Programming Interface Information:
This information is NOT intended to be
used as Programming Interfaces of z/VM.



Control Block Contents  

Storage Layout  

Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)  

LANBK Prolog

 DESCRIPTION: Virtual LAN block
              Define a structure to represent a Virtual LAN
              (Local Area Network) in CP.
   SLMLANTB - The System LAN Table
              CP DEFINE LAN command
              CP DETACH LAN processing
              HCPEQUAT COPY - General CP equates


LANBK Control Block Content


Hex   Dec Type/Val   Lng Label (dup)    Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000    0 Structure      LANBK          Virtual LAN block
      Static Area -
        The fields in this area are relatively static.
        They are set when the LANBK is constructed.
0000    0 Character   16 LANID (0)      LAN Fully-Qualified Identifier
0000    0 Character    8 LANOWNER       LAN Owner (user who defined it)
0008    8 Character    8 LANNAME        LAN Name
0010   16 Character    8 LANDESC        LAN Description
0018   24 Character    8 LANDEFBY       LAN Defined By <userid>
0020   32 Signed       4 LANDFTOD       CPU TOD (high-order word) when
                                        this LAN was defined
0024   36 Bitstring    1 LANTYPE        LAN Type
          00000001       LANHIPR        1 - HiperSockets LAN
          00000002       LANQDIO        2 - QDIO LAN
0025   37 Bitstring    1 LANPROTO       LAN Protocol
          00000001       LANENET        X'01' - Ethernet / Fast Ethernet
          00000002       LANTRNET       X'02' - High Speed Token Ring
          00000003       LANGBE         X'03' - Gigabit Ethernet
          00000010       LAN10GE        X'10' - 10 Gig Ethernet
          00000080       LANQDIOP       X'80' - QDIO Protocol
          00000081       LANATME        X'81' - ATM Emulated Enet Port
          00000082       LANATMTR       X'82' - ATM Emulated Token Ring
          00000083       LANATMGE       X'83' - ATM Emulated GbEnet + MTU
          00000088       LANATMP        X'88' - ATM Emulated Port +
          00000090       LANATM         X'90' - Native ATM
0026   38 Bitstring    1 LANLEVEL       LAN Level
          00000001       LANGLAN        1 - Level 1 - Guest Lan
          00000002       LANVSW         2 - Level 2 - Vswitch
0027   39 Bitstring    1 LANTRANP       Transport type
          00000001       LANIP          1 Layer 3 IP datagrams
          00000002       LANETHER       2 Layer 2 Ethernet frames
      LANLKWRD - LKWRD for primary LAN functions
      Note that certain fields are additionally serialized by
      LANCTLCK. See below for more information.
      Notes      : LKWRDSIZ == 3 doublewords.
0028   40 Dbl-Word     8 LANLKWRD (3)   LAN Lockword
      LAN Management Area -
0040   64 Bitstring    1 LANCFLG        LAN Configuration Flags
          1... ....      LANINPRG       X'80' - Initialization in
          .1.. ....      LANDLPRG       X'40' - Delete in Progress
          ..1. ....      LANLIMCN       X'20' - Limit connections by
          ...1 ....      LANLIMID       X'10' - Limit connections by
          .... 1...      LANSYSLN       X'08' - Registered System LAN
          .... .1..      LANUSRLN       X'04' - Private LAN
          .... ..1.      LANTRANS       X'02' - Transient LAN
          .... ...1      LANACNT        X'01' - Accounting Enabled
0041   65 Bitstring    1 LANCFLG2       More LAN Configuration Flags
          1... ....      LANRDV         X'80' - RDEV was specified for
          .1.. ....      LANDLDIP       X'40' - LANBK on Delete In
                                        Progress Chain
          ..1. ....      LANPRTRQ       X'20' - PRIROUTER was specified
                                        for VSWITCH
          ...1 ....      LANVLFLT       X'10' - VLAN Filtering (VLAN
          .... 1...      LANGVRP        X'08' - GVRP (VLAN Registration)
0042   66 Signed       2 LANIPTO        IP Timeout value (in 30 sec tics)
0044   68 Signed       4 LANRFCTR       LAN Reference Counter
0048   72 Address      4 LANFPNT        Pointer to next LANBK
004C   76 Address      4 LANBPNT        Pointer to previous LANBK
0050   80 Address      4 LANACLHD       Pointer to first ACLBK
0054   84 Address      4 LANACLTL       Pointer to last ACLBK
0058   88 Signed       4 LANMFS         Maximum Frame Size in bytes
005C   92 Signed       4 LANMAXCN       Maximum number of connections
0060   96 Address      4 LANCNLST       Pointer to Connected NICBK List
0064  100 Signed       4 LANCNCTR       LAN Connection Counter
0068  104 Character    8 LANUPDBY       LAN Updated By <userid>
      These fields represent a real OSA-Express interface.
0070  112 Address      4 LANVQSBK       Pointer to VQSBK for VSWITCH
0074  116 Signed       2 LANDFVID       Default VLAN ID
0076  118 Bitstring    1 LANDFPRT       Default Porttype
          .... ...1      LANDFPRT_ACCESS
                                        1 = Access Port (untagged)
          .... ..1.      LANDFPRT_TRUNK 2 = Trunk Port (tagged or mixed)
0077  119 Bitstring    1 LANFSV         Queuestorage value (1-8)
      LANDFNIC/LANDFNIC - Default Router to External Network.
        These pointers are set when LANRDEV is initialized and
        ready to use.  This NIDBK represents the virtual
        interface between this LAN segment and the external
0078  120 Address      4 LANDFNIC       Pointer to Default Router NICBK
007C  124 Address      4 LANDFNID       Pointer to Default Router NIDBK
0080  128 Signed       4 LANTRACE       CTR for tracing on
0084  132 Address      4 LANPROM        Pointer to list of Prom users
      LANMCTBL - Pointer to LAN Multicast Table
        Each IPNBK in the Multicast Table represents a device
        (NIDBK) which is subscribed to a multicast group.  This
        table is sorted by Multicast IP Address.
0088  136 Address      4 LANMCTBL       Ptr to IPNBK chain
008C  140 Signed       2 LANMCCTR       Number of Multicast subscribers
      LANMRCTR - Count Multicast Routers on this LAN
008E  142 Signed       2 LANMRCTR       Number of Multicast Routers
      LANIDTBL - LAN Link ID Table (MLTBK)
        Each entry in the Link ID Table represents the
        set of devices registered for a Link ID (which
        is a combination of VLAN ID and MAC address).
0090  144 Dbl-Word     8 LANIDTBL (4)   Reserve a MLTBK here
      LANIPTBL - Pointer to LAN IP Table
        This IP Table functions as an "ARP Cache" for the
        LAN segment.  LANIPTBL is the anchor for the table
        of unicast IP Addresses.  Each entry (IPNBK)
        represents an IP Address, and holds a pointer
        to the network device (NIDBK) which owns this
        IP Address.
      Notes      :
        Only unicast addresses should be installed in this
        table.  MAC addresses should be installed in the
        Link ID Table (LANIDTBL) by MAC address.
00B0  176 Address      4 LANIPTBL       LAN IP Table (unicast)
00B4  180 Signed       2 LANIPCTR       Number of entries in LANIPTBL
00B6  182 Bitstring    2 *              Reserved
      LANVLANL - Pointer to LANVID list
        This is the anchor for a list of VLAN groups active
        on this LAN.
00B8  184 Address      4 LANVLANL       Pointer to LANVID list
00BC  188 Bitstring    4 *              Reserved
      Following Fields are only relevant when the LAN Sniffer is
      active either with TRSOURCE or SET_PROMISCUOUS_MODE.
00C0  192 Signed       4 LANTRID        # of active type lan trace ids
00C4  196 Signed       4 LANSUSR        # of promiscuous users on lan
00C8  200 Dbl-Word     8 *              Reserved
     ******** Start of Virtual Switch Controller Section
      The Virtual Switch Controller section of this structure is
      serialized by a combination of LANLKWRD and LANCTLCK.
      To reference these fields, the LANLKWRD must be held at
      least SHARED.
      To modify these fields, either:
        1) Obtain the LANLKWRD EXCLUSIVE, or
        2) Obtain the LANLKWRD SHARED and the LANCTLCK EXCLUSIVE.
      The second choice allows access to the controller-
      related fields without interference with data transfer
      among the guest hosts coupled to the virtual switch.
      LANCTLCK - LKWRD for VSWITCH Controller functions
      Notes      : LKWRDSIZ == 3 doublewords.
00D0  208 Dbl-Word     8 LANCTLCK (3)   LAN CONTROLLER lock word
      Active Interface Definition -
00E8  232 Character    8 LANCONT        Controller
00F0  240 Character    8 *              Reserved
                   F              Reserved
00F8  248 Signed       2 LANRDEV        Rdev
00FA  250 Signed       2 *              Reserved
00FC  252 Bitstring    1 LANCTSTA       VSwitch Controller State
          00000001       LANCTDEF       X'01' - Virtual switch defined
          00000002       LANCTNOC       X'02' - Controller not available
          00000003       LANCTOPR       X'03' - Operator intervention
          00000004       LANCTDIS       X'04' - Disconnected
          00000005       LANCTATT       X'05' - VDEVs attached to
          00000006       LANCTINI       X'06' - OSA initialization in
          00000007       LANCTNOT       X'07' - OSA device not ready
          00000008       LANCTRDY       X'08' - OSA device ready
          00000009       LANCTDET       X'09' - OSA devices being
          0000000A       LANCTDEL       X'0A' - VSWITCH delete pending
          0000000B       LANCTRCV       X'0B' - VSWITCH failover
          0000000C       LANCTRES       X'0C' - Autorestart in progress
          0000000D       LANCTLST       X'0D' - High water mark for
                                        validation NOTE: Cannot exceed 99
                                        (X'63'). Mapped to decimal
                                        message number MS2830xx.
00FD  253 Bitstring    1 LANCTFLG       VSwitch Controller Flag
          1... ....      LANXIPV6       X'80' - VSWITCH RDEV supports
          .1.. ....      LANPRTAC       X'40' - PRIROUTER is active on
          ..1. ....      LANNOARP       X'20' - No Send_Grat_Arp support
          ...1 ....      LANMSARP       X'10' - HCP2859I - ARP message
          .... 1...      LANNOGVR       X'08' - No GVRP support
          .... .1..      LANMSGVR       X'04' - HCP2859I - GVRP message
00FE  254 Bitstring    2 *              Reserved
0100  256 Bitstring    6 LANDVMAC       VSwitch RDEV MAC address
0106  262 Signed       2 LANMXMTU       MaxMTU reported by H/W
0108  264 Signed       4 LANUSEFX       Adjustment factor for IPNUSAGE
010C  268 Address      4 LANIPCHN       Chain of deferred SETIP requests
0110  272 Address      4 LANIPCHE       Last entry - Chain of deferred
                                        SETIP requests
0114  276 Signed       4 LANIPCNT       Count of incomplete SETIP reqs
0118  280 Address      4 LANRRDEV       Chain of LANRDD descriptors
011C  284 Bitstring    4 *              Reserved
     ********  End of Virtual Switch Controller Section
      LANRXTBL - LAN Router Table (MLTBK)
        Each entry in the Router Table represents the
        set of devices registered as a Router (using
        an ID formed by VLAN ID and IPv4/IPv6 value).
0120  288 Dbl-Word     8 LANRXTBL (2)   Reserve a MLTBK here
      End of the LANBK.
          00000140       LAN$END        * End of the LANBK
          00000140       LANBKLN        *-LANBK Length of LANBK in bytes
          00000028       LANBKSZ        (*-LANBK+7)/8 Size of LANBK in
      Define the LANVID structure.
        This structure maps one element of the LANVIDLL list.
        Each element represents an active VLAN group on this
        LAN segment.


Hex   Dec Type/Val   Lng Label (dup)    Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000    0 Structure      LANVID         Virtual LAN block
0000    0 Address      4 LANVID_FPNT    Pointer to Next LANVID
0004    4 Address      4 LANVID_BPNT    Pointer to Previous LANVID
0008    8 Signed       2 LANVID_ID      VLAN group ID
000A   10 Bitstring    2 *              Reserved
000C   12 Signed       4 LANVID_CTR     Number of interfaces active
          00000010       LANVIDLN       *-LANVID Length of LANVID (bytes)
          00000002       LANVIDSZ       (LANVIDLN+7)/8 Length of LANVID
      Define the LANRDD structure.
        This structure maps each element of the LANRRDEV array.


Hex   Dec Type/Val   Lng Label (dup)    Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000    0 Structure      LANRDD         Virtual LAN block
0000    0 Address      4 LANRDD_NEXT    Pointer to Next LANRDD
0004    4 Address      4 LANRDD_CTPTR   Pointer to Controller entry
0008    8 Signed       2 LANRDD_RDEV    Real device address
000A   10 Signed       2 LANRDD_VDEV    Virtual device address
000C   12 Character    8 LANRDD_PORT    Port name for this device
0014   20 Bitstring    1 LANRDD_FLAG    Device status flags:
          1... ....      LANRDD_ACTIVE  X'80' - Active, primary RDEV.
          .1.. ....      LANRDD_BACKUP  X'40' - Backup RDEV.
          ..1. ....      LANRDD_INOP    X'20' - Inoperative device
          ...1 ....      LANRDD_NOVDEV  X'10' - VDEV not available at
                                        chosen controller
          .... 1...      LANRDD_PRT     X'08' - Port name specified
          .... .1..      LANRDD_DELETE  X'04' - Delete LANRDD when
                                        cleanup is completed
0015   21 Bitstring    1 LANRDD_RSN     Failure reason
          .... ....      LANRDD_RSNNONE X'00' - None identified
          .... ...1      LANRDD_RSNPORTNAME
                                        X'01' - Portname conflict
          .... ..1.      LANRDD_RSNNOLAYER2
                                        X'02' - No layer 2 support
          .... ..11      LANRDD_RSNNORDEV
                                        X'03' - RDEV does not exist
          .... .1..      LANRDD_RSNRDEVATT
                                        X'04' - RDEV is attached
          .... .1.1      LANRDD_RSNNOTQDIO
                                        X'05' - RDEV not QDIO OSA-E
          .... .11.      LANRDD_RSNINITERR
                                        X'06' - Initialization error
          .... .111      LANRDD_RSNSTALLEDO
                                        X'07' - Stalled OSA
          .... 1...      LANRDD_RSNSTALLEDC
                                        X'08' - Stalled controller
          .... 1..1      LANRDD_RSNSEVER
                                        X'09' - Controller connection
          .... 1.1.      LANRDD_RSNROUTING
                                        X'0A' - Primary or secondary
                                        routing conflict
          .... 1.11      LANRDD_RSNOFFLINE
                                        X'0B' - Device is offline
          .... 11..      LANRDD_RSNDETACHED
                                        X'0C' - Device was detached
          .... 11.1      LANRDD_RSNMISMATCH
                                        X'0D' - Type Mismatch
          .... 111.      LANRDD_RSNSTORAGE
                                        X'0E' - Insufficient storage in
                                        controller virtual machine
          .... 1111      LANRDD_RSNTCPIPCONF
                                        X'0F' - TCP/IP Configuration
0016   22 Signed       2 *              Reserved
          00000018       LANRDDLB       *-LANRDD Length of each LANRDD in
          00000003       LANRDDLD       (LANRDDLB+7)/8 Length in
      Define MLTBK for this compile.
       PREFIX_LEN = 3
      Start of Assembler Control Block


LANBK Storage Layout

*** LANBK - Virtual LAN block
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   0 |                       LANOWNER                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   8 |                       LANNAME                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  10 |                       LANDESC                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  18 |                       LANDEFBY                        |
*     +---------------------------+------+------+------+------+
*  20 |         LANDFTOD          |:TYPE |:PROTO|:LEVEL|:TRANP|
*     +---------------------------+------+------+------+------+
*  28 |                                                       |
*     =                       LANLKWRD                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +------+------+-------------+---------------------------+
*  40 |:CFLG |:CFLG2|  LANIPTO    |         LANRFCTR          |
*     +------+------+-------------+---------------------------+
*  48 |         LANFPNT           |         LANBPNT           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  50 |         LANACLHD          |         LANACLTL          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  58 |          LANMFS           |         LANMAXCN          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  60 |         LANCNLST          |         LANCNCTR          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  68 |                       LANUPDBY                        |
*     +---------------------------+-------------+------+------+
*  70 |         LANVQSBK          |  LANDFVID   |:DFPRT|LANFSV|
*     +---------------------------+-------------+------+------+
*  78 |         LANDFNIC          |         LANDFNID          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  80 |         LANTRACE          |         LANPROM           |
*     +---------------------------+-------------+-------------+
*  88 |         LANMCTBL          |  LANMCCTR   |  LANMRCTR   |
*     +---------------------------+-------------+-------------+
*  90 |                                                       |
*     =                       LANIDTBL                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +---------------------------+-------------+-------------+
*  B0 |         LANIPTBL          |  LANIPCTR   |/////////////|
*     +---------------------------+-------------+-------------+
*  B8 |         LANVLANL          |///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  C0 |         LANTRID           |         LANSUSR           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  C8 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  D0 |                                                       |
*     =                       LANCTLCK                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  E8 |                       LANCONT                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  F0 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +-------------+-------------+------+------+-------------+
*  F8 |  LANRDEV    |/////////////|:CTSTA|:CTFLG|/////////////|
*     +-------------+-------------+------+------+-------------+
* 100 |                LANDVMAC                 |  LANMXMTU   |
*     +---------------------------+-------------+-------------+
* 108 |         LANUSEFX          |         LANIPCHN          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 110 |         LANIPCHE          |         LANIPCNT          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 118 |         LANRRDEV          |///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 120 |                       LANRXTBL                        |
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 130
*** LANBK - Virtual LAN block
*** LANVID - Virtual LAN block
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*   0 |       LANVID_FPNT         |       LANVID_BPNT         |
*     +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+
*   8 | LANVID_ID   |/////////////|        LANVID_CTR         |
*     +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+
*  10
*** LANVID - Virtual LAN block
*** LANRDD - Virtual LAN block
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*   0 |       LANRDD_NEXT         |       LANRDD_CTPTR        |
*     +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+
*   8 |LANRDD_RDEV  |LANRDD_VDEV  |       LANRDD_PORT-        |
*     +-------------+-------------+------+------+-------------+
*  10 |          -(00C)           |(014) |(015) |/////////////|
*     +---------------------------+------+------+-------------+
*  18
*** LANRDD - Virtual LAN block


LANBK Cross Reference

Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
LAN$END        0120 00000140
LANACLHD       0050
LANACLTL       0054
LANACNT        0040 01
LANATM         0025 00000090
LANATME        0025 00000081
LANATMGE       0025 00000083
LANATMP        0025 00000088
LANATMTR       0025 00000082
LANBKLN        0120 00000140
LANBKSZ        0120 00000028
LANBPNT        004C
LANCFLG        0040
LANCFLG2       0041
LANCNCTR       0064
LANCNLST       0060
LANCONT        00E8
LANCTATT       00FC 00000005
LANCTDEF       00FC 00000001
LANCTDEL       00FC 0000000A
LANCTDET       00FC 00000009
LANCTDIS       00FC 00000004
LANCTINI       00FC 00000006
LANCTLCK       00D0
LANCTLST       00FC 0000000D
LANCTNOC       00FC 00000002
LANCTNOT       00FC 00000007
LANCTOPR       00FC 00000003
LANCTRCV       00FC 0000000B
LANCTRDY       00FC 00000008
LANCTRES       00FC 0000000C
LANDEFBY       0018
LANDESC        0010
LANDFNIC       0078
LANDFNID       007C
LANDFPRT       0076
               0076 01
               0076 02
LANDFTOD       0020
LANDFVID       0074
LANDLDIP       0041 40
LANDLPRG       0040 40
LANDVMAC       0100
LANENET        0025 00000001
LANETHER       0027 00000002
LANFPNT        0048
LANFSV         0077
LANGBE         0025 00000003
LANGLAN        0026 00000001
LANGVRP        0041 08
LANHIPR        0024 00000001
LANID          0000
LANIDTBL       0090
LANINPRG       0040 80
LANIP          0027 00000001
LANIPCHE       0110
LANIPCHN       010C
LANIPCNT       0114
LANIPCTR       00B4
LANIPTBL       00B0
LANIPTO        0042
LANLEVEL       0026
LANLIMCN       0040 20
LANLIMID       0040 10
LANLKWRD       0028
LANMAXCN       005C
LANMCCTR       008C
LANMCTBL       0088
LANMFS         0058
LANMRCTR       008E
LANMSARP       00FD 10
LANMSGVR       00FD 04
LANMXMTU       0106
LANNAME        0008
LANNOARP       00FD 20
LANNOGVR       00FD 08
LANOWNER       0000
LANPROM        0084
LANPROTO       0025
LANPRTAC       00FD 40
LANPRTRQ       0041 20
LANQDIO        0024 00000002
LANQDIOP       0025 00000080
LANRDD_INOP    0014 20
LANRDD_PRT     0014 08
LANRDD_RSN     0015
               0015 0C
               0015 06
               0015 0D
               0015 02
               0015 00
               0015 03
               0015 05
               0015 0B
               0015 01
               0015 04
               0015 0A
               0015 09
               0015 07
               0015 08
               0015 0E
               0015 0F
LANRDDLB       0016 00000018
LANRDDLD       0016 00000003
LANRDEV        00F8
LANRDV         0041 80
LANRFCTR       0044
LANRRDEV       0118
LANRXTBL       0120
LANSUSR        00C4
LANSYSLN       0040 08
LANTRACE       0080
LANTRANP       0027
LANTRANS       0040 02
LANTRID        00C0
LANTRNET       0025 00000002
LANTYPE        0024
LANUPDBY       0068
LANUSEFX       0108
LANUSRLN       0040 04
LANVID_ID      0008
LANVIDLN       000C 00000010
LANVIDSZ       000C 00000002
LANVLANL       00B8
LANVLFLT       0041 10
LANVQSBK       0070
LANVSW         0026 00000002
LANXIPV6       00FD 80
LAN10GE        0025 00000010

This information is based on z/VM V5R2.0. Last updated on 12 Apr 2006 at 17:00:31 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2005