Description of TOVMWEB
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2 this month, 5677 altogether.
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VMARC archive: v-74K
Latest news at 09:57:58 on 21 Dec 1999.
Release 1.19 21 Dec 1999 ------------------------ Corrected an html rendering problem.
Package Description.
Package name | TOVMWEB
Title | Send package to VM DownLoad Library, including NON-IBM.
Version | 1.19
Updated | 99/12/21
Author | Les Paton
Node | GNKVM
Userid | LPATON
Alternative author | Les Paton
Node |
Userid | les_paton
Software requirements | Rexx, PIPELINES
Operating System | VM/ESA
Software language used | Rexx
Source code provided, Y(es) or N(o) | Y
Summary provided in file | PACKAGE
Documentation provided in file | HELPCMS
Abstract |
Package Content within the VMARC file.
TOVMWEB LICENSE * License instructions for the VM DownLoad Library. TOVMWEB EXEC * Run time code. TOVMWEB HELPCMS * Help file. TWBUME REPOS * Message repository source. TWBUME TEXT * Message repository run time code. * Edit to your circumstances and RENAME updated * copy to.... UserId IAGREE * where UserId is your VM UserId. * You can discard TEMPLAT2 IAGREE TEMPLATE IAGREE * IAGREE file for IBM written submissions. TEMPLAT2 IAGREE * IAGREE file for non-IBM written submissions. * Edit to your circumstances and RENAME updated * copy to.... UserId IAGREE * where UserId is your VM UserId. * Discard TEMPLATE IAGREE and RENAME this file * to.... TEMPLATE IAGREE * TOVMWEB $PROFILE * User profile. Optional, coded by the user, * typically to contain their choice of options. TOVMWEB NEWS * News file. * * Dependencies.... * * Program was developed and tested on CMS 11, results on a system with * a CMS of lower level are unpredictable. If you experience problems * then use the IUO version of PIPES. * * VMARC MODULE * From the VM WebSite. * PIPELINES * Either the VM/ESA component or the IUO package * from VMTOOLS or the WebSite. * * Nice to have ( not dependencies ).... * * PIPINIT EXEC * From VMTOOLS or the WebSite. * ( Loads IUO PIPES if necessary ) * or PICKPIPE PACKAGE * From VMTOOLS or the WebSite. * ( Loads IUO PIPES if necessary )