Programming Interface Information:
This information is NOT intended to be
used as Programming Interfaces of z/VM.



Control Block Contents  

Storage Layout  

Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)  

HCIBK Prolog

 DESCRIPTION: Hardware Console Integration Message Buffer
 FUNCTION   : HCPHCIBK maps the message buffers used to control the
              hardware console information to be displayed on the
              guest system console (guest's logon terminal).
 LOCATED BY : Several queues anchored within the SVPBK contain HCIBK
              message buffer blocks:
              SVPWBUF  field of SVPBK
              SVPRBUF  field of SVPBK
              SVPPBUF  field of SVPBK
 RELOCATION CONSIDERATIONS : This control block is relocated as part of a live
              guest relocation (LGR).  The bits and fields that
              need to be relocated are defined in the
              corresponding LGRHCIBK COPY file.  Whenever changes
              are made to this control block, consideration must
              be given to any effects these changes will have on
              a relocation.  If any new fields or bits are
              defined, they may need to be relocated.  If
              existing bits or fields are changed, corresponding
              modifications may be required in the LGR version of
              this control block.  Consider also the effects of
              these changes on a relocation involving a back-level
              release of CP.


HCIBK Control Block Content


Hex   Dec Type/Val   Lng Label (dup)    Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000    0 Structure      HCIBK          Hardware Console Integration Message Buffer
0000    0 Signed       4 HCIFPNT        Pointer to next HCIBK. Important:
                                        This pointer must be the first
                                        field in the HCIBK so the SVPBK
                                        anchor is properly handled.
0004    4 Signed       2 HCILEN         Total HCIBK message buffer length
                                        (i.e. the length of the variable
                                        data starting at HCITEXT)
             Bits defined in HCIGFLG0 by OBJGFLG0
0006    6 Bitstring    1 HCIGFLG0       General object msg flags, byte 0
                                        Bits defined in HCIGFLG1 by
0007    7 Bitstring    1 HCIGFLG1       General object msg flags, byte 1
0008    8 Bitstring    2 HCIMLFLG (0)   Line type flags Bits defined in
                                        HCIMLFL0 by OBJMLFL0
0008    8 Bitstring    1 HCIMLFL0       Line type flags - byte 0 Bits
                                        defined in HCIMLFL1 by OBJMLFL1
0009    9 Bitstring    1 HCIMLFL1       Line type flags - byte 1
000A   10 Bitstring    4 HCIGFGPA (0)   Foreground presentation
                                        attributes Bits defined in
                                        HCIGFGP0 by OBJGFGP0
000A   10 Bitstring    1 HCIGFGP0       Pres. attribute byte 0 (control)
000B   11 Bitstring    1 HCIGFGP1       OBJGFGPA byte 1 (color)
000C   12 Bitstring    1 HCIGFGP2       OBJGFGPA byte 2 (highlighting)
                                        Bits defined in HCIGFGP3 by
000D   13 Bitstring    1 HCIGFGP3       OBJGFGPA byte 3 (intensity)
000E   14 Bitstring    4 HCIMFGPA (0)   Presentation-attribute field Bits
                                        defined in HCIMFGP0 by OBJMFGP0
000E   14 Bitstring    1 HCIMFGP0       Pres. attribute byte 0 (control)
000F   15 Bitstring    1 HCIMFGP1       OBJMFGPA byte 1 (color)
0010   16 Bitstring    1 HCIMFGP2       OBJGFGPA byte 2 (highlight) Bits
                                        defined in HCIMFGP3 by OBJMFGP3
0011   17 Bitstring    1 HCIMFGP3       OBJGFGPA byte 3 (intensity)
0012   18 Signed       2 *              Reserved for future IBM use
0014   20 Signed       4 HCISEQ         General object sequence number
                                        for this HCIBK message
0018   24 Bitstring    2 HCILINE        Binary line number for QUERY VMSG
                                        and QUERY PVMSG commands
001A   26 Bitstring    1 HCIVFLAG       Flags for this HCIBK message
          1... ....      HCISHOWN       X'80' HCISHOWN Message displayed
                                        at least once
          .1.. ....      HCISDATA       X'40' HCISDATA HCIBK is for a
                                        STORE Data request
          ..1. ....      HCISDAS        X'20' HCISDAS HCIBK is for a
                                        STORE Data in Absolute Storage
001B   27 Bitstring    1 *              Reserved for future IBM use
          0000001C       HCIHDLEN       *-HCIBK HCIBK message buff header
          00000004       HCIHDLDW       (*-HCIBK+7)/8 Length in
001C   28 Character    1 HCITEXT (0)    Start of variable length data


HCIBK Storage Layout

*** HCIBK - Hardware Console Integration Message Buffer
*     +---------------------------+-------------+------+------+
*   0 |         HCIFPNT           |   HCILEN    |:GFLG0|:GFLG1|
*     +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
*     +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
*  10 |:MFGP2|:MFGP3|/////////////|          HCISEQ           |
*     +------+------+------+------+---------------------------+
*  18 |  HCILINE    |:VFLAG|//////|
*     +-------------+------+------+
*** HCIBK - Hardware Console Integration Message Buffer


HCIBK Cross Reference

Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
HCIFPNT        0000
HCIGFGPA       000A
HCIGFGP0       000A
HCIGFGP1       000B
HCIGFGP2       000C
HCIGFGP3       000D
HCIGFLG0       0006
HCIGFLG1       0007
HCIHDLDW       001B 00000004
HCIHDLEN       001B 0000001C
HCILEN         0004
HCILINE        0018
HCIMFGPA       000E
HCIMFGP0       000E
HCIMFGP1       000F
HCIMFGP2       0010
HCIMFGP3       0011
HCIMLFLG       0008
HCIMLFL0       0008
HCIMLFL1       0009
HCISDAS        001A 20
HCISDATA       001A 40
HCISEQ         0014
HCISHOWN       001A 80
HCITEXT        001C
HCIVFLAG       001A

This information is based on z/VM V6R2.0. Last updated on 21 Nov 2011 at 11:04:37 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2011