Programming Interface Information:
This information is NOT intended to be
used as Programming Interfaces of z/VM.



Control Block Contents  

Storage Layout  

Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)  

$VMDBK Prolog

 DESCRIPTION: Relocation mapping for HCPVMDBK
 DSECT      : $VMDBK
 FUNCTION   : LGRVMDBK describes those fields of the VMDBK that
              will be migrated to the destination system during
              guest relocation.
 LOCATED BY : This is a mapping of the RDODATA area within the
              RDOBK during guest relocation.
 RELOCATION CONSIDERATIONS : This control block is used during live guest
              relocation.  It is used to relocate a control block
              defined in a corresponding HCP COPY file.  Any
              fields or bits defined in HCPVMDBK which are
              required on the destination system must be defined
              here, and code must be added to migrate the field
              or bit during a relocation.


$VMDBK Control Block Content


Hex   Dec Type/Val   Lng Label (dup)    Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000    0 Structure      $VMDBK         Relocation mapping for HCPVMDBK
          00000002       $VMD_VER       2 Mapping version number
0000    0 Signed       2 $VMD_HDRL      Header length (in bytes)
0002    2 Signed       2 $VMD_BITL      Length of mapped bits (in bytes)
0004    4 Signed       2 *              Reserved for future use
0006    6 Bitstring    1 $VMD_FLGS      General flag byte
          1... ....      $VMD_BASE      X'80' $VMD_BASE Mapping is for a
                                        base VMDBK
          .1.. ....      $VMD_SUP       X'40' $VMD_SUP Copy of
0007    7 Bitstring    1 *              Reserved for future use
          00000008       $VMD_HDLN      *-$VMDBK Length of header (bytes)
      Bit map: Contains the VMDBK flags that are subject to
               relocation. These bits are defined sequentially,
               regardless of how they are defined in HCPVMDBK.
               This yields a consistent mapping that ensures
               compatibility when a guest is relocated between
               systems at differing service levels.
               Names in the comments column indicate the control
               block byte which contains the flag. This name is
               subject to change if the flag definition changes.
         ====> NEVER change bits which already exist here.
         ====> NEVER change the order of bits in this section.
         ====> ALWAYS add new bits at the end of this section,
               together with new flag bytes as required.
0008    8 Signed       2 $VMD_BITS (0)  Bit map area
0008    8 Bitstring    1 $VMD0
          1... ....      $VMDDIA4C      X'80' $VMDDIA4C VMDDIAST
          .1.. ....      $VMDUDST       X'40' $VMDUDST VMDDIAST
          ..1. ....      $VMDNETA       X'20' $VMDNETA VMDACFL
          ...1 ....      $VMDNETR       X'10' $VMDNETR VMDACFL
          .... 1...      $VMDSTOPD      X'08' $VMDSTOPD VMDCFCTL
          .... .1..      $VMDUTERM      X'04' $VMDUTERM VMDCFLAG
          .... ..1.      $VMDAUTOL      X'02' $VMDAUTOL VMDOSTAT
          .... ...1      $VMDXAUTO      X'01' $VMDXAUTO VMDOSTAT
0009    9 Bitstring    1 $VMD1
          1... ....      $VMDSTOP       X'80' $VMDSTOP VMDCWAIT
          .1.. ....      $VMDSLEEP      X'40' $VMDSLEEP VMDCWAIT
          ..1. ....      $VMDCKST       X'20' $VMDCKST VMDCWAIT
          ...1 ....      $VMDDSCWT      X'10' $VMDDSCWT VMDCWAIT
          .... 1...      $VMDSKSLP      X'08' $VMDSKSLP VMDCWAIT
          .... .1..      $VMDBOMBA      X'04' $VMDBOMBA VMDCFOPT
          .... ..1.      $VMDBOMBE      X'02' $VMDBOMBE VMDCFOPT
          .... ...1      $VMDBOMBS      X'01' $VMDBOMBS VMDCFOPT
000A   10 Bitstring    1 $VMD2
          1... ....      $VMDCFRUN      X'80' $VMDCFRUN VMDCFOPT
          .1.. ....      $VMDCFMCP      X'40' $VMDCFMCP VMDCFOPT
          ..1. ....      $VMDCFMCE      X'20' $VMDCFMCE VMDCFOPT
          ...1 ....      $VMDCFPCL      X'10' $VMDCFPCL VMDCFOPT
          .... 1...      $VMDNOAUT      X'08' $VMDNOAUT VMDJURNL
          .... .1..      $VMDMSGON      X'04' $VMDMSGON VMDMLVL
          .... ..1.      $VMDWNGON      X'02' $VMDWNGON VMDMLVL
          .... ...1      $VMDMCODE      X'01' $VMDMCODE VMDMLVL
000B   11 Bitstring    1 $VMD3
          1... ....      $VMDMTEXT      X'80' $VMDMTEXT VMDMLVL
          .1.. ....      $VMDSPMSG      X'40' $VMDSPMSG VMDMLVL
          ..1. ....      $VMDMIMSG      X'20' $VMDMIMSG VMDMLVL
          ...1 ....      $VMDMCNFG      X'10' $VMDMCNFG VMDMLVL
          .... 1...      $VMDMSGIU      X'08' $VMDMSGIU VMDMIUCV
          .... .1..      $VMDWNGIU      X'04' $VMDWNGIU VMDMIUCV
          .... ..1.      $VMDEMSGI      X'02' $VMDEMSGI VMDMIUCV
          .... ...1      $VMDSMSGI      X'01' $VMDSMSGI VMDMIUCV
000C   12 Bitstring    1 $VMD4
          1... ....      $VMDIMSGI      X'80' $VMDIMSGI VMDMIUCV
          .1.. ....      $VMDCPCOI      X'40' $VMDCPCOI VMDMIUCV
          ..1. ....      $VMDVMCOI      X'20' $VMDVMCOI VMDMIUCV
          ...1 ....      $VMDMSSVP      X'10' $VMDMSSVP VMDMSSFL
          .... 1...      $VMDMSSCS      X'08' $VMDMSSCS VMDMSSFL
          .... .1..      $VMDMSAVP      X'04' $VMDMSAVP VMDMSSFL
          .... ..1.      $VMDMSACS      X'02' $VMDMSACS VMDMSSFL
          .... ...1      $VMDPDPPF      X'01' $VMDPDPPF VMDWPEND
000D   13 Bitstring    1 $VMD5
          1... ....      $VMDCKPSW      X'80' $VMDCKPSW VMDWPEND
          .1.. ....      $VMDPDTMR      X'40' $VMDPDTMR VMDWPEND
          ..1. ....      $VMDPDIRP      X'20' $VMDPDIRP VMDWPEND
          ...1 ....      $VMDPDCFM      X'10' $VMDPDCFM VMDWPEND
          .... 1...      $VMDPDSIE      X'08' $VMDPDSIE VMDWPEND
          .... .1..      $VMDPDTRD      X'04' $VMDPDTRD VMDWPEND
          .... ..1.      $VMDPD9CW      X'02' $VMDPD9CW VMDWPEND
          .... ...1      $VMDXTKEY      X'01' $VMDXTKEY VMDIPEND
000E   14 Bitstring    1 $VMD6
          1... ....      $VMDEXMCK      X'80' $VMDEXMCK VMDIPEND
          .1.. ....      $VMDPTRQ       X'40' $VMDPTRQ VMDTIMER
          ..1. ....      $VMDITMRL      X'20' $VMDITMRL VMDTIMER
          ...1 ....      $VMDVPTRK      X'10' $VMDVPTRK VMDTIMER
          .... 1...      $VMDINTTR      X'08' $VMDINTTR VMDTIMER
          .... .1..      $VMDITMRI      X'04' $VMDITMRI VMDTIMER
          .... ..1.      $VMDITMOF      X'02' $VMDITMOF VMDTIMER
          .... ...1      $VMDCPUAF      X'01' $VMDCPUAF VMDCFGEM
000F   15 Bitstring    1 $VMD7
          1... ....      $VMD8LOCK      X'80' $VMD8LOCK VMDIAGF1
          .1.. ....      $VMD8LOG       X'40' $VMD8LOG VMDIAGF1
          ..1. ....      $VMD8FAIL      X'20' $VMD8FAIL VMDIAGF1
          ...1 ....      $VMDNOFSL      X'10' $VMDNOFSL VMDIAGF2
          .... 1...      $VMDCSRMI      X'08' $VMDCSRMI VMDIAGF2
          .... .1..      $VMDNOINS      X'04' $VMDNOINS VMDIAGF2
          .... ..1.      $VMDLNKS       X'02' $VMDLNKS VMDIAGF2
          .... ...1      $VMDLNKE       X'01' $VMDLNKE VMDIAGF2
0010   16 Bitstring    1 $VMD8
          1... ....      $VMDEXCLD      X'80' $VMDEXCLD VMDIAGF2
          .1.. ....      $VMDSHARE      X'40' $VMDSHARE VMDIAGF2
          ..1. ....      $VMDIAG98      X'20' $VMDIAG98 VMDIAGFL
          ...1 ....      $VMDLNKNP      X'10' $VMDLNKNP VMDIAGFL
          .... 1...      $VMDD84NP      X'08' $VMDD84NP VMDIAGFL
          .... .1..      $VMDSETOR      X'04' $VMDSETOR VMDIAGFL
          .... ..1.      $VMDDEVI       X'02' $VMDDEVI VMDIAGFL
          .... ...1      $VMDDEVM       X'01' $VMDDEVM VMDIAGFL
0011   17 Bitstring    1 $VMD9
          1... ....      $VMDMCCW       X'80' $VMDMCCW VMDIAGFL
          .1.. ....      $VMDIAG88      X'40' $VMDIAG88 VMDIAGFL
          ..1. ....      $VMDSVMST      X'20' $VMDSVMST VMDRFEAT
          ...1 ....      $VMDVERP       X'10' $VMDVERP VMDRFEAT
          .... 1...      $VMDCFLF       X'08' $VMDCFLF VMDRFEAT
          .... .1..      $VMDCMSRV      X'04' $VMDCMSRV VMDRFEAT
          .... ..1.      $VMDACTRC      X'02' $VMDACTRC VMDRFEAT
          .... ...1      $VMDVTOD       X'01' $VMDVTOD VMDRFEAT
0012   18 Bitstring    1 $VMD10
          1... ....      $VMDPAGEX      X'80' $VMDPAGEX VMDSTORE
          .1.. ....      $VMDPFTOK      X'40' $VMDPFTOK VMDSTORE
          ..1. ....      $VMDPFTK2      X'20' $VMDPFTK2 VMDSTORE
          ...1 ....      $VMDMASST      X'10' $VMDMASST VMDSTORE
          .... 1...      $VMDMAOFF      X'08' $VMDMAOFF VMDSTORE
          .... .1..      $VMDPTRQQ      X'04' $VMDPTRQQ VMDEMCTL
          .... ..1.      $VMDPTRQL      X'02' $VMDPTRQL VMDEMCTL
          .... ...1      $VMDMRG32      X'01' $VMDMRG32 VMDMMODE
0013   19 Bitstring    1 $VMD11
          1... ....      $VMDMRG64      X'80' $VMDMRG64 VMDMMODE
          .1.. ....      $VMDMXC        X'40' $VMDMXC VMDMMODE
          ..1. ....      $VMDMESA       X'20' $VMDMESA VMDMMODE
          ...1 ....      $VMDM370       X'10' $VMDM370 VMDMMODE
          .... 1...      $VMDSETXA      X'08' $VMDSETXA VMDMFEAT
          .... .1..      $VMD370AC      X'04' $VMD370AC VMDMFEAT
          .... ..1.      $VMDVEXFP      X'02' $VMDVEXFP VMDMFEAT
          .... ...1      $VMDLIBC       X'01' $VMDLIBC VMDSTDV1
0014   20 Bitstring    1 $VMD12
          1... ....      $VMDTZA        X'80' $VMDTZA VMDSTDV1
          .1.. ....      $VMDCRYPT      X'40' $VMDCRYPT VMDCFDIR
          .... .1..      $VMDAPCR       X'04' $VMDAPCR VMDCFDIR
          .... ..1.      $VMDAPDED      X'02' $VMDAPDED VMDCFDIR
          .... ...1      $VMDAPMS       X'01' $VMDAPMS VMDCRYMF
0015   21 Bitstring    1 $VMD13
          1... ....      $SHORTDAT      X'80' $SHORTDAT VMDDATFL
          .1.. ....      $FULLDATE      X'40' $FULLDATE VMDDATFL
          ..1. ....      $ISODATE       X'20' $ISODATE VMDDATFL
          ...1 ....      $SDEFAULT      X'10' $SDEFAULT VMDDATFL
          .... 1...      $VMDCLEXT      X'08' $VMDCLEXT VMDTOPTN
          .... .1..      $VMDEDIT       X'04' $VMDEDIT VMDTOPTN
          .... ..1.      $VMDATTCP      X'02' $VMDATTCP VMDTOPTN
          .... ...1      $VMDTSTAM      X'01' $VMDTSTAM VMDTOPTN
0016   22 Bitstring    1 $VMD14
          1... ....      $VMDNOBKY      X'80' $VMDNOBKY VMDTOPTN
          .1.. ....      $VMDPFIKY      X'40' $VMDPFIKY VMDTOPTN
          ..1. ....      $VMDGSTCL      X'20' $VMDGSTCL VMDTOPTN
          ...1 ....      $VMDHLITE      X'10' $VMDHLITE VMDTOPTN
          .... 1...      $VMDCRMOR      X'08' $VMDCRMOR VMDSCREN
          .... .1..      $VMDCRHLD      X'04' $VMDCRHLD VMDSCREN
          .... ..1.      $VMDNHOLD      X'02' $VMDNHOLD VMDSCREN
          .... ...1      $VMDNULLD      X'01' $VMDNULLD VMDSCREN
0017   23 Bitstring    1 $VMD15
          1... ....      $VMDTLEOV      X'80' $VMDTLEOV VMDTOPT2
          .1.. ....      $VMDNOCTL      X'40' $VMDNOCTL VMDTOPT2
          ..1. ....      $VMDSTAMP      X'20' $VMDSTAMP VMDTOPT2
          ...1 ....      $VMDBRMIN      X'10' $VMDBRMIN VMDTOPT2
          .... 1...      $VMDAUTCR      X'08' $VMDAUTCR VMDTOPT2
          .... .1..      $VMDCFINP      X'04' $VMDCFINP VMDTOPT2
          .... ..1.      $VMDIPSSL      X'02' $VMDIPSSL VMDIPLST
          .... ...1      $VMDIPDEV      X'01' $VMDIPDEV VMDIPLST
0018   24 Bitstring    1 $VMD16
          1... ....      $VMDIPLOG      X'80' $VMDIPLOG VMDIPLST
          .1.. ....      $VMDIPVMI      X'40' $VMDIPVMI VMDIPLST
          ..1. ....      $VMDUNDSC      X'20' $VMDUNDSC VMDCMDOP
          ...1 ....      $VMDPSWTS      X'10' $VMDPSWTS VMDCMDOP
          .... 1...      $VMDPSWTD      X'08' $VMDPSWTD VMDCMDOP
          .... .1..      $VMDPROAP      X'04' $VMDPROAP VMDPROFL
          .... ..1.      $VMDPROTB      X'02' $VMDPROTB VMDPROFL
          .... ...1      $VMDUSECO      X'01' $VMDUSECO VMDSECF
0019   25 Bitstring    1 $VMD17
          1... ....      $VMDDGNAU      X'80' $VMDDGNAU VMDSECU1
          .1.. ....      $VMDDGNPR      X'40' $VMDDGNPR VMDSECU1
          ..1. ....      $VMDANYAU      X'20' $VMDANYAU VMDSECU1
          ...1 ....      $VMDANYPR      X'10' $VMDANYPR VMDSECU1
          .... 1...      $VMDANYMC      X'08' $VMDANYMC VMDSECU1
          .... .1..      $VMDDGNMC      X'04' $VMDDGNMC VMDSECU1
          .... ..1.      $VMDCMESA      X'02' $VMDCMESA VMDCMODE
          .... ...1      $VMDCMLIN      X'01' $VMDCMLIN VMDCMODE
001A   26 Bitstring    1 $VMD18
          1... ....      $VMDCMVM       X'80' $VMDCMVM VMDCMODE
          .1.. ....      $VMDCMCF       X'40' $VMDCMCF VMDCMODE
          ..1. ....      $VMDFAUTO      X'20' $VMDFAUTO VMDCCWOP
          ...1 ....      $VMDNOP        X'10' $VMDNOP VMDCCWOP
          .... 1...      $VMDQDSPU      X'08' $VMDQDSPU VMDSCDF1
          .... .1..      $VMDLIMTH      X'04' $VMDLIMTH VMDSCDF1
          .... ..1.      $VMDMXSHA      X'02' $VMDMXSHA VMDSCDF3
          .... ...1      $VMDNMSHA      X'01' $VMDNMSHA VMDSCDF3
001B   27 Bitstring    1 $VMD19
          1... ....      $VMDIUANY      X'80' $VMDIUANY VMDAPPCF
          .1.. ....      $VMDIUALL      X'40' $VMDIUALL VMDAPPCF
          ..1. ....      $VMDWKRUN      X'20' $VMDWKRUN VMDWRKLL
          ...1 ....      $VMDCHVSP      X'10' $VMDCHVSP VMDCCWOP
          .... 1...      $VMDAMDIR      X'08' $VMDAMDIR VMDMONFA
          .... .1..      $VMDAPBUF      X'04' $VMDAPBUF VMDMONFA
          .... ..1.      $VMDMONEU      X'02' $VMDMONEU VMDMONST
          .... ...1      $VMDMONSD      X'01' $VMDMONSD VMDMONST
001C   28 Bitstring    1 $VMD20
          1... ....      $VMDMONEC      X'80' $VMDMONEC VMDMONST
          .1.. ....      $VMDMONTV      X'40' $VMDMONTV VMDMONST
          ..1. ....      $VMDMONSV      X'20' $VMDMONSV VMDMONST
          ...1 ....      $VMDSIGAC      X'10' $VMDSIGAC VMDMSTAT
          .... 1...      $VMDPQDBA      X'08' $VMDPQDBA VMDPXFL1
          .... .1..      $VMDPESIA      X'04' $VMDPESIA VMDPXFL1
          .... ..1.      $VMDPSIDA      X'02' $VMDPSIDA VMDPXFL1
          .... ...1      $VMDPQDBB      X'01' $VMDPQDBB VMDPXFL1
001D   29 Bitstring    1 $VMD21
          1... ....      $VMDPESIB      X'80' $VMDPESIB VMDPXFL1
          .1.. ....      $VMDPSIDB      X'40' $VMDPSIDB VMDPXFL1
          ..1. ....      $VMDMAACT      X'20' $VMDMAACT VMDSTORE
          ...1 ....      $VMDESMON      X'10' $VMDESMON VMDSTAT2
          .... 1...      $VMDREOFL      X'08' $VMDREOFL VMDSTMFS
          .... .1..      $VMDRLONA      X'04' $VMDRLONA VMDSTRLO
          .... ..1.      $VMDUSECM      X'02' $VMDUSECM VMDSECF
          .... ...1      $VMDUSECP      X'01' $VMDUSECP VMDSECF
001E   30 Bitstring    1 $VMD22
          1... ....      $VMDUSECA      X'80' $VMDUSECA VMDSECF
          00000017       $VMD_BLEN      *-$VMD_BITS Length of bit map
      Data:    Contains all HCPVMDBK data that is subject to
               relocation, except for flag bits, which are
               handled separately.
               All fields are defined as XLnn to avoid alignment
               warnings and to pack the data efficiently.
         ====> NEVER change fields which already exist here.
         ====> NEVER change the order of fields in this section.
         ====> ALWAYS add new fields at the end of this section.
      For the initial release, the fields here appear in the
      same relative order as in the VMDBK.
      Most of the fields listed here are copied as-is to the
      destination system, but some require special processing.
      Such fields are marked with '**' (e.g. see $VMDTODON).
001F   31 Bitstring    1 $VMD_DATA (0)  Start of data map
001F   31 Bitstring    8 $VMD_TOD       Effective guest TOD at quiesce
0027   39 Bitstring    4 $VMD_SIE       -> RDO offset to $SIEBK
002B   43 Bitstring    4 $VMD_PTY       -> RDO offset to proprietary
002F   47 Bitstring    4 $VMD_MDG       -> RDO offset to $MDGBK
0033   51 Bitstring    4 $VMDBOMBT      -> RDO offset to $TBOMB
0037   55 Bitstring    4 $VMDCFBUF      -> RDO offset to $GSDBK
003B   59 Bitstring    4 $VMDOSTAK      -> RDO offset to $GSDBK
003F   63 Bitstring    4 $VMDTRQDL      -> RDO offset to $ZZZZZ
0043   67 Bitstring    4 $VMDXTSFI      -> RDO offset to $SFXBK
0047   71 Bitstring    4 $VMDFIN        -> RDO offset to $FINBK
004B   75 Bitstring    4 $VMDPPFPT      -> RDO offset to $PPFBK
004F   79 Bitstring    4 $VMDMCV        -> RDO offset to $MCVBK
0053   83 Bitstring    4 $VMDSVPBK      -> RDO offset to $SVPBK
0057   87 Bitstring    4 $VMDPFUNC      -> RDO offset to $PFUNC
005B   91 Bitstring    4 $VMDPCBUF      -> RDO offset to $PCBUF
005F   95 Bitstring    4 $VMDPROBK      -> RDO offset to $PROBK
0063   99 Bitstring    4 $VMDIPLCM      -> RDO offset to $IPLCM
0067  103 Bitstring    4 $VMDFIDTE      -> RDO offset to $FILENTRY
006B  107 Bitstring    4 $VMDSSHBK      -> RDO offset to $SHVBK
006F  111 Bitstring    4 $VMDIPQPT      -> RDO offset to $IPQBK
0073  115 Bitstring    4 $VMDIUCVB      -> RDO offset to $IUCVB
0077  119 Bitstring    4 $VMDPXIBK      -> RDO offset to $PXIBK
007B  123 Bitstring    4 $VMDPPFAR      -> RDO offset to $PPFBK
007F  127 Bitstring    4 $VMDLLOAD      -> RDO offset to $FCLBK
0083  131 Bitstring    4 $VMDLDUMP      -> RDO offset to $FCLBK
0087  135 Bitstring    4 $VMDPDIPL      -> RDO offset to $LDIBK
008B  139 Bitstring    8 $VMDCPUID      Guest machine CPU ID (for STIDP)
0093  147 Bitstring    8 $VMDACTID      Accounting user identification
009B  155 Bitstring    8 $VMDALGID      Userid causing this user's logon
00A3  163 Bitstring    8 $VMDACTNO      User accounting number
00AB  171 Bitstring    8 $VMDDIST       User distribution code
00B3  179 Bitstring    8 $VMDGRPN       RACF ACI group name (This field
                                        is deprecated but left here and
                                        filled in during relocation in
                                        case the destination is a
                                        backlevel CP and requires it
00BB  187 Bitstring    4 $VMDTODON      ** Session logon TOD, bits 0-31
00BF  191 Bitstring    8 $VMDATTMP      Value of VMDTTMP at last ACNT.
00C7  199 Bitstring    8 $VMDAVTMP      Value of VMDVTMP at last ACNT.
00CF  207 Bitstring    8 $VMDADIST      Dist field when VMDDIA4C is on
00D7  215 Bitstring    4 $VMDSIGCT      Count of SIGA instructions
00DB  219 Bitstring    4 $VMDCCSIO      Count of completed virt i/o
00DF  223 Bitstring    8 $VMDATTMS      Value of VMDTTMS at last ACNT
00E7  231 Bitstring    8 $VMDAVTMS      Value of VMDVTMS at last ACNT
00EF  239 Bitstring    4 $VMDACRDR      Cards read from virtual reader
00F3  243 Bitstring    4 $VMDACPCH      Cards written to virtual punch
00F7  247 Bitstring    4 $VMDACPRT      Lines printed on virtual printer
00FB  251 Bitstring    4 $VMDARSIO      Virtual I/O starts incomplete
00FF  255 Bitstring    4 $VMDACSIO      Virtual I/O starts completed
0103  259 Bitstring    8 $VMDCOMND      Last CP command executed
010B  267 Bitstring    1 $VMDCFPND      Console function is pending.
010C  268 Bitstring    1 $VMDCFPDR      Console function read pending.
010D  269 Bitstring    4 $VMDCFCPU      ** (CPUAD of) VMDBK to receive
                                        #CP cmds
0111  273 Bitstring    1 $VMDCMDMC      ACI 'mac' authorized privilege
0112  274 Bitstring    1 *              Reserved for future use
0113  275 Bitstring    4 $VMDPCL        Authorised privilege classes
0117  279 Bitstring    1 $VMDCTPWD      Diagnose LINK password count
0118  280 Bitstring    2 $VMDCTRAU      #AUTOLOGs w/invalid password
011A  282 Bitstring    8 $VMDHXID       User who told us to HX
0122  290 Bitstring   64 $VMDARS        Guest Access Registers
0162  354 Bitstring  128 $VMDGGRS       Guest General Purpose Registers
01E2  482 Bitstring  128 $VMDFPRS       Guest Floating Point Registers
0262  610 Bitstring    1 $VMDPUTYP      CPU type
0263  611 Bitstring    2 $VMDCPUAD      CPU address of virtual CPU
0265  613 Bitstring    1 $VMDCPULT      Max MP guest CPU count - 1
0266  614 Bitstring    1 $VMDRCAPG      Recording-capable-guest flag
0267  615 Bitstring    8 $VMDGTEID      Translation exception
026F  623 Bitstring    1 $VMDFEAID      Exception access identification
0270  624 Bitstring    4 $VMDCPCAA      Guest abs addr of CP comms area
0274  628 Bitstring    4 $VMDCPCAS      Size of CP communications area in
0278  632 Bitstring    4 $VMDFPCR       Floating-point control register
027C  636 Bitstring    8 $VMDXTMFA      Bit mask of vCPUs which have made
                                        malfunction alerts pending on
                                        this virtual CPU
0284  644 Bitstring    8 $VMDXTEMS      Bit mask of vCPUs which have made
                                        external emergency signals
                                        pending on this virtual CPU.
028C  652 Bitstring    4 $VMDSFIPM      Software-generated-intrpt enable
0290  656 Bitstring    2 $VMDMORTM      TERM MORE time intervals
0292  658 Bitstring    1 $VMDTLEND      The line-end character
0293  659 Bitstring    1 $VMDTLDEL      The line-delete character
0294  660 Bitstring    1 $VMDTCDEL      The character-delete character
0295  661 Bitstring    1 $VMDTESCP      The escape caracter
0296  662 Bitstring    1 $VMDEXVMO      SCREEN VMOUT
0297  663 Bitstring    1 $VMDEXINR      SCREEN INREDISP
0298  664 Bitstring    1 $VMDEXINA      SCREEN INAREA
0299  665 Bitstring    1 $VMDEXSTA      SCREEN STATAREA
029A  666 Bitstring    1 $VMDEXCPO      SCREEN CPOUT
029B  667 Bitstring    1 $VMDTTAB       TERM TAB character
029C  668 Bitstring    1 $VMDBRKKY      TERM BRKKEY character
029D  669 Bitstring    8 $VMDIPLNM      IPL'd device number or NSS name
02A5  677 Bitstring    8 $VMDLDPRM      IPL load parameter (LOADPARM)
02AD  685 Bitstring    8 $VMDSLAB       Security label for user's VMDBK
                                        (This field is deprecated but
                                        left here and filled in during a
                                        relocation in case the
                                        destination is a backlevel CP and
                                        requires it
02B5  693 Bitstring    5 $VMDLANG       ** Address of active LANGBK
02BA  698 Bitstring    8 $VMDSECU       Userid of the secondary user
02C2  706 Bitstring    1 $VMDCMDAU      ACI audit auth priv classes, byte
02C3  707 Bitstring    1 $VMDCMDPR      ACI protect auth priv classes,
                                        byte 0
02C4  708 Bitstring   12 $VMDCSQOP      CP command name, SET or QUERY
02D0  720 Bitstring    8 $VMDBYVAL      The byuser ID who logged us on
02D8  728 Bitstring    8 $VMDTTIME      Session total CPU time used
02E0  736 Bitstring    8 $VMDVTIME      Session virtual CPU time used
02E8  744 Bitstring    8 $VMDVTZPT      Delta from VMDVTIME for exp-timer
02F0  752 Bitstring    4 $VMDCTSIO      #virtual I/O starts not in
02F4  756 Bitstring    4 $VMDCTRDR      #virtual cards read
02F8  760 Bitstring    4 $VMDCTPCH      #virtual cards punched
02FC  764 Bitstring    4 $VMDCTPRT      #virtual lines printed
0300  768 Bitstring    4 $VMDVDISK      #I/Os to a v-disk
0304  772 Bitstring   16 $VMDSVZPSW     Saved z/architecture PSW
0314  788 Bitstring    8 $VMDPFXMK      Guest prefix mask
031C  796 Bitstring    4 $VMDTODAG      Guest address for TOD accounting
0320  800 Bitstring    4 $VMDCTSPR      Count of spooling page reads
0324  804 Bitstring    4 $VMDCTSPW      Count of spooling page writes
0328  808 Bitstring    2 $VMDASMMX      Max non-base addr spaces user may
032A  810 Bitstring    4 $VMDASTMX      Max MB non-base addr spaces usr
                                        may own
032E  814 Bitstring    2 $VMDACLMX      Max allowed size of user's access
0330  816 Bitstring    8 $VMDVTIMD      Copy of VMDVTIME for 370ACCOM
0338  824 Bitstring    4 $VMDMXSHR      Guest's max-share, abs or rel
033C  828 Bitstring    4 $VMDMAXVF      Max sink value for VMCF
0340  832 Bitstring    4 $VMDPXCAI      POSIX communication area
0344  836 Bitstring    8 $VMDGPFAUL     Guest real addr of PFAULT token
034C  844 Bitstring    8 $VMDSELMK      PSW selection mask
0354  852 Bitstring    8 $VMDCMPMK      PSW comparison mask
035C  860 Bitstring    8 $VMDTTMP       Tot virt and sim time on a
                                        primary CPU
0364  868 Bitstring    8 $VMDVTMP       Tot virt time on a primary CPU
036C  876 Bitstring    8 $VMDTTMS       Tot virt and sim time on a
                                        secondary CPU
0374  884 Bitstring    8 $VMDVTMS       Tot virt time on a secondary CPU
037C  892 Bitstring    8 $VMDITRES      Interval timer residue
0384  900 Bitstring    4 $VMDLKTOT      Count of LINK commands
0388  904 Bitstring    4 $VMDLKPLX      Count of SSI consults due to LINK
038C  908 Bitstring    8 $VMDLKTOD      Time spent consulting SSI for
0394  916 Bitstring    4 $VMDDTTOT      Count of DETACH commands
0398  920 Bitstring    4 $VMDDTPLX      Count of SSI consults due to
039C  924 Bitstring    8 $VMDDTTOD      Time spent consulting SSI for
03A4  932 Bitstring    4 $VMDWKTOT      Count of SET WRKALLEG ON commands
03A8  936 Bitstring    4 $VMDWKPLX      Count of SSI consults due to
                                        WRKALLEG ON
03AC  940 Bitstring    8 $VMDWKTOD      Time spend consulting SSI for
                                        WRKALLEG ON
03B4  948 Bitstring    8 $VMDRLOLG      SSI member where guest first
                                        logged on
03BC  956 Bitstring    8 $VMDEPOCH      TOD difference from original
                                        source sys
03C4  964 Character    8 $VMDRLODM      Relocation domain name
03CC  972 Bitstring    4 $VMDARDBK      -> RDO offset to $ARDBK
03D0  976 Bitstring    2 $VMDALGSL      Slot num of userid that caused
                                        this user to be logged on
03D2  978 Bitstring    4 $VMDIBM3       CRCBK
03D6  982 Bitstring    4 $VMDUSER1      Installation use field
03DA  986 Bitstring    4 $VMDUSER2      Installation use field
03DE  990 Bitstring    4 $VMDUSER3      Installation use field
03E2  994 Bitstring    4 $VMDUSER4      Installation use field
03E6  998 Bitstring    4 $VMDUSER5      Installation use field
03EA 1002 Bitstring    4 $VMDUSER6      Installation use field
03EE 1006 Bitstring    4 $VMDUSER7      Installation use field
03F2 1010 Bitstring    4 $VMDUSER8      Installation use field
03F6 1014 Bitstring    1 $VMDUSKCK      VMDUSER1-8 elig check skip flags
03F7 1015 Bitstring    1 $VMDUSRMV      VMDUSER1-8 relocation move flags
          000003F8       $VMD_LEN       *-$VMDBK Length of mapping block
          0000007F       $VMD_SZ        ($VMD_LEN+7)/8 Size of mapping


$VMDBK Storage Layout

*** $VMDBK - Relocation mapping for HCPVMDBK
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+------+------+
*   0 | $VMD_HDRL   | $VMD_BITL   |/////////////|(006) |//////|
*     +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
*   8 |$VMD0 |$VMD1 |$VMD2 |$VMD3 |$VMD4 |$VMD5 |$VMD6 |$VMD7 |
*     +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
*  10 |$VMD8 |$VMD9 |$VMD10|$VMD11|$VMD12|$VMD13|$VMD14|$VMD15|
*     +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
*  18 |$VMD16|$VMD17|$VMD18|$VMD19|$VMD20|$VMD21|$VMD22|(01F)-|
*     +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
*  20 |                   -$VMD_TOD                    |(027)-|
*     +--------------------+---------------------------+------+
*  28 |     -$VMD_SIE      |         $VMD_PTY          |(02F)-|
*     +--------------------+---------------------------+------+
*  30 |     -$VMD_MDG      |        $VMDBOMBT          |(037)-|
*     +--------------------+---------------------------+------+
*  38 |    -$VMDCFBUF      |        $VMDOSTAK          |(03F)-|
*     +--------------------+---------------------------+------+
*  40 |    -$VMDTRQDL      |        $VMDXTSFI          |(047)-|
*     +--------------------+---------------------------+------+
*  48 |     -$VMDFIN       |        $VMDPPFPT          |(04F)-|
*     +--------------------+---------------------------+------+
*  50 |     -$VMDMCV       |        $VMDSVPBK          |(057)-|
*     +--------------------+---------------------------+------+
*  58 |    -$VMDPFUNC      |        $VMDPCBUF          |(05F)-|
*     +--------------------+---------------------------+------+
*  60 |    -$VMDPROBK      |        $VMDIPLCM          |(067)-|
*     +--------------------+---------------------------+------+
*  68 |    -$VMDFIDTE      |        $VMDSSHBK          |(06F)-|
*     +--------------------+---------------------------+------+
*  70 |    -$VMDIPQPT      |        $VMDIUCVB          |(077)-|
*     +--------------------+---------------------------+------+
*  78 |    -$VMDPXIBK      |        $VMDPPFAR          |(07F)-|
*     +--------------------+---------------------------+------+
*  80 |    -$VMDLLOAD      |        $VMDLDUMP          |(087)-|
*     +--------------------+---------------------------+------+
*  88 |    -$VMDPDIPL      |           $VMDCPUID-             |
*     +--------------------+----------------------------------+
*  90 |      -(08B)        |           $VMDACTID-             |
*     +--------------------+----------------------------------+
*  98 |      -(093)        |           $VMDALGID-             |
*     +--------------------+----------------------------------+
*  A0 |      -(09B)        |           $VMDACTNO-             |
*     +--------------------+----------------------------------+
*  A8 |      -(0A3)        |            $VMDDIST-             |
*     +--------------------+----------------------------------+
*  B0 |      -(0AB)        |            $VMDGRPN-             |
*     +--------------------+---------------------------+------+
*  B8 |      -(0B3)        |        $VMDTODON          |(0BF)-|
*     +--------------------+---------------------------+------+
*  C0 |                  -$VMDATTMP                    |(0C7)-|
*     +------------------------------------------------+------+
*  C8 |                  -$VMDAVTMP                    |(0CF)-|
*     +------------------------------------------------+------+
*  D0 |                  -$VMDADIST                    |(0D7)-|
*     +--------------------+---------------------------+------+
*  D8 |    -$VMDSIGCT      |        $VMDCCSIO          |(0DF)-|
*     +--------------------+---------------------------+------+
*  E0 |                  -$VMDATTMS                    |(0E7)-|
*     +------------------------------------------------+------+
*  E8 |                  -$VMDAVTMS                    |(0EF)-|
*     +--------------------+---------------------------+------+
*  F0 |    -$VMDACRDR      |        $VMDACPCH          |(0F7)-|
*     +--------------------+---------------------------+------+
*  F8 |    -$VMDACPRT      |        $VMDARSIO          |(0FF)-|
*     +--------------------+---------------------------+------+
* 100 |    -$VMDACSIO      |           $VMDCOMND-             |
*     +--------------------+------+------+--------------------+
* 108 |      -(103)        |(10B) |(10C) |    $VMDCFCPU-      |
*     +------+------+------+------+------+-------------+------+
* 110 |-(10D)|(111) |//////|         $VMDPCL           |(117) |
*     +------+------+------+---------------------------+------+
* 118 | $VMDCTRAU   |               $VMDHXID-                 |
*     +-------------+-----------------------------------------+
* 120 |   -(11A)    |                                         |
*     +-------------+                                         |
* 128 |                                                       |
*     =                       $VMDARS                         =
*     |             +-----------------------------------------+
*     |             |                                         |
*     +-------------+                                         |
* 168 |                                                       |
*     =                       $VMDGGRS                        =
*     |             +-----------------------------------------+
*     |             |                                         |
*     +-------------+                                         |
* 1E8 |                                                       |
*     =                       $VMDFPRS                        =
*     |             +------+-------------+------+------+------+
* 260 |             |(262) | $VMDCPUAD   |(265) |(266) |(267)-|
*     +-------------+------+-------------+------+------+------+
* 268 |                  -$VMDGTEID                    |(26F) |
*     +---------------------------+--------------------+------+
* 270 |        $VMDCPCAA          |        $VMDCPCAS          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 278 |         $VMDFPCR          |        $VMDXTMFA-         |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 280 |          -(27C)           |        $VMDXTEMS-         |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 288 |          -(284)           |        $VMDSFIPM          |
*     +-------------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
* 290 | $VMDMORTM   |(292) |(293) |(294) |(295) |(296) |(297) |
*     +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
* 298 |(298) |(299) |(29A) |:DTTAB|(29C) |      (29D)-        |
*     +------+------+------+------+------+--------------------+
* 2A0 |           -$VMDIPLNM             |      (2A5)-        |
*     +----------------------------------+--------------------+
* 2A8 |           -$VMDLDPRM             |      (2AD)-        |
*     +----------------------------------+--------------------+
* 2B0 |            -$VMDSLAB             |     $VMDLANG-      |
*     +-------------+--------------------+--------------------+
* 2B8 |   -(2B5)    |               $VMDSECU-                 |
*     +-------------+------+------+---------------------------+
* 2C0 |   -(2BA)    |(2C2) |(2C3) |        $VMDCSQOP          |
*     +-------------+------+------+                           |
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 2D0 |                      $VMDBYVAL                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 2D8 |                      $VMDTTIME                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 2E0 |                      $VMDVTIME                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 2E8 |                      $VMDVTZPT                        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 2F0 |        $VMDCTSIO          |        $VMDCTRDR          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 2F8 |        $VMDCTPCH          |        $VMDCTPRT          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 300 |        $VMDVDISK          |                           |
*     +---------------------------+                           |
*     |                      $VMDSVZPSW                       |
*     |                           +---------------------------+
*     |                           |        $VMDPFXMK-         |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 318 |          -(314)           |        $VMDTODAG          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 320 |        $VMDCTSPR          |        $VMDCTSPW          |
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
* 328 | $VMDASMMX   |        $VMDASTMX          | $VMDACLMX   |
*     +-------------+---------------------------+-------------+
* 330 |                      $VMDVTIMD                        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 338 |        $VMDMXSHR          |        $VMDMAXVF          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 340 |        $VMDPXCAI          |       $VMDGPFAUL-         |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 348 |          -(344)           |        $VMDSELMK-         |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 350 |          -(34C)           |        $VMDCMPMK-         |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 358 |          -(354)           |        $VMDTTMP-          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 360 |          -(35C)           |        $VMDVTMP-          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 368 |          -(364)           |        $VMDTTMS-          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 370 |          -(36C)           |        $VMDVTMS-          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 378 |          -(374)           |        $VMDITRES-         |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 380 |          -(37C)           |        $VMDLKTOT          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 388 |        $VMDLKPLX          |        $VMDLKTOD-         |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 390 |          -(38C)           |        $VMDDTTOT          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 398 |        $VMDDTPLX          |        $VMDDTTOD-         |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 3A0 |          -(39C)           |        $VMDWKTOT          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 3A8 |        $VMDWKPLX          |        $VMDWKTOD-         |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 3B0 |          -(3AC)           |        $VMDRLOLG-         |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 3B8 |          -(3B4)           |        $VMDEPOCH-         |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 3C0 |          -(3BC)           |        $VMDRLODM-         |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 3C8 |          -(3C4)           |        $VMDARDBK          |
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
* 3D0 | $VMDALGSL   |         $VMDIBM3          | $VMDUSER1-  |
*     +-------------+---------------------------+-------------+
* 3D8 |   -(3D6)    |        $VMDUSER2          | $VMDUSER3-  |
*     +-------------+---------------------------+-------------+
* 3E0 |   -(3DE)    |        $VMDUSER4          | $VMDUSER5-  |
*     +-------------+---------------------------+-------------+
* 3E8 |   -(3E6)    |        $VMDUSER6          | $VMDUSER7-  |
*     +-------------+---------------------------+------+------+
* 3F0 |   -(3EE)    |        $VMDUSER8          |(3F6) |(3F7) |
*     +-------------+---------------------------+------+------+
* 3F8
*** $VMDBK - Relocation mapping for HCPVMDBK


$VMDBK Cross Reference

Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
$FULLDATE      0015 40
$ISODATE       0015 20
$SDEFAULT      0015 10
$SHORTDAT      0015 80
$VMD_BASE      0006 80
$VMD_BITL      0002
$VMD_BITS      0008
$VMD_BLEN      001E 00000017
$VMD_DATA      001F
$VMD_FLGS      0006
$VMD_HDLN      0007 00000008
$VMD_HDRL      0000
$VMD_LEN       03F7 000003F8
$VMD_MDG       002F
$VMD_PTY       002B
$VMD_SIE       0027
$VMD_SUP       0006 40
$VMD_SZ        03F7 0000007F
$VMD_TOD       001F
$VMD_VER       0000 00000002
$VMDACLMX      032E
$VMDACPCH      00F3
$VMDACPRT      00F7
$VMDACTID      0093
$VMDACTNO      00A3
$VMDACTRC      0011 02
$VMDALGID      009B
$VMDALGSL      03D0
$VMDAMDIR      001B 08
$VMDANYAU      0019 20
$VMDANYMC      0019 08
$VMDANYPR      0019 10
$VMDAPBUF      001B 04
$VMDAPCR       0014 04
$VMDAPDED      0014 02
$VMDAPMS       0014 01
$VMDARS        0122
$VMDASMMX      0328
$VMDASTMX      032A
$VMDATTCP      0015 02
$VMDAUTCR      0017 08
$VMDAUTOL      0008 02
$VMDAVTMP      00C7
$VMDAVTMS      00E7
$VMDBOMBA      0009 04
$VMDBOMBE      0009 02
$VMDBOMBS      0009 01
$VMDBOMBT      0033
$VMDBRKKY      029C
$VMDBRMIN      0017 10
$VMDBYVAL      02D0
$VMDCFBUF      0037
$VMDCFCPU      010D
$VMDCFINP      0017 04
$VMDCFLF       0011 08
$VMDCFMCE      000A 20
$VMDCFMCP      000A 40
$VMDCFPCL      000A 10
$VMDCFPDR      010C
$VMDCFPND      010B
$VMDCFRUN      000A 80
$VMDCHVSP      001B 10
$VMDCKPSW      000D 80
$VMDCKST       0009 20
$VMDCLEXT      0015 08
$VMDCMCF       001A 40
$VMDCMDAU      02C2
$VMDCMDMC      0111
$VMDCMDPR      02C3
$VMDCMESA      0019 02
$VMDCMLIN      0019 01
$VMDCMPMK      0354
$VMDCMSRV      0011 04
$VMDCMVM       001A 80
$VMDCOMND      0103
$VMDCPCAA      0270
$VMDCPCAS      0274
$VMDCPCOI      000C 40
$VMDCPUAD      0263
$VMDCPUAF      000E 01
$VMDCPUID      008B
$VMDCPULT      0265
$VMDCRHLD      0016 04
$VMDCRMOR      0016 08
$VMDCRYPT      0014 40
$VMDCSQOP      02C4
$VMDCSRMI      000F 08
$VMDCTPCH      02F8
$VMDCTPWD      0117
$VMDCTRAU      0118
$VMDCTRDR      02F4
$VMDCTSIO      02F0
$VMDCTSPR      0320
$VMDCTSPW      0324
$VMDDEVI       0010 02
$VMDDEVM       0010 01
$VMDDGNAU      0019 80
$VMDDGNMC      0019 04
$VMDDGNPR      0019 40
$VMDDIA4C      0008 80
$VMDDIST       00AB
$VMDDSCWT      0009 10
$VMDDTPLX      0398
$VMDDTTOD      039C
$VMDDTTOT      0394
$VMDD84NP      0010 08
$VMDEDIT       0015 04
$VMDEMSGI      000B 02
$VMDESMON      001D 10
$VMDEXCLD      0010 80
$VMDEXCPO      029A
$VMDEXINA      0298
$VMDEXINR      0297
$VMDEXMCK      000E 80
$VMDEXSTA      0299
$VMDEXVMO      0296
$VMDFAUTO      001A 20
$VMDFEAID      026F
$VMDFIDTE      0067
$VMDFIN        0047
$VMDFPCR       0278
$VMDFPRS       01E2
$VMDGGRS       0162
$VMDGPFAUL     0344
$VMDGRPN       00B3
$VMDGSTCL      0016 20
$VMDGTEID      0267
$VMDHLITE      0016 10
$VMDHXID       011A
$VMDIAG88      0011 40
$VMDIAG98      0010 20
$VMDIBM3       03D2
$VMDIMSGI      000C 80
$VMDINTTR      000E 08
$VMDIPDEV      0017 01
$VMDIPLCM      0063
$VMDIPLNM      029D
$VMDIPLOG      0018 80
$VMDIPQPT      006F
$VMDIPSSL      0017 02
$VMDIPVMI      0018 40
$VMDITMOF      000E 02
$VMDITMRI      000E 04
$VMDITMRL      000E 20
$VMDITRES      037C
$VMDIUALL      001B 40
$VMDIUANY      001B 80
$VMDIUCVB      0073
$VMDLANG       02B5
$VMDLDPRM      02A5
$VMDLDUMP      0083
$VMDLIBC       0013 01
$VMDLIMTH      001A 04
$VMDLKPLX      0388
$VMDLKTOD      038C
$VMDLKTOT      0384
$VMDLLOAD      007F
$VMDLNKE       000F 01
$VMDLNKNP      0010 10
$VMDLNKS       000F 02
$VMDMAACT      001D 20
$VMDMAOFF      0012 08
$VMDMASST      0012 10
$VMDMAXVF      033C
$VMDMCCW       0011 80
$VMDMCNFG      000B 10
$VMDMCODE      000A 01
$VMDMCV        004F
$VMDMESA       0013 20
$VMDMIMSG      000B 20
$VMDMONEC      001C 80
$VMDMONEU      001B 02
$VMDMONSD      001B 01
$VMDMONSV      001C 20
$VMDMONTV      001C 40
$VMDMORTM      0290
$VMDMRG32      0012 01
$VMDMRG64      0013 80
$VMDMSACS      000C 02
$VMDMSAVP      000C 04
$VMDMSGIU      000B 08
$VMDMSGON      000A 04
$VMDMSSCS      000C 08
$VMDMSSVP      000C 10
$VMDMTEXT      000B 80
$VMDMXC        0013 40
$VMDMXSHA      001A 02
$VMDMXSHR      0338
$VMDM370       0013 10
$VMDNETA       0008 20
$VMDNETR       0008 10
$VMDNHOLD      0016 02
$VMDNMSHA      001A 01
$VMDNOAUT      000A 08
$VMDNOBKY      0016 80
$VMDNOCTL      0017 40
$VMDNOFSL      000F 10
$VMDNOINS      000F 04
$VMDNOP        001A 10
$VMDNULLD      0016 01
$VMDOSTAK      003B
$VMDPAGEX      0012 80
$VMDPCBUF      005B
$VMDPCL        0113
$VMDPDCFM      000D 10
$VMDPDIPL      0087
$VMDPDIRP      000D 20
$VMDPDPPF      000C 01
$VMDPDSIE      000D 08
$VMDPDTMR      000D 40
$VMDPDTRD      000D 04
$VMDPD9CW      000D 02
$VMDPESIA      001C 04
$VMDPESIB      001D 80
$VMDPFIKY      0016 40
$VMDPFTK2      0012 20
$VMDPFTOK      0012 40
$VMDPFUNC      0057
$VMDPFXMK      0314
$VMDPPFAR      007B
$VMDPPFPT      004B
$VMDPQDBA      001C 08
$VMDPQDBB      001C 01
$VMDPROAP      0018 04
$VMDPROBK      005F
$VMDPROTB      0018 02
$VMDPSIDA      001C 02
$VMDPSIDB      001D 40
$VMDPSWTD      0018 08
$VMDPSWTS      0018 10
$VMDPTRQ       000E 40
$VMDPTRQL      0012 02
$VMDPTRQQ      0012 04
$VMDPUTYP      0262
$VMDPXCAI      0340
$VMDPXIBK      0077
$VMDQDSPU      001A 08
$VMDRCAPG      0266
$VMDREOFL      001D 08
$VMDRLODM      03C4
$VMDRLOLG      03B4
$VMDRLONA      001D 04
$VMDSECU       02BA
$VMDSELMK      034C
$VMDSETOR      0010 04
$VMDSETXA      0013 08
$VMDSFIPM      028C
$VMDSHARE      0010 40
$VMDSIGAC      001C 10
$VMDSIGCT      00D7
$VMDSKSLP      0009 08
$VMDSLAB       02AD
$VMDSLEEP      0009 40
$VMDSMSGI      000B 01
$VMDSPMSG      000B 40
$VMDSSHBK      006B
$VMDSTAMP      0017 20
$VMDSTOP       0009 80
$VMDSTOPD      0008 08
$VMDSVMST      0011 20
$VMDSVPBK      0053
$VMDSVZPSW     0304
$VMDTCDEL      0294
$VMDTESCP      0295
$VMDTLDEL      0293
$VMDTLEND      0292
$VMDTLEOV      0017 80
$VMDTODAG      031C
$VMDTRQDL      003F
$VMDTSTAM      0015 01
$VMDTTAB       029B
$VMDTTIME      02D8
$VMDTTMP       035C
$VMDTTMS       036C
$VMDTZA        0014 80
$VMDUDST       0008 40
$VMDUNDSC      0018 20
$VMDUSECA      001E 80
$VMDUSECM      001D 02
$VMDUSECO      0018 01
$VMDUSECP      001D 01
$VMDUSER1      03D6
$VMDUSER2      03DA
$VMDUSER3      03DE
$VMDUSER4      03E2
$VMDUSER5      03E6
$VMDUSER6      03EA
$VMDUSER7      03EE
$VMDUSER8      03F2
$VMDUSKCK      03F6
$VMDUSRMV      03F7
$VMDUTERM      0008 04
$VMDVDISK      0300
$VMDVERP       0011 10
$VMDVEXFP      0013 02
$VMDVMCOI      000C 20
$VMDVPTRK      000E 10
$VMDVTIMD      0330
$VMDVTIME      02E0
$VMDVTMP       0364
$VMDVTMS       0374
$VMDVTOD       0011 01
$VMDVTZPT      02E8
$VMDWKPLX      03A8
$VMDWKRUN      001B 20
$VMDWKTOT      03A4
$VMDWNGIU      000B 04
$VMDWNGON      000A 02
$VMDXAUTO      0008 01
$VMDXTEMS      0284
$VMDXTKEY      000D 01
$VMDXTMFA      027C
$VMDXTSFI      0043
$VMD0          0008
$VMD1          0009
$VMD10         0012
$VMD11         0013
$VMD12         0014
$VMD13         0015
$VMD14         0016
$VMD15         0017
$VMD16         0018
$VMD17         0019
$VMD18         001A
$VMD19         001B
$VMD2          000A
$VMD20         001C
$VMD21         001D
$VMD22         001E
$VMD3          000B
$VMD370AC      0013 04
$VMD4          000C
$VMD5          000D
$VMD6          000E
$VMD7          000F
$VMD8          0010
$VMD8FAIL      000F 20
$VMD8LOCK      000F 80
$VMD8LOG       000F 40
$VMD9          0011

This information is based on z/VM V6R2.0. Last updated on 21 Nov 2011 at 11:36:00 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2011