Programming Interface Information:
This information is NOT intended to be
used as Programming Interfaces of z/VM.



Control Block Contents  

Storage Layout  

Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)  

DBHBK Prolog

 DESCRIPTION: ISFC Directory Broadcast header block
 FUNCTION   : Maintain information about an ISFC directory
 LOCATED BY : Local work registers.
 CREATED BY : HCPSCF    to perform a directory broadcast.
 DELETED BY : HCPACP    when the directory broadcast is completed.
 SERIALIZED : The ISFC global lock (HCPBDSGL).


DBHBK Control Block Content


Hex   Dec Type/Val   Lng Label (dup)    Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000    0 Structure      DBHBK          ISFC Directory Broadcast header block
      DBHBK management.
      This is the DBHBK prefix (this part is not transmitted).
0000    0 Signed       4 DBHPREV        ADD OF PREVIOUS TABLE ENTRY
0004    4 Signed       4 DBHNEXT        ADD OF NEXT TABLE ENTRY
0008    8 Signed       4 DBHRSPID       Request id for response
000C   12 Bitstring    1 DBHFLAGS       FLAG BYTE
          1... ....      DBHUDONE       X'80' DBHUDONE Userid search is
          .1.. ....      DBHPDONE       X'40' DBHPDONE Password
                                        Verification is done
          ..1. ....      DBHBCRRQ       X'20' DBHBCRRQ Broadcast Routing
          ...1 ....      DBHKILL        X'10' DBHKILL Kill this request
                                        (no response). DBHKILL is set if
                                        the link goes down or if the
                                        DBHBK has been on the Directory
                                        response list for one complete
                                        link timer interval.
          .... 1...      DBHJRNLD       X'08' DBHJRNLD Journaling already
          .... .1..      DBHDIUCV       X'04' DBHDIUCV IUCV userid search
          .... ...1      DBHRESPD       X'01' DBHRESPD CPEBK is stacked
                                        for completion
          11.. ....      DBHADONE       DBHUDONE+DBHPDONE DBHADONE All
                                        requests are done
000D   13 Bitstring    1 DBHFLAGB       Additional flag bits
          1... ....      DBHPRMRQ       X'80' DBHPRMRQ This request has
          .1.. ....      DBHSECRQ       X'40' DBHSECRQ This is a
                                        duplicate request
000E   14 Bitstring    2 *              RESERVED
0010   16 Signed       4 DBHNLIST       Pointer to DBHNBK chain
0014   20 Signed       4 DBHCPEX        CPEXBLOK ADDRESS
0018   24 Character    8 DBHNODE        TARGET NODE ID FOR USERID
0020   32 Character    8 DBHSUSER       SOURCE USERID (JOURNALING)
0028   40 Signed       4 DBHBLIST       NODE LIST OF BAD PASSWORDS
002C   44 Signed       4 DBHLSESS       Copy of CMP MBX PTHLSESS
0030   48 Character    8 DBHACCJL       Acess userid for Journaling
0038   56 Bitstring    8 DBHTOD         TOD local request created
0040   64 Address      4 DBHDUPRQ       Pointer to master DBHBK
      This is the Directory Broadcast frame header.
        This portion of the DBHBK is transmitted along with
        one or more DBEBK frames (based on DBHNREQS value).
0044   68 Character   24 DBHDRST (0)    Start of architected header
0044   68 Signed       4 DBHDRLEN       LENGTH OF HEADER
0048   72 Signed       4 DBHNREQS       NUMBER OF DIRECTORY REQUESTS
004C   76 Bitstring   16 DBHDESC (0)    Descriptor (ID||Node||id)
004C   76 Signed       4 DBHREQID       DIR BROADCAST REQUEST ID
0050   80 Character    8 DBHORIGN       Originating node ID
0058   88 Signed       4 DBHORIGI       Originating request ID
          00000018       DBHDRLN        *-DBHDRST
          0000005C       DBHDRL1        *-DBHBK
      One or more DBEBK structures should follow this DBHBK.
005C   92 Bitstring    1 DBHREQ1 (0)    First DBEBK appears here
      DBHNBK - Node Element Block
      Notes      :
        Each DBHNBK represents a reference to an ISFC Node.
        One DBHNBK is added to the DBHNLIST chain each time a
        request is sent to a remote node.  That entry is removed
        when the response arrives from that node.
        One DBHNBK is added to the DBHBLIST chain each time a
        bad response arrives from a node.


Hex   Dec Type/Val   Lng Label (dup)    Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000    0 Structure      DBHNBK         ISFC Directory Broadcast header block
0000    0 Character    8 DBHNNAME       Referenced Node ID
0008    8 Address      4 DBHNNEXT       Pointer to next DBHNBK
          00000002       DBHNBKSZ       ((*-DBHNBK)+7)/8 Size of DBHNBK
                                        in dwords
      Directory Broadcast counters -
      Notes      :
        There is one instance of this structure at HCPBDSCT.
        These counters are maintained because they were useful
        for verifying proper operation during development.


Hex   Dec Type/Val   Lng Label (dup)    Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000    0 Structure      DBHCTRS        ISFC Directory Broadcast header block
0000    0 Signed       4 DBH_REQUESTS   Requests received
0004    4 Signed       4 DBH_RESPONSES  Responses sent
0008    8 Signed       4 DBH_RELAYS     Relays Started
000C   12 Signed       4 DBH_RELAYCOMP  Relays Completed
0010   16 Signed       4 DBH_DUPREQS    Duplicate Requests received
0014   20 Signed       4 DBH_DUPRESP    Duplicate Responses sent
          00000018       DBHCTRLN       *-DBHCTRS Length of DBHCTRS


DBHBK Storage Layout

*** DBHBK - ISFC Directory Broadcast header block
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*   0 |         DBHPREV           |         DBHNEXT           |
*     +---------------------------+------+------+-------------+
*   8 |         DBHRSPID          |:FLAGS|:FLAGB|/////////////|
*     +---------------------------+------+------+-------------+
*  10 |         DBHNLIST          |         DBHCPEX           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  18 |                       DBHNODE                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  20 |                       DBHSUSER                        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  28 |         DBHBLIST          |         DBHLSESS          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  30 |                       DBHACCJL                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  38 |                        DBHTOD                         |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  40 |         DBHDUPRQ          |         DBHDRLEN          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  48 |         DBHNREQS          |         DBHREQID          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  50 |                       DBHORIGN                        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  58 |         DBHORIGI          |
*     +---------------------------+
*** DBHBK - ISFC Directory Broadcast header block
*** DBHNBK - ISFC Directory Broadcast header block
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   0 |                       DBHNNAME                        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*   8 |         DBHNNEXT          | C
*     +---------------------------+
*** DBHNBK - ISFC Directory Broadcast header block
*** DBHCTRS - ISFC Directory Broadcast header block
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*   0 |       DBH_REQUESTS        |      DBH_RESPONSES        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*   8 |        DBH_RELAYS         |      DBH_RELAYCOMP        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  10 |       DBH_DUPREQS         |       DBH_DUPRESP         |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  18
*** DBHCTRS - ISFC Directory Broadcast header block


DBHBK Cross Reference

Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
DBH_RELAYS     0008
DBHACCJL       0030
DBHADONE       000C C0
DBHBCRRQ       000C 20
DBHBLIST       0028
DBHCPEX        0014
DBHCTRLN       0014 00000018
DBHDESC        004C
DBHDIUCV       000C 04
DBHDRLEN       0044
DBHDRLN        0058 00000018
DBHDRL1        0058 0000005C
DBHDRST        0044
DBHDUPRQ       0040
DBHFLAGB       000D
DBHFLAGS       000C
DBHJRNLD       000C 08
DBHKILL        000C 10
DBHLSESS       002C
DBHNBKSZ       0008 00000002
DBHNEXT        0004
DBHNLIST       0010
DBHNNAME       0000
DBHNNEXT       0008
DBHNODE        0018
DBHNREQS       0048
DBHORIGI       0058
DBHORIGN       0050
DBHPDONE       000C 40
DBHPREV        0000
DBHPRMRQ       000D 80
DBHREQID       004C
DBHREQ1        005C
DBHRESPD       000C 01
DBHRSPID       0008
DBHSECRQ       000D 40
DBHSUSER       0020
DBHTOD         0038
DBHUDONE       000C 80

This information is based on z/VM V6R2.0. Last updated on 21 Nov 2011 at 10:57:30 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2011