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Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)
Programming Interface Information:
This information is NOT intended to be
used as Programming Interfaces of z/VM.

  INFBK Prolog Top of page
              Store Hypervisor Information
              The INFBK structure describes the response buffer for
              the STHYI instruction when function code x'0000' is
              Programs written and compiled using a version of HCPINFBK
              COPY from one release of z/VM can be executed on a newer
              release of z/VM without change.
 LOCATED BY : Function code X'0000': R2 contains the guest logical address
              of the response buffer.
 SERIALIZED : Guest instruction-stream serialization.
              Changes made to HCPINFBK COPY are made in a compatible
              way, so that programs written and compiled using one release
              of HCPINFBK COPY can be executed on a new release of z/VM
              without change.
  INFBK Control Block Content Top of page

 INFBK DSECT Top of page
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure INFBK Mappings for STHYI 0000 0 Dbl-Word 8 INFRESP Minimum response buffer size for all function codes. Return Codes 00000000 INFRCOK 0 Success 00000004 INFRFC 4 Unsupported function code Function code Values 00000000 INFCAPAC 0 FC=0 - Obtain CPU Capacity Info Function code x'0000' Return CPU Capacity Information The response buffer for function code x'0000' consists of five or more sections of data: Header Section Machine Section Partition Section Hypervisor Section 1 Guest Section 1 Hypervisor Section 2 (may not be present) Guest Section 2 (may not be present) Hypervisor Section 3 (may not be present) Guest Section 3 (may not be present) One to three levels of Hypervisors and Guests may be reported. Function code X'0000' Response Buffer Header Section
 INF0HDR DSECT Top of page
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure INF0HDR Mappings for STHYI 0000 0 Bitstring 1 INFHFLG1 Header Flag Byte 1 These flag settings indicate the environment that the instruction was executed in and may influence the value of validity bits. The validity bits, not these flags, should be used to determine if a field is valid. 1... .... INFGPDU X'80' INFGPDU Global Performance Data unavailable .1.. .... INFSTHYI X'40' INFSTHYI One or more hypervisor levels below this level does not support the STHYI instruction. When this flag is set the value of INFGPDU is not meaningful because the state of the Global Performance Data setting cannot be determined. ..1. .... INFVSI X'20' INFVSI Virtualization stack is incomplete. This bit indicates one of 2 cases: 1. One or more hypervisor levels does not support STHYI. For this case INFSTHYI will also be set. 2. There were more than 3 levels of guest/hypervisor information to report. ...1 .... INFBASIC X'10' INFBASIC Execution environment is not within a logical partition. 0001 1 Bitstring 1 INFHFLG2 Header Flag Byte 2 reserved for IBM use 0002 2 Bitstring 1 INFHVAL1 Header Validity Byte 1 Reserved for IBM use 0003 3 Bitstring 1 INFHVAL2 Header Validity Byte 2 Reserved for IBM use 0004 4 Bitstring 3 * Reserved for future IBM use 0007 7 Bitstring 1 INFHYGCT Count of reported hypervisors/ guests. This indicates how many hypervisor/guest sections are in the response buffer up to a maximum of 3. 0008 8 Signed 2 INFHTOTL Total length of the response buffer in bytes, including the Header, Machine, Partition, and Hypervisor and Guest sections. 000A 10 Signed 2 INFHDLN Length of Header Section in bytes 000C 12 Signed 2 INFMOFF Offset to Machine Section mapped by INF0MAC 000E 14 Signed 2 INFMLEN Length of Machine Section in bytes 0010 16 Signed 2 INFPOFF Offset to Partition Section mapped by INF0PAR 0012 18 Signed 2 INFPLEN Length of Partition Section in bytes 00000003 INF0YGMX 3 Maximum Hypervisor/Guest sections 0014 20 Bitstring 8 INFHYGS1 Hypervisor/Guest Header 1 0014 20 Signed 2 INFHOFF1 Offset to Hypervisor Section 1, mapped by INF0HYP 0016 22 Signed 2 INFHLEN1 Length of Hypervisor Section 1 in bytes 0018 24 Signed 2 INFGOFF1 Offset to Guest Section 1 mapped by INF0GST 001A 26 Signed 2 INFGLEN1 Length of Guest Section 1 in bytes 001C 28 Bitstring 8 INFHYGS2 Hypervisor/Guest Header 2 001C 28 Signed 2 INFHOFF2 Offset to Hypervisor Section 2 mapped by INF0HYP 001E 30 Signed 2 INFHLEN2 Length of Hypervisor Section 2 in bytes 0020 32 Signed 2 INFGOFF2 Offset to Guest Section 2 mapped by INF0GST 0022 34 Signed 2 INFGLEN2 Length of Guest Section 2 in bytes 0024 36 Bitstring 8 INFHYGS3 Hypervisor/Guest Header 3 0024 36 Signed 2 INFHOFF3 Offset to Hypervisor Section 3 mapped by INF0HYP 0026 38 Signed 2 INFHLEN3 Length of Hypervisor Section 3 in bytes 0028 40 Signed 2 INFGOFF3 Offset to Guest Section 3 mapped by INF0GST 002A 42 Signed 2 INFGLEN3 Length of Guest Section 3 in bytes 002C 44 Bitstring 4 * Reserved for future IBM use 00000030 INF0HDSZ *-INF0HDR Size of header in bytes 00000006 INF0HDSD (*-INF0HDR+7)/8 Size of Header in DWs Function code X'0000' Response Buffer Hypervisor/Guest section description
 INF0HDYG DSECT Top of page
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure INF0HDYG Mappings for STHYI 0000 0 Signed 2 INFYOFF Offset to Hypervisor Section mapped by INF0HYP 0002 2 Signed 2 INFYLEN Length of Hypervisor Section in bytes 0004 4 Signed 2 INFGOFF Offset to Guest Section mapped by INF0GST 0006 6 Signed 2 INFGLEN Length of Guest Section in bytes 00000008 INF0HYSZ *-INF0HDYG Size of section description in bytes 00000001 INF0HYSD (*-INF0HDYG+7)/8 Size of section description in DWs Function code X'0000' Response Buffer Machine Section
 INF0MAC DSECT Top of page
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure INF0MAC Mappings for STHYI 0000 0 Bitstring 1 INFMFLG1 Machine Flag Byte 1 reserved for IBM use 0001 1 Bitstring 1 INFMFLG2 Machine Flag Byte 2 reserved for IBM use 0002 2 Bitstring 1 INFMVAL1 Machine Validity Byte 1 1... .... INFMPROC X'80' INFMPROC Processor Count Validity When this bit is on, it indicates that INFMSCPS, INFMDCPS, INFMSIFL, and INFMDIFL contain valid counts. The validity bit may be off when: - STHYI support is not available on a lower level hypervisor, or - Global Performance Data is not enabled. .1.. .... INFMMID X'40' INFMMID Machine ID Validity This bit being on indicates that a SYSIB 1.1.1 was obtained from STSI and information reported in the following fields is valid: INFMTYPE, INFMMANU, INFMSEQ, and INFMPMAN. ..1. .... INFMMNAM X'20' INFMMNAM Machine Name Validity This bit being on indicates that the INFMNAME field is valid. 0003 3 Bitstring 1 INFMVAL2 Machine Validity Byte 2 Reserved for IBM use 0004 4 Signed 2 INFMSCPS Count of shared CPs configured in the machine or in the physical partition if the system is physically partitioned. 0006 6 Signed 2 INFMDCPS Count of dedicated CPs configured in the machine or in the physical partition if the system is physically partitioned. 0008 8 Signed 2 INFMSIFL Count of shared IFLs configured in the machine or in the physical partition if the system is physically partitioned. 000A 10 Signed 2 INFMDIFL Count of dedicated IFLs configured in the machine or in the physical partition if the system is physically partitioned. 000C 12 Character 8 INFMNAME Machine Name, in EBCDIC format. This is the CPC name associated with the processor. 0014 20 Character 4 INFMTYPE Machine Type, in EBCDIC format. This is the machine type reported by STSI 1.1.1 (Basic Machine Configuration). 0018 24 Character 16 INFMMANU Machine Manufacturer, in EBCDIC format. This is the name of the manufacturer of the configuration reported by STSI 1.1.1.. 0028 40 Character 16 INFMSEQ Sequence Code, in EBCDIC format. This is the sequence code of the configuration reported by STSI 1.1.1. 0038 56 Character 4 INFMPMAN Plant of Manufacture, in EBCDIC format. This is the 4-byte code reported by STSI 1.1.1. 003C 60 Bitstring 4 * Reserved for future IBM use 00000040 INF0MSIZ *-INF0MAC Size of Machine Section in bytes 00000008 INF0MSZD (*-INF0MAC+7)/8 Size of Machine Section in DWs Function code X'0000' Response Buffer Partition Section
 INF0PAR DSECT Top of page
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure INF0PAR Mappings for STHYI 0000 0 Bitstring 1 INFPFLG1 Partition Flag Byte 1 1... .... INFPMTEN X'80' INFPMTEN Multithreading (MT) is enabled 0001 1 Bitstring 1 INFPFLG2 Partition Flag Byte 2 reserved for IBM use. 0002 2 Bitstring 1 INFPVAL1 Partition Validity Byte 1 1... .... INFPPROC X'80' INFPPROC Processor Count Validity This bit being on indicates that INFPSCPS, INFPDCPS, INFPSIFL, and INFPDIFL contain valid counts. .1.. .... INFPWBCC X'40' INFPWBCC Partition weight-based capped capacity validity. This bit being on indicates that INFPWBCP and INFPWBIF are valid. ..1. .... INFPACC X'20' INFPACC Partition absolute capped capacity validity. This bit being on indicates that INFPABCP and INFPABIF are valid. ...1 .... INFPPID X'10' INFPPID Partition ID Validity. This bit being on indicates that a SYSIB 2.2.2 was obtained from STSI and information reported in the following fields is valid: INFPPNUM, INFPPNAM .... 1... INFPLGVL X'08' INFPLGVL LPAR Group Absolute Capacity Capping information validity This bit being on indicates that INFPLGNM, INFPLGCP and INFPLGIF are valid. 0003 3 Bitstring 1 INFPVAL2 Partition Validity Byte 2 reserved for IBM use. 0004 4 Signed 2 INFPPNUM Logical Partition Number. This is the Logical-Partition Number reported by STSI 2.2.2. 0006 6 Signed 2 INFPSCPS Count of shared logical CP cores configured for this partition. 0008 8 Signed 2 INFPDCPS Count of dedicated logical CP cores configured for this partition. 000A 10 Signed 2 INFPSIFL Count of shared logical IFL cores configured for this partition. 000C 12 Signed 2 INFPDIFL Count of dedicated logical IFL cores configured for this partition. 000E 14 Bitstring 2 * Reserved for future IBM use 0010 16 Character 8 INFPPNAM Logical Partition Name, in EBCDIC format. This is the Logical- Partition Name reported by STSI 2.2.2. 0018 24 Signed 4 INFPWBCP Partition weight-based capped capacity for CPs, a scaled number where X'00010000' represents one CPU. Zero if not capped. Cap is applicable only to shared processors. 001C 28 Signed 4 INFPABCP Partition absolute capped capacity for CPs, a scaled number where X'00010000' represents one core. Zero if not capped. Cap is applicable only to shared processors. 0020 32 Signed 4 INFPWBIF Partition weight-based capped capacity for IFLs, a scaled number where X'00010000' represents one core. Zero if not capped. Cap is applicable only to shared processors. 0024 36 Signed 4 INFPABIF Partition absolute capped capacity for IFLs, a scaled number where X'00010000' represents one core. Zero if not capped. Cap is applicable only to shared processors. 0028 40 Character 8 INFPLGNM LPAR Group Name. Binary zeros when the partition is not in an LPAR group. EBCDIC and padded with blanks on the right when in a group. The group name is only reported when there is a group cap on CP or IFL CPU types and the par- tition has the capped CPU type. 0030 48 Signed 4 INFPLGCP LPAR Group Absolute Capacity Value for the CP CPU type when nonzero. This field will be nonzero only when INFPLGNM is nonzero and a cap is defined for the LPAR Group for CP CPU type. When nonzero, contains a scaled number where X'00010000' represents one core. 0034 52 Signed 4 INFPLGIF LPAR Group Absolute Capacity Value for the IFL CPU type when nonzero. This field will be nonzero only when INFPLGNM is nonzero and a cap is defined for the LPAR Group for IFL CPU type. When nonzero, contains a scaled number where X'00010000' represents one core. 00000038 INF0PSIZ *-INF0PAR Size of Partition Section in bytes 00000007 INF0PSZD (*-INF0PAR+7)/8 Size of Partition Section in DWs Function code X'0000' Response Buffer Hypervisor Section
 INF0HYP DSECT Top of page
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure INF0HYP Mappings for STHYI 0000 0 Bitstring 1 INFYFLG1 Hypervisor Flag Byte 1 0001 1 Bitstring 1 INFYFLG2 Hypervisor Flag Byte 2 Reserved for IBM use 0002 2 Bitstring 1 INFYVAL1 Hypervisor Validity Byte 1 Reserved for IBM use 0003 3 Bitstring 1 INFYVAL2 Hypervisor Validity Byte 2 Reserved for IBM use 0004 4 Bitstring 1 INFYTYPE Hypervisor type 00000001 INFYTVM X'01' INFYTVM z/VM is the hypervisor 0005 5 Bitstring 1 * Reserved for future IBM use 0006 6 Bitstring 1 INFYCPT Threads in use per CP core. This value is reported for the current configuration settings even when the guest CPUs are not dispatched on CPs. The value is only set when SMT enabled as indicated by INFPFLG1.INFPMTEN. 0007 7 Bitstring 1 INFYIFLT Threads in use per IFL core. This value is reported for the current configuration settings even when the guest CPUs are not dispatched on IFLs. The value is only set when SMT enabled as indicated by INFPFLG1.INFPMTEN. 0008 8 Character 8 INFYSYID System Identifier, in EBCDIC format, left justified and padded with blanks. This is the value generally specified on the SYSTEM_IDentifier statement in the system configuration file. Blank if non-existent. 0010 16 Character 8 INFYCLNM Cluster Name, in EBCDIC format, left justified and padded with blanks. This is the name on the SSI statement in the system configuration file. Blank if non-existent. 0018 24 Signed 2 INFYSCPS Number of CP cores shared by guests of this hypervisor. 001A 26 Signed 2 INFYDCPS Number of CP cores dedicated to guest CPUs of this hypervisor. 001C 28 Signed 2 INFYSIFL Number of IFL cores shared by guests of this hypervisor. 001E 30 Signed 2 INFYDIFL Number of IFL cores dedicated to guest CPUs of this hypervisor. 00000020 INF0YSIZ *-INF0HYP Size of Hypervisor Section in bytes 00000004 INF0YSZD (*-INF0HYP+7)/8 Size of Hypervisor Section in DWs Function code X'0000' Response Buffer Guest Section All counts of CPs and IFLs and capacity values are based on quantities of cores when multithreading is enabled. While virtual CPUs are thread dispatched they have the potential of consuming an entire core. Therefore virtual CP and IFL counts are counts of virtual CPUs but treated as counts of cores.
 INF0GST DSECT Top of page
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure INF0GST Mappings for STHYI 0000 0 Bitstring 1 INFGFLG1 Guest Flag Byte 1 1... .... INFYLMCN X'80' INFYLMCN Guest CPU usage hard limiting is using the consumption method. .1.. .... INFYLMPR X'40' INFYLMPR If on, Limithard caps use prorated core time for capping. If off, raw CPU time is used. 1... .... INFGMOB X'80' INFGMOB Guest mobility is enabled. .1.. .... INFGMCPT X'40' INFGMCPT Guest has multiple CPU types ..1. .... INFGCPLH X'20' INFGCPLH Guest CP dispatch type has LIMITHARD cap. ...1 .... INFGIFLH X'10' INFGIFLH Guest IFL dispatch type has LIMITHARD cap. .... 1... INFGVCPT X'08' INFGVCPT Virtual CPs are thread dispatched .... .1.. INFGVIFT X'04' INFGVIFT Virtual IFLs are thread dispatched 0001 1 Bitstring 1 INFGFLG2 Guest Flag Byte 2 Reserved for IBM use 0002 2 Bitstring 1 INFGVAL1 Guest Validity Byte 1 Reserved for IBM use 0003 3 Bitstring 1 INFGVAL2 Guest Validity Byte 2 Reserved for IBM use 0004 4 Character 8 INFGUSID Guest's userid, in EBCDIC format 000C 12 Signed 2 INFGSCPS Number of guest shared CPs 000E 14 Signed 2 INFGDCPS Number of guest dedicated CPs 0010 16 Bitstring 1 INFGCPDT Dispatch type for guest CPs This field is valid if INFGSCPS or INFGDCPS is greater than zero. 00 General Purpose (CP) 0011 17 Bitstring 3 * Reserved for future IBM use 0014 20 Signed 4 INFGCPCC Guest current capped capacity for shared virtual CPs, a scaled number where X'00010000' represents one core. Zero if not capped. 0018 24 Signed 2 INFGSIFL Number of guest shared IFLs 001A 26 Signed 2 INFGDIFL Number of guest dedicated IFLs 001C 28 Bitstring 1 INFGIFDT Dispatch type for guest IFLs. This field is valid if INFGSIFL or INFGDIFL is greater than zero. 00 General Purpose (CP) 03 Integrated Facility for LINUX (IFL) 001D 29 Bitstring 3 * Reserved for future IBM use 0020 32 Signed 4 INFGIFCC Guest current capped capacity for shared virtual IFLs, a scaled number where X'00010000' represents one core. Zero if not capped. 0024 36 Bitstring 1 INFGPFLG CPU Pool Capping Flags 1... .... INFGPCLH X'80' INFGPCLH CPU Pool's CP virtual type has LIMITHARD cap. .1.. .... INFGPCPC X'40' INFGPCPC CPU Pool's CP virtual type has CAPACITY cap. ..1. .... INFGPILH X'20' INFGPILH CPU Pool's IFL virtual type has LIMITHARD cap. ...1 .... INFGPIFC X'10' INFGPIFC CPU Pool's IFL virtual type has CAPACITY cap. .... 1... INFPRCTM X'08' INFPRCTM CPU Pool uses prorated core time. 0025 37 Bitstring 3 * Reserved for future IBM use 0028 40 Character 8 INFGPNAM CPU pool name. Blanks if not in a CPU Pool. 0030 48 Signed 4 INFGPCCC CPU pool capped capacity for shared virtual CPs, a scaled number where X'00010000' represents one core. Zero if not capped. 0034 52 Signed 4 INFGPICC CPU pool capped capacity for shared virtual IFLs, a scaled number where X'00010000' represents one core. Zero if not capped. 00000038 INF0GSIZ *-INF0GST Size of Guest Section in bytes 00000007 INF0GSZD (*-INF0GST+7)/8 Size of Guest Section in DWs
  INFBK Storage Layout Top of page
*** INFBK - Mappings for STHYI
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   0 |                       INFRESP                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   8
*** INFBK - Mappings for STHYI
*** INF0HDR - Mappings for STHYI
*     +------+------+------+------+--------------------+------+
*   0 |:HFLG1|:HFLG2|:HVAL1|:HVAL2|////////////////////|:HYGCT|
*     +------+------+------+------+-------------+------+------+
*   8 |  INFHTOTL   |  INFHDLN    |  INFMOFF    |  INFMLEN    |
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
*  10 |  INFPOFF    |  INFPLEN    |        INFHYGS1-          |
*     +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+
*  18 |          -(014)           | 1C
*     +---------------------------+
*** INF0HDR - Mappings for STHYI
*** Overlay for INFHYGS1 in INF0HDR
*                                 +-------------+-------------+
*  10 ...                      14 |  INFHOFF1   |  INFHLEN1   |
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
*  18 |  INFGOFF1   |  INFGLEN1   |        INFHYGS2-          |
*     +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+
*  20 |          -(01C)           | 24
*     +---------------------------+
*** Overlay for INFHYGS1 in INF0HDR
*** Overlay for INFHYGS2 in INF0HDR
*                                 +-------------+-------------+
*  18 ...                      1C |  INFHOFF2   |  INFHLEN2   |
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
*  20 |  INFGOFF2   |  INFGLEN2   |        INFHYGS3-          |
*     +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+
*  28 |          -(024)           | 2C
*     +---------------------------+
*** Overlay for INFHYGS2 in INF0HDR
*** Overlay for INFHYGS3 in INF0HDR
*                                 +-------------+-------------+
*  20 ...                      24 |  INFHOFF3   |  INFHLEN3   |
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
*  28 |  INFGOFF3   |  INFGLEN3   |///////////////////////////|
*     +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+
*  30
*** Overlay for INFHYGS3 in INF0HDR
*** INF0HDYG - Mappings for STHYI
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
*   0 |  INFYOFF    |  INFYLEN    |  INFGOFF    |  INFGLEN    |
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
*   8
*** INF0HDYG - Mappings for STHYI
*** INF0MAC - Mappings for STHYI
*     +------+------+------+------+-------------+-------------+
*     +------+------+------+------+-------------+-------------+
*   8 |  INFMSIFL   |  INFMDIFL   |        INFMNAME-          |
*     +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+
*  10 |          -(00C)           |         INFMTYPE          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  18 |                       INFMMANU                        |
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  28 |                       INFMSEQ                         |
*     |                                                       |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  38 |         INFMPMAN          |///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  40
*** INF0MAC - Mappings for STHYI
*** INF0PAR - Mappings for STHYI
*     +------+------+------+------+-------------+-------------+
*     +------+------+------+------+-------------+-------------+
*   8 |  INFPDCPS   |  INFPSIFL   |  INFPDIFL   |/////////////|
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
*  10 |                       INFPPNAM                        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  18 |         INFPWBCP          |         INFPABCP          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  20 |         INFPWBIF          |         INFPABIF          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  28 |                       INFPLGNM                        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  30 |         INFPLGCP          |         INFPLGIF          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  38
*** INF0PAR - Mappings for STHYI
*** INF0HYP - Mappings for STHYI
*     +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
*   0 |:YFLG1|:YFLG2|:YVAL1|:YVAL2|:YTYPE|//////|:YCPT |:YIFLT|
*     +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
*   8 |                       INFYSYID                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  10 |                       INFYCLNM                        |
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
*  20
*** INF0HYP - Mappings for STHYI
*** INF0GST - Mappings for STHYI
*     +------+------+------+------+---------------------------+
*   0 |:GFLG1|:GFLG2|:GVAL1|:GVAL2|        INFGUSID-          |
*     +------+------+------+------+-------------+-------------+
*   8 |          -(004)           |  INFGSCPS   |  INFGDCPS   |
*     +------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+
*  10 |:GCPDT|////////////////////|         INFGCPCC          |
*     +------+------+-------------+------+--------------------+
*  18 |  INFGSIFL   |  INFGDIFL   |:GIFDT|////////////////////|
*     +-------------+-------------+------+--------------------+
*  20 |         INFGIFCC          |:GPFLG|////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+------+--------------------+
*  28 |                       INFGPNAM                        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  30 |         INFGPCCC          |         INFGPICC          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  38
*** INF0GST - Mappings for STHYI
  INFBK Cross Reference Top of page
Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
INFBASIC       0000 10
INFCAPAC       0000 00000000
INFGCPCC       0014
INFGCPDT       0010
INFGCPLH       0000 20
INFGDCPS       000E
INFGDIFL       001A
INFGFLG1       0000
INFGFLG2       0001
INFGIFCC       0020
INFGIFDT       001C
INFGIFLH       0000 10
INFGLEN        0006
INFGLEN1       001A
INFGLEN2       0022
INFGLEN3       002A
INFGMCPT       0000 40
INFGMOB        0000 80
INFGOFF        0004
INFGOFF1       0018
INFGOFF2       0020
INFGOFF3       0028
INFGPCCC       0030
INFGPCLH       0024 80
INFGPCPC       0024 40
INFGPDU        0000 80
INFGPFLG       0024
INFGPICC       0034
INFGPIFC       0024 10
INFGPILH       0024 20
INFGPNAM       0028
INFGSCPS       000C
INFGSIFL       0018
INFGUSID       0004
INFGVAL1       0002
INFGVAL2       0003
INFGVCPT       0000 08
INFGVIFT       0000 04
INFHDLN        000A
INFHFLG1       0000
INFHFLG2       0001
INFHLEN1       0016
INFHLEN2       001E
INFHLEN3       0026
INFHOFF1       0014
INFHOFF2       001C
INFHOFF3       0024
INFHTOTL       0008
INFHVAL1       0002
INFHVAL2       0003
INFHYGCT       0007
INFHYGS1       0014
INFHYGS2       001C
INFHYGS3       0024
INFMDCPS       0006
INFMDIFL       000A
INFMFLG1       0000
INFMFLG2       0001
INFMLEN        000E
INFMMANU       0018
INFMMID        0002 40
INFMMNAM       0002 20
INFMNAME       000C
INFMOFF        000C
INFMPMAN       0038
INFMPROC       0002 80
INFMSCPS       0004
INFMSEQ        0028
INFMSIFL       0008
INFMTYPE       0014
INFMVAL1       0002
INFMVAL2       0003
INFPABCP       001C
INFPABIF       0024
INFPACC        0002 20
INFPDCPS       0008
INFPDIFL       000C
INFPFLG1       0000
INFPFLG2       0001
INFPLEN        0012
INFPLGCP       0030
INFPLGIF       0034
INFPLGNM       0028
INFPLGVL       0002 08
INFPMTEN       0000 80
INFPOFF        0010
INFPPID        0002 10
INFPPNAM       0010
INFPPNUM       0004
INFPPROC       0002 80
INFPRCTM       0024 08
INFPSCPS       0006
INFPSIFL       000A
INFPVAL1       0002
INFPVAL2       0003
INFPWBCC       0002 40
INFPWBCP       0018
INFPWBIF       0020
INFRCOK        0000 00000000
INFRESP        0000
INFRFC         0000 00000004
INFSTHYI       0000 40
INFVSI         0000 20
INFYCLNM       0010
INFYCPT        0006
INFYDCPS       001A
INFYDIFL       001E
INFYFLG1       0000
INFYFLG2       0001
INFYIFLT       0007
INFYLEN        0002
INFYLMCN       0000 80
INFYLMPR       0000 40
INFYOFF        0000
INFYSCPS       0018
INFYSIFL       001C
INFYSYID       0008
INFYTVM        0004 00000001
INFYTYPE       0004
INFYVAL1       0002
INFYVAL2       0003
INF0GSIZ       0034 00000038
INF0GSZD       0034 00000007
INF0HDSD       002C 00000006
INF0HDSZ       002C 00000030
INF0HYSD       0006 00000001
INF0HYSZ       0006 00000008
INF0MSIZ       003C 00000040
INF0MSZD       003C 00000008
INF0PSIZ       0034 00000038
INF0PSZD       0034 00000007
INF0YGMX       0012 00000003
INF0YSIZ       001E 00000020
INF0YSZD       001E 00000004
This information is based on z/VM 6.4.0 Last updated on 24 Aug 2016 at 09:25:39 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2016