Description of PTKTOOLS
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VMARC archive: v-34K
From Kris Buelens, IBM Belgium
Changes for V1.2:
- Recognize the new "predefined" APPC resourceids FCXC1Snn and FCXC1Rnn
- Use VMLINK instead of LNK to get access to the PERFKIT code.
- An improved FCXRENAM EXEC.
- Document how to avoid the "VM Systems Selection" panel if you do not use Central Monitoring.
I considered this a bit too small to make it a package, but demand made I changed my mind and make it available for download.
So, it is not a comprehensive set, but a collection composed of some control files and execs.
To look at the files, the easiest way is:
- Some PTK control files I used. Having them here makes it easier to reimplement a PTK setup, without having to dig in the manuals.
- Some execs (the execs all have some comments inside them to
give more information).
- A very simple exec to send a command to PTK and see the result.
ptk cpu --> displays the CPU report ptk fc setevent --> queries which events PTK has defined
- An exec to have PTK execute a CMS command and return the result
to you. Examples:
ptkcms q disk --> gets the disks accessed by PTK ptkcms erase some file A --> erases a file on PTK's A-disk
- PTK3270 EXEC
- Connects to the PERFSVM server, and allows you to look at the
PTK performance report menus. Just as if you'd be logged on in
the PERFSVM machine.
PERFKIT can perform "central monitoring", that is one PERFSVM acts as a central point. A Systems menu is displayed. There are two ways connect to PERFSVM:
- to the menu of managed systems, APPC resource FCXSYSTM
- to the local z/VM system, APPC resource FCXRES00
When both resources (systems and local) are active, PTK3270 tries to connect to the FCXSYSTM (we also recognize FCXC1Snn).Supposing you did set up Central Monitoring.
If having only one system, or not wanting to set up Central Monitoring, you may want to bypass the system selection panel. Two method exists:
- you enter PRK3270 resid eg FTK3270 FCXC1R01
- avoid PERFKIT creates an FCXSYSTM (or FCXC1Snn).
Easily done: code an entry in PERFSVM's UCOMDIR NAMES
:nick.FCXSYSTM :luname.*IDENT :tpn.nothing
- To store on PERFSVM's A-disk. It is meant to save and cleanup
HISTLOG and CONLOG files on the 195 MDISK of PERFSVM. The larger
the MDISK, the more files will be kept. It will ERASE the oldest
files to make room to store the new files.
- An FCONX $PROFILE for PERFSVM 191. Note: this is backlevel
based, on some z/VM V5, use for consultation only.
The statements must turn on performance monitoring.
- An FCONX $PROFILE for PERFSVM 1CC, so used by end-users of e.g. PTK3270. Note: this is backlevel based, on some z/VM V5, use for consultation only. The statements must **not** turn on performance monitoring.
Note: for the first 3 execs, you need to be authorized in PTK. I store the FCONRMT AUTHORIZ file on PERFSVM's A-disk.
FCONRMT AUTHORIZ H1 F 80 Trunc= ====> |...+....1....+....2....+....3....+ * * * Top of File * * * * node userid Authorizations *---------------------------------- * PERFSVM S&FSERV CMD DATA * MAINT CMD DATA * VMUTIL CMD DATA * VMPRF CMD DATA * KRIS CMD DATA * BUELENSC CMD DATA * VERBEKEN CMD DATA * * DATA
To end and as usage example of the above tools, here how I'd update the AUTHORIZ file. This procedure obviously only works after you have been authorized, that is, not the very first time.
- VMLINK PERFSVM 191 (FILEL Link and Access PERFSVM's 191 disk. So, we can XEDIT FCONRMT AUTHORIZ
- Issue FILE = = A to file the updated file to your A-disk.
updated file to the PERFSVM server.
Now it becomes special.
- Get the spool file number of the file we sent to PERFSVM:
CP FOR PERFSVM CMD Q R * ALL Ready BUELENSC at BRUVMBRS ; T=0.01/0.01 11:42:42 PERFSVM : ORIGINID FILE CLASS RECORDS CPY HOLD DATE TIME NAME TYPE PERFSVM : DIRMAINT 0949 A PUN 00000010 001 NONE 2012-01-18 00:01:04 PERFSVM BRUVMBRS PERFSVM : BUELENSC 0953 A PUN 00000014 001 NONE 2012-02-02 11:41:24 FCONRMT AUTHORIZ PERFSVM : HCPFOR069I Command Complete. CP return code = 0000.
Note: instead of CP FOR, you can also use ptkcms CP Q R * ALL - The number of the FCONRMT AUTHORIZ file is 953, so tell PTK to
ptkcms receive 953 = = a (replace FCX123 CPU 2084 SER 05530 Command executed : 11:43:00 Remote Data CMS PIPE (SEP @ ) CMS RECEIVE 953 = = A (REPLACE@INSERT /MSGNOH BUELENSC PERFS Stacked for execution PERFSVM: File FCONRMT AUTHORIZ A1 replaced by FCONRMT AUTHORIZ H1 received from BUELENSC at BRUVMBRS Ready BUELENSC at BRUVMBRS ; T=0.01/0.01 11:43:13
- Tell PTK to re-read the FCONRMT AUTHORIZ file:
ptk fc reload auth Command complete Ready BUELENSC at BRUVMBRS ; T=0.01/0.01 11:43:28