PLSPRQDF        1C      4
SYTRSP_PLSSHRRD        20      4
SYTRSP_PLSSTLFR        18      4

This information is based on z/VM V4R3.0.
Last updated on 1 May 2002 at 16:20:33.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2002