Programming Interface Information:
The Monitor Records are intended Programming Interfaces that
allow the customer to write programs to obtain services of z/VM.


Control Block Contents
Storage Layout
Cross Reference


 FUNCTION - Map a Monitor record.
        Through the Monitor Control Area
        MRRECHDR    Monitor Record Header
 NOTE: The length of the record must be the same as MRAPLSDT for
       the buffer/address/length specified by DIAGNOSE 'DC'.
 DESCRIPTIVE NAME - Monitor Event Record
                    Domain 10 - Appldata domain
                    Record 1  - Application Data Event Record
 DESCRIPTION - APPLDATA domain monitoring has ended for the buffer
               of the specified application product/release id for
               one of the following reasons:
               - A Diagnose 'DC' STOP has been issued
               - A virtual storage reset is detected (this includes
                 FORCE and LOGOFF)
               - A purge segment occurs and it is determined that an
                 application buffer resides within the address range
                 of the segment being purged, and the segment
                 resides outside the user's virtual storage.
    -- APLEDT_CALDATOF should always be used to locate the
       APLEDT_ADATA data area. Its value may be subject to change.
    -- Application data in APLEDT_ADATA is as found in the
       application-defined buffer at the time the record was

MRAPLEDT Control Block Contents

Dec Hex  Type       Len  Name (Dim)          Description
  0   0  Structure   52  APLEDT              Start of monitor record
  0   0  Character   52  APLEDT_APHDR        
  0   0  Character    0  APLEDT_MRHDR        Record header. See MRRECHDR for
  0   0  Character   20  MRHDR               
  0   0  Unsigned     2  MRHDRLEN            record length in bytes
  2   2  Unsigned     2  MRHDRZER            field of zeros
  4   4  Unsigned     1  MRHDRDM             domain identifier
  5   5  Unsigned     1  *                   
  6   6  Unsigned     2  MRHDRRC             record identifier
  8   8  Character    8  MRHDRTOD            Time at which this record was
                                             built. In time-of-day (TOD) clock
                                             format. See IBM System 370 XA
                                             Principle of Operation for
                                             explanation of format.
 16  10  Character    4  *                   
 20  14  Character    0  MRHDR_END           End of header
 20  14  Signed       2  APLEDT_CALDATOF     Byte offset, relative to start
                                             of this record, of the
                                             APLEDT_ADATA application data
 22  16  Signed       2  APLEDT_CALDATLN     Length, in bytes, of application
                                             data in APLEDT_ADATA.
 24  18  Character    8  APLEDT_USERID       Userid of virtual machine that
                                             generated the application data in
 32  20  Character   16  APLEDT_MDGPROD      Application product id and
                                             release id of application that
                                             generated the application data in
 48  30  Bitstring    1  APLEDT_STATUS       Flag byte
          1... ....      APLEDT_SVMSTAT      Userid has OPTION SVMSTAT in its
          .1.. ....      *                   
          ..1. ....      *                   
          ...1 ....      *                   
          .... 1...      *                   
          .... .1..      *                   
          .... ..1.      *                   
          .... ...1      *                   
 49  31  Character    3  *                   Reserved for IBM use
 52  34  Character    0  APLEDT_ADATA        Application data.
                                             APLEDT_CALDATOF should be used to
                                             get the correct location. See
                                             APLEDT_CALDATLN for its length.

MRAPLEDT Cross Reference

                      Hex           Hex
Name                 Offset Length Value
APLEDT                  0     52
APLEDT_ADATA           34      0
APLEDT_APHDR            0     52
APLEDT_CALDATLN        16      2
APLEDT_CALDATOF        14      2
APLEDT_MDGPROD         20     16
APLEDT_MRHDR            0      0
APLEDT_STATUS          30      1
APLEDT_SVMSTAT         30           80
APLEDT_USERID          18      8
MRHDR                   0     20
MRHDR_END              14      0
MRHDRDM                 4      1
MRHDRLEN                0      2
MRHDRRC                 6      2
MRHDRTOD                8      8
MRHDRZER                2      2

This information is based on z/VM V4R3.0.
Last updated on 1 May 2002 at 16:20:33.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2002