Programming Interface Information:
This information is NOT intended to be
used as Programming Interfaces of z/VM.



Control Block Contents  

Storage Layout  

Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)  


 NAME       : DMSAFT
 DESCRIPTION: bilingual AFT macro
  odule Type - Macro
 FUNCTION   : Creates a based structure, AFTSECT,
              which names all fields wi thin Active File
              Table Block. AFTSECT describes a file currently
              open for a read or write. The AFT is created
              when a file is opened. Space for up to five
              AFTs is available in DMSNUC; any other must
              reside in free storage.


AFTSECT Control Block Content


Hex   Dec Type/Val   Lng Label (dup)    Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000    0 Structure      AFTSECT        bilingual AFT macro
      The following fields are used for both minidisk AFTs and
      Shared file AFTs.
      When the same areas of storage are used more that once, they
       are meant for different file systems.  CDF fields have
       not been eliminated since the code is still in the system,
       but since it has been disabled, the fields have been
0000    0 Signed       4 AFTPTR         Pointer to next AFT blk in chain
0004    4 Signed       4 AFTBPTR        Pointer to previous AFT in chain
0008    8 Signed       4 AFTEYECT (0)   Eyecatcher to indicate an AFT
0008    8 Character    3 AFTEYENM       place holder for eyecatcher
000B   11 Character    1 AFTTYPE        type of AFT The following are
                                        equates for the AFTTYPE field
          1... ....      AFTANCHR       X'80' Anchor AFT If this changes,
                                        must change equate in the FVS in
                                        field FVSAAFT
          .1.. ....      AFTSUBST       X'40' Subfst
          ..1. ....      AFTDMSMD       X'20' Minidisk AFT created by
          ...1 ....      AFTEDF         X'10' Minidisk AFT created by
          00000030       AFTMDISK       AFTDMSMD+AFTEDF Minidisk AFT
                                        created using either interface
          .... 1...      AFTSFS         X'08' Shared File AFT created
                                        thru OPEN
          .... .1..      AFTCOMP        X'04' SFS AFT created thru FSOPEN
          .... ..1.      AFTOPBLK       X'02' AFT opened for BLOCK
          .... ...1      AFTOPDBK       X'01' AFT opened for DATA BLOCK
          0000000E       AFTSHARE       AFTSFS+AFTCOMP+AFTOPBLK Shared
                                        file AFT
000C   12 Character    8 AFTTOKEN       AFT token
000C   12 Signed       4 AFTTOKAD       Address of AFT
0010   16 Signed       4 AFTSEQNM       Sequence number to validate AFT
0014   20 Signed       4 AFTADT         Pointer to Active Disk Table
0018   24 Signed       4 AFTDBSZ        ADT disk block size
001C   28 Signed       4 AFTPOSN        number of first record or block
                                        to be read or written
0020   32 Signed       4 AFTUBFAD       Save user buffer address
0024   36 Signed       4 AFTUBFLG       Save user buffer length
0028   40 Address      4 AFTWUERR       address of user supplied workunit
002C   44 Signed       2 AFTCLD         Disk addr of current chain link
          ..1. 11..      AFTCACHE       00004 AFTCLD,4 Address of cache
002E   46 Signed       2 AFTCLN         Number of current chain link
0030   48 Address      4 AFTOPNBK       addr. of virtual storage block
                                        obtained by FSOPEN/OPEN
0034   52 Signed       4 AFTCBLK        number of current data block
0038   56 Signed       4 AFTDBA         address of current data block
003C   60 Signed       4 AFTLOG2        log2 of block size
0040   64 Signed       4 AFTREMSK       remainder mask
0044   68 Address      4 AFTRMWAA       Record manager work area address
0048   72 Address      4 AFTRCMRD       Record manager read entry point
004C   76 Address      4 AFTRCMWR       Record manager write entry point
0050   80 Address      4 AFTEXTAD       address of AFT extension defined
                                        by open
0054   84 Signed       2 AFTEXTLD       length of AFT extension in dwords
0056   86 Character    1 AFTREALT       reallocation type
          1111 ...1      AFTASCBK       C'1' AFTASCBK assign current
          1111 ..1.      AFTASTBK       C'2' AFTASTBK assign top block
          1111 ..11      AFTASCEN       C'3' AFTASCEN assign current
          1111 .1..      AFTUASCE       C'4' AFTUASCE unassign current
0057   87 Character    1 AFTOPINT       open intent
          11.1 1..1      AFTOPIRD       C'R' AFTOPIRD open intent was for
          111. .11.      AFTOPIWR       C'W' AFTOPIWR open intent was for
          11.1 .1.1      AFTOPINW       C'N' AFTOPINW open intent was for
          111. .111      AFTOPIRP       C'X' AFTOPIRP open intent was for
          11.. ..11      AFTOPIRC       C'C' AFTOPIRC open intent was for
          11.1 .1..      AFTOPIMG       C'M' AFTOPIMG open intent was for
          11.. .111      AFTOPICM       C'G' AFTOPICM open intent was for
0058   88 Bitstring   80 AFTCLB         Chain link bufr from 1st
0058   88 Signed       4 AFTUFP5        5TH level pointer hblk chain
0058   88 Address      4 AFTPGERR       Programming error address
005C   92 Signed       4 AFTUFP4        4TH level pointer hblk chain
005C   92 Signed       4 AFTVSOFF       V-file starting offset
0060   96 Signed       4 AFTUFP3        3RD level pointer hblk chain
0060   96 Signed       4 AFTRECWR       Records to write
0064  100 Signed       4 AFTUFP2        2ND level pointer hblk chain
0064  100 Signed       4 AFTREQID       Requestid/ARCE address
0068  104 Signed       4 AFTUFP1        1ST level pointer hblk chain
          .11. 1...      AFTLSTBK       00004 AFTUFP1,4 last block in
006C  108 Signed       4 AFTRDBLK       data block chain
0070  112 Signed       4 AFTRDID        Item displacement in block
0070  112 Signed       4 AFTVFOFF       V-file offset
0074  116 Signed       4 AFTLSTRC       Last record number processed
0074  116 Signed       4 AFTVFNXR       V-file next record being written
0078  120 Signed       4 AFTARP         Alt. read pointer
007C  124 Signed       4 AFTAWP         Alt. write pointer
0080  128 Signed       4 AFTPHYP        A(hblk holding static FST)
0084  132 Bitstring    4 AFTALET        Access list entry token
0088  136 Signed       4 AFTSCBLK       Saved current data block number.
                                        Valid only when AFTREFRQ flag is
008C  140 Signed       4 AFTLACCR       last record to accept
0090  144 Signed       4 AFTMXLRC       maximum logical record length
0094  148 Signed       4 AFTFBLBN       F-file last block number
0098  152 Signed       4 AFTFBLBL       F-file last block length
009C  156 Address      4 AFTCLRSP       pointer to close response data
                                        passed from DMSRCMFL to CSL CLOSE
00A0  160 Signed       4 AFTSFSMB       maximum number of 4K blocks per
                                        SPS request that can be passed to
                                        the file pool server machine
00A4  164 Address      4 AFTFUBPT       File space Usage Block pointer
00A8  168 Signed       4 AFTRPBLK       Replaced File Blocks
00AC  172 Signed       4 AFTMXDSZ       size of all data blocks in storg
00B0  176 Signed       4 AFTMXDBK       maximum number of data blocks
00B4  180 Signed       4 AFTMXBLK       max number of entries in ptr blk
00B8  184 Signed       4 AFTBLKWD       save user buff disp blkwr
          1.11 1...      AFTBHLEN       00001 AFTBLKWD,1 contains
                                        high-order byte of length prefix
                                        split across blocks during a
                                        block write to a V-format file
                                        when AFTSPLEN is also true
          1.11 1..1      AFTBFORM       00001 AFTBLKWD+1,1 block write
                                        format code "B"/"b"
      The following constants are used for AFTBFORM
          000000C2       AFTBFFIX       C'B' FIXED block write code
          00000082       AFTBFVAR       C'b' VARIABLE block write code
          000000BA       AFTBPRCT       AFTBLKWD+2,2 save prev residual
                                        ct for V-FORM
00BC  188 Signed       4 AFTEBLIN       Current item number
00C0  192 Signed       4 AFTEBDSP       Current item displacement
00C4  196 Signed       4 AFTDSKSR (7)   This field will be overlayed with
                                        the following minidisk AFT fields
                                        or shared file AFT fields
      The following fields are used for only minidisk AFTs.
00C4  196 Signed       4 AFTPFSTE (0)   Used for 4 byte ptr to FST
00C4  196 Bitstring    1 AFTPFST1       1st byte of pointer
00C5  197 Bitstring    1 AFTPFST (3)    pointer to (static) FST entry,
                                        Should be using AFTPFSTE for
                                        Release 6 and later
00C8  200 Signed       4 AFTCLA         Core address of chain link bufr
00CC  204 Signed       2 AFTDBD         Disk address of current data blk
00CE  206 Signed       2 AFTDBN         number of current data block
00D0  208 Signed       2 AFTIN          Current item number
00D2  210 Signed       2 AFTID          Disp of current item in data blk
00D4  212 Signed       4 AFTFCLA        Core address of first chain link
00D8  216 Signed       2 AFTFCLX        Disk address of swapped FCL
00DA  218 Signed       2 AFTCLDX        Disk addr of swapped chain link
00DC  220 Signed       2 AFTOCLDX       Old value (if any) of AFTCLDX
00DE  222 Signed       2 *              - reserved -
      The following fields are used for only Shared File AFTs.
00C4  196 Signed       4 AFTLCTOK (2)   TOKEN for Linkage Component
00CC  204 Signed       4 AFTBLKS        Highest block number allocated
00D0  208 Signed       4 AFTWUID        workunitid
00D4  212 Character    8 AFTFPID        Filepoolid
00DC  220 Signed       2 AFTLEVEL       Committed level of the file
00DE  222 Signed       2 *              - reserved -
      The following are flag bytes for AFTFLG
00E0  224 Bitstring    1 AFTFLG         flag byte
          1... ....      AFTTCLOS       X'80' AFTTCLOS The file has been
          .1.. ....      ALLOWVR        X'40' ALLOWVR Allow different
                                        length replace.
          ..1. ....      AFTICF         X'20' AFTICF first chain link in
                                        core flag
          ...1 ....      AFTACF         X'10' AFTACF This AFT corresponds
                                        to an Associated Control FIle
          ...1 ....      AFTFBA         X'10' AFTFBA Full buffer assigned
          .... 1...      AFTASYNC       X'08' AFTASYNC An asynchronous
                                        file I/O is in process for this
          .... 1...      AFTDBF         X'08' AFTDBF Data block in core
          .... .1..      AFTWRT         X'04' AFTWRT Changes have been
                                        made to this file since the last
                                        TCLOSE (or if no TCLOSEs, since
                                        it was opened).
          .... ..1.      AFTRD          X'02' AFTRD A successful read has
                                        been performed on this file.
          .... ...1      AFTFULD        X'01' AFTFULD Full-disk special
      The following are flag bytes for AFTFLG2.
00E1  225 Bitstring    1 AFTFLG2        second flag-byte
          1... ....      AFTNEW         X'80' AFTNEW file is new or
          .1.. ....      AFTPTWRT       X'40' AFTPTWRT Part of the data
                                        to be written has been
                                        transferred from the user's
                                        buffer. Any error in this state
                                        must result in either a ROLLBACK
                                        or DISKDIE.
          .1.. ....      AFTOLDCL       X'40' AFTOLDCL Current chain link
                                        exist. prev.
          ..1. ....      AFTALLEM       X'20' AFTALLEM Empty file may be
          ..1. ....      AFTCLX         X'20' AFTCLX alternate chain-link
                                        assigned/ implied - (old CDF
          ...1 ....      AFTREAD        X'10' AFTREAD file is being read
          .... 1...      AFTVLGTH       X'08' AFTVLGTH length must be
                                        handled for V-FORM
          .... .1..      AFTVLREC       X'04' AFTVLREC writing the last
                                        V-format record
          .... ..1.      AFTFDUSR       X'02' AFTFDUSR file data
                                        specified by user
          .... ...1      SAMELEN        X'01' SAMELEN Force same length
          .... ...1      AFTDEFLR       X'01' AFTDEFLR when on, indicates
                                        that the lrecl of the file has
                                        been assigned by default values.
      The following are flag bytes for AFTFLG3.
00E2  226 Bitstring    1 AFTFLG3        third flag byte
          1... ....      AFTEXREP       X'80' AFTEXREP previously
                                        existing SFS file is being
          .1.. ....      AFTFSF         X'40' AFTFSF AFTPTR bit indicates
                                        in free storage
          ..1. ....      AFTBLKIO       X'20' AFTBLKIO special block I/O
          ...1 ....      AFTITMAV       X'10' AFTITMAV item available
          .... 1...      AFTCACHN       X'08' AFTCACHN NOCACHE option
                                        specified on OPEN
          .... .1..      AFTCACHY       X'04' AFTCACHY CACHE option
                                        specified on OPEN If AFTCACHN &
                                        AFTCACHY are both off, then
                                        DEFAULT Cache option was
                                        specified on OPEN
          .... ..1.      AFTOPWR        X'02' AFTOPWR File opened for
                                        WRITE, NEW or REPLACE or
          .... ...1      AFTEXPL        X'01' AFTEXPL Explicit OPEN from
      The following are flag bytes for AFTFLG4.
00E3  227 Bitstring    1 AFTFLG4        fourth flag-byte
          1... ....      AFTEXTND       X'80' AFTEXTND When on, indicates
                                        that the SFS file is extended
                                        since the last COMMIT
          .1.. ....      AFTREFRQ       X'40' AFTREFRQ When on, indicates
                                        that all data blocks must be
                                        refreshed to complete this
                                        DMSREAD request
          ..1. ....      AFTWTERR       X'20' AFTWTERR error occurred
                                        during write
          ...1 ....      AFTRCMIN       X'10' AFTRCMIN When on, indicates
                                        that the AFT has been
                                        successfully initial- ized by
                                        DMSRCMIN. When off, either
                                        DMSRCMIN has not yet been called,
                                        DMSRCMIN initialization failed,
                                        or DMSRCMFL has been called and
                                        the storage used by DMSRCM (i.e.
                                        buffers, RCMWA) has been
                                        released. AFTRCMIN applies to
                                        both EDF and SFS files, but not
                                        CDF files.
          .... 1...      AFTSFSIO       X'08' AFTSFSIO When on, indicates
                                        that an SFS I/O request (such as
                                        READ, WRITE, CLOSE, or TCLOSE)
                                        has been initiated by DMSRCM and
                                        that DMSRCM cannot tolerate
                                        another request for this AFT
                                        until the original request has
          .... .1..      AFTCLOSE       X'04' AFTCLOSE Close is in
                                        process - used to suppress TCLOSE
                                        request for this file on a CLOSE
                                        with COMMIT (SFS only)
          .... ..1.      AFTFNSDT       X'02' AFTFNSDT Used internally to
                                        suppress the generation of
                                        current date and time on an
                                        output file. Used by DMSFNSAT
                                        entry point in DMSFNS (FINIS with
                                        attribute changes) and by DMSJFC
                                        (SFS CSL CLOSE program function)
                                        to communicate to the Record
                                        Manager Flush Routine when time
                                        or date are provided by the user.
          .... ...1      AFTDSPAC       X'01' AFTDSPAC When on, indicates
                                        that the file is in a data space.
00E4  228 Bitstring    8 AFTPDOID       Parent Directory Object ID
      The following are flag bytes for AFTFLG5.
00EC  236 Bitstring    1 AFTFLG5        fifth flag-byte
          1... ....      AFTCBCHG       X'80' AFTCBCHG current block has
                                        been changed
          .1.. ....      AFTSHADW       X'40' AFTSHADW perform EDF
          ..1. ....      AFTIORD        X'20' AFTIORD EDF/SFS I/O
                                        operation is read
          ...1 ....      AFTSPLEN       X'10' AFTSPLEN length prefix
                                        split across blocks during a
                                        block write to a V-format file
          .... 1...      AFTCSPAR       X'08' AFTCSPAR current block is
          .... .1..      AFTUCXER       X'04' AFTUCXER uncached transfer
          .... ..1.      AFTUPINP       X'02' AFTUPINP SFS file is being
                                        treated as an INPLACE file.
          .... ...1      AFTNONRC       X'01' AFTNONRC SFS file is being
                                        treated as a non-recoverable
      The following are flag bytes for AFTFLG6.
00ED  237 Bitstring    1 AFTFLG6        sixth flag-byte
          1... ....      AFTTHRER       X'80' AFTTHRER SFS file space
                                        threshold exceeded (warning)
          .1.. ....      AFTLNERR       X'40' AFTLNERR user buffer length
                                        too short - read data truncated
          ..1. ....      AFTBWEOD       X'20' AFTBWEOD end of data
                                        detected on an ERD block write
          ...1 ....      AFTLRERR       X'10' AFTLRERR record length out
                                        of range on an ERD block write
          .... 1...      AFTWFNC        X'08' AFTWFNC "empty file not
                                        created" warning on CLOSE during
                                        DMSRCM flush request
          .... .1..      AFTWRNW        X'04' AFTWRNW "never wrote to
                                        replaced file" warning on CLOSE
                                        during DMSRCM flush request
          .... ..1.      AFTREQTC       X'02' AFTREQTC SFS TCLOSE
                                        required for a non-recoverable
                                        file after a successful write
          .... ...1      AFTFORWR       X'01' AFTFORWR When on, indicates
                                        that the FORCE option is
                                        specified on DMSWRITE to a
                                        non-recoverable file
      The following are flag bytes for AFTFLG7.
00EE  238 Bitstring    1 AFTFLG7        seventh flag-byte
          1... ....      AFTCLDBC       X'80' AFTCLDBC When on, indicates
                                        the caller of this DMSCLOSE is
          .1.. ....      AFTSPSWR       X'40' AFTSPSWR When on, indicates
                                        that an SPS write or tclose was
                                        done since file was opened.
          ..1. ....      AFTSVWRT       X'20' AFTSVWRT Saved AFTWRT bit.
                                        The value of the AFTWRT flag is
                                        saved across Record Manager calls
                                        to deter- mine if the write is
                                        the *first write.
          ...1 ....      AFTSBCNT       X'10' AFTSBCNT Single block
                                        counted indicator. Used by DMSRCM
                                        to mark a block counted when the
                                        file is a single block file and
                                        no RMWA exists.
          .... 1...      AFTBFS         X'08' AFTBFS File is a BFS file.
00EF  239 Character    1 *              - reserved -
00F0  240 Signed       4 AFTFST (0)
00F0  240 Signed       4 * (0)
00F0  240 Character   16 AFTNT (0)      Filename and file type
00F0  240 Character    8 AFTN           FILE NAME
00F8  248 Character    8 AFTT           FILE TYPE
          1111 ....      AFTDIRN        00010 AFTN,16 Subdirectory name
0100  256 Signed       4 AFTD           DATE/TIME LAST WRITTEN
0104  260 Signed       2 AFTWP          WRITE POINTER (ITEM #)
0106  262 Signed       2 AFTRP          READ POINTER (ITEM #)
          000AFTRP       AFTBFOWN       00008 AFTD,8 Base file owner
0108  264 Signed       2 AFTM           File mode and mode number. Mode
                                        number will be blank for DIRs.
          00000108       AFTMCHAR       AFTM,1 File mode character
          00000109       AFTMNUM        AFTM+1,1 File mode number
010A  266 Signed       2 AFTIC          ITEM COUNT, zero for directories
          000AFTIC       AFTCDFMR       65533 AFTCDFMR maximum valid
                                        record number for CDF files
010C  268 Signed       2 AFTFCL         FIRST CHAIN LINK
          00AFTFCL       AFTSCID        00004 AFTIC,4 Something Changed
010E  270 Character    1 AFTFV          Type of FST flag field
             FSTFV flag -byte definitions
          000000C6       AFTFVFIX       C'F' FIXED file FST
          000000E5       AFTFVVAR       C'V' VARIABLE file FST
          000000C4       AFTFVDIR       C'D' DIRECTORY FST
          00000060       AFTFVERS       C'-' Erased or revoked alias FST
010F  271 Bitstring    1 AFTFB          Flag byte (if used)
          .... ....      AFTFRO         X'00' READ-ONLY DISK
          .1.. ....      AFTFROX        X'40' READ-ONLY EXTENSION OF
                                        READ-ONLY DISK
          ...1 ....      AFTFBSFS       X'10' Shared File FST
          1... ....      AFTFRW         X'80' READ-WRITE DISK
          11.. ....      AFTFRWX        X'C0' READ-ONLY EXTENSION OF
                                        READ-WRITE DISK
          .... 1...      AFTCNTRY       X'08' CENTURY FOR DATE LAST
                                        WRITTEN (0=19, 1=20), CORRESPONDS
                                        TO FSTYR, FSTADATI.
          .... .111      AFTFACT        X'07' FILE "ACTIVE" - ONE OF THE
          .... .1..      AFTFAR         X'04' FILE ACTIVE FOR READING
          .... ..1.      AFTFAW         X'02' FILE ACTIVE FOR WRITING
          .... ...1      AFTFAP         X'01' FILE ACTIVE FROM A "POINT"
          ..1. ....      AFTEPL         X'20' EXTENDED PLIST
          .1.. ....      AFTITAV        X'40' ITEM AVAILABLE
          .... ...1      AFTRECAV       X'01' PREVIOUS RECORD NULL
0110  272 Signed       4 AFTIL          (MAXIMUM) ITEM LENGTH
0114  276 Signed       2 AFTDBC         NUMBER OF DATA BLOCKS
0116  278 Signed       2 AFTYR          YEAR
          000AFTYR       AFTTID         00004 AFTDBC,4 Tupple Identifier
          00000028       AFTL           *-AFTN FST EDF EXTENSION
0118  280 Signed       4 AFTFOP         ALT. FILE ORIGIN POINTER, will be
                                        zero for directories
011C  284 Signed       4 AFTADBC        ALT. NUMBER OF DATA BLOCKS, will
                                        be zero for directories
0120  288 Signed       4 AFTAIC         ALT. ITEM COUNT, will be zero for
0124  292 Bitstring    1 AFTNLVL        NUMBER OF POINTER BLOCK LEVELS,
                                        zero for directories
0125  293 Bitstring    1 AFTPTRSZ       LENGTH OF A POINTER ELEMENT, zero
                                        for directories
0126  294 Character    6 AFTADATI       ALT. DATE/TIME(YY MM DD HH MM SS)
          AFTADATI       AFTFDATE       00003 AFTADATI,3 Date
          AFTADATI       AFTFTIME       00003 AFTADATI+3,3 Time
012C  300 Signed       4 AFTEDFEN
012C  300 Character    1 AFTREALM       Real filemode
012D  301 Bitstring    1 AFTFLAG2       FST flag byte 2
          ...1 ....      AFTPIPEU       X'10' AFTPIPEU Reserved for CMS
                                        PIPELINES usage
012E  302 Character    2 *              - Reserved -
          00000040       AFTL2          *-AFTN LENGTH OF AN EDF FST.
012C  300 Bitstring    8 AFTOID         Object identifier
0134  308 Bitstring    8 AFTBFOID       Base file identifier
       The bits in the authority flag byte are mutually
013C  316 Bitstring    1 AFTFB1         authority flag byte
          1... ....      AFTFB1RD       X'80' AFTFB1RD Read authority for
                                        this file
          .1.. ....      AFTFB1WR       X'40' AFTFB1WR Write authority
                                        for this file No Authority to
                                        this file when FB1RD and FB1WR
                                        are off
          ..1. ....      AFTFB1EX       X'20' AFTFB1EX ESM-protected file
013D  317 Bitstring    1 AFTFB2         status flag byte
          1... ....      AFTFB2ER       X'80' AFTFB2ER Erased Alias
          .1.. ....      AFTFB2RV       X'40' AFTFB2RV Revoked Alias
          ..1. ....      AFTFB2BF       X'20' AFTFB2BF Base file
          ...1 ....      AFTFB2AL       X'10' AFTFB2AL Alias fst
          .... 1...      AFTFB2SD       X'08' AFTFB2SD Subdirectory fst
          .... .1..      AFTFB2DC       X'04' AFTFB2DC Dircontrol
                                        subdirectory Note. FB2DC = on
                                        implies that FB2SD = on.
          .... ..1.      AFTFB2MG       X'02' AFTFB2MG Migrated file
          .... ...1      AFTFB2EO       X'01' AFTFB2EO External Object
013E  318 Bitstring    1 AFTFB3         extended attribute flag byte
          1... ....      AFTFB3IP       X'80' AFTFB3IP file has the
                                        INPLACE attribute
          .1.. ....      AFTFB3MA       X'40' AFTFB3MA module file with
                                        long name alias
          ..1. ....      AFTFB3IV       X'20' AFTFB3IV FST invalid
                                        (during cache update -DMSJCM
          .... 1...      AFTCDOLR       X'08' AFTCDOLR CENTURY FOR DATE
                                        LAST REFERENCE (0=19, 1=20),
                                        CORRESPONDS TO FSTDOLR.
013F  319 Character    1 *              -RESERVED-
          00000050       AFTL3          *-AFTN Length of a Shared file
0140  320 Signed       4 AFTDSFOP       Data space file origin pointer
0144  324 Character    3 AFTDOLR        Date of last reference
0147  327 Character    1 *              -RESERVED-
          00000058       AFTL4          *-AFTN Length of an SFS data
                                        space FST
0148  328 Dbl-Word     8 * (0)          End of DSECT
          00000148       AFTLB          *-AFTSECT length of AFT block in
          00000029       AFTLD          (AFTLB+7)/8 length of AFT block
                                        in dwords


AFTSECT Storage Layout

*** AFTSECT - bilingual AFT macro
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*   0 |          AFTPTR           |         AFTBPTR           |
*     +--------------------+------+---------------------------+
*   8 |     AFTEYENM       |:TYPE |        AFTTOKEN-          |
*     +--------------------+------+---------------------------+
*  10 |          -(00C)           | 14
*     +---------------------------+
*** AFTSECT - bilingual AFT macro
*** Overlay for AFTTOKEN in AFTSECT
*                                 +---------------------------+
*   8 ...                       C |         AFTTOKAD          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  10 |         AFTSEQNM          |          AFTADT           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  18 |         AFTDBSZ           |         AFTPOSN           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  20 |         AFTUBFAD          |         AFTUBFLG          |
*     +---------------------------+-------------+-------------+
*  28 |         AFTWUERR          |   AFTCLD    |   AFTCLN    |
*     +---------------------------+-------------+-------------+
*  30 |         AFTOPNBK          |         AFTCBLK           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  38 |          AFTDBA           |         AFTLOG2           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  40 |         AFTREMSK          |         AFTRMWAA          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  48 |         AFTRCMRD          |         AFTRCMWR          |
*     +---------------------------+-------------+------+------+
*  50 |         AFTEXTAD          |  AFTEXTLD   |:REALT|:OPINT|
*     +---------------------------+-------------+------+------+
*  58 |                                                       |
*     =                        AFTCLB                         =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  A8
*** Overlay for AFTTOKEN in AFTSECT
*** Overlay for AFTCLB in AFTSECT
*     +---------------------------+
*  58 |         AFTUFP5           | 5C
*     +---------------------------+
*** Overlay for AFTCLB in AFTSECT
*** Overlay for AFTUFP5 in AFTSECT
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  58 |         AFTPGERR          |         AFTUFP4           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  60
*** Overlay for AFTUFP5 in AFTSECT
*** Overlay for AFTUFP4 in AFTSECT
*                                 +---------------------------+
*  58 ...                      5C |         AFTVSOFF          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  60 |         AFTUFP3           | 64
*     +---------------------------+
*** Overlay for AFTUFP4 in AFTSECT
*** Overlay for AFTUFP3 in AFTSECT
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  60 |         AFTRECWR          |         AFTUFP2           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  68
*** Overlay for AFTUFP3 in AFTSECT
*** Overlay for AFTUFP2 in AFTSECT
*                                 +---------------------------+
*  60 ...                      64 |         AFTREQID          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  68 |         AFTUFP1           |         AFTRDBLK          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  70 |         AFTRDID           | 74
*     +---------------------------+
*** Overlay for AFTUFP2 in AFTSECT
*** Overlay for AFTRDID in AFTSECT
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  70 |         AFTVFOFF          |         AFTLSTRC          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  78
*** Overlay for AFTRDID in AFTSECT
*** Overlay for AFTLSTRC in AFTSECT
*                                 +---------------------------+
*  70 ...                      74 |         AFTVFNXR          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  78 |          AFTARP           |          AFTAWP           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  80 |         AFTPHYP           |         AFTALET           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  88 |         AFTSCBLK          |         AFTLACCR          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  90 |         AFTMXLRC          |         AFTFBLBN          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  98 |         AFTFBLBL          |         AFTCLRSP          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  A0 |         AFTSFSMB          |         AFTFUBPT          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  A8 |         AFTRPBLK          |         AFTMXDSZ          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  B0 |         AFTMXDBK          |         AFTMXBLK          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  B8 |         AFTBLKWD          |         AFTEBLIN          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  C0 |         AFTEBDSP          |                           |
*     +---------------------------+                           |
*  C8 |                                                       |
*     =                       AFTDSKSR                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  E0
*** Overlay for AFTLSTRC in AFTSECT
*** Overlay for AFTDSKSR in AFTSECT
*                                 +------+--------------------+
*  C0 ...                      C4 |:PFST1|      AFTPFST       |
*     +---------------------------+------+------+-------------+
*  C8 |          AFTCLA           |   AFTDBD    |   AFTDBN    |
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
*  D0 |   AFTIN     |   AFTID     |         AFTFCLA           |
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
*  D8 |  AFTFCLX    |  AFTCLDX    |  AFTOCLDX   |/////////////|
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
*  E0
*** Overlay for AFTDSKSR in AFTSECT
*** Overlay for AFTDSKSR in AFTSECT
*                                 +---------------------------+
*     ...                      C4 |        AFTLCTOK-          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  C8 |          -(0C4)           |         AFTBLKS           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  D0 |         AFTWUID           |         AFTFPID-          |
*     +---------------------------+-------------+-------------+
*  D8 |          -(0D4)           |  AFTLEVEL   |/////////////|
*     +------+------+------+------+-------------+-------------+
*  E0 |AFTFLG|:FLG2 |:FLG3 |:FLG4 |        AFTPDOID-          |
*     +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
*  E8 |          -(0E4)           |:FLG5 |:FLG6 |:FLG7 |//////|
*     +---------------------------+------+------+------+------+
*  F0 |                         AFTN                          |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  F8 |                         AFTT                          |
*     +---------------------------+-------------+-------------+
* 100 |           AFTD            |   AFTWP     |   AFTRP     |
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+------+------+
* 108 |    AFTM     |   AFTIC     |   AFTFCL    |AFTFV |AFTFB |
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+------+------+
* 110 |          AFTIL            |   AFTDBC    |   AFTYR     |
*     +---------------------------+-------------+-------------+
* 118 |          AFTFOP           |         AFTADBC           |
*     +---------------------------+------+------+-------------+
* 120 |          AFTAIC           |:NLVL |:PTRSZ|   (126)-    |
*     +---------------------------+------+------+-------------+
* 128 |        -AFTADATI          |         AFTEDFEN          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 130
*** Overlay for AFTDSKSR in AFTSECT
*** Overlay for AFTEDFEN in AFTSECT
*                                 +------+------+-------------+
* 128 ...                     12C |:REALM|:FLAG2|/////////////|
*                                 +------+------+-------------+
* 130
*** Overlay for AFTEDFEN in AFTSECT
*** Overlay for AFTEDFEN in AFTSECT
*                                 +---------------------------+
*     ...                     12C |         AFTOID-           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 130 |          -(12C)           |        AFTBFOID-          |
*     +---------------------------+------+------+------+------+
* 138 |          -(134)           |AFTFB1|AFTFB2|AFTFB3|//////|
*     +---------------------------+------+------+------+------+
* 140 |         AFTDSFOP          |      AFTDOLR       |//////|
*     +---------------------------+--------------------+------+
* 148
*** Overlay for AFTEDFEN in AFTSECT


AFTSECT Cross Reference

Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
AFTACF         00E0 10
AFTADATI       0126
AFTADBC        011C
AFTADT         0014
AFTAIC         0120
AFTALET        0084
AFTALLEM       00E1 20
AFTANCHR       000B 80
AFTARP         0078
AFTASCBK       0056 F1
AFTASCEN       0056 F3
AFTASTBK       0056 F2
AFTASYNC       00E0 08
AFTAWP         007C
AFTBFFIX       00B8 000000C2
AFTBFOID       0134
AFTBFORM       00B8 B9
AFTBFOWN       0106 000AFTRP
AFTBFS         00EE 08
AFTBFVAR       00B8 00000082
AFTBHLEN       00B8 B8
AFTBLKIO       00E2 20
AFTBLKS        00CC
AFTBLKWD       00B8
AFTBPRCT       00B8 000000BA
AFTBPTR        0004
AFTBWEOD       00ED 20
AFTCACHE       002C 2C
AFTCACHN       00E2 08
AFTCACHY       00E2 04
AFTCBCHG       00EC 80
AFTCBLK        0034
AFTCDFMR       010A 000AFTIC
AFTCDOLR       013E 08
AFTCLA         00C8
AFTCLB         0058
AFTCLD         002C
AFTCLDBC       00EE 80
AFTCLDX        00DA
AFTCLN         002E
AFTCLOSE       00E3 04
AFTCLRSP       009C
AFTCLX         00E1 20
AFTCNTRY       010F 08
AFTCOMP        000B 04
AFTCSPAR       00EC 08
AFTD           0100
AFTDBA         0038
AFTDBC         0114
AFTDBD         00CC
AFTDBF         00E0 08
AFTDBN         00CE
AFTDBSZ        0018
AFTDEFLR       00E1 01
AFTDIRN        00F8 F0
AFTDMSMD       000B 20
AFTDOLR        0144
AFTDSFOP       0140
AFTDSKSR       00C4
AFTDSPAC       00E3 01
AFTEBDSP       00C0
AFTEDF         000B 10
AFTEDFEN       012C
AFTEPL         010F 20
AFTEXPL        00E2 01
AFTEXREP       00E2 80
AFTEXTAD       0050
AFTEXTLD       0054
AFTEXTND       00E3 80
AFTEYECT       0008
AFTEYENM       0008
AFTFACT        010F 07
AFTFAP         010F 01
AFTFAR         010F 04
AFTFAW         010F 02
AFTFB          010F
AFTFBA         00E0 10
AFTFBLBL       0098
AFTFBLBN       0094
AFTFBSFS       010F 10
AFTFB1         013C
AFTFB1EX       013C 20
AFTFB1RD       013C 80
AFTFB1WR       013C 40
AFTFB2         013D
AFTFB2AL       013D 10
AFTFB2BF       013D 20
AFTFB2DC       013D 04
AFTFB2EO       013D 01
AFTFB2ER       013D 80
AFTFB2MG       013D 02
AFTFB2RV       013D 40
AFTFB2SD       013D 08
AFTFB3         013E
AFTFB3IP       013E 80
AFTFB3IV       013E 20
AFTFB3MA       013E 40
AFTFCL         010C
AFTFCLA        00D4
AFTFCLX        00D8
AFTFDUSR       00E1 02
AFTFLAG2       012D
AFTFLG         00E0
AFTFLG2        00E1
AFTFLG3        00E2
AFTFLG4        00E3
AFTFLG5        00EC
AFTFLG6        00ED
AFTFLG7        00EE
AFTFNSDT       00E3 02
AFTFOP         0118
AFTFORWR       00ED 01
AFTFPID        00D4
AFTFRO         010F 00
AFTFROX        010F 40
AFTFRW         010F 80
AFTFRWX        010F C0
AFTFSF         00E2 40
AFTFST         00F0
AFTFUBPT       00A4
AFTFULD        00E0 01
AFTFV          010E
AFTFVDIR       010E 000000C4
AFTFVERS       010E 00000060
AFTFVFIX       010E 000000C6
AFTFVVAR       010E 000000E5
AFTIC          010A
AFTICF         00E0 20
AFTID          00D2
AFTIL          0110
AFTIN          00D0
AFTIORD        00EC 20
AFTITAV        010F 40
AFTITMAV       00E2 10
AFTL           0116 00000028
AFTLACCR       008C
AFTLB          0148 00000148
AFTLCTOK       00C4
AFTLD          0148 00000029
AFTLNERR       00ED 40
AFTLOG2        003C
AFTLRERR       00ED 10
AFTLSTBK       0068 68
AFTLSTRC       0074
AFTL2          012E 00000040
AFTL3          013F 00000050
AFTL4          0147 00000058
AFTM           0108
AFTMCHAR       0108 00000108
AFTMDISK       000B 00000030
AFTMNUM        0108 00000109
AFTMXBLK       00B4
AFTMXDBK       00B0
AFTMXLRC       0090
AFTN           00F0
AFTNEW         00E1 80
AFTNLVL        0124
AFTNONRC       00EC 01
AFTNT          00F0
AFTOID         012C
AFTOLDCL       00E1 40
AFTOPBLK       000B 02
AFTOPDBK       000B 01
AFTOPICM       0057 C7
AFTOPIMG       0057 D4
AFTOPINT       0057
AFTOPINW       0057 D5
AFTOPIRC       0057 C3
AFTOPIRD       0057 D9
AFTOPIRP       0057 E7
AFTOPIWR       0057 E6
AFTOPNBK       0030
AFTOPWR        00E2 02
AFTPDOID       00E4
AFTPFST        00C5
AFTPFSTE       00C4
AFTPFST1       00C4
AFTPGERR       0058
AFTPHYP        0080
AFTPIPEU       012D 10
AFTPOSN        001C
AFTPTR         0000
AFTPTRSZ       0125
AFTPTWRT       00E1 40
AFTRCMIN       00E3 10
AFTRCMRD       0048
AFTRCMWR       004C
AFTRD          00E0 02
AFTRDBLK       006C
AFTRDID        0070
AFTREAD        00E1 10
AFTREALM       012C
AFTREALT       0056
AFTRECAV       010F 01
AFTRECWR       0060
AFTREFRQ       00E3 40
AFTREMSK       0040
AFTREQID       0064
AFTREQTC       00ED 02
AFTRMWAA       0044
AFTRP          0106
AFTRPBLK       00A8
AFTSBCNT       00EE 10
AFTSCBLK       0088
AFTSCID        010C 00AFTFCL
AFTSEQNM       0010
AFTSFS         000B 08
AFTSFSIO       00E3 08
AFTSFSMB       00A0
AFTSHADW       00EC 40
AFTSHARE       000B 0000000E
AFTSPLEN       00EC 10
AFTSPSWR       00EE 40
AFTSUBST       000B 40
AFTSVWRT       00EE 20
AFTT           00F8
AFTTCLOS       00E0 80
AFTTHRER       00ED 80
AFTTID         0116 000AFTYR
AFTTOKAD       000C
AFTTOKEN       000C
AFTTYPE        000B
AFTUASCE       0056 F4
AFTUBFAD       0020
AFTUBFLG       0024
AFTUCXER       00EC 04
AFTUFP1        0068
AFTUFP2        0064
AFTUFP3        0060
AFTUFP4        005C
AFTUFP5        0058
AFTUPINP       00EC 02
AFTVFNXR       0074
AFTVFOFF       0070
AFTVLGTH       00E1 08
AFTVLREC       00E1 04
AFTVSOFF       005C
AFTWFNC        00ED 08
AFTWP          0104
AFTWRNW        00ED 04
AFTWRT         00E0 04
AFTWTERR       00E3 20
AFTWUERR       0028
AFTWUID        00D0
AFTYR          0116
ALLOWVR        00E0 40
SAMELEN        00E1 01

This information is based on z/VM V6R2.0.
Last updated on 21 Nov 2011 at 14:31:12 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2011