Programming Interface Information:
This information is NOT intended to be
used as Programming Interfaces of z/VM.



Control Block Contents  

Storage Layout  

Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)  


PFCRHDR Control Block Content


Hex   Dec Type/Val   Lng Label (dup)    Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000    0 Structure      PFCRHDR        Persistent FlashCopy Relationship Table
0000    0 Character    8 PFCRHDRI       Control block eye-catcher
0008    8 Character   24 PFCRLOCK       CP LOCK WORD for 2-linked list
0020   32 Address      4 PFCRHEAD       Address of 1st PFCRTABL Entry
0024   36 Address      4 PFCRTAIL       Address of last PFCRTABL Entry
0028   40 Signed       4 PFCRSEQL       Last-Assigned Sequence Number
0030   48 Dbl-Word     8 * (0)
          00000030       PFCRHDRB       *-PFCRHDR HEADER SIZE IN BYTES
          00000006       PFCRHDRZ       (PFCRHDRB+7)/8 HEADER SIZE IN
      LOCATED BY : PFCRHEAD/TAIL Double Linked List


Hex   Dec Type/Val   Lng Label (dup)    Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000    0 Structure      PFCRTABL       Persistent FlashCopy Relationship Table
0000    0 Character    8 PFCRTABI       Control block eye-catcher
0008    8 Address      4 PFCRPREV       Address of previous entry
000C   12 Address      4 PFCRNEXT       Address of next entry
0010   16 Signed       4 PFCRSEQN       Persistent FlashCopy Relationship
                                        Sequence Number that is stored in
                                        the hardware. This is established
                                        from the TOD clock bits 0-31 when
                                        the relationship is established.
0014   20 Character   10 PFCRDATE       'YYYY-MM-DD'
001E   30 Character    8 PFCRTIME       'HH:MM:SS'
0026   38 Bitstring    1 PFCRFLGS       Persistent FlashCopy Flags
          ..1. .11.      PFCRUSED       00080 PFCRFLGS+0,X'80' Entry is
                                        in use 0=not-in-use 1=in-use
          ..1. .11.      PFCRTGT        00040 PFCRFLGS+0,X'40' Entry is a
                                        TARGET 0=Source 1=Target
0027   39 Bitstring    1 *
0028   40 Character    4 PFCRRDEV_C     Underlying Real Device Number
002C   44 Signed       2 PFCRRDEV_X     Underlying Real Device Number
002E   46 Character    4 PFCRVDEV_C     Virtual device number
0032   50 Signed       2 PFCRVDEV_X     Virtual device number when the
                                        Persistent FlashCopy Relationship
                                        was formed
0034   52 Character    8 PFCRORID       Original userid that created the
                                        Persistent FlashCopy Relationship
003C   60 Character    8 PFCROWID       Userid in z/VM Directory that
                                        owned the minidisk when the
                                        Persistent FlashCopy Relationship
                                        was formed
0048   72 Dbl-Word     8 * (0)
          00000048       PFCRTABB       *-PFCRTABL SIZE IN BYTES
          00000009       PFCRTABZ       (PFCRTABB+7)/8 SIZE IN


PFCRHDR Storage Layout

*** PFCRHDR - Persistent FlashCopy Relationship Table
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   0 |                       PFCRHDRI                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   8 |                                                       |
*     =                       PFCRLOCK                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  20 |         PFCRHEAD          |         PFCRTAIL          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  28 |         PFCRSEQL          |///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  30
*** PFCRHDR - Persistent FlashCopy Relationship Table
*** PFCRTABL - Persistent FlashCopy Relationship Table
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   0 |                       PFCRTABI                        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*   8 |         PFCRPREV          |         PFCRNEXT          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  10 |         PFCRSEQN          |         PFCRDATE          |
*     +---------------------------+             +-------------+
*     |                                         |   (01E)-    |
*     +-----------------------------------------+------+------+
*  20 |               -PFCRTIME                 |:RFLGS|//////|
*     +---------------------------+-------------+------+------+
*  28 |        PFCRRDEV_C         | PFCRRDEV_X  |PFCRVDEV_C-  |
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
*  30 |   -(02E)    | PFCRVDEV_X  |        PFCRORID-          |
*     +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+
*  38 |          -(034)           |        PFCROWID-          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  40 |          -(03C)           |///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  48
*** PFCRTABL - Persistent FlashCopy Relationship Table


PFCRHDR Cross Reference

Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
PFCRDATE       0014
PFCRFLGS       0026
PFCRHDRB       0030 00000030
PFCRHDRI       0000
PFCRHDRZ       0030 00000006
PFCRHEAD       0020
PFCRLOCK       0008
PFCRNEXT       000C
PFCRORID       0034
PFCROWID       003C
PFCRPREV       0008
PFCRRDEV_C     0028
PFCRSEQL       0028
PFCRSEQN       0010
PFCRTABB       0048 00000048
PFCRTABI       0000
PFCRTABZ       0048 00000009
PFCRTAIL       0024
PFCRTGT        0026 26
PFCRTIME       001E
PFCRUSED       0026 26
PFCRVDEV_X     0032

This information is based on z/VM V6R2.0. Last updated on 21 Nov 2011 at 11:14:01 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2011