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***(c) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1993. *** All Rights Reserved. * :nick.RDRLOGR :sec.UNCLASSIFIED * :title.Logs Reader files and notes into selected files on disk. * :version.2.4VM :date.93/06/16 * :oname.James J. Mangi :onode.RHQVM21 :ouser.JMANGI * :aname.James J. Mangi :anode. :auser. * :support.X :doc.RDRLOGR ? :lang.REXX * :repository.IBMVMGAT * :sw. GLOBALV command, EXECIO command * :kwd.RDRLOGR READER RECEIVE LOG * :abs.RDRLOGR appends reader files to new or existing files on disk. * Usefull for automatically logging certain notes that you receive. * This can be installed in your profile exec to automatically log * certain files when you logon. Will now handle wild cards and notes. * :lic.By placing material on this conference, I agree to grant * IBM a non-exclusive, royalty-free license for the material as * set forth in the LICENSE AGREEMNT file on this conference. *********************************************************************** * Announcement of RDRLOGR EXEC and suggested uses. &1 &2 RDRLOGR ANNOUNCE * * The REXX program, executable source code. &1 &2 RDRLOGR EXEC * * The REXX compiled code. Must be renamed to RDRLOGR EXEC. &1 &2 RDRLOGR CEXEC * * The CMS help file. &1 &2 RDRLOGR HELPCMS * * The License agreement. &1 &2 RDRLOGR LICENSE *