Description of XCOL

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COL allows you to edit columns in the same way that you edit lines when using Xedit's prefix commands. COL will present a command line across the screen containing ?'s. Enter COL commands into this area, just as you enter XEDIT prefix commands in the prefix area.

EXAMPLE: to delete columns, enter d's above the column.

===== ????????????ddddddddddd??????????????????????????????????????????

  • Basic Column Operations
    • Delete
    • Add blanks
    • Move
    • Copy
  • Column Operations unique to COL
    • Insert text
    • Overlay text
    • Convert to Upper or Lower case
    • Copy text forward or backward within a column
    • Blank redundant text within a column in a forward or backward direction.
    • Insert blank separator lines when data in a column changes
    • Place sequence numbers in a column
  • Any sequence number
    • Any starting number
    • Any increment value
    • Any repeat factor
  • Alpha
  • Hex
  • Sum a column of numbers
    • Total
    • Subtotals
    • Line totals
    • Cumulative line totals
  • Sorting
    • Column Sorts
  • Text Alignment
    • Line up text
    • Word flow within a column
    • Left, Center, Right and Both Justification
    • Automatically place text in columns for editing such as found in Script tabular data when using the ".ti". or BookMasters :lines tag.
    • Compress column data into Script tabular data
    • Remove trailing blanks
  • Convenience commands
    • Undo the last COL operation
    • Identify the location of columns
    • Set Tabs
    • Set Verify setting
    • Set Truncation column
    • Set zones
  • Advanced Functions
    • Exclude specific columns from Xedit prefix commands and subcommands
    • Apply Xedit prefix commands to lines with specific text within a column
    • Apply Xedit subcommands to lines with specific text within a column
    • Offsetting the Xedit prefix command for the above operation
    • A repeat factor for placing sequence numbers in a column
    • Applying Xedit prefix commands to lines with specific text within the Xedit Zone setting
    • Blocking or grouping so that only blocks of text are displayed.
    • Transpose columns and lines
  • REXX interface
    • Apply REXX expressions to columns

COL is fully compatible with XEDIT commands and supports Xedit's exclude functions as provided with Xedit "X" prefix command and the ALL command. Any width file may be edited.