Description of TAB

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* :nick.TAB
* :title.TAB -- Add Thumb Tabs to BookMaster
* :version.1.3          :date.94/07/11   :scp.VM/CMS, MVS/TSO
* :copyright.Copyright IBM Corp. 1988, 1993
* :oname.David W. Marquart               :onode.RCHVMW   :ouser.MARQUART
* :aname.David W. Marquart               :anode.RCHVMW   :auser.MARQUART
* :bname.Christoff Dillenberger          :bnode.SDFVM135 :buser.DILLEN
* :support.X    :doc.BookMaster   :lang.BookMaster/SCRIPT :source.Y
* :sw.BookMaster 4.0 or higher, SCRIPT release 3.2 or higher
* :kwd.thumb tabs bleeding tab dictionary tab
* :repository.IBMVMGAT
* :abs.TAB adds thumb tabs to BookMaster.  It does not use new tags;
* it uses attributes on existing tags.  It can be used while maintaining
* BookMaster "purity".  Documents with TAB attributes can be processed
* with TAB and without TAB.
* See TAB LICENSE for the terms and conditions for using TAB.
      TAB      MACLIB   *        the macro library
      TAB      SCRIPT   *        Documentation source (BookMaster)
      TAB      LIST3820 *        formatted documentation
      TAB      LICENSE  *        license agreement for using TAB