Description of PS2PSEG

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********************* IBM Internal Use Only ****************************        
* :NICK.PS2PSEG        :SEC.IBM INTERNAL USE ONLY                               
* :title.Converts EPS to PSEG3820, PSEG4250                                     
* :version.       :date.            :scp.n/a                                    
* :oname.Terry I. Foster                 :onode.GDLVME  :ouser.FOSTERT          
* :aname.Terry I. Foster                 :anode.GDLVME  :auser.FOSTERT          
* :bname.                                :bnode.        :buser.                 
* :support.        :doc.HELPCMS          :lang.REXX                             
* :sw.VM/SP, PostScript Interpreter (5688-104)                                  
* :kwd.EPS, POSTSCRIPT, PSEG38XX, PSEG4250                                      
* :abs.  PS2PSEG  converts an encapsulated PostScript(rtm) file                 
*        to a page segment (38xx, 4250, 4028).                                  
*        Options available to:                                                  
*        - Save output on disk other than A                                     
*        - Rotate output (90, 180, 270)                                         
*        - Specify output width in inches, mm, or picas                         
*        - Specify output height in inches, mm, or picas                        
*        - Scale                                                                
*        - Scale width or height (only)                                         
*        - Adjust edge padding (X and/or Y)                                     
*        - Crop white space from edges                                          
*        - Draw an outline around the output                                    
*        - Removes image headers and control characters                         
*        - Write an output file with corrected BoundingBox values               
 &1 &2 PS2PSEG  EXEC      * Executable code                                     
 &1 &2 PS2PSEG  ANNOUNCE  * Announcement                                        
 &1 &2 PS2PSEG  HELPCMS   * Online CMS Help file                                
 &1 &2 P2PRESTR MODULE    * module for restructuring files on NFS disks         
                          * (requires C/370 Runtime)