Description of XRL
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7 this month, 5632 altogether.
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********************** Unclassified ********************************** * :nick.XRL :sec.Unclassified :disk.IBMVMGAT * :title.An X-Windows view of CMS Reader List * :version.1.0 :date.93/09/16 :summary.ANNOUNCE :support.X * :oname.Nancy Regan :onode.GDLVM7 :ouser.NREGAN * :aname.Nancy Regan :anode.GDLVM7 :auser.NREGAN * :hw.390 :sw.VM/ESA * :ops.VM/ESA :lang.C :source.N * :doc.XRL HELP * :kwd.XRL WINDOWS XWINDOWS XWIND RDRLIST MAIL * :abs.This tool will display your CMS Reader List in a window and allow * many of the current RDRLIST functions as well as others that don't * currently exist (saving any reader file in a notebook). It is a * prototype and is not yet complete. Use at your own risk. * Required to run XRL are a mouse, a LAN hookup, TCP/IP, and an X server. * :lic.By placing material on this conference, I agree to grant * IBM a non-exclusive, royalty-free license for the material * as set forth in the LICENSE AGREEMNT file on this conference. ************************************************************************ XRL ANNOUNCE * Brief description of XRL XRL SETUPDOC * How to get started XRL MODULE * Main program XRL HELP * Incomplete help (includes some known problems) XRL PRODINFO * Product Information XRL CHANGES * Log of changes XASSIST EXEC * Used by XRL MODULE NICK REXX * Used by XRL MODULE X DEFAULTS * Sample defaults file