Programming Interface Information:
This information is NOT intended to be
used as Programming Interfaces of z/VM.



Control Block Contents  

Storage Layout  

Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)  

DSCBK Prolog

 Status     : /VM   Version 5, Release 2.0
 Description: Demand Scan Control Block
 Function   :
              The Demand Scan Control Block (DSCBK) contains
              information about the Available List Demand Scan
              operation.  The DSCBK is persistent and some
              information is saved between Demand Scans.
 Created by : Assembly at Entry Point HCPRSMSC.
 Deleted by : none


DSCBK Control Block Content


Hex   Dec Type/Val   Lng Label (dup)    Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000    0 Structure      DSCBK          Demand Scan Control Block
0000    0 Signed       4 DSCWORD (0)    Demand Scan Status Word
0000    0 Bitstring    1 DSCPROG        Indicate Demand Scan Progress
          1... ....      DSCPASS1       X'80' Working on the first pass
          .1.. ....      DSCPASS2       X'40' Working on the second pass
          ..1. ....      DSCEMRGP       X'20' Working on EMERGENCY pass
          ...1 ....      DSCLTD         X'10' Working on a user from the
                                        Long-Term Dormant List
          .... 1...      DSCLTDHX       X'08' This scan ended on a user
                                        from the Long-Term Dormant List
          .... .1..      DSCDLSCN       X'04' Scanning the Dormant List
          .... ..1.      DSCTKALL       X'02' Took ALL possible frames
                                        from the Dormant List VMDBK base
                                        address space (except locked or
                                        reserved frames).
          .... ...1      DSCA2GPP       X'01' Stealing >=2G frames to
                                        relieve <2G resident pageable
                                        PGMBK pressure. Causes steal of
                                        >= 2G frames to begin /
                                        continue even if there is no
                                        >=2G system need (DSCREQDG=0)
0001    1 Bitstring    1 DSCLKFLG       Contains only lock status and is
                                        cleared in RELLOCKS subroutine in
                                        module HCPALS.
          1... ....      DSCPTILK       X'80' Demand Scan owns the Page
                                        Table Lock (VMDPTIL) now.
          .1.. ....      DSCPTIL2       X'40' Indicate we obtained
                                        VMDPTIL in the INVAL routine (in
          ..1. ....      DSCSHDLK       X'20' Demand Scan owns the Shadow
                                        Table Lock (VMDSHDLK) now.
          ...1 ....      DSCDFRCT       X'10' Demand Scan has incremented
                                        the Deferred Work count.
          .... 1...      DSCSHFRM       X'08' Stealing shared frames,
                                        which means we must ALWAYS use
          .... .1..      DSCPTILS       X'04' Note that VMDPTIL was
                                        obtained SHARED (verses
0002    2 Bitstring    1 DSCTERM        Flags to tell the Steal Task how
                                        to handle RABIs, Unreferenced
                                        frames, and end-of-scan.
          1... ....      DSCRBINX       X'80' Do NOT move RABIs to XSTORE
          .1.. ....      DSCUNREF       X'40' Take UNREFERENCED frames
          ..1. ....      DSCPURGE       X'20' Perform a PTLB (Purge
                                        Translate Look-Aside Buffers).
          ...1 ....      DSCA2GRF       X'10' DSCA2GPP is set and the
                                        frame being processed is above 2G
                                        - ignore referenced criteria
                                        policy, take even if referenced
          .... ...1      DSCAGAIN       X'01' Steal should re-invoke
                                        itself at the end of the current
          .... ....      DSCDONE        X'00' Do NOT try to restart
                                        Demand Scan at the end of the
                                        current cycle.
0003    3 Bitstring    1 DSCXSTFL       XSTORE management flags
          1... ....      DSCXSTOR       X'80' Try paging out to XSTORE
                                        before sending them to DASD
          .... ....      DSCNOXST       X'00' Page out directly to DASD
0004    4 Signed       4 DSCINPUT (0)   Demand Scan Input Word DSCINPUT
                                        is a word of "input status" hints
                                        for other parts of the system to
                                        communicate information "hints"
                                        to demand scan. NOTES : DSCINPUT
                                        fields are NOT serialized, by the
                                        demand scan lock or anything
0004    4 Bitstring    1 DSCINPB0
          1... ....      DSCSFCTG       X'80' Single frame allocation has
                                        reached into the contiguous
                                        portion of the available list
                                        since the last time we checked.
          .1.. ....      DSCCNTGR       X'40' Contiguous frames have been
                                        returned to the back of the
                                        available list since the last
                                        time demand scan zeroed this
                                        flag. The following three bytes
                                        are used to make sure that only
                                        one CPEBK is stacked for the
                                        deferred call to HCPLANRS,
                                        HCPFMVDS, or HCPFMVDS with
0005    5 Bitstring    1 DSCLANLK       Indicate that the deferred call
                                        to HCPLANRS has been stacked
0006    6 Bitstring    1 DSCFMVLK       Indicate that the deferred call
                                        to HCPFMVDS has been stacked
0007    7 Bitstring    1 DSCFMVEL       Indicate that the deferred call
                                        to HCPFMVDS with emergency has
                                        been stacked.
      The primary Demand Scan may be able to satisfy the
      system requirement without performing every possible
      scan.  In order to drain frames from every possible
      source, a "Round Robin" algorithm is used to select
      a different scan routine each time Demand Scan runs.
      The pointer DSCELEM holds the address of the next
      scan element (a structure defined in HCPALD).  The
      next scan will be performed by the routine associated
      with this scan element.
0008    8 Signed       4 DSCCYCL        Count the number of scan cycles
000C   12 Address      4 DSCELEM        Address of next scan element (see
                                        HCPALD SCANELEM structure)
      These fields apply to the current Demand Scan.
0010   16 Signed       4 DSCTOTAL       Total pages stolen by the current
                                        Demand Scan process
0014   20 Signed       4 *              Reserved for IBM use
0018   24 Dbl-Word     8 DSCREQD (0)    Frames needed by the system
0018   24 Signed       4 DSCREQD0       Frames needed from BELOW 2Gb
001C   28 Signed       4 DSCREQDG       Frames needed from 2G and ABOVE
0020   32 Dbl-Word     8 DSCTRGT (0)    Target frame limit (Low/High)
0020   32 Signed       4 DSCTRGT0       Target frames from BELOW 2Gb
0024   36 Signed       4 DSCTRGTG       Target frames from 2Gb and ABOVE
0028   40 Dbl-Word     8 DSCFRMS (0)    Frame counters (Low/High)
0028   40 Signed       4 DSCFRMS0       Frames stolen from BELOW 2Gb
002C   44 Signed       4 DSCFRMSG       Frames stolen from 2Gb and ABOVE
0030   48 Dbl-Word     8 DSCSTLW (0)    Steal Write counters (Low/High)
0030   48 Signed       4 DSCSTLW0       Steal Write frames BELOW 2Gb
0034   52 Signed       4 DSCSTLWG       Steal Write frames 2Gb and ABOVE
0038   56 Address      8 DSCIOLFW       I/O FRMTE list forward pointer
0040   64 Address      8 DSCIOLST       I/O FRMTE list last FRMTE
0048   72 Address      8 DSCAVLLF       Immediately available FRMTE list
                                        forward pointer
0050   80 Address      8 DSCPGMLF       PGMBK FRMTE list forward pointer
0058   88 Signed       4 DSCPAGQC       Count of FRMTEs on I/O and PGMBK
                                        FRMTE lists
      These fields are primarily for diagnostic purposes.
      They should not affect the operation of Demand Scan.
005C   92 Bitstring    1 DSCDEBUG       Debug Flags
          1... ....      DSCACTIV       X'80' Demand Scan is ACTIVE
005D   93 Bitstring    3 *              reserved
0060   96 Signed       4 DSCCOUNT       Count the number of times we
                                        entered Demand Scan (HCPALDSC)
0064  100 Bitstring    1 DSCALSCN       Track our progress in HCPALSCN
0065  101 Bitstring    1 DSCALSCS       Track our progress in HCPALSCS
0066  102 Bitstring    1 DSCALSCD       Track our progress in HCPALSCD
0067  103 Bitstring    5 *              Reserved
006C  108 Address      4 DSCWHOCM       Last caller of CALCMORE routine
0070  112 Address      4 DSCWHOEX       Previous HCPCALL before CALCMORE
0074  116 Bitstring    1 DSC$END (0)    End of DSCBK
          00000074       DSCBKLN        *-DSCBK DSCBK length (in bytes)
          0000000F       DSCBKSZ        (*-DSCBK+7)/8 DSCBK size (in


DSCBK Storage Layout

*** DSCBK - Demand Scan Control Block
*     +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
*     +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
*   8 |         DSCCYCL           |         DSCELEM           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  10 |         DSCTOTAL          |///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  18 |         DSCREQD0          |         DSCREQDG          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  20 |         DSCTRGT0          |         DSCTRGTG          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  28 |         DSCFRMS0          |         DSCFRMSG          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  30 |         DSCSTLW0          |         DSCSTLWG          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  38 |                       DSCIOLFW                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  40 |                       DSCIOLST                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  48 |                       DSCAVLLF                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  50 |                       DSCPGMLF                        |
*     +---------------------------+------+--------------------+
*  58 |         DSCPAGQC          |:DEBUG|////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+------+------+------+------+
*  60 |         DSCCOUNT          |:ALSCN|:ALSCS|:ALSCD|//////|
*     +---------------------------+------+------+------+------+
*  68 |///////////////////////////|         DSCWHOCM          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  70 |         DSCWHOEX          |
*     +---------------------------+
*** DSCBK - Demand Scan Control Block


DSCBK Cross Reference

Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
DSC$END        0074
DSCACTIV       005C 80
DSCAGAIN       0002 01
DSCALSCD       0066
DSCALSCN       0064
DSCALSCS       0065
DSCAVLLF       0048
DSCA2GPP       0000 01
DSCA2GRF       0002 10
DSCBKLN        0074 00000074
DSCBKSZ        0074 0000000F
DSCCNTGR       0004 40
DSCCOUNT       0060
DSCCYCL        0008
DSCDEBUG       005C
DSCDFRCT       0001 10
DSCDLSCN       0000 04
DSCDONE        0002 00
DSCELEM        000C
DSCEMRGP       0000 20
DSCFMVEL       0007
DSCFMVLK       0006
DSCFRMS        0028
DSCFRMSG       002C
DSCFRMS0       0028
DSCINPB0       0004
DSCINPUT       0004
DSCIOLFW       0038
DSCIOLST       0040
DSCLANLK       0005
DSCLKFLG       0001
DSCLTD         0000 10
DSCLTDHX       0000 08
DSCNOXST       0003 00
DSCPAGQC       0058
DSCPASS1       0000 80
DSCPASS2       0000 40
DSCPGMLF       0050
DSCPROG        0000
DSCPTILK       0001 80
DSCPTILS       0001 04
DSCPTIL2       0001 40
DSCPURGE       0002 20
DSCRBINX       0002 80
DSCREQD        0018
DSCREQDG       001C
DSCREQD0       0018
DSCSFCTG       0004 80
DSCSHDLK       0001 20
DSCSHFRM       0001 08
DSCSTLW        0030
DSCSTLWG       0034
DSCSTLW0       0030
DSCTERM        0002
DSCTKALL       0000 02
DSCTOTAL       0010
DSCTRGT        0020
DSCTRGTG       0024
DSCTRGT0       0020
DSCUNREF       0002 40
DSCWHOCM       006C
DSCWHOEX       0070
DSCWORD        0000
DSCXSTFL       0003
DSCXSTOR       0003 80

This information is based on z/VM V5R2.0. Last updated on 12 Apr 2006 at 16:51:38 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2005