OpenExtensions for z/VM

A list of the UNIX Specification and ANSI C functions by category

Functions marked with "|" were added in VM/ESA 2.3.0. Functions marked with "%" were added in z/VM 3.1.0.

Managing Processes and Signal Communication

  abort()                       Stop a Program
  alarm()                       Set an Alarm
  atexit()                      Register Program Termination Function
| bsd_signal()                  BSD version of signal()
  csnap()                       Request a Condensed Dump
  execl()                       Execute a File
  execle()                      Execute a File
  execlp()                      Execute a File
  execv()                       Execute a File
  execve()                      Execute a File
  execvp()                      Execute a File
  exit()                        End Program
| _exit()                       End a Process and Bypass the Cleanup
| fork()  ***                   Create a New Process
  getlogin()                    Get the User Login Name
  kill()                        Send a Signal to a Process
| killpg()                      Send a Signal to a Process Group
  pause()                       Suspend a Process Pending a Signal
  raise()                       Raise Signal
  sigaction()                   Examine or Change a Signal Action
  sigaddset()                   Add a Signal to the Signal Mask
| sigaltstack()                 Set and/or Get Signal Alternate Stack Context
  sigdelset()                   Delete a Signal from the Signal Mask
  sigemptyset()                 Initialize a Signal Mask to Exclude All Signals
  sigfillset()                  Initialize a Signal Mask to Include All Signals
| sighold()                     Add a Signal to a Thread's Signal Mask
| sigignore()                   Set Disposition to Ignore a Signal
| siginterrupt()                Allow Signals to Interrupt Functions
  sigismember()                 Test If a Signal Is in a Signal Mask
  siglongjmp()                  Restore the Stack Environment and Signal Mask
  signal()                      Handle Interrupts
| __signgam()                   Return signgam reference
| sigpause()                    Unblock a Signal and Wait for a Signal
  sigpending()                  Examine Pending Signals
  sigprocmask()                 Examine or Change a Thread
| sigrelse()                    Remove a Signal from a Thread's Signal Mask
| sigset()                      Change a Signal Action and/or a Thread's Signal Mask
  sigsetjmp()                   Save Stack Environment and Signal Mask
| sigstack()                    Set and/or Get Signal Stack Context
  sigsuspend()                  Wait for a Signal
  sigwait()                     Wait for an Asynchronous Signal
  sleep()                       Suspend execution of a Process
  spawn()                       Spawn a New Process
  spawnp()                      Spawn a New Process
  system()                      Execute a Command
  time()                        Determine Current Time
  times()                       Get Process and Child Process Times
| usleep()                      Suspend execution for an interval
| vfork() ***                   Create a New Process
  w_getpsent()                     Get Process data
  wait()                        Wait for a Child Process to End
| waitid()                      Wait for Child Process to Change State
  waitpid()                     Wait for a Specific Child Process to End
*** This is not a complete implementation of either fork() or vfork().
    Refer to the IBM C for VM/ESA Library Reference, SC23-3908-01,
    for the list of restrictions and requirements.

Managing the Process Environment

  calloc()                      Reserve and Initialize Storage
  cdump()                       Request a Main Storage Dump
  clearenv()                    Clear Environment Variables
  clock()                       Determine Processor Time
| confstr()                     Get configurable variables
  ctest()                       Start Debug Tool
  ctrace()                      Request a Traceback
| cuserid()                     Return Character Login of the User
| dllfree()                     Free the Supplied DLL
| dllload()                     Load the DLL and Connect it to the Application
| dllqueryfn()                  Obtain a Pointer to a DLL Function
| dllqueryvar()                 Obtain a Pointer to a DLL Variable
| endutxent()                   Closes the utmpx Database
  extlink_np()                  Create an External Symbolic Link
  fetch()                       Get a Load Module
  fetchep()                     Share Wripre Static
  free()                        Free a Block of Storage
  getcontext()                  Get User Context
  getenv()                      Get Value of Environment Variables
| getpagesize()                 Get the current Page Size
  getpgrp()                     Get the Process Group ID
  getpid()                      Get the Process ID
  getppid()                     Get the Parent Process ID
  getuid()                      Get the Real User ID
| getutxent()                   Read Next Entry in utmpx Database
| getutxid()                    Search by ID utmpx Database
| getutxline()                  Search by Line utmpx Database
  iscics()                      Verifies Whether CICS is Running
  librel()                      Query Release Level
| _longjmp()                    Non-Local Goto
  longjmp()                     Restore Stack Environment
  malloc()                      Reserve Storage Block
  pathconf()                    Determine Configurable Pathname Variables
| putenv()                      Change or Add an Environment Variable
| pututxline()                  Write entry to utmpx Database
  release()                     Delete a Load Module
  realloc()                     Change Reserved Storage Block Size
  setegid()                     Set the Effective Group ID
  setenv()                      Add, Delete, and Change Environment Variables
  seteuid()                     Set the Effective User ID
  setgid()                      Set the Group ID
| _setjmp()                     Set Jump Point for a Non-Local Goto
  setjmp()                      Preserve Stack Environment
  setpgid()                     Set Process Group ID for Job Control
| setpgrp()                     Set Process group ID
  setsid()                      Create Session, Set Process Group ID
  setuid()                      Set the Effective User ID
| setutxent()                   Resets to start of utmpx Database
  sysconf()                     Determine System Configuration Options
  umask()                       Set or Display the File Mode Creation Mask
  uname()                       Display Current Operating System Name
| __utmpxname()                 Changes the utmpx Database name
  va_arg()                      Access Function Arguments
  va_end()                      Access Function Arguments
  va_start()                    Access Function Arguments
| valloc()                      Page Aligned Memory allocator

Communicating between Processes

| ftok()                        Generate an Interprocess Communication (IPC) key
| __getipc()                    Query interprocess communications
| lockf()                       Record locking on files
| msgctl()                      Message Control Operations
| msgget()                      Get Message queue
| msgrcv()                      Message receive operation
| msgsnd()                      Message send operations
| msgxrcv()                     Extended Message receive operation
| semctl()                      Semaphore Control Operations
| semget()                      Get a set of semaphores
| semop()                       Semaphore operations
| shmat()                       Shared Memory Attach Operation
| shmctl()                      Shared Memory Control Operations
| shmdt()                       Shared Memory Detach Operation
| shmget()                      Get a Shared Memory Segment

Managing Threads and Subtasks

  pthread_attr_destroy()        Destroy the Thread Attributes Object
  pthread_attr_getdetachstate() Get the Detach State Attribute
  pthread_attr_getstacksize()   Get the Thread Attribute Stacksize Object
  pthread_attr_getsynctype_np() Get the Thread Sync Type
  pthread_attr_getweight_np()   Get Weight of Thread Attribute Object
  pthread_attr_init()           Initialize a Thread Attribute Object
  pthread_attr_setdetachstate() Set the Detach State Attribute Object
  pthread_attr_setstacksize()   Set the Stacksize Attribute Object
  pthread_attr_setweight_np()   Set Weight of Thread Attribute Object
  pthread_cancel()              Cancel a Thread
  pthread_cleanup_pop()         Remove a Cleanup Handler
  pthread_cleanup_push()        Establish a Cleanup Handler
  pthread_cond_broadcast()      Broadcast a Condition
  pthread_cond_destroy()        Destroy the Condition Variable Object
  pthread_cond_init()           Initialize a Condition Variable
  pthread_cond_signal()         Signal a Condition
  pthread_cond_timedwait()      Wait on a Condition Variable
  pthread_cond_wait()           Wait on a Condition Variable
  pthread_condattr_destroy()    Destroy Condition Variable Attribute Object
  pthread_condattr_getkind_np() Get Kind Attribute from a Condition Variable Attribute Object
  pthread_condattr_init()       Initialize a Condition Attribute Object
  pthread_condattr_setkind_np() Set Kind Attribute from a Condition Variable Attribute Object
  pthread_create()              Create a Thread
  pthread_detach()              Detach a Thread
  pthread_equal()               Compare Thread IDs
  pthread_exit()                Exit a Thread
  pthread_getspecific()         Get the Thread-Specific Value for a Key
  pthread_join()                Wait for a Thread to End
  pthread_join_d4_np()          Wait for a Thread to End (.4a)
  pthread_key_create()          Create Thread-Specific Data Key
  pthread_kill()                Send a Signal to a Thread
  pthread_mutex_destroy()       Delete a Mutex Object
  pthread_mutex_init()          Initialize a Mutex Object
  pthread_mutex_lock()          Wait for a Lock on a Mutex Object
  pthread_mutex_trylock()       Attempt to Lock a Mutex Object
  pthread_mutex_unlock()        Unlock a Mutex Object
  pthread_mutexattr_destroy()   Destroy a Mutex Attribute Object
  pthread_mutexattr_getkind_np() Get Kind from a Mutex Attribute Object
  pthread_mutexattr_init()      Initialize a Mutex Attribute Object
  pthread_mutexattr_setkind_np() Set Kind for a Mutex Attribute Object
  pthread_once()                Invoke a Function Once
  pthread_self()                Get the Caller
  pthread_setintr()             Set Thread's Cancelability State
  pthread_setintrtype()         Set Thread's Cancelability Type
  pthread_setspecific()         Set the Thread-Specific Value for a Key
  pthread_testintr()            Establish a Cancelability Point
  pthread_yield()               Release the Processor to Other Threads

Managing Internet Protocol Address Resolution

% endhostent()                  Work with a host entry
% endnetent()                   Work with a network entry
% endprotoent()                 Work with a protocol entry
% endservent()                  Work with a server entry
% gethostbyaddr()               Get a host entry by address
% gethostbyname()               Get a host address by name
% gethostent()                  Work with a host entry
% gethostname()                 Get the name of the current host
% getnetbyaddr()                Get a network entry by address
% getnetbyname()                Get a network entry
% getnetent()                   Work with a network entry
% getprotobyname()              Get a prototype entry
% getprotobynumber()            Get a prototype entry
% getprotoent()                 Work with a protocol entry
% getservbyname()               Get a server entry
% getservbyport()               Get a service entry by port
% getservent()                  Work with a server entry
% htonl()                       Translate address host to network long
% htons()                       Translate Post Host to Network Short
% inet_addr()                   Internet address manipulation
% inet_lnaof()                  Internet address manipulation
% inet_makeaddr()               Internet address manipulation
% inet_netof()                  Internet address manipulation
% inet_network()                Internet address manipulation
% inet_ntoa()                   Internet address manipulation
% ntohl()                       Translate a Long Integer into Host Byte Order
% ntohs()                       Translate an Unsigned Short Integer into Host Byte Order
% sethostent()                  Work with a Host Entry
% setnetent()                   Work with a Network Entry
% setprotoent()                 Work with a Protocol Entry
% setservent()                  Work with a Server Entry

Managing Sockets

% accept()                      Accept a New connection on a Socket
% bind()                        Bind a Name to a socket
% connect()                     Connect a socket
% gethostid()                   Get the unique identifier of the current host
% getpeername()                 Get the name of a peer socket
% getsockname()                 Get the socket name
% getsockopt()                  Get the Options Associated with a Socket
% listen()                      Prepare the a Server for Incoming Client Requests
% recv()                        Receive a Message from a Connected Socket
% recvfrom()                    Receive a Message from a Socket
% recvmsg()                     Receive a Message from a Socket
% select()                      Monitor Activity on a set of Sockets
% selectex()                    Monitor Activity on a set of Sockets Using an ECB
% send()                        Send a Message to a Connected Socket
% sendmsg()                     Send a Message to a Socket
% sendto()                      Send a Message to a Socket
% setpeer()                     Preset the Socket Peer Address
% setsockopt()                  Get the Options Associated with a Socket
% socket()                      Create a Socket
% socketpair()                  Create a Pair of Sockets
% shutdown()                    Shutdown Socket Send and Receive Operations

Managing Databases

| dbm_clearerr()                Clear Database error indicator
| dbm_close()                   Close a Database
| dbm_delete()                  Delete Database record
| dbm_error()                   Check Database error indicator
| dbm_fetch()                   Get Database content
| dbm_firstkey()                Get first key in Database
| dbm_nextkey()                 Get next key in Database
| dbm_open()                    Open a Database
| dbm_store()                   Store Database record

Managing Files and Directories

  access()                      Determine Whether a File Can be Accessed
| basename()                    Return the Last Component of a Pathname
  chaudit()                     Change Audit Flags for a File by Path
  chdir()                       Change the Working Directory
  chmod()                       Change the Mode of a File or Directory
  chown()                       Change the Owner or Group of a File or Directory
  close()                       Close a File
  closedir()                    Close a Directory
  clrmemf()                     Clear Memory Files
  creat()                       Create a New File or Rewrite an Existing One
| dirname()                     Report the parent directory of a Pathname
  dup()                         Duplicate an Open File Descriptor
  dup2()                        Duplicate an Open File Descriptor to Another
  fchaudit()                    Change Audit Flags for a File by Descriptor
  fchmod()                      Change Mode of a File or Directory by Descriptor
  fchown()                      Change the Owner or Group by File Descriptor
  fclose()                      Close File
  fcntl()                       Control Open File Descriptors
  fdelrec()                     Delete a VSAM Record
  fdopen()                      Associate a Stream with an Open File Descriptor
  fgetpos()                     Get File Position
  fileno()                      Get the File Descriptor from an Open Stream
  fldata()                      Retrieve File Information
  flocate()                     Locate a VSAM Record
  fopen()                       Open a File
  fpathconf()                   Determine Configurable Pathname Variables
  freopen()                     Redirect an Open File
  fscanf()                      Read and Format Data
  fseek()                       Change File Position
  fsetpos()                     Set File Position
  fstat()                       Get Status Information about a File
% fstatvfs()                    Get File system information
  fsync()                       Write Changes to Direct-Access Storage
  ftell()                       Get Current File Position
  ftruncate()                   Truncate a File
| ftw()                         Traverse a File tree
  fupdate()                     Update a VSAM Record
  getcwd()                      Get Pathname of the Working Directory
| getpass()                     Read a string of characters without echo
| glob()                        Generate Pathnames matching a pattern
| globfree()                    Free storage allocate by glob()
  link()                        Create a Link to a File
  lseek()                       Change the Offset of a File
  lstat()                       Get Status of File or Symbolic Link
  mkdir()                       Make a Directory
  mkfifo()                      Make a FIFO Special File
  mknod()                       Make a FIFO or Character Special File
| mkstemp()                     Make a unique filename
| mktemp()                      Make a unique filename
  mount()                       Make a File System Available
| nftw()                        Traverse a File tree
  open()                        Open a File
  opendir()                     Open a Directory
  pclose()                      Close a pipe stream to or from a Process
  pipe()                        Create an Unnamed Pipe
| popen()                       Initiate a pipe stream to or from a Process
  readdir()                     Read an Entry from a Directory
  readlink()                    Read the Value of a Symbolic Link
  remove()                      Delete File
  rename()                      Rename File
  rewind()                      Set File Position to Beginning of File
  rewinddir()                   Reposition a Directory Stream to the Beginning
  rmdir()                       Remove a Directory
  scanf()                       Read and Format Data
  stat()                        Get File Information
% statvfs()                     Get File system information
  symlink()                     Create a Symbolic Link to a Pathname
| tempnam()                     Produce a Temporary File Name
  tmpfile()                     Create Temporary File
  tmpnam()                      Produce a Temporary File Name
  umount()                      Remove a Virtual File System
  utime()                       Set File Access and Modification Times
| utimes()                      Set File access and modification times
  w_statfs()                    Get the File System Status
% w_statvfs()                   Get the File System Status

Handling Input and Output from Files and Pipes

  clearerr()                    Reset Error and End-of-File
  feof()                        Test End-of-File Indicator
  ferror()                      Test for Read/Write Errors
  fflush()                      Write Buffer to File
  fgetc()                       Read a Character
  fgets()                       Read a String from a Stream
  fgetwc()                      Get Next Wide Character
  fgetws()                      Get a Wide-Character String
  fprintf()                     Format and Write Data
  fputc()                       Write a Character
  fputs()                       Write a String
  fputwc()                      Output a Wide-Character
  fputws()                      Output a Wide-Character String
  fread()                       Read Items
  fwrite()                      Write Items
  getc()                        Read a Character
  printf()                      Format and Write Data
  putc()                        Write a Character
  putchar()                     Write a Character
  puts()                        Write a String
| putw()                        Put a machine word on a stream
  putwc()                       Output a Wide Character
  putwchar()                    Output a Wide Character to Standard Output
  read()                        Read From a File
% readv()                       Read from a File
  setbuf()                      Control Buffering
  setvbuf()                     Control Buffering
  sprintf()                     Format and Write Data to Buffer
  sscanf()                      Read and Format Data from Buffer
  unlink()                      Remove a Directory Entry
  vfprintf()                    Format and Print Data to Stream
  vprintf()                     Format and Print Data to stdout
  vsprintf()                    Format and Print Data to Buffer
  vswprintf()                   Write Wide Characters
  w_getpsent()                  Get Process Data
  write()                       Write to a File
% writev()                      Write on a File

Managing Device- and Class-Specific Functions

  cfgetispeed()                 Determine the Input Baud Rate
  cfgetospeed()                 Determine the Output Baud Rate
  cfsetispeed()                 Set the Input Baud Rate in the Termios
  cfsetospeed()                 Set the Output Baud Rate in the Termios
  ctermid()                     Generate Pathname for Controlling Terminal
  tcdrain()                     Wait Until Output Has Been Transmitted
  tcflow()                      Suspend or Resume Data Flow on a Terminal
  tcflush()                     Flush Input or Output on a Terminal
  tcgetattr()                   Get the Attributes for a Terminal
  tcgetpgrp()                   Get the Foreground Process Group ID
  tcsendbreak()                 Send a Break Condition to a Terminal
  tcsetattr()                   Set the Attributes for a Terminal
  tcsetpgrp()                   Set the Foreground Process Group ID
  ttyname()                     Get the Name of a Terminal
| ttyslot()                     Find the Slot in the utmpx File of the Current User

Language-Specific Services for the C Language

See "Handling the Locale" and "Converting Code."

Accessing the Group and User Databases

  getegid()                     Get the Effective Group ID
  geteuid()                     Get the Effective User ID
  getgid()                      Get the Real Group ID
  getgrgid()                    Access the Group Database by ID
  getgrnam()                    Access the Group Database by Name
  getgroups()                   Get a List of Supplementary Group IDs
  getgroupsbyname()             Get Supplementary Group IDs by User Name
  getpwnam()                    Access the User Database by User Name
  getpwuid()                    Access the User Database by User ID

Handling the Time and Locale

  asctime()                     Convert Time to Character String
  cclass()                      Return Characters in a Character Class
  csid()                        Character Set ID for Multibyte Character
  ctime()                       Convert Time to a Character String
  difftime()                    Compute Time Difference
  getsyntx()                    Return LC_SYNTAX Characters
  gettimeofday()                Get Date and Time
  gmtime()                      Convert Time to Broken-Down UTC Time
  localdtconv()                 Date/Time Formatting Convention Inquiry
  localeconv()                  Query Numeric Conventions
  localtime()                   Convert Time and Correct for Local Time
  mktime()                      Convert Local Time
  nl_langinfo()                 Retrieve Locale Information
  setlocale()                   Set Locale
  tzset()                       Set the Time Zone
  wcsftime()                    Format Date and Time

Handling Message Catalogs and Messages

  __errno2()                    Return Reason Code Information
| fmtmsg()                      Display a Message in the specified format
  perror()                      Print Error Message
  regerror()                    Return Error Message

Handling Mathematics

  abs()                         Calculate Integer Absolute Value
  acos()                        Calculate Arccosine
| acosh()                       Hyperbolic arccosine
  asin()                        Calculate Arcsine
| asinh()                       Hyperbolic arcsine
  assert()                      Verify Condition
  atan()                        Calculate Arctangent
| atanh()                       Hyperbolic arctangent
| cbrt()                        Cube root
  ceil()                        Round Up to Integral Value
  cos()                         Calculate Cosine
  cosh()                        Calculate Hyperbolic Cosine
  decabs()                      Calculate the decimal absolute value
  div()                         Calculate Quotient and Remainder
  erf()                         Calculate Error Functions
  erfc()                        Calculate Complementary Error Functions
  exp()                         Calculate Exponential Function
| expm1()                       Exponential minus one
  fabs()                        Calculate Floating-Point Absolute Value
| fcvt()                        Convert double to string
  fmod()                        Calculate Floating-Point Remainder
  frexp()                       Extract Mantissa and Exponent of the Floating-Poin
  gamma()                       Calculate Gamma Function
  hypot()                       Calculate Hypotenuse
| ilogb()                       Integer unbiased exponent
  jn()                          Bessel Functions of the First Kind
  j0()                          Bessel Functions of the First Kind
  j1()                          Bessel Functions of the First Kind
  labs()                        Calculate long Absolute Value
  ldexp()                       Multiply by a Power of Two
  ldiv()                        Compute Quotient and Remainder of Integral Division
| lgamma()                      Log gamma function
  log()                         Calculate Natural Logarithm
| logb()                        Unbiased exponent
| log1p()                       Natural log of x + 1
  log10()                       Calculate Base 10 Logarithm
  pow()                         Raise to Power
| remainder()                   Remainder
| rint()                        Round to nearest integral value
| scalb()                       Load exponent
  sin()                         Calculate Sine
  sinh()                        Calculate Hyperbolic Sine
  sqrt()                        Calculate Square Root
  tan()                         Calculate Tangent
  tanh()                        Calculate Hyperbolic Tangent
  yn()                          Bessel Functions of the Second Kind
  y0()                          Bessel Functions of the Second Kind
  y1()                          Bessel Functions of the Second Kind

Handling Strings and Similar Manipulation

| __atoe()                      ISO8859-1 to EBCDIC string conversion
| __atoe_l()                    ISO8859-1 to EBCDIC length conversion
  atof()                        Convert Character String to double
  atoi()                        Convert Character String to integer
  atol()                        Convert Character String to long
| a64l()                        Convert base-64 string representation to Long Integer
| bcmp()                        Compare Bytes in Memory
| bcopy()                       Copy Bytes in Memory
| brk()                         Change space allocation
  bsearch()                     Search Arrays
| bzero()                       Zero Out Bytes in Memory
  cds()                         Compare Double and Swap
  collequiv()                   Return a List of Equivalent Collating Elements
  collorder()                   Return List of Collating Elements
  collrange()                   Calculates the Range List of Collating Elements
  colltostr()                   Return a String for a Collating Element
  cs()                          Compare and Swap
  decchk()                      Check for Valid Decimal Types
  decfix()                      Fix Up a Non-preferred Sign Variable
| ecvt()                        Convert double to string
| __etoa()                      EBCDIC to ISO8859-1 string conversion
| __etoa_l()                    EBCDIC to ISO8859-1 length conversion
| ffs()                         Find first set bit in an integer
  floor()                       Round Down to Integral Value
| gcvt()                        Convert double to string
  getmccoll()                   Get Next Collating Element from String
  gets()                        Read a String
| getw()                        Put a machine word on a stream
  getwc()                       Get a Wide Character
  getwchar()                    Get a Wide Character
  getwmccoll()                  Get Next Collating Element from Wide String
| hcreate()                     Create hash search pres
| hdestroy()                    Destroys hash search pres
| hsearch()                     Search hash pres
| index()                       Search for character
| insque()                      Insert an element into a doubly-linked list
  isalnum()                     Test for Upper or Lowercase Letter or Decimal Digit
| isascii()                     Test for 7-bit US-ASCII Character
  isatty()                      Test if Descriptor Represents a Terminal
  isblank()                     Test for Blank Character Classification
  iscntrl()                     Test for Control Classification
  isdigit()                     Test for Hexadecimal-Digit Classification
  isgraph()                     Test for Graphic Classification
  islower()                     Test for Lower Case
  ismccollel()                  Identify a Multi-Character Collating Element
| isnan()                       Test for NaN
  isprint()                     Test for Prinpre Character Classification
  ispunct()                     Test for Punctuation Classification
  isspace()                     Test for Space Character Classification
  isupper()                     Test for Uppercase Letter Classification
  iswalnum()                    Test for Upper or Lowercase letter or Decimal Digit
  iswblank()                    Test for Blank Character Classification
  iswcntrl()                    Test for Control Classification
  iswctype()                    Test for Character Property
  iswdigit()                    Test for Hexadecimal-Digit Classification
  iswgraph()                    Test for Graphic Classification
  iswlower()                    Test for Lower Case
  iswprint()                    Test for Prinpre Character Classification
  iswpunct()                    Test for Punctuation Classification
  iswspace()                    Test for Space Character Classification
  iswupper()                    Test for Uppercase Letter Classification
  iswxdigit()                   Test for Hexadecimal-Digit Classification
  isxdigit()                    Test for Hexadecimal-Digit Classification
| lfind()                       Linear search routine
| lsearch()                     Linear search and update
| l64a()                        Convert long to base-64 string representation
  maxcoll()                     Return Maximum Collating Element
  mblen()                       Calculate Length of Multibyte Character
  mbrlen()                      Calculate Length of Multibyte Character
  mbrtowc()                     Convert a Multibyte Character to a Wide Character
  mbsinit()                     Test State Object for Initial State
  mbsrtowcs()                   Convert a Multibyte String to a Wide-Character String
  mbstowcs()                    Convert Multibyte Characters to Wide Characters
  mbtowc()                      Convert Multibyte Character to Wide Character
| memccpy()                     Copy Bytes in Memory
  memchr()                      Search Buffer
  memcmp()                      Compare Bytes
  memcpy()                      Copy Buffer
  memmove()                     Move Buffer
  memset()                      Set Buffer to Value
  modf()                        Extract Fractional and Integral Parts of Floating-Point Value
| nextafter()                   Next Represenpre Double Float
  qsort()                       Sort Array
| remque()                      Remove an Element from a Doubly-linked List
| rindex()                      Search for character
  rpmatch()                     Test for a Yes/No Response Match
| sbrk()                        Change Space Allocation
| strcasecmp()                  Case-insensitive String Comparison
  strcat()                      Concatenate Strings
  strchr()                      Search for Character
  strcmp()                      Compare Strings
  strcoll()                     Compare Strings
  strcpy()                      Copy String
  strcspn()                     Compare Strings
| strdup()                      Duplicate a String
  strerror()                    Get Pointer to Runtime Error Message
  strfmon()                     Convert Monetary Value to String
  strftime()                    Convert to Formatted Time
  strlen()                      Determine String Length
| strncasecmp()                 Case-insensitive String Comparison
  strncat()                     Concatenate Strings
  strncmp()                     Compare Strings
  strncpy()                     Copy String
  strpbrk()                     Find Characters in String
  strptime()                    Date and Time Conversion
  strrchr()                     Find Last Occurrence of Character in String
  strspn()                      Search String
  strstr()                      Locate Substring
  strtocoll()                   Return Collating Element for String
  strtod()                      Convert Character String to double
  strtok()                      Tokenize String
  strtol()                      Convert Character String to long
  strtoul()                     Convert String to unsigned integer
  strxfrm()                     Transform String
| swab()                        Copy and Swap Bytes
  swprintf()                    Write Wide Characters to a Wide-Character Array
  swscanf()                     Read a Wide-Character String
| tdelete()                     Binary Tree Delete
| tfind()                       Binary Tree Find Node
| tsearch()                     Binary Tree Search
| twalk()                       Binary Tree Walk
  ungetc()                      Push Character onto Input Stream
  ungetwc()                     Push a Wide Character onto a Stream
  wcrtomb()                     Convert a Wide Character to a Multibyte Character
  wcscat()                      Append to Wide-Character String
  wcschr()                      Search for Wide-Character Substring
  wcscmp()                      Compare Wide-Character Strings
  wcscoll()                     Language Collation String Comparison
  wcscpy()                      Copy Wide-Character String
  wcscspn()                     Find Offset of First Wide-Character Match
  wcsid()                       Character Set ID for Wide Character
  wcslen()                      Calculate Length of Wide-Character String
  wcsncat()                     Append to Wide-Character String
  wcsncmp()                     Compare Wide-Character Strings
  wcsncpy()                     Copy Wide-Character String
  wcspbrk()                     Locate First Wide Characters in String
  wcsrchr()                     Locate Last Wide Character in String
  wcsrtombs()                   Convert Wide-Character String to Multibyte String
  wcsspn()                      Search for Wide Characters in a String
  wcsstr()                      Locate a Wide Character Sequence
  wcstod()                      Convert Wide-Character String to a double Floating-Point
  wcstok()                      Break a Wide-Character String into Tokens
  wcstol()                      Convert a Wide-Character String to a Long Integer
  wcstombs()                    Convert Wide-Character String to Multibyte Character
  wcstoul()                     Convert a Wide-Character String to an Unsigned Long Integer
  wcswcs()                      Locate Wide-Character Substring in Wide-Character String
  wcswidth()                    Determine the Display Width of a Wide-Character String
  wcsxfrm()                     Transform a Wide-Character String
  wctob()                       Convert Wide Character to Byte
  wctomb()                      Convert Wide Character to Multibyte Character
  wctype()                      Obtain Handle for Character Property Classification
  wcwidth()                     Determine the Display Width of a Wide- Character String
| wordexp()                     Perform Shell Word Expansions
| wordfree()                    Perform Shell Word Expansions

Parsing and Handling Regular Expressions

| fnmatch()                     Match filename or Pathname
| getopt()                      Command Option Parsing
| getsubopt()                   Parse Suboption Arguments
| re_comp()                     Compile Regular Expression
| re_exec()                     Match Regular Expression
  regcomp()                     Compile Regular Expression
  regexec()                     Execute Compiled Regular Expression
  regfree()                     Free Memory for Regular Expression

Converting Code

  iconv()                       Code Conversion
  iconv_close()                 Deallocate Code Conversion Descriptor
  iconv_open()                  Allocate Code Conversion Descriptor
| toascii()                     Translate Integer to a 7-bit ASCII character
  tolower()                     Convert Character Case
  toupper()                     Convert Character Case
  towlower()                    Convert Wide Character Case
  towupper()                    Convert Wide Character Case

Generating Random Numbers

| drand48()                     Pseudo-random Number Generator
| erand48()                     Pseudo-random Number Generator
| initstate()                   Initialize generator for random()
| jrand48()                     Pseudo-random Number Generator
| lcong48()                     Pseudo-random Number Initializer
| lrand48()                     Pseudo-random Number Generator
| mrand48()                     Pseudo-random Number Generator
| nrand48()                     Pseudo-random Number Generator
  rand()                        Generate Random Number
| random()                      A Better random-number Generator
| seed48()                      Pseudo-random Number Initializer
| setstate()                    Change Generator for random()
  srand()                       Set Seed for rand() Function
| srandom()                     Use seed to Initialize Generator for random()
| srand48()                     Pseudo-random Number Initializer

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