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Improved Utilization of Large Real Storage

CP's page steal mechanism has been modified in z/VM 4.3.0 to more effectively use real storage above the 2G line 1 in environments where there is little or no expanded storage. The page steal selection algorithm remains the same but what happens to the stolen pages is different. Previously, modified stolen pages were paged out to expanded storage (if available) or DASD. With z/VM 4.3.0, when expanded storage is unavailable, full, or nearly full and there are frames not being used in storage above the 2G line, page steal copies pages from stolen frames below 2G to these unused frames above 2G.

This section presents and discusses a pair of measurements that illustrate the performance effects of this improvement.


The CMS1 workload (see CMS-Intensive (CMS1)), generated by internal TPNS, was used. 10,800 CMS1 users were run on a 2046-1C8 8-way processor that was run in basic mode. It was configured with 8G real storage but no expanded storage. There were 16, 3390-3 volumes (in RVA T82 subsystems) available for paging.

The CP LOCK command was used to fix 896M of an inactive user's virtual storage. This caused 896M worth of page frames residing below the 2G line to become unavailable to the system for other purposes. This could represent, for example, the presence of a large V=R area.

The two measurements were equivalent except for the level of CP used: z/VM 4.2.0 (previous page steal) and z/VM 4.3.0 (revised page steal). TPNS throughput data, hardware instrumentation data, and CP monitor data (reduced by VMPRF) were collected for both measurements.


The measurement results are summarized in Table 1.

Table 1. Real Storage Utilization Improvement

CP Level
Run ID



Tx/sec (t)
Total Util/Proc (v)
Total CPU/Tx (v)
2G Page Move Rate (m)
Avg % Page Vol Busy (v)
DASD Pages/Tx (v)



Tx/sec (t)
Total Util/Proc (v)
Total CPU/Tx (v)
2G Page Move Rate (m)
Avg % Page Vol Busy (v)
DASD Pages/Tx (v)



Note: 2064-1C8; 8G central storage with 896M below the 2G line fixed; no expanded storage; 700M real MDC; (t) = TPNS, (h) = hardware instrumentation, (v) = VMPRF, (m) = CP monitor


The 8G of real storage was chosen to be large enough so that if all of that storage were available, the CMS1 users would have run with very little DASD paging. In addition, all their requirements for page frames below the 2G line would have fit into the available space. However, with 896M of storage below the 2G line made unavailable, there were not enough page frames below the 2G line to meet those requirements. This resulted in a constant movement of pages from above the 2G line to below the 2G line, as shown by "2G Page Move Rate". 2

In the base case, any modified pages that were stolen to make room for these moved pages were paged out to DASD and, if later referenced, had to be read from DASD back into real storage (above or below the 2G line). This DASD paging resulted in a substantial reduction in system throughput by causing the capacity of the page I/O subsystem to be reached. This is shown by the high device utilizations on the DASD page volumes.

With z/VM 4.3.0, these stolen pages were instead moved, when possible, to available page frames above the 2G line, thus eliminating this cause of DASD paging. With the page I/O subsystem no longer a bottleneck, throughput rose to nearly the same level seen for unconstrained measurements. The only remaining DASD paging is normal paging caused by the 896M reduction in total available real storage.

The 5% decrease in Total CPU/Tx was unexpected. Investigation revealed that this was caused by a shift in the distribution of command execution frequency that occurred in the paging-constrained base run and is not an actual benefit of the page steal improvement.

The page steal improvement will not affect performance unless all of the following conditions are present:

  • There are unused page frames above the 2G line.

  • There are not enough available page frames below the 2G line to satisfy the demand.

  • There is no expanded storage available for paging (because none was defined, it is currently full, or page migration is in progress).

The largest benefits will arise in environments characterized by a very high rate of movement of pages from above the 2G line to below the 2G line and a low-capacity paging I/O subsystem, but where total real storage is sufficient to eliminate normal DASD paging.


One of the restrictions of the CP 64-bit support is that most data referenced by CP are required to be below the 2G line. In addition to CP's own code and control blocks, this also includes most data that CP needs to reference in the virtual machine address spaces. This includes I/O buffers, IUCV parameter lists, and the like. When CP needs to reference a page that resides in a real storage frame that is above the 2G line, CP, when necessary, dynamically relocates that page to a frame that is below the 2G line.

This field is not externalized by VMPRF so it was extracted directly from the CP monitor data (SYTRSP_PLSMVB2G in domain 0 record 4).

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