Programming Interface Information: This information is NOT intended to be
used as Programming Interfaces of z/VM.



Control Block Contents  

Storage Layout  

Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)  

CDPFX Prolog

 DESCRIPTION: Prefix CCW arument mapping
 FUNCTION   : Map the argument of a Prefix CCW


CDPFX Control Block Content


Hex   Dec Type/Val   Lng Label (dup)    Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000    0 Structure      CDPFX          Prefix CCW arument mapping
0000    0 Bitstring   66 CDPDATA (0)
     Basic Prefix information
0000    0 Bitstring    1 CDPFMT         Prefix Format
          00000000       CDPBPFX        X'00' Basic Prefix Format
          00000001       CDPBLRE        X'01' Basic + Locate Record
          00000002       CDPBPSF        X'02' Basic + Perform Subsystem
          00000020       CDPTPF         X'20' TPF Format
          00000000       *
0001    1 Bitstring    1 CDPFDVAL       Field Validity
          1... ....      CDPDXVLD       X'80' Define Extent information
          .1.. ....      CDPTSTMP       X'40' Time stamp in byts 28-35
          ..1. ....      CDPVBASE       X'20' Verify base address
0002    2 Bitstring    1 CDPBASEA       Base address
0003    3 Bitstring    1 CDPAUXIL       Auxiliary byte
          1... ....      CDPSMR         X'80' Suspend Multi. Path
          .1.. ....      CDPRCCE        X'40' Remote Copy Continue on
          ..1. ....      CDPRDE         X'20' Return DE before data
          ...1 ....      CDPVMCP        X'10' VM/CP mode DASD format
          .... 1...      CDPNOPRM       X'08' Don't check DX/LRE
          .... .1..      CDPNOEXT       X'04' Don't enforce extent
0004    4 Bitstring    1 * (8)          Not defined
     Define Extent data
000C   12 Bitstring   32 CDPDXDAT (0)   Define Extent Data
000C   12 Bitstring    1 *              Mask Byte
000D   13 Bitstring    1 CDPDXGLB       Global Attribute byte
000E   14 Bitstring    1 * (5)
0013   19 Bitstring    1 CDPDXGBE
          ..1. ....      CDPDXGTZ       X'20' TZ bit
0014   20 Signed       4 CDPDXSXT       Starting Extent
0018   24 Signed       4 CDPDXEXT       Ending Extent
001C   28 Bitstring    8 CDPDXTIM (0)   System Time Stamp
001C   28 Signed       4 *              Hi order TOD word
0020   32 Signed       4 *              Lo order TOD word
0024   36 Bitstring    1 * (8)          ..
     Locate Record Extended format
002C   44 Bitstring   22 CDPLRE         Locate Record Extended Data
          00000009       CDPFXLEN       (((*-CDPFX)+7)/8) Block size in
     Redefinition area for the PSF format
002C   44 Bitstring   18 *              Not used
003E   62 Bitstring    1 CDPSFORD       PSF order
003F   63 Bitstring    1 CDPSFLGS       PSF flags PSF order unique
                                        parameters .follow.
     Redefinition area for the TPF format
000C   12 Bitstring    1 *              Not used
000D   13 Bitstring    1 CDPTPFGA       Global Attributes byte
          000000C0       CDPECKD        X'C0' ECKD Mode
          000000C2       CDPECKFW       X'C2' ECKD Mode + Cache Fast
          00000000       *
000E   14 Bitstring    2 CDPTBKSZ       DX Blocksize
0010   16 Bitstring    2 CDPTFWID       Cache Fast Write Data ID
0012   18 Bitstring   26 *              Not used
002C   44 Bitstring    1 CDPTPFOB       Operation Byte
          00000001       CDPTPFWR       X'01' Write Data
          00000016       CDPTPFRD       X'16' Read Records
          00000000       *
002D   45 Bitstring    3 *              Not used
0030   48 Bitstring    4 CDPTSEEK (0)   Seek address
0030   48 Bitstring    2 CDPTPFCC       ..Seek Cylinder
0032   50 Bitstring    2 CDPTPFHH       ..Seek Head
0034   52 Bitstring    5 CDPTPSID       Search argument
0039   57 Bitstring    1 CDPTSECN       Sector number


CDPFX Storage Layout

*** CDPFX - Prefix CCW arument mapping
*     +------+------+------+------+---------------------------+
*   0 |CDPFMT|:FDVAL|:BASEA|:AUXIL|///////////////////////////|
*     +------+------+------+------+------+------+-------------+
*   8 |///////////////////////////|//////|:DXGLB|/////////////|
*     +--------------------+------+------+------+-------------+
*  10 |////////////////////|:DXGBE|         CDPDXSXT          |
*     +--------------------+------+---------------------------+
*  18 |         CDPDXEXT          |///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  20 |///////////////////////////|///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  28 |///////////////////////////|                           |
*     +---------------------------+                           |
*  30 |                                                       |
*     =                        CDPLRE                         =
*     |             +-----------------------------------------+
*     |             | 42
*     +-------------+
*** CDPFX - Prefix CCW arument mapping
*** Overlay for CDPLRE in CDPFX
*                                 +---------------------------+
*  28 ...                      2C |///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+///////////////////////////|
*     |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     |/////////////////////////////////////////+------+------+
*  38 |/////////////////////////////////////////|:SFORD|:SFLGS|
*     +-----------------------------------------+------+------+
*  40
*** Overlay for CDPLRE in CDPFX
*** Overlay for CDPDXDAT in CDPFX
*                                 +------+------+-------------+
*   8 ...                       C |//////|:TPFGA|  CDPTBKSZ   |
*     +-------------+-------------+------+------+-------------+
*  10 |  CDPTFWID   |/////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +-------------+/////////////////////////////////////////|
*  18 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     =///////////////////////////////////////////////////////=
*     |///////////////////////////+------+--------------------+
*  28 |///////////////////////////|:TPFOB|////////////////////|
*     +-------------+-------------+------+--------------------+
*  30 |  CDPTPFCC   |  CDPTPFHH   |        CDPTPSID-          |
*     +------+------+-------------+---------------------------+
*  38 |-(034)|:TSECN| 3A
*     +------+------+
*** Overlay for CDPDXDAT in CDPFX


CDPFX Cross Reference

Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
*              0000 00000000
*              000D 00000000
*              002C 00000000
CDPAUXIL       0003
CDPBASEA       0002
CDPBLRE        0000 00000001
CDPBPFX        0000 00000000
CDPBPSF        0000 00000002
CDPDATA        0000
CDPDXDAT       000C
CDPDXEXT       0018
CDPDXGBE       0013
CDPDXGLB       000D
CDPDXGTZ       0013 20
CDPDXSXT       0014
CDPDXTIM       001C
CDPDXVLD       0001 80
CDPECKD        000D 000000C0
CDPECKFW       000D 000000C2
CDPFDVAL       0001
CDPFMT         0000
CDPFXLEN       002C 00000009
CDPLRE         002C
CDPNOEXT       0003 04
CDPNOPRM       0003 08
CDPRCCE        0003 40
CDPRDE         0003 20
CDPSFLGS       003F
CDPSFORD       003E
CDPSMR         0003 80
CDPTBKSZ       000E
CDPTFWID       0010
CDPTPF         0000 00000020
CDPTPFCC       0030
CDPTPFGA       000D
CDPTPFHH       0032
CDPTPFOB       002C
CDPTPFRD       002C 00000016
CDPTPFWR       002C 00000001
CDPTPSID       0034
CDPTSECN       0039
CDPTSEEK       0030
CDPTSTMP       0001 40
CDPVBASE       0001 20
CDPVMCP        0003 10

This information is based on z/VM V4R1.0.
Last updated on 5 Jun 2001 at 13:01:50 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2001