Description of XMENUVM

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**********************  IBM Unclassified   *****************************
* :nick.XMENU      :sec.Unclassified                  :disk.IBMVMGAT
* :title.A really cool CMS user interface!
* :version.3.74    :date.95/01/19   :summary.HELPCMS  :support.A
* :oname.Richard S. Newpol          :onode.RALVM14    :ouser.RSN
* :aname.Rich Newpol                :anode.RALVM14    :auser.RSN
* :sw.XEDIT/Rexx
* :ops.CMS                          :lang.XEDIT/Rexx  :source.Y
* :doc.HELPCMS file
* :kwd.XMENU
* :abs.XMENU is a really cool CMS user interface. It customizes your
* PFkeys, remembers your most recent commands, supports multiple menus,
* popup message windows, and point-and-shoot PFkeys! A breeze to use,
* but extremely flexible; XMENU even includes an online menu editor!
* Also includes interactive REXX and one line (CALC-like) calculator.
* :lic.By placing material on this conference, I agree to grant
* IBM a non-exclusive, royalty-free license for the material as
* set forth in the LICENSE AGREEMNT file on this conference.
      XMENU    EXEC     *  calling EXEC for XMENU
      XMENUX   XEDIT    *  XMENU executable code
      XMENUDEF XMENU    *  QuickStart PFkey menu file for 1st time users
      XMENU    COLORS   *  sample screen color file (not required)
      XMENU    HELPCMS  *  basic XMENU information
      XMENU    DOC      *  detailed Help for experienced XMENU users