Description of XREC

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* :nick.XREC       :sec.UNCLASSIFIED                  :disk.IBMVMGAT
* :title.Receive Current Note up to Cursored Line
* :version.1.01    :date.92/05/25   :summary.PACKAGE  :support.A
* :oname.Tom Bridgman               :onode.WATSON     :ouser.MRTOM
* :aname.Tom Bridgman               :anode.WATSON     :auser.MRTOM
* :hw.                              :sw.
* :ops.                             :lang.REXX        :source.X
* :doc.PACKAGE
* :kwd.RECEIVE
* :abs.
* XREC is used from within PEEK to receive the current note up to the
* line indicated by the cursor.  Useful when someone sends you a note
* with your original correspondance tacked on the bottom, or when you
* don't want to waste the disk space to save an extravagently long
* signature block.
* :lic.By placing material on this conference, I agree to grant
* IBM a non-exclusive, royalty-free license for the material
* as set forth in the LICENSE AGREEMNT file on this conference.
* The World's Shortest User's Guide:
* You can either assign XREC to a PF key in your PEEK profile, or you
* can run it from the PEEK command line when needed.  To assign it to
* a PF key, edit your profile and set the desired key definition to:
* When in PEEK, place the cursor on the first line to be deleted and
* press the assigned key.
* To use it from the PEEK command line, enter XREC and the command line,
* move the cursor to the first line to delete, and press Enter.
  XREC     XEDIT    *