Description of USAGE

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**********************  UNCLASSIFIED ***********************************
* :nick.USAGE      :sec.UNCLASSIFIED                  :disk.VMTOOLS
* :title.Check A-disk usage and warn if exceeds stated percent
* :version.1.3     :date.93/11/26   :summary.PACKAGE  :support.X
* :oname.Les Paton                  :onode.GNKVM      :ouser.LPATON
* :aname.Les Paton                  :anode.GNKVM      :auser.LPATON
* :sw.Rexx EXTMSG
* :ops.VM/SP3+                      :lang.Rexx
* :doc.Self Doc
* :abs.Usage exec checks the current A-disk usage against a
* percentage input by the user ( default 85% ) and issues a
* prominent warning message if usage exceeds parameter input.
* Handy to have in your PROFILE EXEC.
* :lic.By placing material on this conference, I agree to grant
* IBM a non-exclusive, royalty-free license for the material
* as set forth in the LICENSE AGREEMNT file on this conference.
*     (c) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1985.
*                      All Rights Reserved.
* No  service,  support  or  maintenance is  expressed  or  implied.  For
* additional information refer to the LICENSE agreement for this tool.
      USAGE    LICENSE  *  License agreement
      USAGE    EXEC     *
      DUSAGEN  EXEC     *
      NUMBER   EXEC     *
* The following package is required...
*     EXTMSG   PACKAGE  *   ( From VMTOOLS )
* Release 1.1  Allow for a disk label with a blank in it.
* Release 1.2  Allow for USAGE ? ( help request )
* Release 1.3  Added LICENSE file and copyright statements.