Description of REXXCSL

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* :nick.REXXCSL    :sec.Unclassified                  :disk.VMTOOLS
* :title.Call CSL routine from Rexx program
* :version.1.1     :date.95/10/20   :summary.HELPREXX :support.A
* :oname.Bryan Henderson            :onode.SJFEVMX    :ouser.BRYANH
* :aname.Bryan Henderson            :anode.SJFEVMX    :auser.BRYANH
* :ops.CMS                          :lang.Rexx        :source.Y
* :kwd.Rexx CSL parameter callable services library subroutine
* :abs.Replacement for built-in "CSL" subroutine.  More natural and
* convenient syntax.
* :lic.By placing material on this conference, I agree to grant
* IBM a non-exclusive, royalty-free license for the material
* as set forth in the LICENSE AGREEMNT file on this conference.
* This package requires CMS Pipelines.  That became part of VM with
* VM/ESA, and was available separately (to some) for earlier versions.
REXXCSL  MODULE   * Executable - recommend NUCXLOADing
REXXCSL  HELPREXX * Documentation
REXXCSL  REXX     * Source code