Programming Interface Information:
This information is NOT intended to be
used as Programming Interfaces of z/VM.



Control Block Contents  

Storage Layout  

Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)  

LGNBK Prolog

 FUNCTION   : Used by the LOGON/(X)AUTOLOG code as a work area
              for LOGON/(X)AUTOLOG processing.


LGNBK Control Block Content


Hex   Dec Type/Val   Lng Label (dup)    Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000    0 Structure      LGNBK          LOGON work buffer
0000    0 Signed       4 LGNFLGS (0)    Parameter flags for logon
0000    0 Bitstring    1 LGNFLAG        Command line option flag 1
          1... ....      LGNAUTO        X'80' An AUTOLOG command in
          .1.. ....      LGNNOIPL       X'40' No system IPL to be
          ..1. ....      LGNAPL         X'20' APL option specified
          ...1 ....      LGNTEXT        X'10' TEXT option specified
          .... 1...      LGNQUIET       X'08' QUIET option specified
          .... .1..      LGNDATA        X'04' Data line present with
          .... ..1.      LGNIPL         X'02' IPL option specified
          .... ...1      LGNNORUN       X'01' NORUN option specified
0001    1 Bitstring    1 LGNFLAG2       Command line option flag 2
          1... ....      LGNPASS        X'80' PASSWORD option specified
          .1.. ....      LGNPROMT       X'40' PROMPT option specified
          ..1. ....      LGNDIRCT       X'20' DIRECTORY option specified
          ...1 ....      LGNHERE        X'10' HERE option specified
          .... 1...      LGNSYNCH       X'08' SYNCH option specified
          .... .1..      LGNMASK        X'04' Mask option specified
          .... ..1.      LGNSECLB       X'02' SECLABEL option specified
          .... ...1      LGNMCH         X'01' MACHINE option specified
0002    2 Bitstring    1 LGNFLAG3       Program execution flag 1
          1... ....      LGNNOFAT       X'80' Nonfatal error - return to
          .1.. ....      LGNRECON       X'40' User to be reconnected
          ..1. ....      LGNMAXU        X'20' This user is allowed to
                                        LOGON even if the maxusers limit
                                        has been exceeded.
          ...1 ....      LGNIS663       X'10' Issued message 663 to user
          .... 1...      LGNASYNC       X'08' Processing Asynchronous
          .... ..1.      LGNALOGS       X'02' Autolog process - first
                                        pass through (X)AUTOLOG/LOGON
          .... ...1      LGNDLOCK       X'01' User directory entry is
0003    3 Bitstring    1 LGNFLAG4       Program execution flag 2
          1... ....      LGNDFRWK       X'80' Indicates that the deferred
                                        work counter for target VMDBK of
                                        a reconnect has been incremented.
          ...1 ....      LGNNOCSA       X'10' Indicate no CSABK or domain
          .... 1...      LGNNOCRY       X'08' Indicate no real crypto
          .... .1..      LGNNOCMD       X'04' Indicates this is a dummy
                                        logon from the LOGO panel.
          .... ..1.      LGNNAUDT       X'02' Indicates that
                                        LOGON/(X)AUTOLOG has gone far
                                        enough that HCPLGALF should no
                                        longer be called.
          .... ...1      LGNNOPAS       X'01' Password=NOPASS in the
0004    4 Bitstring    1 LGNFLAG5       Logon work area flag 5
          1... ....      LGNAUTH        X'80' User passed password(ESM)
                                        check so we need to call HCPJRLOG
          .1.. ....      LGNBADPW       X'40' User fail password(ESM)
                                        check so we need to call HCPJRLPW
          ..1. ....      LGNPRMPT       X'20' Causes HCPLGALF to display
                                        logon prompt on exit.
          ...1 ....      LGNNOPMT       X'10' Do not force the user even
                                        though we should not display the
                                        logon prompt.
          .... 1...      LGNLOGBY       X'08' A BYUSER entered the LOGON
0005    5 Bitstring    1 LGNCMD
          00000004       LGNLOGON       X'04' This is a LOGON command
          00000008       LGNAUTOL       X'08' This is an AUTOLOG command
          0000000C       LGNXAUT        X'0C' This is a CLASS A or B
          00000010       LGNXAUTG       X'10' This is a CLASS G XAUTOLOG
          00000014       LGNAUTSI       X'14' This is a system
                                        initialization autolog.
          00000018       LGNAUTPR       X'18' This is a TSAF private
                                        server autolog.
          0000001C       LGNLOGOP       X'1C' This is the operator
                                        logging on system initialization.
0006    6 Bitstring    1 LGNMLVL
          1... ....      VMDMSGON       X'80' CONTROLS WHETHER MESSAGES
                                        SENT BY OTHER USERS ARE
                                        DISPLAYED. (CONTROLLED BY THE SET
                                        MSG OR TERMINAL MSG COMMANDS)
          .1.. ....      VMDWNGON       X'40' CONTROLS WHETHER MESSAGES
                                        SENT USING THE WARNING COMMAND
                                        ARE DISPLAYED. (CONTROLLED BY THE
                                        SET WNG OR TERMINAL WNG COMMANDS)
          ..1. ....      VMDMCODE       X'20' CONTROLS ERROR MESSAGE
                                        DISPLAY OF THE ERROR MESSAGE
                                        CODE. (CONTROLLED BY THE SET EMSG
                                        OR TERMINAL EMSG COMMANDS)
          ...1 ....      VMDMTEXT       X'10' CONTROLS ERROR MESSAGE
                                        DISPLAY OF THE ERROR MESSAGE
                                        TEXT. (CONTROLLED BY THE SET EMSG
                                        OR TERMINAL EMSG COMMANDS)
          .... 1...      VMDSPMSG       X'08' CONTROLS WHETHER SPECIAL
                                        MESSAGES SENT BY OTHER USERS CAN
                                        BE RECEIVED. (CONTROLLED BY THE
                                        SET SMSG COMMAND)
          .... .1..      VMDMIMSG       X'04' CONTROLS THE DISPLAY OF
                                        SELECTED CP COMMAND INFORMATIONAL
                                        RESPONSES. IF SET THE RESPONSES
                                        ARE DISPLAYED, IF NOT THE
                                        RESPONSES WILL NOT BE DISPLAYED.
                                        (CONTROLLED BY THE SET IMSG AND
                                        TERMINAL IMSG COMMANDS)
          .... ...1      VMDMCNFG       X'01' Message level set from
                                        system configuration file
0007    7 Bitstring    1 *              Reserved for IBM use
0008    8 Character    8 LGNACNUM       Account number
0010   16 Signed       4 LGNILEN        IPL command length
0014   20 Address      4 LGNIADDR       IPL command address
0018   24 Address      4 LGNDVMD        Directory buffer address
001C   28 Address      4 LGNCDATA       Pointer to console input data.
0020   32 Signed       4 LGNCDATL       Length of console input data.
0024   36 Signed       4 LGNSTOR        Storage size in bytes
0028   40 Character    3 LGNMACH        Machine setting (i.e. 370, etc)
002B   43 Bitstring    1 LGNDDEF        Maps to DVMDDEF
          1... ....      DVMDXSTR       X'80' EXTENDED STORAGE FACILITY
          .1.. ....      DVMDNOP        X'40' 'NOPDATA' STATEMENT IN
          ..1. ....      DVMDNLG        X'20' VIRTUAL MACHINE'S PSWD IS
          ...1 ....      DVMDVXC        X'10' GUEST IS A VIRTUAL ESA/XC
          .... 1...      DVMDVESA       X'08' GUEST IS A VIRTUAL ESA
          .... .1..      DVMDYES        X'04' USER HAS AT LEAST ONE DDEV
          .... ..1.      DVMDVXA        X'02' GUEST IS A VIRTUAL XA
          .... ...1      DVMDV370       X'01' GUEST IS A VIRTUAL 370
002C   44 Signed       4 LGNVMDBK       VMDBK address of target VMDBK for
                                        a reconnect.
0030   48 Signed       4 LGNTODON       VMDTODON of the target VMDBK for
                                        a reconnect.
0034   52 Address      4 LGNEFTID       The address of the effective
                                        userid that is causing a LGNAUTPR
                                        autolog to be done.
     This following is the paramter section for HCPRPWRD.
0038   56 Dbl-Word     8 LGNPWDPM (0)   Parameters for HCPPWDRD
0038   56 Address      4 LGNPWDIN       Address of input password area
003C   60 Address      4 LGNPWDPP       Address of the password prompt
0040   64 Bitstring    1 LGNPWLEN       Password length
     The following byte is to manage the fretting for the LGNBK and its
     related control blocks. It is zero if this process should not fret the
     LGNBK and is X'FF' if this process should fret the LGNBK. It is updated
     with TEST AND SET.
0041   65 Bitstring    1 LGNFRET        Fret byte...
0042   66 Bitstring    2 *              Alignment
0044   68 Character  139 LGNBUFF        Message buffer (see description
                                        on the next page)
00CF  207 Bitstring    1 *              Alignment
00D0  208 Character    5 LGNLNG         Language ID Work Area for HCPLGN
00D5  213 Bitstring    3 *              Reserved for IBM use
00D8  216 Dbl-Word     8 LGNACIPM (0)   Area for ACIPARMS
          0000001B       LGNBKL         (*-LGNBK+7)/8 Size of LGNBK in
     LGNBUFF - Buffer/work area for constructing message substitution data.
     The first field in this area (MSGPDUID) contains the userid padded with
     blanks (if necessary) of the user being logged on. This field is
     constructed from the userid on the command line and is preserved
     throughout the process of logging on the user. It is used for a couple
     of purposes. First, it is used as input to all routines requiring a
     userid (such as HCPUDR). Second, it is used as substitution data for
     the "tag" placed on messages issued for the asynchronous XAUTOLOG
     command. For this reason, it is immediately followed by a delimiter
     (initially set to X'FF').
     Immediately following MSGPDUID and its delimiter (MSGPUDLM), all other
     substitution data for "tagged" and untagged messages are constructed.
     This area is labelled MSGSUB. The first field (that is always
     constructed at the same time as MSGPDUID) is MSGUID, which contains the
     userid with trailing blanks removed. It is delimited with X'FF'. This
     the most common substitution data in messages issued by these modules.
     This field should not be overlaid when issueing non-fatal messages
     because it may be required by a subsequent fatal error message.
     For fatal error messages having substitution data other than the
     userid, the substitution data should be constructed starting at label
     MSGSUB (overlaying the userid). This area may be redefined in a
     particular module for various messages to be issued by the module. This
     is done in the module by placing the local definitions following this
     mapping and using an ORG MSGSUB in front of the definition(s) for each
     For non-fatal (informational) messages, MSGUID should not be overlaid.
     In these cases, start building the substitution data at label MSGODATA.
     Use of the message buffer area:
     - For "tagged" asynchronous XAUTOLOG messages with no substitution data
     other than in the tag, point R1 to the field MSGPDUID.
     - For "tagged" asynchronous XAUTOLOG messages with substitution data in
     the basic message text, change the delimiter MSGPUDLM to X'00' and
     point R1 to the field MSGPDUID.
     - For untagged error messages with substitution data, point R1 to the
     field MSGSUB.
     - For informational (non-fatal) messages with substitution data, point
     R1 to the field MSGODATA.
0044   68 Character    8 LGNPDUID       Padded userid
004C   76 Character    1 LGNPUDLM       Userid delimiter
004D   77 Character    1 LGNSUB (0)     Message substitution fields
004D   77 Character    8 LGNUID         Non-padded userid for messages
0055   85 Character    1 LGNUIDLM       Userid delimiter
0056   86 Character    1 LGNODATA (0)   Other substitution data
     Some overlays used by different messages.
004D   77 Character    8 LGNLUNAM       LUNAME
0055   85 Character    1 LGNLUEND       Message substitution end
004D   77 Character    5 LGNDVADR       Device address
0052   82 Character    1 LGNDVEND       Message substitution end
004D   77 Character    8 LGNSYSNM       "Other" system name
0055   85 Character    1 LGNSYSND       Message substitution end
                                        delimiter Substitutions unique to
                                        message 1513
004D   77 Character    4 LGN13DNA       Device name
0051   81 Character    1 LGN13DL1       Substitution delimiter
0052   82 Character    5 LGN13DNU       Device number
0057   87 Character    1 LGN13END       Message substitution end
     Here are some constants used by logon.
          .... .1..      LGNLIMIT       X'04' Number of LOGON cmds before
                                        a skeleton is forced.
          .... ...1      LGNPWLMT       X'01' Number of times to prompt
                                        for a password.


LGNBK Storage Layout

*** LGNBK - LOGON work buffer
*     +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
*   0 |:FLAG |:FLAG2|:FLAG3|:FLAG4|:FLAG5|LGNCMD|:MLVL |//////|
*     +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
*   8 |                       LGNACNUM                        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  10 |         LGNILEN           |         LGNIADDR          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  18 |         LGNDVMD           |         LGNCDATA          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  20 |         LGNCDATL          |         LGNSTOR           |
*     +--------------------+------+---------------------------+
*  28 |      LGNMACH       |:DDEF |         LGNVMDBK          |
*     +--------------------+------+---------------------------+
*  30 |         LGNTODON          |         LGNEFTID          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  38 |         LGNPWDIN          |         LGNPWDPP          |
*     +------+------+-------------+---------------------------+
*  40 |:PWLEN|:FRET |/////////////|                           |
*     +------+------+-------------+                           |
*  48 |                                                       |
*     =                       LGNBUFF                         =
*     |                                                +------+
*  C8 |                                                |//////|
*     +----------------------------------+-------------+------+
*  D0 |             LGNLNG               |////////////////////|
*     +----------------------------------+--------------------+
*** LGNBK - LOGON work buffer
*** Overlay for LGNBUFF in LGNBK
*                                 +---------------------------+
*     ...                      44 |        LGNPDUID-          |
*     +---------------------------+------+--------------------+
*  48 |          -(044)           |:PUDLM|      (04D)-        |
*     +---------------------------+------+------+-------------+
*  50 |             -LGNUID              |:UIDLM|
*     +----------------------------------+------+
*** Overlay for LGNBUFF in LGNBK
*** Overlay for LGNSUB in LGNBK
*                                        +--------------------+
*     ...                             4D |      (04D)-        |
*     +----------------------------------+------+-------------+
*  50 |            -LGNLUNAM             |:LUEND| 56
*     +----------------------------------+------+
*** Overlay for LGNSUB in LGNBK
*** Overlay for LGNSUB in LGNBK
*                                        +--------------------+
*     ...                             4D |     LGNDVADR-      |
*     +-------------+------+-------------+--------------------+
*  50 |   -(04D)    |:DVEND| 53
*     +-------------+------+
*** Overlay for LGNSUB in LGNBK
*** Overlay for LGNSUB in LGNBK
*                                        +--------------------+
*     ...                             4D |      (04D)-        |
*     +----------------------------------+------+-------------+
*  50 |            -LGNSYSNM             |:SYSND| 56
*     +----------------------------------+------+
*** Overlay for LGNSUB in LGNBK
*** Overlay for LGNSUB in LGNBK
*                                        +--------------------+
*     ...                             4D |     LGN13DNA-      |
*     +------+------+--------------------+-------------+------+
*  50 |-(04D)|:13DL1|            LGN13DNU              |:13END|
*     +------+------+----------------------------------+------+
*  58
*** Overlay for LGNSUB in LGNBK


LGNBK Cross Reference

Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
DVMDNLG        002B 20
DVMDNOP        002B 40
DVMDVESA       002B 08
DVMDVXA        002B 02
DVMDVXC        002B 10
DVMDV370       002B 01
DVMDXSTR       002B 80
DVMDYES        002B 04
LGNACIPM       00D8
LGNACNUM       0008
LGNALOGS       0002 02
LGNAPL         0000 20
LGNASYNC       0002 08
LGNAUTH        0004 80
LGNAUTO        0000 80
LGNAUTOL       0005 00000008
LGNAUTPR       0005 00000018
LGNAUTSI       0005 00000014
LGNBADPW       0004 40
LGNBKL         00D8 0000001B
LGNBUFF        0044
LGNCDATA       001C
LGNCDATL       0020
LGNCMD         0005
LGNDATA        0000 04
LGNDDEF        002B
LGNDFRWK       0003 80
LGNDIRCT       0001 20
LGNDLOCK       0002 01
LGNDVADR       004D
LGNDVEND       0052
LGNDVMD        0018
LGNEFTID       0034
LGNFLAG        0000
LGNFLAG2       0001
LGNFLAG3       0002
LGNFLAG4       0003
LGNFLAG5       0004
LGNFLGS        0000
LGNFRET        0041
LGNHERE        0001 10
LGNIADDR       0014
LGNILEN        0010
LGNIPL         0000 02
LGNIS663       0002 10
LGNLIMIT       0057 04
LGNLNG         00D0
LGNLOGBY       0004 08
LGNLOGON       0005 00000004
LGNLOGOP       0005 0000001C
LGNLUEND       0055
LGNLUNAM       004D
LGNMACH        0028
LGNMASK        0001 04
LGNMAXU        0002 20
LGNMCH         0001 01
LGNMLVL        0006
LGNNAUDT       0003 02
LGNNOCMD       0003 04
LGNNOCRY       0003 08
LGNNOCSA       0003 10
LGNNOFAT       0002 80
LGNNOIPL       0000 40
LGNNOPAS       0003 01
LGNNOPMT       0004 10
LGNNORUN       0000 01
LGNODATA       0056
LGNPASS        0001 80
LGNPDUID       0044
LGNPRMPT       0004 20
LGNPROMT       0001 40
LGNPUDLM       004C
LGNPWDIN       0038
LGNPWDPM       0038
LGNPWDPP       003C
LGNPWLEN       0040
LGNPWLMT       0057 01
LGNQUIET       0000 08
LGNRECON       0002 40
LGNSECLB       0001 02
LGNSTOR        0024
LGNSUB         004D
LGNSYNCH       0001 08
LGNSYSND       0055
LGNSYSNM       004D
LGNTEXT        0000 10
LGNTODON       0030
LGNUID         004D
LGNUIDLM       0055
LGNVMDBK       002C
LGNXAUT        0005 0000000C
LGNXAUTG       0005 00000010
LGN13DL1       0051
LGN13DNA       004D
LGN13DNU       0052
LGN13END       0057
VMDMCNFG       0006 01
VMDMCODE       0006 20
VMDMIMSG       0006 04
VMDMSGON       0006 80
VMDMTEXT       0006 10
VMDSPMSG       0006 08
VMDWNGON       0006 40

This information is based on z/VM V4R2.0. Last updated on 18 Oct 2001 at 08:11:56 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2001