SNTBK - 32-bit CP - V4R4.0
Programming Interface Information:
This information is NOT intended to be
used as Programming Interfaces of z/VM.



Control Block Contents  

Storage Layout  

Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)  

SNTBK Prolog

 DESCRIPTION: System Name Table Block
 FUNCTION   : This block is used to keep track of a system data
              file that is brought into the system.
 LOCATED BY : The pointer to this chain of blocks is located in
              HCPNSU, using NSUNSYAN for NSSs, NSUNSGAN for
              DCSSs, NSUIMGAN for images, and NSUNLSAN for
              NLS files.
              - In HCPSHRBK, pointer SHRSNTPT will point to the
              associated HCPSNTBK.
              Pointer SHRLSSA will point to the segment space
              through which the shared segment was loaded.
              - In HCPPGMBK, using the PGMVM pointer will point to the
              associated HCPSNTBK.
              - SNTFWDPT will point to the next HCPSNTBK in the chain.
              - The end of chain is located when the SNTFWDPT equals
              the address of NSUNSYAN, NSUNSGAN OR NSUIMGAN.
              - In HCPIMGBK, IMGSNTBK will point to the
              associated HCPSNTBK.
 CREATED BY : HCPNSL when loading the NSS or DCSS for the first
              - HCPNSD will build this block for the duration of the
              processing of the DEFSEG and DEFSYS commands.
              - HCPNSS will build this block for the duration of the
              processing of the SAVESEG and SAVESYS commands.
              - HCPNSI will build this block for the duration
              of processing of the diagnose X'74' instruction
              to save or load an image, and the diagnose
              X'CC' instruction to create an NLS message
              - HCPNSR will build this block when opening an
              image library or NLS message repository file.
 DELETED BY : HCPNSP will delete this block when the count fields
              of an NSS or DCSS go to zero. The fields are
              SNTUSRSH and SNTUSREX.
              - HCPNSD will delete this block after processing
              the DEFSEG or DEFSYS command.
              - HCPNSS will delete this block after processing the
              SAVESEG or SAVESYS command.
              - HCPNSI will delete this block after processing
              diagnose X'74' to save or load an image, or
              diagnose X'CC' to create an NLS message
              - HCPNSR will delete this block when closing the
              image library or NLS message repository.
              - The size of this block is 4K, a page of storage.
              - *****NOTE***** This control block maps the
              descriptor page for certain system data files.
              Extreme care must be exercised when updating this
              block, to avoid causing files created prior to
              the update to break. Changes must be made in an
              upward-compatible way


SNTBK Control Block Content


Hex   Dec Type/Val   Lng Label (dup)    Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000    0 Structure      SNTBK          System Name Table Block
0000    0 Dbl-Word     8 SNTASM0 (128)  GENERAL INFORMATION
0400 1024 Dbl-Word     8 SNTASM1 (128)  Reserved
0800 2048 Dbl-Word     8 SNTASM2 (128)  Page range information
0C00 3072 Dbl-Word     8 SNTASM3 (128)  Image library specific
0000    0 Address      4 SNTFWDPT       Forward pointer to the next
0004    4 Address      4 SNTBCKPT       Backward pointer to the next
     The following is used to move the following fields in HCPNSBWD:
0008    8 Character   12 SNTNAMFL (0)   This field used to move the
                                        following two fields.
0008    8 Character    8 SNTNAME        Name of the NSS, DCSS, image, or
0010   16 Signed       4 SNTFLAGS (0)   Flags for the SNTBK.
0010   16 Bitstring    1 SNTTYPFG       Type information flag.
          1... ....      SNTRSTD        X'80' Indicates that this NSS or
                                        DCSS has restricted use and must
                                        have a NAMESAVE entry in the
                                        user's directory.
          .1.. ....      SNTCPUSE       X'40' Indicates that this is a CP
                                        NSS/DCSS - meaning CP will write
                                        to the parts of this NSS/DCSS
                                        with ranges defined as 'SC'.
          ..1. ....      SNTLSS         X'20' This bit indicates that
                                        this is a segment space
                                        definition that contains member
                                        saved segments.
          ...1 ....      SNTMSS         X'10' This bit indicates that
                                        this is a member saved segment
                                        definition. NOTES : If both
                                        SNTLSS and SNTMSS are off then
                                        this is a named saved segment.
          .... 1...      SNTNLS         X'08' This is an NLS.
          .... .1..      SNTIMG         X'04' This is an Image.
          .... ..1.      SNTSYS         X'02' This is an NSS.
          .... ...1      SNTSEG         X'01' This is a DCSS.
          1... ....      SNTRSTD        X'80' Indicates that this NSS or
                                        DCSS has restricted use and must
                                        have a NAMESAVE entry in the
                                        user's directory.
          .1.. ....      SNTCPUSE       X'40' Indicates that this is a CP
                                        NSS/DCSS - meaning CP will write
                                        to the parts of this NSS/DCSS
                                        with ranges defined as 'SC'.
          ..1. ....      SNTLSS         X'20' This bit indicates that
                                        this is a segment space
                                        definition that contains member
                                        saved segments.
          ...1 ....      SNTMSS         X'10' This bit indicates that
                                        this is a member saved segment
                                        definition. NOTES : If both
                                        SNTLSS and SNTMSS are off then
                                        this is a named saved segment.
          .... 1...      SNTNLS         X'08' This is an NLS.
          .... .1..      SNTIMG         X'04' This is an Image.
          .... ..1.      SNTSYS         X'02' This is an NSS.
          .... ...1      SNTSEG         X'01' This is a DCSS.
0011   17 Bitstring    1 SNTSTAFG       Status information flag.
          .... .1..      SNTABEND       X'04' This bit indicates that an
                                        abend should be issued when the
                                        Auxiliary Storage Manager or Real
                                        Storage Manager in use counts are
                                        not the same.
          .... ...1      SNTPENDP       X'01' This bit indicates that the
                                        NSS, DCSS, image, or NLS file
                                        should be purged when the total
                                        user count goes to zero.
          1... ....      SNTNOTLD       X'80' This bit indicates that
                                        SPTape is dumping this NSS or
                                        DCSS and it is not a loadable
                                        system/space. FIND, LOAD and IPL
                                        use this bit to determine whether
                                        the Guest should be deferred or
     The following are the flags that indicate status.
     The field below, SNTENVFG, is kept in this block for compatibility
     only. It has been superceded by SNTMENVF. The values in this field
     should not be used in code other than the compatibility code currently
     referencing it.
     This field is defined to contain the virtual machine mode in which the
     NSS was saved. It therefore can have only one value.
     The field that supercedes this one, SNTMENVF, was defined as indicating
     which virtual machine modes were specified on the DEFSYS command. It
     now is defined as indicating in which mode(s) the NSS can be IPLed.
0012   18 Bitstring    1 SNTENVFG       Flag information byte
          00000001       SNT370MD       X'01' This bit indicates 370 mode
          00000002       SNTESAMD       X'02' This bit indicates ESA-370
                                        mode machine.
          00000004       SNTXCMD        X'04' This bit indicates an
                                        ESA/XC mode machine
0013   19 Bitstring    1 SNTTYPF2       Type information byte 2.
          1... ....      SNTSHWRT       X'80' Indicates that there at
                                        least one shared writeable page
                                        range (SW or SN).
          .1.. ....      SNTVMGRP       X'40' Indicates that a VMGROUP
                                        attribute is assigned to this
          ..1. ....      SNTLNSHR       X'20' Indicates that any user is
                                        allowed to load an exclusive
                                        version of this saved segment.
                                        Note that this bit is only valid
                                        for DCSS and segment space
     To update the SNTUSRSH or SNTUSREX count for NSSs or saved segments the
     SNTBK-SHRBK Queue lock (SNTSHRLK) must be held exclusively.
0014   20 Signed       2 SNTUSRSH       Count of NSS or DCSS users in
                                        shared mode or count of all users
                                        of an image library.
0016   22 Signed       2 SNTUSREX       Count of NSS or DCSS users in
                                        exclusive mode. NOTES : SNTUSRSH
                                        + SNTUSREX = The number of loads
                                        of this name. This is the number
                                        of SHRBKs on this SNTBK's SHRBK
0018   24 Address      4 SNTSTLPT       Pointer to the STLBK. It contains
                                        PGMBK info
001C   28 Address      4 SNTSDFBK       Pointer to the SDFBK. Used to
                                        communicate with the SDF system.
0020   32 Signed       4 *              Reserved for IBM use.
     The following field SNTCOUNT is used to allow a move of the following
0024   36 Character   32 SNTCOUNT (0)
0024   36 Signed       4 SNTMINSZ       Indicates the minimum size in
                                        which the NSS can be IPLed.
0028   40 Signed       4 SNTRNGCT       Count of valid page range entries
                                        for an NSS or DCSS.
002C   44 Signed       4 SNTDESCT       Count of descriptor pages defined
                                        for an NSS, DCSS, image, or NLS
0030   48 Signed       4 SNTENVCT       Count of environment pages for an
0034   52 Signed       4 SNTKEYCT       Count of key pages for an NSS or
0038   56 Signed       4 SNTSTRCT       Count of storage pages saved for
                                        an NSS, DCSS, image, or NLS file.
003C   60 Signed       4 SNTNDTCT       Count of storage pages defined
                                        with the no-data-saved attribute.
                                        This count is not calculated
                                        until the NSS or DCSS is saved.
                                        The total number of pages defined
                                        is SNTSTRCT+SNTNDTCT
0040   64 Bitstring    1 SNTPRFLG       PARMREGS flags
          1... ....      SNTPRDEF       X'80' PARMREGS OPTION SPECIFIED
                                        ON DEFSYS
          .1.. ....      SNTPRNO        X'40' PARMREGS=NONE SPECIFIED ON
          1... ....      SNTPRDEF       X'80' PARMREGS OPTION SPECIFIED
                                        ON DEFSYS
          .1.. ....      SNTPRNO        X'40' PARMREGS=NONE SPECIFIED ON
0041   65 Bitstring    1 *              Reserved for IBM use
0042   66 Bitstring    2 SNTPREGS (0)   PARMREGS registers
0042   66 Signed       1 SNTPRBEG       PARMREGS beginning register
0043   67 Signed       1 SNTPREND       PARMREGS ending register
0044   68 Address      4 SNTSHRPT       Forward anchor for SHRBK chain.
0048   72 Address      4 SNTCPNTE       CP Notification Address - this
                                        address will be called each time
                                        a virtual machine releases the
                                        system data file.
     The following is used to move the following fields in HCPNSBWD:
004C   76 Character   12 SNTMEMSR (0)
004C   76 Signed       2 SNTMEMCT       Count of member saved segments
                                        within this segment space. This
                                        field is only valid if SNTLSS is
                                        on. This field indicates the
                                        number of member saved segment
                                        directory entries located in the
                                        directory area (SNTASM2 &
                                        SNTASM3). It may not be larger
                                        than SNTMAXCT.
004E   78 Signed       2 *              Reserved for IBM use
0050   80 Signed       4 SNTSTPAG       The lowest page defined for this
                                        segment. This page number has not
                                        been rounded down to the nearest
                                        megabyte boundary for segment
0054   84 Signed       4 SNTENPAG       The highest page defined for this
                                        segment. This page number has not
                                        been rounded up to the nearest
                                        megabyte boundary for segment
     To update the SNTLODCT count for NSSs or saved segments the SNTBK-SHRBK
     Queue lock (SNTSHRLK) must be held exclusively.
0058   88 Signed       4 SNTLODCT       The number of loads via this
                                        segment space. This is the number
                                        of SHRBKs that point to this
                                        segment space. This count is only
                                        valid if SNTLSS is on.
          00000040       SNTMAXCT       64 The maximum number of members
                                        in a segment space and the
                                        maximum number of segment space
                                        that may be associated with a
                                        member saved segment.
005C   92 Address      4 SNTCPNTL       CP Notification Address - this
                                        address will be called when the
                                        last virtual machine releases the
                                        system data file.
0060   96 Address      4 SNTNOTAM       CP Notification Address - this
                                        address will be called when a
                                        saved segment is purged.
0064  100 Signed       4 *              Reserved for IBM use.
0068  104 Bitstring    1 SNTMENVF       Flag used to indicate the virtual
                                        machine environments in which the
                                        NSS can be IPLed.
          1... ....      SNTMULT        X'80' This NSS can be IPLed in
                                        more than one virtual machine
          .... .1..      SNTXCMM        X'04' This bit indicates the
                                        ESA/XC virtual machine can IPL
                                        this NSS.
          .... ..1.      SNTESAMM       X'02' This bit indicates the
                                        ESA-370 virtual machine can IPL
                                        this NSS.
          .... ...1      SNT370MM       X'01' This bit indicates the
                                        System/370 virtual machine can
                                        IPL this NSS.
0069  105 Bitstring    1 * (7)          Reserved for IBM use.
     SNTBK/SHRBK queue lock (SNTSHRLK)
     Lock type: This is a formal shared or exclusive lock
     Resource serialized: This lock manages the SHRBK queue chained from the
     SNTBK. The lock will be obtained shared when scanning the queue and
     exclusive when adding to, or deleting from, the queue. This lock is
     also used to serialize the following SNTBK 'use-counts': SNTUSRSH,
     SNTUSREX, SNTLODCT. The lock must be obtained exclusive when updating
     these counts.
     Notes : If the Saved Segment SNTBK queue or Named Saved System SNTBK
     queue lock is held exclusively then the SNTBK/SHRBK lock does not need
     to be obtained to add/ remove a SHRBK or increment/decrement the
     See the general comments in HCPNSUBK COPY file for detailed Saved
     Segment or NSS locking information.
0070  112 Dbl-Word     8 SNTSHRLK (3)   SNTBK/SHRBK queue defer lock
0088  136 Dbl-Word     8 SNTPURID       User id who issued PURGE command
                                        while SAVESEG/SAVESYS command is
0090  144 Address      4 SNTCPEBK       Queue of CPEBKs waiting to load
                                        this NSS or DCSS while SPTape is
                                        dumping it.
0094  148 Address      4 SNTXBLBK       Address of XBLBK for NSSs
0098  152 Address      4 SNTENVPG       Address of environment page. This
                                        is a System Virtual address.
009C  156 Address      4 SNTASCBK       Address of ASCBK for this space
00A0  160 Bitstring    4 SNTTODLD       TOD(0-31) when image was loaded
00A4  164 Bitstring    4 *              Reserved
00A8  168 Character    8 SNTMARKR       Eye-catcher
004C   76 Signed       2 SNTLOGCT       Count of segment spaces
                                        containing this member save
                                        segment. This field is only valid
                                        if SNTMSS is on. This field
                                        indicates the number of segment
                                        space directory entries located
                                        in the directory area (SNTASM3).
                                        It may not be larger than
0800 2048 Dbl-Word     8 SNTRANGE       A pair of start/end page ranges.
          1... ....      SNTPRMAX       128 The maximum number of page
                                        range entries plus one entry for
                                        the fence for NSSs and DCSSs.
                                        Images have only one page range.
0800 2048 Signed       4 SNTRANS        First page of range. This field
                                        for NSSs and DCSSs will contain a
                                        flag in the rightmost byte.
0804 2052 Signed       4 SNTRANE        Last page of range.
0800 2048 Bitstring    3 SNTRSNOF       The start page range minus the
                                        flag byte. The page range will be
                                        in the form SSSPP0FF, where SSS =
                                        segment number PP = page number 0
                                        = always 0 FF = flag byte
0803 2051 Bitstring    1 SNTRNGFG       Page range storage type flag for
                                        NSSs and DCSSs.
          .... ...1      SNTEXCL        X'01' This bit indicates segments
                                        that may not be shared among
                                        several users. Each user gets a
                                        separate copy of this segment.
          .... ..1.      SNTPROT        X'02' This bit indicates page
                                        ranges that are page protected.
                                        Users may access these pages only
                                        in read-only mode.
          .... .1..      SNTNDAT        X'04' This bit indicates page
                                        ranges whose data is not saved
                                        into the SDF (no data). How page
                                        descriptor codes correspond to
                                        settings of SNTRNGFG: noformat
                                        CODE SNTRNGFG SNTNDAT SNTPROT
                                        SNTEXCL SW 000 0=data
                                        0=unprotected (read/write)
                                        0=shared EW 001 0=data
                                        0=unprotected (read/write)
                                        1=exclusive SR 010 0=data
                                        1=protected (read-only) 0=shared
                                        ER 011 0=data 1=protected
                                        (read-only) 1=exclusive SN 100
                                        1=nodata 0=unprotected
                                        (read/write) 0=shared EN 101
                                        1=nodata 0=unprotected
                                        (read/write) 1=exclusive SC 110
                                        1=nodata 1=protected (read-only)
                                        0-shared 111 (reserved) enoformat
          .... ....      SNTRNGSW       0 Range flag value for 'SW'
          .... ...1      SNTRNGEW       SNTEXCL Range flag value for 'EW'
          .... ..1.      SNTRNGSR       SNTPROT Range flag value for 'SR'
          .... ..11      SNTRNGER       SNTPROT+SNTEXCL Range flag value
                                        for 'ER'
          .... .1..      SNTRNGSN       SNTNDAT Range flag value for 'SN'
          .... .1.1      SNTRNGEN       SNTNDAT+SNTEXCL Range flag value
                                        for 'EN'
          .... .11.      SNTRNGSC       SNTNDAT+SNTPROT Range flag value
                                        for 'SC'
          .... .111      SNTRNGR2       SNTNDAT+SNTPROT+SNTEXCL Reserved
0800 2048 Character   32 SNTMEMBR       Member entry
     The following is used to move the following fields in HCPNSBWD:
0800 2048 Character   16 SNTMEMDA (0)   THIS ALLOWS THE MOVE OF THE NEXT
                                        3 FIELDS
0800 2048 Character    8 SNTMSSNM       Name of the member saved segment
0808 2056 Signed       4 SNTMEMST       First page of range. This field
                                        will contain status information
                                        in the rightmost byte. The page
                                        number will be in form:
                    SSSPP0FF, where SSS = segment number
                                    PP  = page number
                                    0   = always 0
                                    FF  = status byte
080C 2060 Signed       4 SNTMEMEN       Last page of range
0810 2064 Address      4 SNTMSSA        Address of the SNTBK defining the
                                        member saved segment.
0814 2068 Signed       4 *              Reserved for IBM use
0818 2072 Dbl-Word     8 *              Reserved for IBM use
          00000020       SNTNTSZM       *-SNTMSSNM Length of a member
                                        saved seg entry
0808 2056 Bitstring    3 SNTMEMSP       Starting page number for the
080B 2059 Bitstring    1 SNTMSTAT       Member saved segment status byte
          .... .1..      SNTMQNTF       X'04' Flag to indicate this entry
                                        not found during QUERY NAMES
                                        command processing
          .... ..1.      SNTMSAVD       X'02' This member saved segment
                                        has been saved
          .... ...1      SNTMPENP       X'01' This member saved segment
                                        is in pending purge status.
0C00 3072 Character   16 SNTLGSEG       Segment Space Entry
0C00 3072 Character    8 SNTLSSNM       Name of the segment space
0C08 3080 Address      4 SNTLSSA        Address of the segment space's
                                        SNTBK. This field is zero if the
                                        segment SPACE IS NOT BEING USED.
                                        WARNING - THIS FIELD MAY BE
                                        INACCURATE UNDER CERTAIN
                                        CIRCUMSTANCES (LIKE SNTBKS OF
                                        MEMBERS THAT WERE DEFINED USING
                                        THE 'SAME' OPTION) IT IS
                                        RECOMMENDED THAT THE SEGMENT
                                        SPACE BE LOCATED THROUGH SHRLSSA
                                        AND COMPARES BE DONE ON THE SNTBK
                                        NAMES, NOT WITH THIS ADDRESS.
0C0C 3084 Bitstring    1 SNTLSTAT       Segment space status byte
          .... .1..      SNTLQNTF       X'04' Flag to indicate this entry
                                        not found during QUERY NAMES
                                        command processing.
          .... ..1.      SNTLOPEN       X'02' Segment space found open
                                        don't compress.
          .... ...1      SNTLPENP       X'01' This segment space is in
                                        pending purge status.
                                        THIS NAME POINTING TO THIS MEMBER
                                        SNTBK NOTE 3 BYTES ARE ENOUGH AS
                                        EACH SNTBK OCCUPIES A FULL PAGE
                                        AND WE CAN NEVER HAVE X'FFFFFF'
          00000010       SNTNTSZL       *-SNTLSSNM The size of a segment
                                        space directory entry.
          0000000A       SNTAPMAX       10 The maximum number of address
                                        entries in this ASA/virtual
                                        address table for an image or NLS
0C00 3072 Address      4 SNTASALT       Address of the next page in the
                                        ASA/virtual address table. This
                                        field applies only to image and
                                        NLS files.
          00000C04       SNTNASA        * Next ASA in the table for image


SNTBK Storage Layout

*** SNTBK - System Name Table Block
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   0 |                                                       |
*     =                       SNTASM0                         =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 400 |                                                       |
*     =                       SNTASM1                         =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 800 |                                                       |
*     =                       SNTASM2                         =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* C00 |                                                       |
*     =                       SNTASM3                         =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*** SNTBK - System Name Table Block
*** Overlay for SNTASM0 in SNTBK
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*   0 |         SNTFWDPT          |         SNTBCKPT          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*   8 |                       SNTNAME                         |
*     +------+------+------+------+-------------+-------------+
*     +------+------+------+------+-------------+-------------+
*  18 |         SNTSTLPT          |         SNTSDFBK          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  20 |///////////////////////////|         SNTMINSZ          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  28 |         SNTRNGCT          |         SNTDESCT          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  30 |         SNTENVCT          |         SNTKEYCT          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  38 |         SNTSTRCT          |         SNTNDTCT          |
*     +------+------+------+------+---------------------------+
*  40 |:PRFLG|//////|:PRBEG|:PREND|         SNTSHRPT          |
*     +------+------+------+------+-------------+-------------+
*  48 |         SNTCPNTE          |  SNTMEMCT   |/////////////|
*     +---------------------------+-------------+-------------+
*  50 |         SNTSTPAG          |         SNTENPAG          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  58 |         SNTLODCT          |         SNTCPNTL          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  60 |         SNTNOTAM          |///////////////////////////|
*     +------+--------------------+---------------------------+
*  68 |:MENVF|////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +------+------------------------------------------------+
*  70 |                                                       |
*     =                       SNTSHRLK                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  88 |                       SNTPURID                        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  90 |         SNTCPEBK          |         SNTXBLBK          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  98 |         SNTENVPG          |         SNTASCBK          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  A0 |         SNTTODLD          |///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  A8 |                       SNTMARKR                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  B0
*** Overlay for SNTASM0 in SNTBK
*** Overlay for SNTMEMCT in SNTBK
*                                 +-------------+
*  48 ...                      4C |  SNTLOGCT   | 4E
*                                 +-------------+
*** Overlay for SNTMEMCT in SNTBK
*** Overlay for SNTASM2 in SNTBK
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 800 |                       SNTRANGE                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 808
*** Overlay for SNTASM2 in SNTBK
*** Overlay for SNTRANGE in SNTBK
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 800 |         SNTRANS           |         SNTRANE           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 808
*** Overlay for SNTRANGE in SNTBK
*** Overlay for SNTRANS in SNTBK
*     +--------------------+------+
* 800 |     SNTRSNOF       |:RNGFG| 804
*     +--------------------+------+
*** Overlay for SNTRANS in SNTBK
*** Overlay for SNTASM2 in SNTBK
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 800 |                                                       |
*     =                       SNTMEMBR                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 820
*** Overlay for SNTASM2 in SNTBK
*** Overlay for SNTMEMBR in SNTBK
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 800 |                       SNTMSSNM                        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 808 |         SNTMEMST          |         SNTMEMEN          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 810 |         SNTMSSA           |///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 818 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 820
*** Overlay for SNTMEMBR in SNTBK
*** Overlay for SNTMEMST in SNTBK
*     +--------------------+------+
* 808 |     SNTMEMSP       |:MSTAT| 80C
*     +--------------------+------+
*** Overlay for SNTMEMST in SNTBK
*** Overlay for SNTASM3 in SNTBK
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* C00 |                       SNTLGSEG                        |
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* C10
*** Overlay for SNTASM3 in SNTBK
*** Overlay for SNTLGSEG in SNTBK
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* C00 |                       SNTLSSNM                        |
*     +---------------------------+------+--------------------+
* C08 |         SNTLSSA           |:LSTAT|     SNTLSSCT       |
*     +---------------------------+------+--------------------+
* C10
*** Overlay for SNTLGSEG in SNTBK
*** Overlay for SNTASM3 in SNTBK
*     +---------------------------+
* C00 |         SNTASALT          | C04
*     +---------------------------+
*** Overlay for SNTASM3 in SNTBK


SNTBK Cross Reference

Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
SNTABEND       0011 04
SNTAPMAX       0C0D 0000000A
SNTASALT       0C00
SNTASCBK       009C
SNTASM0        0000
SNTASM1        0400
SNTASM2        0800
SNTASM3        0C00
SNTBCKPT       0004
SNTCOUNT       0024
SNTCPEBK       0090
SNTCPNTE       0048
SNTCPNTL       005C
SNTCPUSE       0010 40
SNTCPUSE       0010 40
SNTDESCT       002C
SNTENPAG       0054
SNTENVCT       0030
SNTENVFG       0012
SNTENVPG       0098
SNTESAMD       0012 00000002
SNTESAMM       0068 02
SNTEXCL        0803 01
SNTFLAGS       0010
SNTFWDPT       0000
SNTIMG         0010 04
SNTIMG         0010 04
SNTKEYCT       0034
SNTLGSEG       0C00
SNTLNSHR       0013 20
SNTLODCT       0058
SNTLOGCT       004C
SNTLOPEN       0C0C 02
SNTLPENP       0C0C 01
SNTLQNTF       0C0C 04
SNTLSS         0010 20
SNTLSS         0010 20
SNTLSSA        0C08
SNTLSSNM       0C00
SNTMARKR       00A8
SNTMAXCT       0058 00000040
SNTMEMBR       0800
SNTMEMCT       004C
SNTMEMDA       0800
SNTMEMEN       080C
SNTMEMSP       0808
SNTMEMSR       004C
SNTMEMST       0808
SNTMENVF       0068
SNTMINSZ       0024
SNTMPENP       080B 01
SNTMQNTF       080B 04
SNTMSAVD       080B 02
SNTMSS         0010 10
SNTMSS         0010 10
SNTMSSA        0810
SNTMSSNM       0800
SNTMSTAT       080B
SNTMULT        0068 80
SNTNAME        0008
SNTNAMFL       0008
SNTNASA        0C00 00000C04
SNTNDAT        0803 04
SNTNDTCT       003C
SNTNLS         0010 08
SNTNLS         0010 08
SNTNOTAM       0060
SNTNOTLD       0011 80
SNTNTSZL       0C0D 00000010
SNTNTSZM       0818 00000020
SNTPENDP       0011 01
SNTPRBEG       0042
SNTPRDEF       0040 80
SNTPRDEF       0040 80
SNTPREGS       0042
SNTPREND       0043
SNTPRFLG       0040
SNTPRMAX       0800 80
SNTPRNO        0040 40
SNTPRNO        0040 40
SNTPROT        0803 02
SNTPURID       0088
SNTRANE        0804
SNTRANGE       0800
SNTRANS        0800
SNTRNGCT       0028
SNTRNGEN       0803 05
SNTRNGER       0803 03
SNTRNGEW       0803 01
SNTRNGFG       0803
SNTRNGR2       0803 07
SNTRNGSC       0803 06
SNTRNGSN       0803 04
SNTRNGSR       0803 02
SNTRNGSW       0803 00
SNTRSNOF       0800
SNTRSTD        0010 80
SNTRSTD        0010 80
SNTSDFBK       001C
SNTSEG         0010 01
SNTSEG         0010 01
SNTSHRLK       0070
SNTSHRPT       0044
SNTSHWRT       0013 80
SNTSTAFG       0011
SNTSTLPT       0018
SNTSTPAG       0050
SNTSTRCT       0038
SNTSYS         0010 02
SNTSYS         0010 02
SNTTODLD       00A0
SNTTYPFG       0010
SNTTYPF2       0013
SNTUSREX       0016
SNTUSRSH       0014
SNTVMGRP       0013 40
SNTXBLBK       0094
SNTXCMD        0012 00000004
SNTXCMM        0068 04
SNT370MD       0012 00000001
SNT370MM       0068 01

This information is based on z/VM V4R4.0. Last updated on 29 Jul 2003 at 16:19:13 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2003