Description of SWITCH

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**********************  UNCLASSIFIED  **********************************
* :nick.SWITCH     :sec.UNCLASSIFIED                  :disk.IBMVMSYS
* :title.SWITCH mode
* :version.1.04    :date.94/02/10   :summary.NONE     :support.X
* :oname.Ray Trainer                :onode.ASICVM1    :ouser.TRAINER
* :aname.Ray Trainer                :anode.ASICVM1    :auser.TRAINER
* :sw.None
* :ops.VM/ESA CMS 10+               :lang.REXX        :source.Y
* :abs.Switch mode from XA to 370 and vice versa, SWITCH ? for help
* :lic.IF YOU download, use or copy this program you agree to the terms
* as stated in the LICENSE file included with this package.
* :(c).(c) Copyright IBM Corporation 1993  1994,  All rights reserved.
      SWITCH   EXEC     *
      SWITCH   REXX     *