SASBK Back to Index page
Control Block Contents 
Storage Layout 
Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)
Programming Interface Information:
This information is NOT intended to be
used as Programming Interfaces of z/VM.

  SASBK Prolog Top of page
 DESCRIPTION: Saved Segments Data Array
              Defines a fixed-length array containing data about
              saved segments during a live guest relocation
              Source system -
              Transient area, accessed only within HCPRLLSE
              Destination system -
              The RLOSSEGS field of the RLOBK
              Source system -
              HCPRLLSE during source system eligibility checking.
              Destination system -
              HCPRLLDE during destination system eligibility
              Source system -
              HCPRLLSE after completing source eligibility
              Destination system -
              HCPRLNCT during destination system STMGT cleanup.
              An SASBK is created on the source system once during
              each relocation, and once created is never updated.
              It is destroyed by HCPRLLSE (Source system storage
              eligibility checking) at the close of the initial set
              of eligibility checks.
              The SASBK is sent to the destination system where it
              is used by one task at a time, either HCPRLLDE
              (Destination system storage eligibility checking)
              or by HCPRLLCS (Create guest address spaces), neither
              of which update the block.  On the destination, the
              SASBK is released only by HCPRLNCT (Cleanup routine
              for LGR Memory Move - Target System).
              Changes to the guest's NSS or DCSS configuration
              cannot be made during a relocation; DIAG x'64'
              LOAD/UNLOAD and the IPL command will fail a
              relocation in progress.
 RELOCATION CONSIDERATIONS : This block is sent from the source to the
              destination system.
 NOTES      :
  SASBK Control Block Content Top of page

 SASBK DSECT Top of page
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure SASBK Saved Segments Data Array The following is header information for the array. 0000 0 Character 8 SASBKNAM (+00) Indicate start of the SASBK. This is an eyecatcher, 'SASBK=>', and is used to ID this block. On the destination, ISFC allocates this block as free storage, and as such it will lack a trailer. 0008 8 Signed 2 SASCOUNT (+08) Ct. of segs loaded on the user 000A 10 Bitstring 1 SASTYPES (+0A) Types of segs in this relocation .... ..1. SASDCSS X'02' SASDCSS We're migrating at least one DCSS .... ...1 SASNSS X'01' SASNSS We're migrating an NSS 000B 11 Bitstring 5 * (+0B) Reserved for IBM use 00000010 SASHDEND * Mark the end of the header 00000010 SASHDSIZ *-SASBK Byte size of the SASBK header 00000002 SASHDSZD (SASHDSIZ+7)/8 DWORD size of the SASBK header Start of the variable data section of the array.
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure SASEDATA Saved Segments Data Array 0000 0 Signed 2 SASEHEAD (0) (+00) Start of a data entry 0000 0 Character 8 SASENAME (+00) Name of this segment 0008 8 Character 8 SASETYPE (+08) Filetype of this segment 0010 16 Bitstring 1 SASESBCD (+10) Flags for this segment .... .1.. SASENSHR X'04' SASENSHR This is an exclusive copy of a DCSS .... ..1. SASENSS X'02' SASENSS This is an NSS .... ...1 SASGT2G X'01' SASGT2G This is a segment loaded > 2G 0011 17 Bitstring 3 * (+11) Reserved for IBM use 0014 20 Bitstring 20 SASCHKSM (+14) SHA-1 segment checksum 0028 40 Bitstring 8 * (+28) Reserved for IBM use 00000030 SASENEXT * Address of the next SAS entry 00000030 SASENTLN *-SASEDATA Byte length of a data entry 00000006 SASENLND (SASENTLN+7)/8 DWORD length of a data entry
  SASBK Storage Layout Top of page
*** SASBK - Saved Segments Data Array
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   0 |                       SASBKNAM                        |
*     +-------------+------+----------------------------------+
*   8 |  SASCOUNT   |:TYPES|//////////////////////////////////|
*     +-------------+------+----------------------------------+
*  10
*** SASBK - Saved Segments Data Array
*** SASEDATA - Saved Segments Data Array
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   0 |                       SASENAME                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   8 |                       SASETYPE                        |
*     +------+--------------------+---------------------------+
*  10 |:ESBCD|////////////////////|                           |
*     +------+--------------------+                           |
*     |                       SASCHKSM                        |
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  28 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  30
*** SASEDATA - Saved Segments Data Array
  SASBK Cross Reference Top of page
Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
SASBKNAM       0000
SASCHKSM       0014
SASCOUNT       0008
SASDCSS        000A 02
SASEHEAD       0000
SASENAME       0000
SASENEXT       0028 00000030
SASENLND       0028 00000006
SASENSHR       0010 04
SASENSS        0010 02
SASENTLN       0028 00000030
SASESBCD       0010
SASETYPE       0008
SASGT2G        0010 01
SASHDEND       000B 00000010
SASHDSIZ       000B 00000010
SASHDSZD       000B 00000002
SASNSS         000A 01
SASTYPES       000A
This information is based on z/VM 6.3.0 Last updated on 22 May 2013 at 13:55:31 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2013