Programming Interface Information:
This information is NOT intended to be
used as Programming Interfaces of z/VM.



Control Block Contents  

Storage Layout  

Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)  

RSMBK Prolog

 DESCRIPTION: RSM common area mapping
 FUNCTION   : Map the Real Storage Management Data Area located
              in the data module HCPRSM that contains anchors,
              locks and counts for Real Storage Management data.
              HCPRSMFR  Free storage VMDBK  chain anchor and count
              HCPRSMPR  Free storage PERSYS chain anchor and count
              HCPRSMSV  Free storage SYSTEM chain anchor and count
 DELETED BY : Never deleted.  Reinitialized with next system IPL.


RSMBK Control Block Content


Hex   Dec Type/Val   Lng Label (dup)    Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000    0 Structure      RSMBK          RSM common area mapping
     |        Real Storage Management Common Data Area.         |
     |        Located by HCPRSMCM.                              |
0000    0 Signed       4 RSASAVFR       Non-negative count of frames in
                                        use by the save area manager.
                                        Compare-and-Swap to update.
      System-identity space information
0004    4 Signed       4 RSAIDSTD       STD (or half-ASCE in ESAME build)
                                        for the system-identity space
                                        which identity maps all real
                                        storage below 2G. In the 390
                                        build, also used to designate the
                                        system-execution space.
0008    8 Address      4 RSAIDAST       ASTE for the system-identity
                                        space which identity maps all
                                        real storage below 2G.
000C   12 Address      4 RSARSAST       ASTE @ for the system-real space,
                                        which identity maps all of real
                                        storage (including real storage
                                        above 2G) via an RSD (meaning no
                                        DAT tables are required) ESAME
                                        image only
0010   16 Dbl-Word     8 RSALRFA (0)    Queue of frames that are waiting
                                        release plus a lock word.
0010   16 Signed       4 RSALRFQ        HCPLRFBK queue, any frame found
                                        to be locked during release
                                        processing will have a block on
                                        this queue pointing to it. This
                                        field points to the first such
                                        block and is '0' if there are
0014   20 Signed       4 RSALRFLK       RSALRFQ's lock. This lock must be
                                        held when changing the RSALRFQ
                                        field. This lock is set to the
                                        address obtaining the lock when
                                        it is obtained, and is '0'
0018   24 Signed       4 RSAMSARC       Count of machine storage areas
                                        (MSA) below the highest sysgen
                                        frame (RSASTORE)
001C   28 Signed       4 RSAMSASC       Count of machine storage areas
                                        (MSA) below the highest sysgen
                                        frame (RSASTORE) or addressable
                                        frame (SYSTORS) whichever is
0020   32 Signed       4 RSAMSARH       Count of machine storage areas
                                        (MSA) above the highest sysgen
                                        frame (RSASTORE)
0024   36 Signed       4 RSADPACP       Count of DPA frames containing CP
                                        data (includes all frames which
                                        have the FRMCP bit on in FRMCSB0
                                        of their FRMTEs, except for VDISK
                                        frames, which are CP owned, but
                                        contain user data). This is the
                                        count of frames that will be
                                        included in a CP dump, and is
                                        used to allocate additional space
                                        for a CP dump as CP grows.
                                        Compare and Swap logic must be
                                        used to update this field.
0028   40 Signed       4 RSATRSAV       Count of DPA frames in use for
                                        DEFERIO traces. This count is
                                        used to ensure that the number of
                                        DPA frames allocated for DEFERIO
                                        traces does not exceed 75% of the
                                        pageable pages in the DPA. This
                                        count is serialized by TXCDFRIO,
                                        the DEFERIO frames lock.
002C   44 Signed       4 RSASTORE       Real machine actual storage size
                                        below 2G. Calculated during
                                        system init.
      This area contains information regarding the use or non-use
      of host storage above the 2G line.
      All fields serialized by >= 2G available list lock-RSA2GLCK
      except where noted otherwise.
0030   48 Signed       4 RSATASKB       Task active bits. C/S to update.
0030   48 Bitstring    1 RSATSKB0       Task bits 0- 7
0031   49 Bitstring    1 RSATSKB1       Task bits 8-15
0032   50 Bitstring    1 RSATSKB2       Task bits 16-23
0033   51 Bitstring    1 RSATSKB3       Task bits 24-31
          .... ...1      RSA2GTSK       X'01' Indicates low priority
                                        >= 2G frame initialization
                                        task is active.
0034   52 Signed       4 *              Reserved for IBM use
0038   56 Signed       8 RSAFNOTI       Count of FRMTEs marked 'not
                                        init'. This is the number of
                                        FRMTEs which have not yet been
                                        checked to see if they are
0040   64 Signed       8 RSALGFRM       Count of usable frames >= 2G.
0048   72 Signed       8 RSAGOFFL       Count of offline frames >= 2G.
0050   80 Signed       8 RSAGSTOR       Actual storage size -1 including
                                        storage >= 2G. This is not
                                        exact until testing of large real
                                        storage has ended. Unlike
                                        SYSGTORS, this value is not
0058   88 Signed       8 RSASTORL       Highest real host storage addr.
                                        This is uncapped. Calculated from
                                        SCLP storage data or Diagnose.
                                        This value is not adjusted.
0060   96 Address      8 RSALG1ST       Address of first FRMTE for frames
                                        >= 2G. This address is above
                                        any offline frames at the 2G
                                        line. It does not skip 'not-init'
0068  104 Address      8 RSALGLST       Address of last FRMTE for frames
                                        >= 2G. This address is below
                                        any offline frames at the high
                                        end of storage. It does not skip
                                        'not-init' frames.
0070  112 Address      8 RSANOTIB       Address of FRMTE for the lowest
                                        frame >= 2G marked 'not-init'.
                                        If greater than RSALGLST then all
                                        frames >= 2G are initialized
                                        and RSAGSTOR is accurate.
0078  120 Signed       8 RSA2GLCK (3)   >= 2G available list lock.
                                        This lock is obtained & released
                                        via macros HCPLK2GA and HCPUL2GA.
0090  144 Address      8 RSA2GAHD       >= 2G available list lock
                                        queue header. Points to a FRMTE.
0098  152 Address      8 *              Reserved for IBM use
00A0  160 Signed       8 RSA2GAVL       Count of frames on the >= 2G
                                        available list.
00A8  168 Dbl-Word     8 RSAPRLK (3)    PTRM address space resolution
                                        lock. This is a formal exclusive
                                        lock, managed by HCPLCK. This
                                        lock serializes RSAASITB during
                                        PTRM address space creation. This
                                        lock must be held to resolve an
                                        "address space fault" when
                                        working with PTRM address spaces.
00C0  192 Dbl-Word     8 RSAASITB (16)  Table of i-ASITs for the PTRM
                                        address spaces. RSAPRLK must be
                                        held to validate an entry in this
                                        table. Each table entry is mapped
                                        by the HCPAMTE control block.
0140  320 Address      4 RSADPPFW       Deferred PGMBK paging list (DPPL)
                                        forward pointer
0144  324 Address      4 RSADPPBW       Deferred PGMBK paging list (DPPL)
                                        backward pointer
0148  328 Address      4 RSAPPAFW       Paged PGMBK aging list (PPAL)
                                        forward pointer. PPAL is actually
                                        a list of PGMBKs and DAT frames.
014C  332 Address      4 RSAPPABW       Paged PGMBK aging list (PPAL)
                                        backward pointer.
0150  336 Signed       4 RSAPPTLK       Pageable Page Table Lock This is
                                        an informal spin lock. The lock
                                        must be held when adding FRMTEs
                                        to or removing FRMTEs from the
                                        DPPL, the PPAL, or the misc free
                                        storage aging queue. RSAPPTLK is
                                        set to the address obtaining the
                                        lock. When free, its value is
                                        zero. Use Compare-and-Swap to
                                        update. (This lock must also be
                                        held when decrementing a PGMFRMCT
                                        or PGMMIGCT field to zero, and
                                        then seeing if we can put that
                                        PGMBK on the DPPL.)
0154  340 Signed       4 RSAAFSDW       Count of doublewords of aligned
                                        free storage. This count includes
                                        the number of doublewords of
                                        active as well as inactive
                                        aligned free storage. This count
                                        will always be a multiple of 512.
                                        This count is updated using
                                        Compare-and-Swap logic.
0158  344 Signed       4 RSAAFSIU       Count of doublewords of aligned
                                        free storage in use. This count
                                        includes only the active aligned
                                        free storage blocks. This count
                                        is updated using Compare-and-Swap
015C  348 Signed       4 RSAVCBDW       Count of doublewords of
                                        verifiable control block free
                                        storage. This count includes the
                                        number of doublewords of active
                                        as well as inactive verifiable
                                        control block free storage and
                                        will always be a multiple of 512.
                                        This count is updated using
                                        Compare-and-Swap logic.
0160  352 Signed       4 RSAVCBIU       Count of doublewords of
                                        verifiable control block free
                                        storage in use. This count
                                        includes only the active
                                        verifiable control block free
                                        storage blocks. This count is
                                        updated using Compare-and-Swap
0164  356 Signed       4 RSAVFSDW       Count of doublewords of virtual
                                        free storage. This count includes
                                        active as well as inactive
                                        virtual free storage blocks (Note
                                        that inactive means currently
                                        resident on the virtual SUBBK
                                        FRMTE list).
                                 Note that this count represents
                                 virtual storage, not real.  The
                                 count is the number of doublewords
                                 within the virtual free storage
                                 CP utility address space currently
                                 in use or residing on the virtual
                                 SUBBK FRMTE lists.  This count
                                 will always be a multiple of 2048.
                                 This count is updated using
                                 Compare-and-Swap logic.
0168  360 Signed       4 RSAVFSIU       Count of doublewords of virtual
                                        free storage in use. This count
                                        includes only active free storage
                                        blocks. Note this count
                                        represents virtual storage, not
                                        real. The count is the number of
                                        doublewords within the virtual
                                        free storage CP utility address
                                        space. This count is updated
                                        using Compare-and-Swap logic.
016C  364 Signed       4 RSANALD        ALD for "null" access list
0170  368 Dbl-Word     8 RSANASIT       i-ASIT for "null" address space.
                                        The ASTE for the null address
                                        space is guaranteed to designate
                                        both a null access list (RSANALD)
                                        and a null authority table, and
                                        the ASTE STD (390) / ASCE (ESAME)
                                        is guaranteed to designate a
                                        segment table with STL of 1,
                                        indicating that the segment table
                                        is two segment table units in
                                        length (128 bytes in 390, 2 pages
                                        = 8K in ESAME).
0178  376 Address      4 RSANDUCT       Address of "null" dispatchable-
                                        unit control table (DUCT).
017C  380 Address      4 RSASHRSP       Anchor for chain of shareable
                                        address spaces. Chain is
                                        serialized by RSASHRLK.
0180  384 Dbl-Word     8 RSAMFSAA       Miscellaneous free storage aging
                                        queue anchor. Locked by RSAPPTLK.
                                        Items on this queue are free
                                        storage blocks which like DAT
                                        tables must be aged before reuse.
                                        End of queue is a zero pointer.
                                        ESAME image only
0188  392 Dbl-Word     8 RSAPPTN        STE invalidation timestamp of
                                        most most recently decoupled
                                        frame (pair) on the PPPAL.
0190  400 Signed       4 RSAPPTPS       ALB/TLB purges started prior to
                                        entering wait
0194  404 Signed       4 RSAPPTPF       ALB/TLB purges finished prior to
                                        entering wait
0198  408 Signed       4 RSAPPTCS       ALB/TLB purges via CSP during
                                        emergency PPAL processing
019C  412 Signed       4 *              Reserved for IBM use
01A0  416 Dbl-Word     8 RSASHRLK (3)   A shared/exclusive defer lock
                                        serializing the RSASHRSP chain.
01B8  440 Dbl-Word     8 RSASPMLK (3)   A shared/exclusive defer lock
                                        serializing all SPIBK chains
01D0  464 Dbl-Word     8 RSAALCIN (3)   An exclusive-only defer lock to
                                        serialize tasks changing an ALD
                                        from the "null" ALD to a non-null
01E8  488 Signed       4 RSACTSHR       Global count of shared address
                                        space resident frames
01EC  492 Signed       4 RSABLKGC       Count of tasks representing frame
                                        requests requesting or deferred
                                        on RSABLKGF lock
01F0  496 Dbl-Word     8 RSABLKGF (3)   An exclusive-only defer lock to
                                        serialize tasks obtaining frames
                                        to resolve page faults in a group
                                        of blocked pages. Used when there
                                        are no frames on the available
     |        RSM allocation counts:                            |
0208  520 Signed       4 RSACPLOK       Integer non-negative exact count
                                        of frames that are locked by the
                                        CP LOCK command (FRMCPLOK). This
                                        count is updated using
                                        Compare-and-Swap logic.
020C  524 Signed       4 RSAOFFLN       Non-negative count of the number
                                        of offline frames. The count of
                                        offline frames may never be
                                        decremented since once a frame is
                                        marked offline, it is never
                                        brought back online. This field
                                        is initialized during system
                                        initialization and should always
                                        be updated with the available
                                        list spin lock held. However,
                                        because this field may be updated
                                        by the extend free storage
                                        replenishment scan which does not
                                        normally function with the
                                        available list lock held, there
                                        is a minute chance that the count
                                        may be off slightly.
0210  528 Signed       4 RSASHARE       Non-negative count of frames that
                                        currently are translated as a
                                        shared frame (DCSS/NSS frames
                                        only, shared address space frames
                                        are not included (see RSACTSHR)).
                                        This count is updated using
                                        Compare-and-Swap logic.
0214  532 Signed       4 RSANONPG       Count of DPA frames which are
                                        currently non-pageable, including
                                        locked pageable frames, CP owned
                                        or free storage frames, etc. This
                                        field is only updated during
                                        system initialization or using
                                        Compare-and-Swap logic.
0218  536 Signed       4 RSAPGABL       Count of usable frames in the DPA
                                        including both pageable and
                                        non-pageable (locked, CP owned,
                                        free storage, etc.) frames. It
                                        does not include offline frames.
                                        This field is only updated during
                                        system initialization or using
                                        Compare-and-Swap logic.
      The following field belongs up above with the PPAL header
      field definitions RSAPPAFW and RSAPPABW.
021C  540 Signed       4 RSAPPAQD       If non-zero, a task has been
                                        queued for deferred processing of
                                        the PPAL (contains the R13
                                        savearea address of the queueing
                                        task). Set with CS, reset with
                                        store of 0s.
     |        Available list data:                              |
0220  544 Dbl-Word     8 RSAAVLAN (0)   Available list data area with
                                        forward and backward pointers to
                                        the standard list of available 4K
                                        frames, a backward pointer for
                                        the list of available 16K blocks
                                        (for IFSNT allocation requests)
                                        and the three doubleword area for
                                        the available list spin lock.
                                        This area is initialized during
                                        system initialization and updated
                                        only when the available list lock
                                        is held.
0220  544 Address      4 RSAAVLFP       Available list forward ptr
0224  548 Address      4 RSAAVLBP       Available list backward ptr
0228  552 Dbl-Word     8 RSAAVLLK (3)   Available list spin lock
0240  576 Address      4 RSA16KBP       Backward pointer to list of
                                        available 16K blocks. They are
                                        chained via the backward pointer
                                        in the FRMTE for the last frame
                                        in each 16K block
0244  580 Signed       4 *              Reserved for IBM use
0248  584 Dbl-Word     8 RSAFRQAN (0)   Frame request defer anchor
0248  584 Address      4 RSAFRQFP       Forward pointer
024C  588 Address      4 RSAFRQBP       Backward pointer
0250  592 Signed       4 RSA2GDCT       Count of deferred frame requests
                                        that are waiting for any
                                        available frame. This plus
                                        RSAFRQWT is the total wait count.
                                        (ESAME only, not used in ESA/390)
0254  596 Signed       4 RSAFRQMW       Count of tasks currently
                                        attempting to obtain multiple
                                        frames (for PGMBKs only, at this
0258  600 Signed       4 RSAFRQDF       Count of deferred multiple frame
025C  604 Signed       4 RSAFRQDL       Count of delayed multiple frame
0260  608 Dbl-Word     8 RSAFRQDT       Total multiple frame request
                                        delay interval
0268  616 Signed       4 RSA2GRDA       Count of times HCPPTGRD attempted
                                        to redrive tasks waiting for any
                                        available frame (>= 2G or
                                        <2G) (ESAME only, not used in
026C  620 Signed       4 RSA2GRDC       Count of individual task redrives
                                        performed by HCPPTGRD for any
                                        available frame (>= 2G or
                                        <2G) (ESAME only, not used in
0270  624 Signed       4 RSAAVAIL       Non-negative count of frames that
                                        are currently on the < 2G
                                        frames available list. This field
                                        is initialized during system
                                        initialization and updated only
                                        when the available list lock is
0274  628 Signed       4 * (0)          These fields are grouped together
0274  628 Signed       4 RSAFRQWT       Non-negative count of deferred
                                        requests for real frames which
                                        have not yet been satisfied since
                                        there are no frames available.
                                        Requests are for frames < 2G.
                                        Also see RSA2GDCT. Update by
                                        holding the available list spin
0278  632 Signed       4 RSAFRRDA       Count of HCPPTGRD attempts to
                                        redrive tasks waiting for frames
                                        below 2G. Update by holding the
                                        available list spin lock.
027C  636 Signed       4 RSAFRRDC       Count of individual task redrives
                                        performed by HCPPTGRD for frames
                                        below 2G. Update by holding the
                                        available list spin lock.
     |        Available list replenishment (steal) data:        |
0280  640 Dbl-Word     8 * (0)
0280  640 Signed       4 RSADSLOK (0)   Demand Scan (Steal) lock. When
                                        held, this lock indicates the
                                        Demand Scan is replenishing the
                                        available list of frames. This
                                        lock is normally obtained via TS.
                                        However CS may be used if
                                        RSARFLOK is set to X'FF' as TS
                                        would and RSADSCPU is set at the
                                        same time.
0280  640 Bitstring    1 RSARFLOK       TS lock to prevent triggering of
                                        multiple concurrent steal tasks
0281  641 Bitstring    3 RSADSCPU       When non-zero, indicates a CPU is
                                        running the Steal task
0284  644 Bitstring    1 RSATRQLK       Delayed Demand Scan TRQBK lock.
                                        This TS lock is used to prevent
                                        stacking multiple TRQBK's when
                                        Demand Scan determines it may
                                        need to reinvoke itself.
0285  645 Bitstring    3 *              Reserved for IBM use
0288  648 Dbl-Word     8 * (0)          Available list high threshold
                                        which indicates how many frames
                                        should be taken by the available
                                        list replenishment functions to
                                        satisfy the current user and
                                        system needs for frames. These
                                        fields are updated with
                                        Compare-and-Swap logic.
0288  648 Signed       4 RSAAVLHT       < 2G avbl list high threshold
028C  652 Signed       4 RSAAVLHG       >= 2G avbl list high threshold
0290  656 Dbl-Word     8 * (0)          Available list low threshold
                                        (which indicates when the demand
                                        scan should be invoked providing
                                        a buffer for the system until
                                        more frames become available),
                                        the decrement count (which says
                                        how many times the demand scan
                                        has run since the low threshold
                                        was last checked for
                                        decrementing. It wasn't
                                        decremented if it was recently
                                        incremented.), and the decrement
                                        flag (which is on when the
                                        threshold was not incremented
                                        recently and may be decremented).
                                        These fields are updated with
                                        Compare-and-Swap logic except at
                                        initialization time. The count
                                        and flag fields are used to
                                        determine whether or not to
                                        decrement the low threshold in
                                        this run of the demand scan.
0290  656 Signed       4 RSAAVLLT       Available list low threshold for
                                        frames < 2G
0294  660 Signed       4 RSADECCT       Decrement low threshold count for
                                        frames < 2G
0298  664 Signed       4 RSADECCS (0)   DECREMENT FLAG COMP. & SWAP WORD
0298  664 Bitstring    2 *              Reserved for IBM use
029A  666 Bitstring    1 RSADECFG       Decrement low threshold flag for
                                        frames >= 2G (ESAME only, not
                                        used in ESA/390)
          .... ...1      RSADECRG       X'01' The >=2G low threshold
                                        may be decremented when on (if
                                        off, the low threshold was
                                        recently incremented and should
                                        not be decremented)
          .... ..1.      RSAINCRG       X'02' The >=2G low threshold
                                        has been incremented already this
                                        cycle (controls the increment
029B  667 Bitstring    1 RSADECFL       Decrement low threshold flag for
                                        frames < 2G
          00000001       RSADECRB       X'01' The <2G low threshold
                                        may be decremented when on (if
                                        off, the low threshold was
                                        recently incremented and should
                                        not be decremented)
          00000002       RSAINCRB       X'02' The <2G low threshold
                                        has been incremented already this
                                        cycle (controls the increment
029C  668 Signed       4 RSAAVLLG       >=2G available list low
                                        threshold (ESAME only, not used
                                        in ESA/390)
02A0  672 Signed       4 RSADECCG       Decrement >=2G low threshold
                                        count (ESAME only, not used in
02A4  676 Signed       4 RSACFPCT       Count of contiguous frames for
                                        PGMBKs since last demand scan
02A8  680 Signed       4 RSACFPAV       Average count of contiguous frame
                                        requests for PGMBKs between
                                        demand scan instances
02AC  684 Signed       4 RSAALFMF       Total count of contiguous frames
                                        being scanned for by active
                                        HCPALFMF FREXSCAN tasks
02B0  688 Signed       4 RSAAVLEP       Low threshold adjustment to
                                        account for dynamic free storage
                                        requests made for emulated paging
                                        devices during demand scan
02B4  692 Signed       4 *              Reserved for IBM use
02B8  696 Dbl-Word     8 * (0)
02B8  696 Signed       4 RSASTLWT       Count of available list
                                        replenishment page writes (steal
                                        writes) for < 2G frames. This
                                        count is updated using
                                        Compare-and-Swap logic.
02BC  700 Signed       4 RSASWG2G       Count of available list
                                        replenishment page writes (steal
                                        writes) for >= 2G frames
                                        (ESAME only, not used in ESA/390)
02C0  704 Signed       4 * (2)          Reserved for IBM use
     |        Reset interval data area:                         |
02C8  712 Dbl-Word     8 RSARINTA (8)   Reset interval data and work area
02C8  712 Address      4 RSARESLK       Reset interval data area lock
                                        This field is updated using
                                        Compare-and-Swap logic.
02CC  716 Signed       4 *              Reserved for IBM use
02D0  720 Signed       4 RSAALLTA       Total number of frames taken by
                                        the available list replenishment
                                        functions since System IPL. This
                                        count is updated using
                                        Compare-and-Swap logic.
02D4  724 Signed       4 RSAAVGDU       Average number of users in the
                                        dispatch list (samples taken by
                                        HCPALURS). This count is updated
                                        only when the reset interval data
                                        area lock (RSARESLK) is held.
02D8  728 Signed       4 RSAAVGRT       Average number of frames taken by
                                        the available list replenishment
                                        functions per second. This count
                                        is updated only when the reset
                                        interval data area lock
                                        (RSARESLK) is held.
02DC  732 Signed       4 RSAOLDTA       Total number of frames taken by
                                        the available list replenishment
                                        functions at the time of the last
                                        reset interval calculation. This
                                        count is updated only when the
                                        reset interval data area lock
                                        (RSARESLK) is held.
02E0  736 Dbl-Word     8 * (0)
02E0  736 Signed       8 RSAOLDTD       TOD at the time of the last reset
                                        interval calculation. This count
                                        is updated only when the reset
                                        interval data area lock
                                        (RSARESLK) is held.
02E8  744 Dbl-Word     8 * (0)
02E8  744 Signed       8 RSARESSA       Reset interval for shared address
                                        spaces in TOD units This count is
                                        updated only when the reset
                                        interval data area lock
                                        (RSARESLK) is held or at
                                        initialization time.
02F0  752 Dbl-Word     8 * (2)          Reserved for IBM use
     |        Free storage data:                                |
0308  776 Signed       4 RSAFSTOR       Non-negative count of doublewords
                                        of system free storage. Count
                                        includes the number of double-
                                        words of free storage available
                                        as well as in use but does not
                                        include any V=R free storage.
                                        This count is updated only when
                                        the Compare-and-Swap lock
                                        FRESTOLK in HCPFRE is held or at
                                        initialization time.
030C  780 Signed       4 RSAFSYUD       Non-negative count of doublewords
                                        of system free storage in use
                                        (not including V=R free storage).
                                        This count is updated with
                                        Compare-and-Swap logic or at
                                        initialization time.
0310  784 Signed       4 RSAFVMUD       Count of doublewords of non-V=R
                                        VMDBK free storage in use.
                                        Allocated from VMDBKs, VMDBK free
                                        storage frames, and system free
                                        storage frames. This count does
                                        not include the storage allocated
                                        from the free storage subpools or
                                        from V=R area. This count is
                                        updated only when holding FSDVMLK
                                        formal spin lock.
0314  788 Signed       4 RSAVMXFR       Count of frames in use for VMDBK
                                        free storage, i.e., user free
                                        frames allocated. This count does
                                        not include the VMDBKs
                                        themselves. This count is updated
                                        only when holding FSDVMLK formal
                                        spin lock.
0318  792 Signed       4 RSAVMXUD       Count of user free storage
                                        doublewords in use (allocated
                                        from VMDBK free storage frames).
                                        This count does not include
                                        storage in the VMDBKs themselves.
                                        This count is updated only when
                                        holding FSDVMLK formal spin lock.
031C  796 Signed       4 RSASYSFR       Count of frames in use for system
                                        free storage. This count is
                                        updated only when holding FSDVMLK
                                        formal spin lock.
0320  800 Signed       4 RSASYSUD       Count of system free storage
                                        doublewords in use, allocated
                                        from system free storage chain.
                                        This count is updated with
                                        Compare-and-Swap logic.
0324  804 Signed       4 RSAXFREE       Count of frames allocated for
                                        free storage. This count is
                                        updated with Compare-and-Swap
     | Data for free storage limit detection. The 3 thresholds  |
     | will determine when to issue a warning message, put a    |
     | user into a stopped state and when to logoff a user who  |
     | is abusing free storage. These fields are updated with   |
     | Compare-and-Swap logic.                                  |
     | The flag field is used to determine whether free storage |
     | limit detection is on or off for the system.             |
0328  808 Dbl-Word     8 * (0)          5 word long area on dword bdy
0328  808 Signed       4 RSALIM1        Free storage threshold 1 (WRNG)
032C  812 Signed       4 RSALIM2        Free storage threshold 2 (STOP)
0330  816 Signed       4 RSALIM3        Free storage threshold 3 (FORCE)
      RSALMFUZ is calculated to be .5% DPA and will be used as the
      fuzz around the thresholds to prevent multiple messages from
      being issued if the limit oscillates about the threshold.
0334  820 Signed       4 RSALMFUZ       Free storage threshold fuzz
0338  824 Signed       4 RSALIMCS (0)   Free storage limits Compare-and-
                                        Swap word
0338  824 Bitstring    3 *              Reserved for IBM use
033B  827 Bitstring    1 RSALIMCK       Free storage limit detection flag
          00000000       RSALIMOF       X'00' Free storage limit
                                        detection off
          00000001       RSALIMON       X'01' Free storage limit
                                        detection on
     |       V=R free storage data area:                        |
033C  828 Signed       4 RSARECHW       Recovery area high water mark.
                                        Approximate address of the
                                        highest storage used in the V=R
                                        recovery area. If the difference
                                        between this address and the
                                        address of the end of the
                                        recovery area is > 64K, you
                                        probably want to decrease the
                                        size of the recovery area by the
                                        difference minus 64K. This
                                        address is approximate since it's
                                        not serialized. It may be updated
                                        simultaneously by any number of
                                        processors. If it is updated
                                        simultaneously, it will be less
                                        than the exact address of the
                                        highest byte used. This address
                                        will correct itself on the next
                                        non-simultaneous update.
0340  832 Signed       4 RSAVRSPR       Count of V=R subpool releases. If
                                        this count is greater than 0, you
                                        probably want to increase the
                                        size of the V=R recovery area.
                                        This count is approximate since
                                        it's not serialized. It may be
                                        updated simultaneously by any
                                        number of processors. If it is
                                        updated simultaneously, it will
                                        be less than the exact number of
                                        V=R subpool releases. If it is
                                        zero, it is exact.
0344  836 Signed       4 RSAFVRUD       Non-negative count of doublewords
                                        of V=R free storage in use. This
                                        count is updated with
                                        Compare-and-Swap logic.
     |       Free storage reserved frames data area:            |
0348  840 Dbl-Word     8 * (0)          This is the free storage reserved
                                        frames data area consisting of a
                                        count of unique extend requests
                                        that have not been satisfied yet,
                                        the free storage reserved frames
                                        anchor, the free storage reserved
                                        frames data area lock word, the
                                        count of free storage reserved
                                        frames required by the system,
                                        and the number of free storage
                                        reserved frames per processor.
                                        Note: The number of free storage
                                        reserved frames per processor
                                        must be positive. Update while
                                        holding the free storage reserved
                                        frames data area Compare-and-Swap
                                        lock word or during system
0348  840 Signed       4 RSAXTEND       Count of frames missing from the
                                        free storage reserved frames list
                                        i.e., count of unique extend
                                        conditions not yet satisfied.
034C  844 Address      4 RSARESAN       Reserved frames queue anchor
                                        forward pointer
0350  848 Address      4 RSARSVLK       Free storage reserved frames data
                                        area Compare-and-Swap lock word
0354  852 Signed       4 RSARSVSY       Total number of free storage
                                        reserved frames required to be on
                                        the reserved frames list.
                                        Includes RSAMAXPP frames per
                                        online processor, plus additional
                                        frames per emulated CP owned
                                        device containing page or spool
                                        space (the number of frames is
                                        based on emulated device specific
                                        information provided in the
0358  856 Signed       4 RSAMAXPP       Number of free storage reserved
                                        frames required per processor.
                                        Note: Field must be positive.
035C  860 Signed       4 *              Reserved for IBM use
     |        Segment translation data:                         |
0360  864 Dbl-Word     8 * (0)          This is the deferred segment
                                        translation queue data area. It
                                        consists of the queue anchor and
                                        the Compare-and-Swap lock.
0360  864 Address      4 RSADEFAN       Deferred segment translation
                                        queue anchor forward pointer
0364  868 Address      4 RSADEFLK       Compare-and-Swap lock. Zero means
                                        the lock is not held.
0368  872 Signed       4 RSAPRQWT       Non-negative count of tasks
                                        waiting for a page translation
                                        request. This count also includes
                                        tasks waiting for a segment
                                        translation. This count is
                                        updated with Compare-and-Swap
036C  876 Signed       4 *              Reserved for IBM use
     |        Fixed storage management data:                    |
       This area contains the fixed storage management block.
       It contains information regarding the allocation of
       contiguous host real storage from the V=R region.
       Additionally, information for the dedicated region
       facility is kept here to keep track of zone numbers
       available for assigning to MHPG users or to CP.
       The allocation of storage from the V=R region is
       maintained in the fixed storage assignment block
       anchored in HCPWRK.
       All changes to fields in the fixed storage management
       block and in the fixed storage assignment table are
       either made during system initialization or are under
       the control of the fixed storage management lock.
0370  880 Dbl-Word     8 RSAFSTBK (0)   Fixed storage management block
0370  880 Dbl-Word     8 RSAFSLCK (3)   Fixed storage mgmt lock (defer)
0388  904 Bitstring    2 RSASA1ST       Offset of entry in the fixed
                                        storage assignment table
                                        containing the lowest main
                                        storage origin
038A  906 Bitstring    2 RSASALST       Offset of entry in the fixed
                                        storage assignment table
                                        containing the highest main
                                        storage origin
038C  908 Signed       4 RSASTRNG (0)   The entire storage range for the
                                        V=R region. (Never changes)
038C  908 Signed       2 RSAMSO         Bits 5-15 specify a 1 meg main
                                        storage origin of the V=R region.
                                        Main storage origin is the
                                        address of the first byte, on a
                                        megabyte boundary, of the V=R
                                        region, shifted right 20 bits.
038E  910 Signed       2 RSAMSL         Bits 5-15 specify a 1 meg main
                                        storage limit of the V=R region.
                                        Main storage limit is the address
                                        of the last byte of the V=R
                                        region, shifted right 20 bits.
0390  912 Bitstring    1 RSAAZNCT       Count of zones available for
                                        guest use, including zones in use
                                        (never changes)
0391  913 Bitstring    1 RSAZPOOL       Pool of available zones, not
                                        including those in use
0392  914 Bitstring    2 *              Reserved for IBM use
0394  916 Signed       4 *              Reserved for IBM use
          00000028       RSAFSTLN       *-RSAFSTBK Length of FSTBK
          00000028       RSAFSTSZ       (*-RSAFSTBK+7/8) Size of FSTBK
     |        Virtual storage management data:                  |
0398  920 Dbl-Word     8 RSAVVBLK (0)   Virtual Storage Management Block.
                                        This area contains information
                                        needed to manage the System
                                        Virtual Address Space.
0398  920 Bitstring    4 *              Reserved for IBM use
039C  924 Address      4 RSAVSLOW       Lowest available virtual page. It
                                        is initialized to the virtual
                                        address of the last module in the
                                        CP nucleus. Serialized by
       Allocation of System Virtual Addresses above RSAVHSAD
         is serialized by the High Storage Lock (RSAVHSLK).
03A0  928 Dbl-Word     8 RSAVHSLK (3)   High storage lock
03B8  952 Bitstring    4 *              Reserved
03BC  956 Address      4 RSAVHSAD       High storage starting addr.
                                        Initialized with constant 1G (the
                                        upper half of the addr space).
                                        Must be on a segment boundary
                                        (right most 20 bits must be
     | This section maps the three free frames anchors.         |
     | Use EXTRNs HCPRSMFR/HCPRSMSV/HCPRSMPR to locate them.    |


Hex   Dec Type/Val   Lng Label (dup)    Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000    0 Structure      RSMANCHR       RSM common area mapping
0000    0 Dbl-Word     8 * (0)          HCPRSMFR, HCPRSMSV, and HCPRSMPR
                                        are list anchors that contain the
                                        address of the first FRMTE which
                                        represents a free storage frame
                                        with available space of the
                                        appropriate type to be examine
                                        when allocating or deallocating
                                        VMDBK (Guestperm), System
                                        (Sysperm), or Persistent System
                                        (Persys) free storage,
                                        respectively. The count of FRMTEs
                                        on the list follows the anchor.
0000    0 Address      4 RSMFRCHN       Anchor for FRMTE chain of free
                                        storage frames with avbl space
0004    4 Signed       4 RSMFRCNT       Count of FRMTEs chained on


RSMBK Storage Layout

*** RSMBK - RSM common area mapping
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*   0 |         RSASAVFR          |         RSAIDSTD          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*   8 |         RSAIDAST          |         RSARSAST          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  10 |         RSALRFQ           |         RSALRFLK          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  18 |         RSAMSARC          |         RSAMSASC          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  20 |         RSAMSARH          |         RSADPACP          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  28 |         RSATRSAV          |         RSASTORE          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  30 |         RSATASKB          |///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+///////////////////////////|
*  38 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     =///////////////////////////////////////////////////////=
*     |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 308 |         RSAFSTOR          |         RSAFSYUD          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 310 |         RSAFVMUD          |         RSAVMXFR          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 318 |         RSAVMXUD          |         RSASYSFR          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 320 |         RSASYSUD          |         RSAXFREE          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 328 |         RSALIM1           |         RSALIM2           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 330 |         RSALIM3           |         RSALMFUZ          |
*     +--------------------+------+---------------------------+
* 338 |////////////////////|:LIMCK|         RSARECHW          |
*     +--------------------+------+---------------------------+
* 340 |         RSAVRSPR          |         RSAFVRUD          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 348 |         RSAXTEND          |         RSARESAN          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 350 |         RSARSVLK          |         RSARSVSY          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 358 |         RSAMAXPP          |///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 360 |         RSADEFAN          |         RSADEFLK          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 368 |         RSAPRQWT          |///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 370 |                                                       |
*     =                       RSAFSLCK                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
* 388 |  RSASA1ST   |  RSASALST   |   RSAMSO    |   RSAMSL    |
*     +------+------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
* 390 |:AZNCT|:ZPOOL|/////////////|///////////////////////////|
*     +------+------+-------------+---------------------------+
* 398 |///////////////////////////|         RSAVSLOW          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 3A0 |                                                       |
*     =                       RSAVHSLK                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 3B8 |///////////////////////////|         RSAVHSAD          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 3C0
*** RSMBK - RSM common area mapping
*** Overlay for RSATASKB in RSMBK
*     +------+------+------+------+---------------------------+
*  30 |:TSKB0|:TSKB1|:TSKB2|:TSKB3|///////////////////////////|
*     +------+------+------+------+---------------------------+
*  38 |                       RSAFNOTI                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  40 |                       RSALGFRM                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  48 |                       RSAGOFFL                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  50 |                       RSAGSTOR                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  58 |                       RSASTORL                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  60 |                       RSALG1ST                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  68 |                       RSALGLST                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  70 |                       RSANOTIB                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  78 |                                                       |
*     =                       RSA2GLCK                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  90 |                       RSA2GAHD                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  98 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  A0 |                       RSA2GAVL                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  A8 |                                                       |
*     =                       RSAPRLK                         =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  C0 |                                                       |
*     =                       RSAASITB                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 140 |         RSADPPFW          |         RSADPPBW          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 148 |         RSAPPAFW          |         RSAPPABW          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 150 |         RSAPPTLK          |         RSAAFSDW          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 158 |         RSAAFSIU          |         RSAVCBDW          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 160 |         RSAVCBIU          |         RSAVFSDW          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 168 |         RSAVFSIU          |         RSANALD           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 170 |                       RSANASIT                        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 178 |         RSANDUCT          |         RSASHRSP          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 180 |                       RSAMFSAA                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 188 |                       RSAPPTN                         |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 190 |         RSAPPTPS          |         RSAPPTPF          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 198 |         RSAPPTCS          |///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 1A0 |                                                       |
*     =                       RSASHRLK                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 1B8 |                                                       |
*     =                       RSASPMLK                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 1D0 |                                                       |
*     =                       RSAALCIN                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 1E8 |         RSACTSHR          |         RSABLKGC          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 1F0 |                                                       |
*     =                       RSABLKGF                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 208 |         RSACPLOK          |         RSAOFFLN          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 210 |         RSASHARE          |         RSANONPG          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 218 |         RSAPGABL          |         RSAPPAQD          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 220 |         RSAAVLFP          |         RSAAVLBP          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 228 |                                                       |
*     =                       RSAAVLLK                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 240 |         RSA16KBP          |///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 248 |         RSAFRQFP          |         RSAFRQBP          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 250 |         RSA2GDCT          |         RSAFRQMW          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 258 |         RSAFRQDF          |         RSAFRQDL          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 260 |                       RSAFRQDT                        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 268 |         RSA2GRDA          |         RSA2GRDC          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 270 |         RSAAVAIL          |         RSAFRQWT          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 278 |         RSAFRRDA          |         RSAFRRDC          |
*     +------+--------------------+------+--------------------+
* 280 |:RFLOK|     RSADSCPU       |:TRQLK|////////////////////|
*     +------+--------------------+------+--------------------+
* 288 |         RSAAVLHT          |         RSAAVLHG          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 290 |         RSAAVLLT          |         RSADECCT          |
*     +-------------+------+------+---------------------------+
* 298 |/////////////|:DECFG|:DECFL|         RSAAVLLG          |
*     +-------------+------+------+---------------------------+
* 2A0 |         RSADECCG          |         RSACFPCT          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 2A8 |         RSACFPAV          |         RSAALFMF          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 2B0 |         RSAAVLEP          |///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 2B8 |         RSASTLWT          |         RSASWG2G          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 2C0 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 2C8 |                                                       |
*     =                       RSARINTA                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 308
*** Overlay for RSATASKB in RSMBK
*** Overlay for RSARINTA in RSMBK
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 2C8 |         RSARESLK          |///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 2D0 |         RSAALLTA          |         RSAAVGDU          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 2D8 |         RSAAVGRT          |         RSAOLDTA          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 2E0 |                       RSAOLDTD                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 2E8 |                       RSARESSA                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 2F0 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 300
*** Overlay for RSARINTA in RSMBK
*** RSMANCHR - RSM common area mapping
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*   0 |         RSMFRCHN          |         RSMFRCNT          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*   8
*** RSMANCHR - RSM common area mapping


RSMBK Cross Reference

Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
RSAAFSDW       0154
RSAAFSIU       0158
RSAALCIN       01D0
RSAALLTA       02D0
RSAASITB       00C0
RSAAVAIL       0270
RSAAVGDU       02D4
RSAAVGRT       02D8
RSAAVLAN       0220
RSAAVLBP       0224
RSAAVLEP       02B0
RSAAVLFP       0220
RSAAVLHG       028C
RSAAVLHT       0288
RSAAVLLG       029C
RSAAVLLK       0228
RSAAVLLT       0290
RSAAZNCT       0390
RSABLKGF       01F0
RSACFPAV       02A8
RSACFPCT       02A4
RSACPLOK       0208
RSACTSHR       01E8
RSADECCG       02A0
RSADECCS       0298
RSADECCT       0294
RSADECFG       029A
RSADECFL       029B
RSADECRB       029B 00000001
RSADECRG       029A 01
RSADEFAN       0360
RSADEFLK       0364
RSADPACP       0024
RSADPPBW       0144
RSADPPFW       0140
RSADSCPU       0281
RSADSLOK       0280
RSAFNOTI       0038
RSAFRQAN       0248
RSAFRQBP       024C
RSAFRQDF       0258
RSAFRQDL       025C
RSAFRQDT       0260
RSAFRQFP       0248
RSAFRQMW       0254
RSAFRQWT       0274
RSAFRRDA       0278
RSAFRRDC       027C
RSAFSLCK       0370
RSAFSTBK       0370
RSAFSTLN       0394 00000028
RSAFSTOR       0308
RSAFSTSZ       0394 00000028
RSAFSYUD       030C
RSAFVMUD       0310
RSAFVRUD       0344
RSAGOFFL       0048
RSAGSTOR       0050
RSAIDAST       0008
RSAIDSTD       0004
RSAINCRB       029B 00000002
RSAINCRG       029A 02
RSALGFRM       0040
RSALGLST       0068
RSALG1ST       0060
RSALIMCK       033B
RSALIMCS       0338
RSALIMOF       033B 00000000
RSALIMON       033B 00000001
RSALIM1        0328
RSALIM2        032C
RSALIM3        0330
RSALMFUZ       0334
RSALRFA        0010
RSALRFLK       0014
RSALRFQ        0010
RSAMAXPP       0358
RSAMFSAA       0180
RSAMSARC       0018
RSAMSARH       0020
RSAMSASC       001C
RSAMSL         038E
RSAMSO         038C
RSANALD        016C
RSANASIT       0170
RSANDUCT       0178
RSANONPG       0214
RSANOTIB       0070
RSAOFFLN       020C
RSAOLDTD       02E0
RSAPGABL       0218
RSAPPABW       014C
RSAPPAFW       0148
RSAPPAQD       021C
RSAPPTCS       0198
RSAPPTLK       0150
RSAPPTN        0188
RSAPPTPF       0194
RSAPPTPS       0190
RSAPRLK        00A8
RSAPRQWT       0368
RSARECHW       033C
RSARESAN       034C
RSARESLK       02C8
RSARESSA       02E8
RSARFLOK       0280
RSARINTA       02C8
RSARSAST       000C
RSARSVLK       0350
RSARSVSY       0354
RSASALST       038A
RSASAVFR       0000
RSASA1ST       0388
RSASHARE       0210
RSASHRLK       01A0
RSASHRSP       017C
RSASPMLK       01B8
RSASTLWT       02B8
RSASTORE       002C
RSASTORL       0058
RSASTRNG       038C
RSASWG2G       02BC
RSASYSFR       031C
RSASYSUD       0320
RSATASKB       0030
RSATRQLK       0284
RSATRSAV       0028
RSATSKB0       0030
RSATSKB1       0031
RSATSKB2       0032
RSATSKB3       0033
RSAVCBDW       015C
RSAVCBIU       0160
RSAVFSDW       0164
RSAVFSIU       0168
RSAVHSLK       03A0
RSAVMXFR       0314
RSAVMXUD       0318
RSAVRSPR       0340
RSAVSLOW       039C
RSAVVBLK       0398
RSAXFREE       0324
RSAXTEND       0348
RSAZPOOL       0391
RSA16KBP       0240
RSA2GAHD       0090
RSA2GAVL       00A0
RSA2GDCT       0250
RSA2GLCK       0078
RSA2GRDA       0268
RSA2GRDC       026C
RSA2GTSK       0033 01
RSMFRCHN       0000
RSMFRCNT       0004

This information is based on z/VM V5R1.0. Last updated on 8 Sep 2004 at 14:23:37 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2004