Description of TEDIT

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**********************  Unclassified  **********************************        
* :nick.TEDIT      :sec.Unclassified                  :disk.VMTOOLS             
* :title.Text and Table editor for Script Report Table Schedule Package         
* :version.1.1.5   :date.96/03/04   :summary.ANNOUNCE :support.N                
* :oname.Alain Rochard              :onode.MOPVMA     :ouser.F085053            
* :aname.Alain Rochard              :anode.MOPPROFS   :auser.ROCHARD            
* :ops.VM/CMS                       :lang.REXX        :source.Y                 
* :doc.HELPCMS                                                                  
* :abs.TEDIT allows to create or Update VM/CMS files in a CUA fashion.          
* Support; Report format (columns defined thru the two first lines),            
* Bookmaster TABLE, Bookmaster SCHEDULE, any Bookmaster SCRIPT, FOILS5,         
* PACKAGE.                                                                      
* :lic.By placing material on this conference, I agree to grant                 
* IBM a non-exclusive, royalty-free license for the material                    
* as set forth in the LICENSE AGREEMNT file on this conference.                 
 TEDIT    ANNOUNCE * Announcement                                               
 TEDIT    EXEC     * End User exec                                              
 XXPACK   EXEC     * Package editor                                             
 TBROWSE  EXEC     * Table browse                                               
 TABTOGML EXEC     * Utility to convert TAB-DATA to TABLE files                 
 TEDIT    HELPCMS  * Help                                                       
 TABTOGML HELPCMS  * Help                                                       
 TEDIT    LICENSE  * License                                                    
 TEDIT    TAB-DATA * Sample CMS    table for testing Tedit                      
 TEDIT    TABLE    * Sample BOOKIE table for testing Tedit                      
 ASKPEDIT EXEC     * Table editor                                               
 ASKTAGML EXEC     * GML to CMS Converter                                       
 ASKTAGML SEXEC    * GML to CMS Converter source                                
*  co-req                                                                       
 ASKPMAN  PACKAGE  * Panel Manager requisite                                    
 RXSORT   PACKAGE  * Sort from Rxsort Package on Vmtools                        
* The following package is optional. It will be used if available               
*TSORT    PACKAGE  * Sort from Tsort  Package on Vmtools                        