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************************************************************************ * :nick.PIPEFILE :sec.Unclassified :disk.VMTOOLS * :title.Modern Pipelines file I/O using DMSREAD/DMSWRITE; SFS * :version.1.1 :date.94/03/03 :summary.PACKAGE :support.n * :oname.Bryan Henderson :onode.STLVM4 :ouser.BRYANH * :aname.Bryan Henderson :anode.STLVM4 :auser.BRYANH * :ops.cms :lang.rexx :source.Y * :doc.helppipe * :abs.CMS Pipelines stages to read/write files. Like FILEFAST and * FILESLOW, but uses more current DMSREAD/DMSWRITE CMS services to you * can exploit many SFS features, including I/O to a file without first * accessing the directory. * :lic.By placing material on this conference, I agree to grant * IBM a non-exclusive, royalty-free license for the material * as set forth in the LICENSE AGREEMNT file on this conference. ************************************************************************ * :sw.SUPERSAY PACKAGE * * Warning: There is a bug in some levels of CMS (around Level 10 * Service Level 401) that causes CMS to go into an infinite loop right * *after* returning from the PIPE invocation when DMSWRITE is in the * pipeline. This only happens if you issue PIPE from the CMS command * prompt. You can get around it simply by putting the PIPE invocation * in an exec. I believe APAR VM57959 reports the problem, and there is * a fix for that available. * * DMSREAD REXX * Pipelines stage to read records from a file DMSREAD HELPPIPE * Documentation DMSWRITE REXX * Pipelines stage to write records to a file DMSWRITE REXXSRC * Rexx source code for DMSWRITE DMSWRITE HELPPIPE * Documentation DMSRDDBK REXX * Pipelines stage to read raw blocks from a file DMSRDDBK HELPPIPE * Documentation DMSWRDBK REXX * Pipelines stage to write raw blocks to a file DMSWRDBK HELPPIPE * Documentation CMSDEBLK REXX * Pipelines stage to deblock raw file blocks CMSDEBLK HELPPIPE * Documentation DMSREAD2 REXX * Pipeline stage to do what DMSREAD does, but on * CMS before Level 10. Called by DMSREAD. DMSWRIT2 REXX * Pipeline stage to do what DMSWRITE does, but on * CMS before Level 10, and when user wants to add * records to an existing file DMSWRIT2 REXXSRC * Rexx source code for DMSWRIT2