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********************** UNCLASSIFIED ********************************** * :nick.SENDXTND :sec.UNCLASSIFIED :disk.VMTOOLS * :title.SENDXTND - Extension to the FILELSND PACKAGE * :version.1.7 :date.94/07/20 :summary.PACKAGE :support.X * :oname.Les Paton :onode.GNKVM :ouser.LPATON * :aname.Les Paton :anode.GNKVM :auser.LPATON * :sw.Rexx * :ops.VM/ESA, VM/SP :lang.Rexx :source.Y * :doc.PACKAGE * :abs.Supporting package to the FILELSND PACKAGE. * SENDFILE/NOTE extensions. * :lic.By placing material on this conference, I agree to grant * IBM a non-exclusive, royalty-free license for the material * as set forth in the LICENSE AGREEMNT file on this conference. ************************************************************************ * (c) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1984, 1994. * All Rights Reserved. * No service, support or maintenance is expressed or implied. For * additional information refer to the LICENSE agreement for this tool. * * SENDXTND PACKAGE * From L.Paton LPATON at GNKVM * Extends the capabilities of the FILELSND PACKAGE to.... * 1) Send a file from FILELIST * 2) Send a file from FULIST * 3) Send a file from within XEDIT * 4) Extend SENDFILE to .... * a) resolve PROFS nicknames * b) send a list of files transparent to the user * c) send mixed-case fileid's transparent to the user * d) warn user of attempt to send confidential files * e) handle very long PROFS Distribution Lists. * 5) Extend NOTE to resolve PROFS nicknames * SENDXTND LICENSE * License agreement FILESEND XEDIT * FILELSND XEDIT * SENDFILE NEWEXEC * Rename to SENDFILE EXEC NOTESCRN EXEC * XNOTESCR XEDIT * PENDING EXEC * Used by XNOTESCR XEDIT * * Dependencies.... * * FILELSND PACKAGE * * FROM VMTOOLS * SENDLIST PACKAGE * * FROM VMTOOLS * * Usage notes:- * * 1) Send a file from FILELIST * Put an entry in your FILELIST PROFILE ( e.g. PROFFLST XEDIT ) * like this.... * * SET PF05 COMMAND MACRO EXECUTE CURSOR EXEC FILELSND / ( C * * 2) Send a file from FULIST * Put an entry in your FULIST PROFILE ( e.g. FULIST $PROFILE ) * like this.... * * *PFKEYS 5 (SND) EXEC FILELSND / ( C ¦ FULIST ¦ * * 3) Send a file from within XEDIT * Put an entry in your PROFILE XEDIT * like this.... * * 'COMMAND SET PF05 ONLY COMMAND MACRO XEDITSND ( C' * * 4) Extend SENDFILE to resolve PROFS nicknames etc. * RENAME SENDFILE NEWEXEC A SENDFILE EXEC A * Simply put the new SENDFILE EXEC on a disk 'in front of' * the system exec and install SENDLIST EXEC from VMTOOLS. * * 5) Extend NOTE to resolve PROFS nicknames * Assign NOTESCR EXEC to a PFkey ..... * * ....SET PF05....EXEC NOTESCRN * * OR assign a synonym ( LETTER ? ) to NOTESCRN * * Absolutely no changes are required to the system NOTE EXEC.