Programming Interface Information:
This information is NOT intended to be
used as Programming Interfaces of z/VM.



Control Block Contents  

Storage Layout  

Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)  

A0UBK Prolog

 NAME       : HCPA0UBK
 DESCRIPTION: Diagnose A0 (subcode x'24') list entry
 DSECT      : A0UBK
 FUNCTION   : Maps an entry supplied by a virtual machine to
              Diagnose A0, subcode x'28'
 LOCATED BY : N/A - virtual machine supplies storage
 CREATED BY : storage for entries is supplied by virtual
              machine which executes diagnose A0, subcode


A0UBK Control Block Content


Hex   Dec Type/Val   Lng Label (dup)    Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000    0 Structure      A0UBK          Diagnose A0 (subcode x'24') list
0000    0 Character   12 A0UNAME        Command, diagnose, or system
                                        function name
000C   12 Character   12 A0UCMDOP       Command operand. Valid only if
                                        entry type (i.e. A0UENTYP) is
                                        A0UCPCMD, A0USTCMD, or A0UQYCMD
                                        and A0UOPRND is on
0018   24 Bitstring    1 A0UIBMCL       IBM Class. Valid only if entry
                                        type (i.e. A0UENTYP) is A0UCPCMD,
                                        A0USTCMD, or A0UQYCMD.
0019   25 Bitstring    1 A0UENTYP       Entry type
001A   26 Bitstring    1 A0UENTFL       Entry flags
001B   27 Bitstring    1 *              Reserved for future IBM use
001C   28 Signed       2 A0UECODE       Error code
          00000000       A0UNOERR       000 Entry is o.k.
          00000001       A0UCMDNF       001 Unkown CP command
          00000003       A0UINVLD       003 Invalid entry
          00000064       A0UCNOPR       100 Command cannot be protected
          00000065       A0UNOLOG       101 Command cannot be disabled
                                        prior to logon
          00000066       A0UIBMNF       102 Command not found for
                                        specified IBM class or 'A0UIBMCL'
                                        is invalid
          00000067       A0UOPRNG       103 'A0UOPRND' not supported for
          00000068       A0UOPRMS       104 'A0UCMDOP' is missing
          00000069       A0UNOSET       105 'CP SET' command is not
          0000006A       A0UNOQUY       106 'CP QUERY' command is not
          000000C8       A0UDGINV       200 Diagnose name is invalid
          000000C9       A0UNOTM4       201 Diagnose code is not a
                                        multiple of 4
          000000CA       A0UDGND        202 Diagnose code is not
                                        available (i.e. defined)
          000000CB       A0UDNOPR       203 Diagnose cannot be protected
          0000012C       A0USYSNS       300 System function not supported
                                        or unknown
          0000012D       A0USNOPR       301 System function cannot be
001E   30 Bitstring    1 A0USECUR       flags -
001F   31 Bitstring   33 *              Reserved for future IBM use
          00000040       A0UNEXT        * Next entry
          00000008       A0USIZE        (*-A0UBK+7)/8 Size of A0UBK in
                                        double words
          00000040       A0UBSIZE       *-A0UBK Size of A0UBK in bytes


A0UBK Storage Layout

*** A0UBK - Diagnose A0 (subcode x'24') list entry
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   0 |                       A0UNAME                         |
*     |                           +---------------------------+
*   8 |                           |         A0UCMDOP          |
*     +---------------------------+                           |
*     |                                                       |
*     +------+------+------+------+-------------+------+------+
*  18 |:IBMCL|:ENTYP|:ENTFL|//////|  A0UECODE   |:SECUR|//////|
*     +------+------+------+------+-------------+------+//////|
*  20 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     =///////////////////////////////////////////////////////=
*     |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  40
*** A0UBK - Diagnose A0 (subcode x'24') list entry


A0UBK Cross Reference

Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
A0UBSIZE       001F 00000040
A0UCMDNF       001C 00000001
A0UCMDOP       000C
A0UCNOPR       001C 00000064
A0UDGINV       001C 000000C8
A0UDGND        001C 000000CA
A0UDNOPR       001C 000000CB
A0UECODE       001C
A0UENTFL       001A
A0UENTYP       0019
A0UIBMCL       0018
A0UIBMNF       001C 00000066
A0UINVLD       001C 00000003
A0UNAME        0000
A0UNEXT        001F 00000040
A0UNOERR       001C 00000000
A0UNOLOG       001C 00000065
A0UNOQUY       001C 0000006A
A0UNOSET       001C 00000069
A0UNOTM4       001C 000000C9
A0UOPRMS       001C 00000068
A0UOPRNG       001C 00000067
A0USECUR       001E
A0USIZE        001F 00000008
A0USNOPR       001C 0000012D
A0USYSNS       001C 0000012C

This information is based on z/VM V4R2.0. Last updated on 18 Oct 2001 at 07:31:24 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2001