Description of QDIR

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**********************  UNCLASSIFIED  **********************************
* :nick.QDIR       :sec.UNCLASSIFIED                  :disk.IBMVMGAT
* :title.A utility to replace the DIRMAINT GET command.
* :version.7       :date.94/12/05   :summary.NOTE     :support.X
* :oname.Art Blossom                :onode.YKTVMV     :ouser.BLOSSOM
* :aname.Arthur E Blossom           :anode.YKTVMV     :auser.BLOSSOM
* :sw.DIRMAINT 1.2 - 1.4
* :ops.CMS                          :lang.REXX        :source.Y
* :doc.NOTE FILE
* :abs.For System Support and CP Directory administrator.  Very fast.
* Will type, stack, Xedit, or write to disk a DIRMAINT user or profile.
* Includes FDIRM, a full screen display of directory entries.
* An alternative to DIRM GET.
* :lic.By placing material on this conference, I agree to grant
* IBM a non-exclusive, royalty-free license for the material
* as set forth in the LICENSE AGREEMNT file on this conference.
*  (c) Copyright IBM Corporation  1992.  All rights reserved.
      QDIR     EXEC     *  main exec.
      QDIRW    EXEC     *  Writes user id to disk.
      QDIRX    EXEC     *  Directly XEDIT user id.
      QDIRX    XEDIT    *  Use XEDIT ring.
      PROFQDIR XEDIT    *  QDIRX profile for DIRM ADD / REPLACE.
      QDIRXIT  XEDIT    *  User exit for PROFQDIR.
      X$QDIR$X XEDIT    *  QDIRX DIRM ADD & REPLACE execution macro.
      QDIRP    EXEC     *  Displays USER line 1, sans user id.
      QDIR     NOTE     *  An overview.
      FDIRM    EXEC     *  Full screen display of DIRECTORY entries.
      FDIRM    IOS3270  *  For FDIRM
      QDIR     LICENSE  *  IBM license agreement
*     WAKEUP   MODULE   *  Determine Dirmaint Lock status. Required.
*                         (FROM CMS UTILITIES FEATURE, VM/IPF, OR IPF/XA)
*     IOS3270  XMOD     *  Required only for FDIRM.
*     IOS3270  MODULE   *  Required only for FDIRM.
*     QUACC    MODULE   *  Eliminate unnecessary accesses ( optional ).