Description of REQUEST

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***********  Licensed ASIS IBM Product -- Restrictions Apply to Use  ***********
* :nick.REQUEST
* :(c).Entire REQUEST PACKAGE of files (c) Copyright IBM Corporation 1981, 1993
* :title.Request a package from another user or fulfill such requests
* :version.2            :date.92/07/28   :scp.SP1 and beyond
* :oname.Vincent Kruskal                 :onode.WATSON   :ouser.KRUSKAL
* :aname.Mike Cowlishaw                  :anode.WINVMB   :auser.MFC
* :bname.Vincent Kruskal                 :bnode.IBMMAIL  :buser.USIB24GM
* :sec.Unclassified
* :lic.By placing material on this conference, I agree to grant
* IBM a non-exclusive, royalty-free license for the material
* as set forth in the LICENSE AGREEMNT file on this conference.
* :support.X            :doc.self and HELP       :lang.REXX
* :repository.IBMVMGAT
* :abs.REQUEST is used to request a package of files from or on behalf
* of another user or is used to fulfill requests that you receive.
       REQUEST  EXEC       * The request Exec itself
       REQUEST  HELPCMS    * Making a request (HELP REQUEST)
       PROCESS  HELPREQU   * Fulfilling requests (HELP REQUEST PROCESS)
       SET      HELPREQU   * Setting permanent options (HELP REQUEST SET)
       REQUEST  LICENSE    * Required license agreement