Programming Interface Information:
This information is NOT intended to be
used as Programming Interfaces of z/VM.



Control Block Contents  

Storage Layout  

Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)  

$VDEV Prolog

 DESCRIPTION: Relocation mapping for HCPVDEV
 DSECT      : $VDEV
 FUNCTION   : LGRVDEV describes those fields of the VDEV that
              will be migrated to the destination system during
              guest relocation.
 LOCATED BY : This is a mapping of the RDODATA area within the
              RDOBK during guest relocation.
 DELETED BY : HCPRLDRL - Release storage associated with an RDP
 RELOCATION CONSIDERATIONS : This control block is used during live guest
              relocation.  It is used to relocate a control block
              defined in a corresponding HCP COPY file.  Any
              fields or bits defined in HCPVDEV which are
              required on the destination system must be defined
              here, and code must be added to migrate the field
              or bit during a relocation.


$VDEV Control Block Content


Hex   Dec Type/Val   Lng Label (dup)    Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000    0 Structure      $VDEV          Relocation mapping for HCPVDEV
          00000002       $VDEV_VER      2 Mapping version number for this
                                        DSECT. Version is independent of
                                        the CP level and need only be
                                        changed when this DSECT is
                                        changed. The convention is to
                                        increment by 1.
0000    0 Signed       2 $VDEV_HDRL     Header length (in bytes)
0002    2 Signed       2 $VDEV_BITL     Length of mapped bits (in bytes)
0004    4 Signed       4 *              Reserved for future use
          00000008       $VDEV_HDLN     *-$VDEV Length of header (bytes)
      Bit map: Contains the VDEV flags that are subject to
               relocation. These bits are defined sequentially,
               regardless of how they are defined in HCPVDEV.
               This yields a consistent mapping that ensures
               compatibility when a guest is relocated between
               systems at differing service levels.
               Names in the comments column indicate the control
               block byte which contains the flag. This name is
               subject to change if the flag definition changes.
         ====> NEVER change bits which already exist here.
         ====> NEVER change the order of bits in this section.
         ====> ALWAYS add new bits at the end of this section,
               together with new flag bytes as required.
0008    8 Signed       2 $VDEV_BITS (0) Bit map area
0008    8 Bitstring    1 $VDEV0
          1... ....      $VDEVBUSY      X'80' $VDEVBUSY ALL VDEVSTAT
          .1.. ....      $VDEVPRCE      X'40' $VDEVPRCE ALL VDEVSTAT
          ..1. ....      $VDEVCLRF      X'20' $VDEVCLRF ALL VDEVSTAT
          ...1 ....      $VDEVHLTF      X'10' $VDEVHLTF ALL VDEVSTAT
          .... 1...      $VDEVSUSP      X'08' $VDEVSUSP ALL VDEVSTAT
          .... .1..      $VDEVRPND      X'04' $VDEVRPND ALL VDEVSTAT
          .... ..1.      $VDEVQUED      X'02' $VDEVQUED ALL VDEVSTAT
          .... ...1      $VDEVCATT      X'01' $VDEVCATT ALL VDEVSTAT
0009    9 Bitstring    1 $VDEV1
          1... ....      $VDEVIMRS      X'80' $VDEVIMRS ALL VDEVWAIT
          .1.. ....      $VDEVWINT      X'40' $VDEVWINT ALL VDEVWAIT
          ..1. ....      $VDEVIOPQ      X'20' $VDEVIOPQ QDIO VDEVIOP1
          ...1 ....      $VDEVNSIM      X'10' $VDEVNSIM VNET VDEVVNET
          .... 1...      $VDEVINTV      X'08' $VDEVINTV ALL VDEVAFLG
          .... .1..      $VDEVDED       X'04' $VDEVDED ALL VDEVAFLG
          .... ..1.      $VDEVFULL      X'02' $VDEVFULL DASD VDEVAFLG
          .... ...1      $VDEVDVFP      X'01' $VDEVDVFP DASD VDEVFFLG
000A   10 Bitstring    1 $VDEV2
          1... ....      $VDEVBPCI      X'80' $VDEVBPCI ALL VDEVBFLG
          .1.. ....      $VDEVBSUI      X'40' $VDEVBSUI ALL VDEVBFLG
          ..1. ....      $VDEVQACT      X'20' $VDEVQACT QDIO VDEVBFLG
          ...1 ....      $VDEVVMIO      X'10' $VDEVVMIO ALL VDEVBFLG
          .... 1...      $VDEVBCC0      X'08' $VDEVBCC0 ALL VDEVBFLG
          .... .1..      $VDEVRO        X'04' $VDEVRO ALL VDEVDFLG
          .... ..1.      $VDEVRSRL      X'02' $VDEVRSRL ALL VDEVDFLG
          .... ...1      $VDEVNSEG      X'01' $VDEVNSEG DASD VDEVDFLG
000B   11 Bitstring    1 $VDEV3
          1... ....      $VDEVINT3      X'80' $VDEVINT3 CONS VDEVCFLG
          .1.. ....      $VDEVPPA1      X'40' $VDEVPPA1 CONS VDEVCFLG
          ..1. ....      $VDEVGSUS      X'20' $VDEVGSUS CONS VDEVCFLG
          ...1 ....      $VDEVDING      X'10' $VDEVDING CONS VDEVCFLG
          .... 1...      $VDEVATTN      X'08' $VDEVATTN CONS VDEVCFLG
          .... .1..      $VDEVBRGS      X'04' $VDEVBRGS CONS VDEVCFLG
          .... ..1.      $VDEVLNKS      X'02' $VDEVLNKS DASD VDEVFFLG
          .... ...1      $VDEVLNKE      X'01' $VDEVLNKE DASD VDEVFFLG
000C   12 Bitstring    1 $VDEV4
          1... ....      $VDEVQDSK      X'80' $VDEVQDSK DASD VDEVFFLG
          .1.. ....      $VDEVFBA       X'40' $VDEVFBA DASD VDEVFFLG
          ..1. ....      $VDEVNRSM      X'20' $VDEVNRSM DASD VDEVPFLG
          ...1 ....      $VDEVDPRE      X'10' $VDEVDPRE ALL VDEVPFLG
          .... 1...      $VDEVTRCW      X'08' $VDEVTRCW ALL VDEVPFLG
          .... .1..      $VDEVTENB      X'04' $VDEVTENB TAPE VDEVPFLG
          .... ..1.      $VDEVSHRD      X'02' $VDEVSHRD TAPE VDEVPFLG
000D   13 Bitstring    1 $VDEV5
          1... ....      $VDEVPVBA      X'80' $VDEVPVBA DASD VDEVPVFG
          .1.. ....      $VDEVPVAL      X'40' $VDEVPVAL DASD VDEVPVFG
          ..1. ....      $VDEVHPAL      X'20' $VDEVHPAL DASD VDEVPVFG
          ...1 ....      $VDEVHPBA      X'10' $VDEVHPBA DASD VDEVPVFG
          .... 1...      $VDEVRFID      X'08' $VDEVRFID DASD VDEVSFLG
          .... .1..      $VDEVSCPI      X'04' $VDEVSCPI DASD VDEVSFLG
          .... ...1      $VDEVNODT      X'01' $VDEVNODT ALL VDEVLGRI
000E   14 Bitstring    1 $VDEV6
          1... ....      $VDEVCNA       X'80' $VDEVCNA DASD VDEVMNGT
          .1.. ....      $VDEVSCTL      X'40' $VDEVSCTL DASD VDEVMNGT
          ..1. ....      $VDEVDCTL      X'20' $VDEVDCTL DASD VDEVMNGT
          ...1 ....      $VDEVNCTL      X'10' $VDEVNCTL DASD VDEVMNGT
          .... 1...      $VDEVSWDD      X'08' $VDEVSWDD VNET VDEVSWFL
          .... .1..      $VDEVD2A8      X'04' $VDEVD2A8 VNET VDEVSWFL
          .... ..1.      $VDEVIFCC      X'02' $VDEVIFCC QDIO VDEVLGRI
          .... ...1      $VDEVSSNT      X'01' $VDEVSSNT DASD VDEVSSNT
      NOTES      : $VDEV7 bits do NOT map to VDEV bits
000F   15 Bitstring    1 $VDEV7
          1... ....      $VDEVCONS      X'80' $VDEVCONS CONS This is the
                                        VIRTUAL CONSOLE
          .1.. ....      $VDEVNICB      X'40' $VDEVNICB VNET This is a
                                        BASE NIC
          ..1. ....      $VDEVISMD      X'20' $VDEVISMD MDISK This is an
          .... 1...      $VDEVOSAB      X'08' $VDEVOSAB OSA This is a
                                        base OSA
          .... .1..      $VDEVOSAN      X'04' $VDEVOSAN OSA This is a
                                        non-base OSA
          .... ..1.      $VDEVQESB      X'02' $VDEVQESB OSA/FCP QEBSM
                                        enabled on source
      NOTES      : $VDEV8 bits do NOT map to VDEV bits
0010   16 Bitstring    1 $VDEV8         Flags unique to LGRVDEV
          1... ....      $VDEVNOAS      X'80' $VDEVNOAS TAPE
          .1.. ....      $VDEVNOMS      X'40' $VDEVNOMS TAPE
          ..1. ....      $VDEVENCR      X'20' $VDEVENCR TAPE
          ...1 ....      $VDEVURAC      X'10' $VDEVURAC FCP
          .... 1...      $VDEVRECC      X'08' $VDEVRECC MDISK
          .... .1..      $VDEVWKAL      X'04' $VDEVWKAL MDISK
          .... ..1.      $VDEVMDCA      X'02' $VDEVMDCA MDISK
          .... ...1      $VDEVMDCD      X'01' $VDEVMDCD MDISK
          00000009       $VDEV_BLEN     *-$VDEV_BITS Length of bit map
      Data:    Contains all HCPVDEV data that is subject to
               relocation, except for flag bits, which are
               handled separately.
               All fields are defined as XLnn to avoid alignment
               warnings and to pack the data efficiently.
         ====> NEVER change fields which already exist here.
         ====> NEVER change the order of fields in this section.
         ====> ALWAYS add new fields at the end of this section.
               together with new flag bytes as required.
0011   17 Bitstring    1 $VDEV_DATA (0) Start of data map
0011   17 Bitstring    4 $VDEVFPNT      ALL Forward interruption pointer
0015   21 Bitstring    4 $VDEVBPNT      ALL Backward interruption pointer
0019   25 Bitstring    2 $VDEVSUB       ALL Virtual subchannel number
001B   27 Bitstring    1 $VDEVCLAS      ALL Device class
001C   28 Bitstring    1 $VDEVTYPE      ALL Device Type
001D   29 Bitstring   28 $VDEVPMCW (0)  ALL Path Managment Control Word
001D   29 Bitstring    4 $VDEVINTP      ALL Interrupt parameter
0021   33 Bitstring    2 *              ALL IRCF and CTL
0023   35 Bitstring    2 $VDEVDEV       ALL Virtual Device Number
0025   37 Bitstring   20 *              ALL Rest of PMCW
0039   57 Bitstring    4 $VDEVNIOR      ALL HLA of SSCH pending IORBK
003D   61 Bitstring    4 $VDEVSIOR      ALL HLA of IORBK holding sense
0041   65 Bitstring    4 $VDEVPIOR      ALL HLA of Pending interrupt
0045   69 Bitstring    4 $VDEVAEVT      DASD Pointer to list of asych
0049   73 Bitstring    4 $VDEVIOCT      ALL Count of virtual I/O requests
004D   77 Bitstring    4 $VDEVTMCT      ALL Count of virtual Transport
                                        Mode I/O requests issued
0051   81 Bitstring    8 $VDEVTIME      ALL TOD Clock at device creation
0059   89 Bitstring    4 $VDEVUIOR      ALL Pending unsol IORBK,came in
                                        after UC
005D   93 Bitstring    4 $VDEVIOCA      ALL Count of actual I/Os
                                        initiated by CP
0061   97 Bitstring    1 $VDEVMODL      ALL Virtual device model number
0062   98 Bitstring    1 $VDEVCPIE      ALL Channel path in error mask
0063   99 Bitstring    1 $VDEVCRDR      ALL Count of I/O redrives to
0064  100 Bitstring    1 $VDEVLCNT      ALL Current line count
0065  101 Bitstring    3 $VDEVLTOD      ALL Bytes 2-4 of TOD clock when
                                        LCNT reset
0068  104 Bitstring    4 $VDEVBKIA      DASD BKIBK address
006C  108 Bitstring    1 $VDEVPMSK      ALL Quiesce/Resume message path
006D  109 Bitstring    8 $VDEVMBLK      ALL 64-bit measurement block
0075  117 Bitstring    4 $VDEVGCHR      ALL Guest Characteristics
0079  121 Bitstring    4 $VDEVPOSN      DASD Virtual DASD Arm position
007D  125 Bitstring    4 $VDEVSEXT      DASD Minidisk Start of EXTent
                                        (cyls or blks)
0081  129 Bitstring    4 $VDEVEEXT      DASD Minidisk End of EXTent (cyls
                                        or blks)
0085  133 Bitstring    4 $VDEVDYPT      TAPE Pointer to Tape Pathing
                                        control block
0089  137 Bitstring    8 $VDEVCUSR      CTCA Restricted USERID for
0091  145 Bitstring    4 $VDEVCTCD      CTCA CTCA designation
              FIELDS FROM SPOOL Console / Unit Record
                     SPECIFIC AREA OF VDEV
0095  149 Bitstring    4 $VDEVVSP       CONS Virtual Spool Block address
0099  153 Bitstring    4 $VDEVVPX       CONS PRT Extension Block address
009D  157 Bitstring    4 $VDEVVDS       CONS Device Simulation pointer
00A1  161 Bitstring    1 $VDEVIDSZ      ALL Byte length of DUID/EQID
00A8  168 Dbl-Word     8 $VDEVID (5)    ALL EQID/DUID
00D0  208 Bitstring    1 $VDEVKYA1      TAPE First KEY attribute
00D1  209 Bitstring   64 $VDEVKYL1      TAPE First KEY
0111  273 Bitstring    1 $VDEVKYA2      TAPE Second KEY attribute
0112  274 Bitstring   64 $VDEVKYL2      TAPE Second KEY
0152  338 Bitstring    8 $VDEVURFI      FCP = RDEVURAC
015A  346 Bitstring    2 $VDEVPBAS      DASD Base VDEV devno
015C  348 Bitstring    2 *              Reserved for IBM use
015E  350 Bitstring    4 $VDEV_PTRSH    ASCPTRSH Copy
0162  354 Bitstring    4 $VDEV_CSPST    ASCCSPST Copy
0166  358 Bitstring    4 $VDEV_CSPGR    ASCCSPGR Copy
016A  362 Bitstring    4 $VDEV_CSPGW    ASCCSPGW Copy
016E  366 Bitstring    4 $VDEV_CSXRD    ASCCSXRD Copy
0172  370 Bitstring    4 $VDEV_CSXWT    ASCCSXWT Copy
0176  374 Bitstring    4 $VDEV_CSMIG    ASCCSMIG Copy
      MDISK fields needed to create an MDISK on the destination.
017A  378 Bitstring    8 $VDEVOUSER     MDISK MDIOUSER copy
0182  386 Bitstring    2 $VDEVOVDEV     MDISK MDIOVDEV copy
      This array is used to hold the subchannel IDs for a base
      NIC and all associated non-base NICs.
0184  388 Bitstring    2 $VDEVSIDC      VNET # entries in $VDEVSIDL
0186  390 Bitstring    2 $VDEVSIDN      VNET Next available entry in
0188  392 Bitstring   64 $VDEVSIDL (0)  VNET Array of subchannel IDs
0188  392 Bitstring    4 * (16)         VNET 16 4-byte (word) entries
          00000010       $VDEVSIDM      (*-$VDEVSIDL)/4 Max number of 4
                                        byte entries
01C8  456 Bitstring    1 $VDEVNTYP      VNET Network Device Type
01C9  457 Bitstring    8 $VDEVLNAM      VNET LANNAME (LANBK)
      Real device number count/offset.
      If $VDEVOSAB=1, then this is the COUNT of OSAs requiring
      consecutive real device numbers.
      If $VDEVOSAN=1, then this is the OFFSET from the base OSA
      real device number.
01D1  465 Bitstring    2 $VDEVOSAO      OSA
      $VDEV_VER 2 support
01D3  467 Bitstring    4 $VDEVDVLH      VNET NICVLANS (DVLHEAD)
01D7  471 Bitstring    2 $VDEVVCTR      VNET NICVLCTR
01D9  473 Bitstring    2 $VDEVPVID      VNET NICVPVID
01DB  475 Bitstring    1 $VDEVPORT      VNET NICVPORT
01DC  476 Bitstring    1 $VDEVVLPT      VNET LANVLFLT and NICVPORT values
          000001DD       $VDEVBYSZ      *-$VDEV Byte length of $VDEV
          0000003C       $VDEVSIZE      ((*-$VDEV)+7)/8 DWord length of


$VDEV Storage Layout

*** $VDEV - Relocation mapping for HCPVDEV
*     +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+
*   0 | $VDEV_HDRL  | $VDEV_BITL  |///////////////////////////|
*     +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
*     +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
*  10 |$VDEV8|        $VDEVFPNT          |    $VDEVBPNT-      |
*     +------+-------------+------+------+--------------------+
*  18 |-(015)|  $VDEVSUB   |(01B) |(01C) |    $VDEVINTP-      |
*     +------+-------------+------+------+--------------------+
*  20 |-(01D)|/////////////|  $VDEVDEV   |////////////////////|
*     +------+-------------+-------------+////////////////////|
*  28 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     =///////////////////////////////////////////////////////=
*     |//////+---------------------------+--------------------+
*  38 |//////|        $VDEVNIOR          |    $VDEVSIOR-      |
*     +------+---------------------------+--------------------+
*  40 |-(03D)|        $VDEVPIOR          |    $VDEVAEVT-      |
*     +------+---------------------------+--------------------+
*  48 |-(045)|        $VDEVIOCT          |    $VDEVTMCT-      |
*     +------+---------------------------+--------------------+
*  50 |-(04D)|                  $VDEVTIME-                    |
*     +------+---------------------------+--------------------+
*  58 |-(051)|        $VDEVUIOR          |    $VDEVIOCA-      |
*     +------+------+------+------+------+--------------------+
*  60 |-(05D)|(061) |(062) |(063) |(064) |     $VDEVLTOD      |
*     +------+------+------+------+------+--------------------+
*  68 |        $VDEVBKIA          |(06C) |      (06D)-        |
*     +---------------------------+------+--------------------+
*  70 |           -$VDEVMBLK             |    $VDEVGCHR-      |
*     +------+---------------------------+--------------------+
*  78 |-(075)|        $VDEVPOSN          |    $VDEVSEXT-      |
*     +------+---------------------------+--------------------+
*  80 |-(07D)|        $VDEVEEXT          |    $VDEVDYPT-      |
*     +------+---------------------------+--------------------+
*  88 |-(085)|                  $VDEVCUSR-                    |
*     +------+---------------------------+--------------------+
*  90 |-(089)|        $VDEVCTCD          |     $VDEVVSP-      |
*     +------+---------------------------+--------------------+
*  98 |-(095)|         $VDEVVPX          |     $VDEVVDS-      |
*     +------+------+--------------------+--------------------+
*  A0 |-(09D)|(0A1) |/////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +------+------+-----------------------------------------+
*  A8 |                                                       |
*     =                       $VDEVID                         =
*     |                                                       |
*     +------+------------------------------------------------+
*  D0 |(0D0) |                                                |
*     +------+                                                |
*  D8 |                                                       |
*     =                      $VDEVKYL1                        =
*     |      +------+-----------------------------------------+
* 110 |      |(111) |                                         |
*     +------+------+                                         |
* 118 |                                                       |
*     =                      $VDEVKYL2                        =
*     |             +-----------------------------------------+
*     |             |               $VDEVURFI-                |
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
* 158 |   -(152)    | $VDEVPBAS   |/////////////|$VDEV_PTRSH- |
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
* 160 |   -(15E)    |       $VDEV_CSPST         |$VDEV_CSPGR- |
*     +-------------+---------------------------+-------------+
* 168 |   -(166)    |       $VDEV_CSPGW         |$VDEV_CSXRD- |
*     +-------------+---------------------------+-------------+
* 170 |   -(16E)    |       $VDEV_CSXWT         |$VDEV_CSMIG- |
*     +-------------+---------------------------+-------------+
* 178 |   -(176)    |              $VDEVOUSER-                |
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
* 180 |   -(17A)    | $VDEVOVDEV  | $VDEVSIDC   | $VDEVSIDN   |
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
* 188 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     =///////////////////////////////////////////////////////=
*     |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +------+------------------------------------------------+
* 1C8 |(1C8) |                  $VDEVLNAM-                    |
*     +------+-------------+---------------------------+------+
* 1D0 |-(1C9)| $VDEVOSAO   |        $VDEVDVLH          |(1D7)-|
*     +------+-------------+------+------+-------------+------+
* 1D8 |-(1D7)| $VDEVPVID   |(1DB) |(1DC) | 1DD
*     +------+-------------+------+------+
*** $VDEV - Relocation mapping for HCPVDEV


$VDEV Cross Reference

Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
$VDEV_BITL     0002
$VDEV_BITS     0008
$VDEV_BLEN     0010 00000009
$VDEV_CSMIG    0176
$VDEV_CSPGR    0166
$VDEV_CSPST    0162
$VDEV_CSXWT    0172
$VDEV_DATA     0011
$VDEV_HDLN     0004 00000008
$VDEV_HDRL     0000
$VDEV_VER      0000 00000002
$VDEVAEVT      0045
$VDEVATTN      000B 08
$VDEVBCC0      000A 08
$VDEVBKIA      0068
$VDEVBPCI      000A 80
$VDEVBPNT      0015
$VDEVBRGS      000B 04
$VDEVBSUI      000A 40
$VDEVBUSY      0008 80
$VDEVBYSZ      01DC 000001DD
$VDEVCATT      0008 01
$VDEVCLAS      001B
$VDEVCLRF      0008 20
$VDEVCNA       000E 80
$VDEVCONS      000F 80
$VDEVCPIE      0062
$VDEVCRDR      0063
$VDEVCTCD      0091
$VDEVCUSR      0089
$VDEVDCTL      000E 20
$VDEVDED       0009 04
$VDEVDEV       0023
$VDEVDING      000B 10
$VDEVDPRE      000C 10
$VDEVDVFP      0009 01
$VDEVDVLH      01D3
$VDEVDYPT      0085
$VDEVD2A8      000E 04
$VDEVEEXT      0081
$VDEVENCR      0010 20
$VDEVFBA       000C 40
$VDEVFPNT      0011
$VDEVFULL      0009 02
$VDEVGCHR      0075
$VDEVGSUS      000B 20
$VDEVHLTF      0008 10
$VDEVHPAL      000D 20
$VDEVHPBA      000D 10
$VDEVID        00A8
$VDEVIDSZ      00A1
$VDEVIFCC      000E 02
$VDEVIMRS      0009 80
$VDEVINTP      001D
$VDEVINTV      0009 08
$VDEVINT3      000B 80
$VDEVIOCA      005D
$VDEVIOCT      0049
$VDEVIOPQ      0009 20
$VDEVISMD      000F 20
$VDEVKYA1      00D0
$VDEVKYA2      0111
$VDEVKYL1      00D1
$VDEVKYL2      0112
$VDEVLCNT      0064
$VDEVLNAM      01C9
$VDEVLNKE      000B 01
$VDEVLNKS      000B 02
$VDEVLTOD      0065
$VDEVMBLK      006D
$VDEVMDCA      0010 02
$VDEVMDCD      0010 01
$VDEVMODL      0061
$VDEVNCTL      000E 10
$VDEVNICB      000F 40
$VDEVNIOR      0039
$VDEVNOAS      0010 80
$VDEVNODT      000D 01
$VDEVNOMS      0010 40
$VDEVNRSM      000C 20
$VDEVNSEG      000A 01
$VDEVNSIM      0009 10
$VDEVNTYP      01C8
$VDEVOSAB      000F 08
$VDEVOSAN      000F 04
$VDEVOSAO      01D1
$VDEVOVDEV     0182
$VDEVPBAS      015A
$VDEVPIOR      0041
$VDEVPMCW      001D
$VDEVPMSK      006C
$VDEVPOSN      0079
$VDEVPPA1      000B 40
$VDEVPRCE      0008 40
$VDEVPVAL      000D 40
$VDEVPVBA      000D 80
$VDEVPVID      01D9
$VDEVQACT      000A 20
$VDEVQDSK      000C 80
$VDEVQESB      000F 02
$VDEVQUED      0008 02
$VDEVRECC      0010 08
$VDEVRFID      000D 08
$VDEVRO        000A 04
$VDEVRPND      0008 04
$VDEVRSRL      000A 02
$VDEVSCPI      000D 04
$VDEVSCTL      000E 40
$VDEVSEXT      007D
$VDEVSHRD      000C 02
$VDEVSIDC      0184
$VDEVSIDL      0188
$VDEVSIDM      0188 00000010
$VDEVSIDN      0186
$VDEVSIOR      003D
$VDEVSIZE      01DC 0000003C
$VDEVSSNT      000E 01
$VDEVSUB       0019
$VDEVSUSP      0008 08
$VDEVSWDD      000E 08
$VDEVTENB      000C 04
$VDEVTIME      0051
$VDEVTMCT      004D
$VDEVTRCW      000C 08
$VDEVTYPE      001C
$VDEVUIOR      0059
$VDEVURAC      0010 10
$VDEVURFI      0152
$VDEVVCTR      01D7
$VDEVVDS       009D
$VDEVVMIO      000A 10
$VDEVVPX       0099
$VDEVVSP       0095
$VDEVWINT      0009 40
$VDEVWKAL      0010 04
$VDEV0         0008
$VDEV1         0009
$VDEV2         000A
$VDEV3         000B
$VDEV4         000C
$VDEV5         000D
$VDEV6         000E
$VDEV7         000F
$VDEV8         0010

This information is based on z/VM V6R2.0. Last updated on 21 Nov 2011 at 11:35:52 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2011