Programming Interface Information: This information is NOT intended to be
used as Programming Interfaces of z/VM.



Control Block Contents  

Storage Layout  

Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)  

WEBBK Prolog

 Name       : HCPWEBBK
 Description: Work Element Block
 Function   : Interface control block passed between SNA/CCS
              and a VSM (known there as DTIWEB).  It is used
              to request the other component to do a certain
              piece of work.
              Also contains IPTRGMAP, a DSECT used to map
              the IPTRGCLS field contained in IPARML COPY
              to the WEBBK fields WEBFUN, WEBMODE, and
 Located by : WEIWEBBK  Field of WEIBK
              VSMWEBBK  Field of VSMBK - for initial logo
 Created by : HCPVCVEB - Building a WEBBK (regular)
              HCPVCXGO - Building a WEBBK for logo
              HCPVCXSA - Processing an error in a WEBBK from VSM
 Deleted by : HCPVCPIL - Processing asynchronous input from VSM
              HCPVCQSR - Processing a return from an IUCV SEND
              with no reply
              HCPVCVEB - Building a WEBBK (regular)
              HCPVCVIN - Clean-up SNABK input chain
              HCPVCVUT - Clean-up SNABK output chain
              HCPVCXFU - Processing a non-zero IUCV return code
              HCPVCXSA - Processing an error in a WEBBK from VSM
 Serialized : SNALOCK   Shared-exclusive lock that serializes
              the fields SNAINN and SNAOUT, which
              anchor the chains of WEIBKs and WEBBKs


WEBBK Control Block Content


Hex   Dec Type/Val   Lng Label (dup)    Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000    0 Structure      WEBBK          Work Element Block
0000    0 Bitstring    1 WEBFMT         Control area format
          00000000       WEBFMT1        X'00' Msg format-single control
          00000000       *
0001    1 Bitstring    1 WEBCAN         Number of control areas
          00000001       WEBCAN1        X'01' Number of control areas is
          00000000       *
0002    2 Signed       2 WEBCOUNT       Data count - length of WEBDATA
0004    4 Bitstring    1 WEBFUN         Function code OUTBOUND IN CONSOLE
          00000000       WEBCPWRT       X'00' Write to next line in
                                        output area
          00000001       WEBCPRED       X'01' Read request
          00000002       WEBCPBRK       X'02' Break connection (CP LOGOFF
                                        or DISCONNECT)
          00000003       WEBCPWIC       X'03' Write to input area,
                                        position cursor as indicated in
          00000004       WEBCPCPY       X'04' Copy request
          00000005       WEBCPIED       X'05' Invalid environment
          00000006       WEBCPPFR       X'06' PFk reply-treat as terminal
          00000007       WEBCPIA        X'07' Input data accepted -
          00000008       WEBCPINA       X'08' Input data not accepted
          00000009       WEBCPREX       X'09' Reply expected by
                                        synchronous path
          0000000A       WEBCPTAB       X'0A' PF key tab operation
          0000000B       WEBCPLER       X'0B' Logical error
          0000000C       WEBCPLGO       X'0C' Logo in WEBDATA
          0000000D       WEBCPTMR       X'0D' Cmd end-no output for cmd
          0000000E       WEBCPPTH       X'0E' IUCV pathid
          0000000F       WEBCPCAH       X'0F' Color & hilite map
          00000010       WEBCPLSA       X'10' User and device info
                                        (accounting and TERMINAL cmd
                                        data) ..... FUNCTION CODE -
                                        OUTBOUND IN CMS MODE
          00000000       WEBCMWRT       X'00' Write to line number
                                        specified in WEBLINE
          00000001       WEBCMEWT       X'01' Erase output area-write to
          00000002       WEBCMCLR       X'02' Erase entire screen and
                                        refresh output, input, and status
                                        areas ............... FUNCTION
                                        CODE - OUTBOUND IN FULL-SCREEN
                                        SUPPORT MODE
          00000000       WEBFSWRT       X'00' FSSM Write
          00000001       WEBFSEWT       X'01' FSSM Erase/Write
          00000002       WEBFSEWA       X'02' FSSM Erase/Write Alternate
          00000003       WEBFSRDM       X'03' FSSM Read Modified
          00000004       WEBFSRDB       X'04' FSSM Read Buffer
          00000005       WEBFSWSF       X'05' FSSM Write Structured Field
          00000006       WEBFSEAU       X'06' FSSM Erase All Unprotected
          00000007       WEBFSRBP       X'07' FSSM Read Buffer for
          00000008       WEBFSRMP       X'08' FSSM Read Modified for
                                        Position ....... FUNCTION CODE -
                                        INBOUND IN ALL MODES
          00000001       WEBINLOG       X'01' Logon request
          00000002       WEBINATT       X'02' Attention interrupt without
          00000003       WEBINERR       X'03' Unrecoverable I/O error,
                                        logoff condition
          00000004       WEBINPUT       X'04' AID and optional data input
          00000005       WEBINCB1       X'05' Cursor back 1 (cursor
          00000006       WEBINLGF       X'06' VTAM generated logoff
                                        condition - CCS will logoff user
          00000007       WEBINFNU       X'07' FSSM request rejected -
                                        screen not user mode
          00000008       WEBINAOK       X'08' Normal response
          00000009       WEBINACT       X'09' Accounting data for VSM
          0000000A       WEBINOPC       X'0A' Operation check for FSSM
          0000000B       WEBINLER       X'0B' Logic error in SNA/CCS
          0000000C       WEBINVER       X'0C' VSM logic error
          0000000D       WEBRDERR       X'0D' Line terminal read error
          0000000E       WEBINVTM       X'0E' VTAM machine userid input
          00000000       *
          0000000F       WEBINGLA       X'0F' Accounting data for VSM
                                        user sent on global path
                                        ............. FUNCTION CODE -
                                        INBOUND IN FULL-SCREEN SUPPORT
          0000000F       WEBINCC1       X'0F' ATTN + BUSY, with CC1
          00000010       WEBINECU       X'10' EQUIP CHK + UNIT SPEC
          00000011       WEBINDCU       X'11' DATA CHK + UNIT SPEC
          00000012       WEBINEC        X'12' EQUIP CHK
          00000013       WEBINCRJ       X'13' CMD REJ
          00000014       WEBINCDC       X'14' (channel) DATA CHK
          00000015       WEBINCCC       X'15' (channel) CONTROL CHK
          00000000       *
0005    5 Bitstring    5 WEBENVR (0)    Environment definition
0005    5 Bitstring    1 WEBMODE        Mode of operation
          00000000       WEBCONS        X'00' Console mode
          00000001       WEBCMS         X'01' CMS mode
          00000002       WEBFSSM        X'02' Full-screen support mode
          00000004       WEBVSAN        X'04' VSM internal mode
          00000000       *
0006    6 Bitstring    1 WEBCHAR        Character set
          00000000       WEBCHEBC       X'00' EBCDIC character set
          00000001       WEBCHAPL       X'01' APL character set
          00000002       WEBCHTXT       X'02' Text character set
          00000004       WEBCHDBC       X'04' Mixed DBCS data included
          00000000       *
0007    7 Bitstring    1 WEBEDIT        Editing characteristics
          1... ....      WEBIMMED       X'80' Breakdown FSSM guest
          .1.. ....      WEBPETCM       X'40' This is the 'PRESS ENTER TO
                                        CONTINUE' message
          ..1. ....      WEBCLRSC       X'20' Clear the screen
          .... 1...      WEBHIEKO       X'08' Highlight input redisplay
          .... .1..      WEBEDPTI       X'04' Inhibit printing (or
          .... ..1.      WEBNOEKO       X'02' Do not redisplay input on
                                        next output line
          .... ...1      WEBEDCUP       X'01' Convert to upper case
0008    8 Bitstring    1 WEBFLAGS       CCS flags for VSM
          1... ....      WEBTTYWT       X'80' TTY write with outstanding
          1... ....      WEBCLVMI       WEBTTYWT Reject all outstanding
                                        VM I/O (for graphics only)
          .1.. ....      WEBCONMD       X'40' Operation to terminal with
                                        CONMODE 3270
          ..1. ....      WEBLED         X'20' Limited edit write
          ...1 ....      WEBANFSW       X'10' Allow any FSSM write -
                                        reset done
          .... 1...      WEBDIAL        X'08' Operation to a dialed
          .... .1..      WEBNOMOR       X'04' Clear screen but no more
          .... ..1.      WEBPRMPT       X'02' Tell VSM initial LOGON
          .... ..1.      WEBCPFS        X'02' In FSSM mode: a
                                        CP-generated task
          .... ...1      WEBPASPA       X'01' Pass PA1 key to application
0009    9 Bitstring    1 WEBCPFLG       CCS status flags for VSM outbound
          1... ....      WEBCPNCR       X'80' No carriage return (K/P
          .1.. ....      WEBCPPRI       X'40' Priority msg
          ..1. ....      WEBCPALM       X'20' Alarm
          ...1 ....      WEBCPMDE       X'10' CP
          .... 1...      WEBCPHLW       X'08' Highlight the write
          .... .1..      WEBCPRSP       X'04' CCS response (reply)
          .... ..1.      WEBCPRRR       X'02' CCS request, required
                                        response (send/reply)
          .... ...1      WEBCPRNR       X'01' CCS request, no response
                                        required (send)
000A   10 Signed       2 WEBLINE        Line number for CMS WEBCMWRT and
                                        WEBCMEWT (0 origin)
000C   12 Signed       2 WEBCURSR       Relative cursor position
000E   14 Bitstring    1 WEBTABCH       Logical tab character
000F   15 Bitstring    1 *              Used by the VSM
0010   16 Signed       2 WEBOFSET       Offset of data within WEBDATA
0012   18 Signed       2 *              Used by the VSM
0014   20 Signed       4 WEBVSMWK       VSM workarea
          00000003       WEBSIZE        (*-WEBBK+7)/8 WEBBK fixed size in
          00000018       WEBBSIZE       (*-WEBBK) WEBBK fixed size in
0018   24 Bitstring    1 WEBDATA (0)    Data area - variable size
0018   24 Bitstring    1 WEBTYPC        LU device class
          1... ....      WEBTERM        X'80' Keyboard/printer
          .1.. ....      WEBGRAF        X'40' Graphics device
0019   25 Bitstring    1 WEBDMDL        Device model
          00000002       WEBSCRN2       X'02' Screen size is 24 X 80
          00000003       WEBSCRN3       X'03' Screen size is 32 X 80
          00000004       WEBSCRN4       X'04' Screen size is 43 X 80
          00000005       WEBSCRN5       X'05' Screen size is 27 X 132
          00000000       *
001A   26 Bitstring    1 WEBDFTR        Device features
          1... ....      WEBXCLOR       X'80' Extended color
          .1.. ....      WEBXHILI       X'40' Extended highlight
          ..1. ....      WEBXPSS        X'20' Programmed symbol sets
          ...1 ....      WEBWSFQ        X'10' WSFQ reply data is present
001B   27 Bitstring    1 WEBLINEL       Device line length
001C   28 Signed       2 WEBSAPTH       VSM IUCV pathid
001E   30 Signed       2 WEBPACE        Device pace value
0020   32 Bitstring    1 WEBDTYPE       APL indicator/device type
          00000000       WEBT3215       X'00' 3215-type terminal
          00000001       WEBT3278       X'01' 3278-type terminal
          00000004       WEBT3277       X'04' 3277-type terminal
          00000018       WEBT2741       X'18' 2741-type terminal
          00000020       WEBTTTY        X'20' TTY-type terminal
          00000000       *
          00000009       WEBINLL        *-WEBDATA Size on inbound record
                                        in bytes
0021   33 Bitstring    1 WEBWSFQD (0)   WSFQ reply data
0021   33 Bitstring    7 WEBRSRVD       Used for alignment purposes
0028   40 Dbl-Word     8 WEBPART2 (0)   WEBBK extension
0028   40 Bitstring    1 WEBTYPE        Type of WEBBK logo extension
          00000001       WEBTYPE1       X'01' Minimum logo data follows
          00000002       WEBTYPE2       X'02' System ID data follows
          00000003       WEBTYPE3       X'03' TTY online msg follows
          00000004       WEBTYPE4       X'04' 2741 online msg follows
          00000005       WEBTYPE5       X'05' Logo input area follows
          00000006       WEBTYPE6       X'06' DBCS Vector follows
          00000007       WEBTYPE7       X'07' Screen status fields follow
          00000000       *
0029   41 Bitstring    1 *              Reserved for future IBM use
002A   42 Signed       2 WEBCNT2        Length of WEBDATA2
002C   44 Signed       2 WEBLOGL2       Number of lines in second logo
002E   46 Signed       2 WEBLOGB2       Number of bytes per line
          00000001       WEBSIZE2       (*-WEBPART2+7)/8 WEBBK extension
                                        size in doublewords
          00000008       WEBBSIZ2       (*-WEBPART2) WEBBK extension size
                                        in bytes
0030   48 Bitstring    1 WEBDATA2 (0)   Start of variable length data
     Format of WEBTYPE7 WEBBK logo extension data
     Notes : The format of a WEBTYPE7 WEBBK logo extension can NOT be
     changed without a corresponding change to the VSM.
          00000030       WEBSTAT        * Screen status fields
0030   48 Character    8 WEBCPRD        CP Read status field
0038   56 Character    8 WEBVMRD        VM Read status field
0040   64 Character    8 WEBRUNN        Running status field
0048   72 Character    8 WEBMORE        More status field
0050   80 Character    8 WEBHOLD        Holding status field
0058   88 Character   12 WEBNTAC        Not Accepted status field
          00000034       WEBSTATL       *-WEBSTAT Length of screen status
0009    9 Bitstring    1 WEBSAFLG       VSM status flags for CCS
          ..1. ....      WEBSAHLD       X'20' Holding
          ...1 ....      WEBSAMOR       X'10' More
          .... .1..      WEBSARSP       X'04' Indicates CCS response
          .... ..1.      WEBSARRR       X'02' VSM request, response
          .... ...1      WEBSARNR       X'01' VSM request, no response
000A   10 Bitstring    1 WEBLAID        Logical attention identifier
          00000000       WEBLANTR       X'00' Enter
          00000001       WEBLAPA1       X'01' PA1
          00000002       WEBLAPA2       X'02' PA2
          00000003       WEBLAPA3       X'03' PA3
          00000004       WEBLACLR       X'04' Clear key (VSM internal)
          00000005       WEBSATTN       X'05' Single attention
          00000006       WEBMATTN       X'06' Multiple attention
          00000064       WEBLALPD       X'64' Light pen
          00000065       WEBLA001       X'65' PF1
          00000066       WEBLA002       X'66' PF2
          00000067       WEBLA003       X'67' PF3
          00000068       WEBLA004       X'68' PF4
          00000069       WEBLA005       X'69' PF5
          0000006A       WEBLA006       X'6A' PF6
          0000006B       WEBLA007       X'6B' PF7
          0000006C       WEBLA008       X'6C' PF8
          0000006D       WEBLA009       X'6D' PF9
          0000006E       WEBLA010       X'6E' PF10
          0000006F       WEBLA011       X'6F' PF11
          00000070       WEBLA012       X'70' PF12
          00000071       WEBLA013       X'71' PF13
          00000072       WEBLA014       X'72' PF14
          00000073       WEBLA015       X'73' PF15
          00000074       WEBLA016       X'74' PF16
          00000075       WEBLA017       X'75' PF17
          00000076       WEBLA018       X'76' PF18
          00000077       WEBLA019       X'77' PF19
          00000078       WEBLA020       X'78' PF20
          00000079       WEBLA021       X'79' PF21
          0000007A       WEBLA022       X'7A' PF22
          0000007B       WEBLA023       X'7B' PF23
          0000007C       WEBLA024       X'7C' PF24
          00000000       *
000B   11 Bitstring    1 WEBNLLOS       Number lines left on screen
0010   16 Signed       2 WEBLOGOL       Number of lines for logo
0012   18 Signed       2 WEBLOGOB       Number of bytes per line
0010   16 Signed       2 WEBWTCNT       Number of bytes to write prior to
                                        the read for VSM TTY
0018   24 Bitstring    1 WEBDFLGS       Device information flags
          ..1. ....      WEBDCURR       X'20' MORE and HOLD settings
                                        should be applied to the current
          ...1 ....      WEBDHOLD       X'10' TERM HOLD in effect
          .... 1...      WEBDHILT       X'08' TERM HILITE in effect
          .... .1..      WEBDNBRK       X'04' TERM BRKKEY NONE in effect
          .... ..1.      WEBDMASK       X'02' TERM MASK in effect
          .... ...1      WEBDATTN       X'01' TERM ATTN in effect
0019   25 Bitstring    2 WEBTRMSZ       DEVICE LINE LENGTH
001B   27 Bitstring    2 WEBMORTM (0)   Contains the MORE time values
001B   27 Bitstring    1 WEBMORBP       Contains the time in seconds from
                                        the appearance of MORE to beep
001C   28 Bitstring    1 WEBMORCL       Contains the time in seconds from
                                        the beep to the screen clearing
001D   29 Bitstring    3 *              Reserved for future IBM use
0020   32 Character    8 WEBACTID       Accounting userid
0028   40 Character    8 WEBACTNO       Account number
          00000018       WEBDINFL       *-WEBDATA Length of user and
                                        device info
0018   24 Character    8 WEBGLACI       Userid to be charged
0020   32 Character    8 WEBGLACN       Account number
0028   40 Character   62 WEBGLACD       Accounting data
          0000004E       WEBGLLEN       *-WEBDATA Length of accounting
                                        data on the global path


WEBBK Storage Layout

*** WEBBK - Work Element Block
*     +------+------+-------------+------+------+------+------+
*     +------+------+-------------+------+------+------+------+
*   8 |:FLAGS|:CPFLG|  WEBLINE    |  WEBCURSR   |:TABCH|//////|
*     +------+------+-------------+-------------+------+------+
*  10 |  WEBOFSET   |/////////////|         WEBVSMWK          |
*     +------+------+------+------+-------------+-------------+
*     +------+------+------+------+-------------+-------------+
*  20 |:DTYPE|                   WEBRSRVD                     |
*     +------+------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
*  28 |:TYPE |//////|  WEBCNT2    |  WEBLOGL2   |  WEBLOGB2   |
*     +------+------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
*** WEBBK - Work Element Block
*** Overlay for WEBDATA2 in WEBBK
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  30 |                       WEBCPRD                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  38 |                       WEBVMRD                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  40 |                       WEBRUNN                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  48 |                       WEBMORE                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  50 |                       WEBHOLD                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  58 |                       WEBNTAC                         |
*     |                           +---------------------------+
*     |                           | 64
*     +---------------------------+
*** Overlay for WEBDATA2 in WEBBK
*** Overlay for WEBCPFLG in WEBBK
*            +------+------+------+
*   8 ..   9 |:SAFLG|:LAID |:NLLOS| C
*            +------+------+------+
*** Overlay for WEBCPFLG in WEBBK
*** Overlay for WEBOFSET in WEBBK
*     +-------------+-------------+
*  10 |  WEBLOGOL   |  WEBLOGOB   | 14
*     +-------------+-------------+
*** Overlay for WEBOFSET in WEBBK
*** Overlay for WEBOFSET in WEBBK
*     +-------------+
*  10 |  WEBWTCNT   | 12
*     +-------------+
*** Overlay for WEBOFSET in WEBBK
*** Overlay for WEBDATA in WEBBK
*     +------+-------------+------+------+--------------------+
*  18 |:DFLGS|  WEBTRMSZ   |:MORBP|:MORCL|////////////////////|
*     +------+-------------+------+------+--------------------+
*  20 |                       WEBACTID                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  28 |                       WEBACTNO                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  30
*** Overlay for WEBDATA in WEBBK
*** Overlay for WEBDATA in WEBBK
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  18 |                       WEBGLACI                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  20 |                       WEBGLACN                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  28 |                                                       |
*     =                       WEBGLACD                        =
*     |                                         +-------------+
*     |                                         | 66
*     +-----------------------------------------+
*** Overlay for WEBDATA in WEBBK


WEBBK Cross Reference

Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
*              0000 00000000
*              0001 00000000
*              0004 00000000
*              0004 00000000
*              0005 00000000
*              0006 00000000
*              0019 00000000
*              0020 00000000
*              0028 00000000
*              000A 00000000
WEBACTID       0020
WEBACTNO       0028
WEBANFSW       0008 10
WEBBSIZE       0014 00000018
WEBBSIZ2       002E 00000008
WEBCAN         0001
WEBCAN1        0001 00000001
WEBCHAPL       0006 00000001
WEBCHAR        0006
WEBCHDBC       0006 00000004
WEBCHEBC       0006 00000000
WEBCHTXT       0006 00000002
WEBCLRSC       0007 20
WEBCLVMI       0008 80
WEBCMCLR       0004 00000002
WEBCMEWT       0004 00000001
WEBCMS         0005 00000001
WEBCMWRT       0004 00000000
WEBCNT2        002A
WEBCONMD       0008 40
WEBCONS        0005 00000000
WEBCOUNT       0002
WEBCPALM       0009 20
WEBCPBRK       0004 00000002
WEBCPCAH       0004 0000000F
WEBCPCPY       0004 00000004
WEBCPFLG       0009
WEBCPFS        0008 02
WEBCPHLW       0009 08
WEBCPIA        0004 00000007
WEBCPIED       0004 00000005
WEBCPINA       0004 00000008
WEBCPLER       0004 0000000B
WEBCPLGO       0004 0000000C
WEBCPLSA       0004 00000010
WEBCPMDE       0009 10
WEBCPNCR       0009 80
WEBCPPFR       0004 00000006
WEBCPPRI       0009 40
WEBCPPTH       0004 0000000E
WEBCPRD        0030
WEBCPRED       0004 00000001
WEBCPREX       0004 00000009
WEBCPRNR       0009 01
WEBCPRRR       0009 02
WEBCPRSP       0009 04
WEBCPTAB       0004 0000000A
WEBCPTMR       0004 0000000D
WEBCPWIC       0004 00000003
WEBCPWRT       0004 00000000
WEBCURSR       000C
WEBDATA        0018
WEBDATA2       0030
WEBDATTN       0018 01
WEBDCURR       0018 20
WEBDFLGS       0018
WEBDFTR        001A
WEBDHILT       0018 08
WEBDHOLD       0018 10
WEBDIAL        0008 08
WEBDINFL       0028 00000018
WEBDMASK       0018 02
WEBDMDL        0019
WEBDNBRK       0018 04
WEBDTYPE       0020
WEBEDCUP       0007 01
WEBEDIT        0007
WEBEDPTI       0007 04
WEBENVR        0005
WEBFLAGS       0008
WEBFMT         0000
WEBFMT1        0000 00000000
WEBFSEAU       0004 00000006
WEBFSEWA       0004 00000002
WEBFSEWT       0004 00000001
WEBFSRBP       0004 00000007
WEBFSRDB       0004 00000004
WEBFSRDM       0004 00000003
WEBFSRMP       0004 00000008
WEBFSSM        0005 00000002
WEBFSWRT       0004 00000000
WEBFSWSF       0004 00000005
WEBFUN         0004
WEBGLACD       0028
WEBGLACI       0018
WEBGLACN       0020
WEBGLLEN       0028 0000004E
WEBGRAF        0018 40
WEBHIEKO       0007 08
WEBHOLD        0050
WEBIMMED       0007 80
WEBINACT       0004 00000009
WEBINAOK       0004 00000008
WEBINATT       0004 00000002
WEBINCB1       0004 00000005
WEBINCCC       0004 00000015
WEBINCC1       0004 0000000F
WEBINCDC       0004 00000014
WEBINCRJ       0004 00000013
WEBINDCU       0004 00000011
WEBINEC        0004 00000012
WEBINECU       0004 00000010
WEBINERR       0004 00000003
WEBINFNU       0004 00000007
WEBINGLA       0004 0000000F
WEBINLER       0004 0000000B
WEBINLGF       0004 00000006
WEBINLL        0020 00000009
WEBINLOG       0004 00000001
WEBINOPC       0004 0000000A
WEBINPUT       0004 00000004
WEBINVER       0004 0000000C
WEBINVTM       0004 0000000E
WEBLACLR       000A 00000004
WEBLAID        000A
WEBLALPD       000A 00000064
WEBLANTR       000A 00000000
WEBLAPA1       000A 00000001
WEBLAPA2       000A 00000002
WEBLAPA3       000A 00000003
WEBLA001       000A 00000065
WEBLA002       000A 00000066
WEBLA003       000A 00000067
WEBLA004       000A 00000068
WEBLA005       000A 00000069
WEBLA006       000A 0000006A
WEBLA007       000A 0000006B
WEBLA008       000A 0000006C
WEBLA009       000A 0000006D
WEBLA010       000A 0000006E
WEBLA011       000A 0000006F
WEBLA012       000A 00000070
WEBLA013       000A 00000071
WEBLA014       000A 00000072
WEBLA015       000A 00000073
WEBLA016       000A 00000074
WEBLA017       000A 00000075
WEBLA018       000A 00000076
WEBLA019       000A 00000077
WEBLA020       000A 00000078
WEBLA021       000A 00000079
WEBLA022       000A 0000007A
WEBLA023       000A 0000007B
WEBLA024       000A 0000007C
WEBLED         0008 20
WEBLINE        000A
WEBLINEL       001B
WEBLOGB2       002E
WEBLOGL2       002C
WEBLOGOB       0012
WEBLOGOL       0010
WEBMATTN       000A 00000006
WEBMODE        0005
WEBMORBP       001B
WEBMORCL       001C
WEBMORE        0048
WEBMORTM       001B
WEBNLLOS       000B
WEBNOEKO       0007 02
WEBNOMOR       0008 04
WEBNTAC        0058
WEBOFSET       0010
WEBPACE        001E
WEBPART2       0028
WEBPASPA       0008 01
WEBPETCM       0007 40
WEBPRMPT       0008 02
WEBRDERR       0004 0000000D
WEBRSRVD       0021
WEBRUNN        0040
WEBSAFLG       0009
WEBSAHLD       0009 20
WEBSAMOR       0009 10
WEBSAPTH       001C
WEBSARNR       0009 01
WEBSARRR       0009 02
WEBSARSP       0009 04
WEBSATTN       000A 00000005
WEBSCRN2       0019 00000002
WEBSCRN3       0019 00000003
WEBSCRN4       0019 00000004
WEBSCRN5       0019 00000005
WEBSIZE        0014 00000003
WEBSIZE2       002E 00000001
WEBSTAT        0030 00000030
WEBSTATL       0058 00000034
WEBTABCH       000E
WEBTERM        0018 80
WEBTRMSZ       0019
WEBTTTY        0020 00000020
WEBTTYWT       0008 80
WEBTYPC        0018
WEBTYPE        0028
WEBTYPE1       0028 00000001
WEBTYPE2       0028 00000002
WEBTYPE3       0028 00000003
WEBTYPE4       0028 00000004
WEBTYPE5       0028 00000005
WEBTYPE6       0028 00000006
WEBTYPE7       0028 00000007
WEBT2741       0020 00000018
WEBT3215       0020 00000000
WEBT3277       0020 00000004
WEBT3278       0020 00000001
WEBVMRD        0038
WEBVSAN        0005 00000004
WEBVSMWK       0014
WEBWSFQ        001A 10
WEBWSFQD       0021
WEBWTCNT       0010
WEBXCLOR       001A 80
WEBXHILI       001A 40
WEBXPSS        001A 20

This information is based on z/VM V4R1.0.
Last updated on 6 Jun 2001 at 12:47:15 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2001