Description of ON

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* :nick.ON              :sec.UNCLASSIFIED
* :title.Shows who's on and who's not and sometimes where
* :version.1.0          :date.91/09/22   :scp.vm
* :oname.James E Olson                   :onode.ICCVMAS7 :ouser.OLSON
* :aname.James E Olson                   :anode.ICCVMAS7 :auser.OLSON
* :bname.                                :bnode.         :buser.
* :support.X    :doc.package ?    :lang.rexx       :source.
* :sw.iox
* :repository.IBMVMGAT
* :hw.370
* :kwd.package copy erase move send list add
* :abs.Shows who's on and who's not and sometimes where!
*      This use's your local callup directory so NO updating
*      is ever needed. It breaks down your deparment by simply
*      typing ON (Show's Who's on and not, where, full name, room
*      number, phone number and more. ON manager, gives you a
*      departmental breakdown of who's on. There's more, check
*      help panels for all the details. Software "AS IS".
* (c) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1993.
*                     All Right Reserved
* :lic.By placing material on this conference, I agree to grant
* IBM a non-exclusive, royalty-free license for the material as
* set forth in the LICENSE AGREEMNT file on this conference.
      ON       EXEC     *
      ON       HELPCMS  *
* V1.0
*      Title: ON EXEC
*   Function: To display any users logged onto the VM system.
*             (This exec uses the CALLUP DIRECTORY - No Updating)
*    Written: 05/09/91  Jim Olson   An easy way to display ICC users
*                                   logged on to our system. Keys off
*                                   managers.
*   Modified: 05/28/91  -JEO-  removal of node specific variables, etc.
*   Modified: 05/31/91  -JEO-  shows all users - on or not
*   Modified: 06/07/91  -JEO-  if just on - pulls in your manager
*   Modified: 07/01/91  -JEO-  search on individual user
*   Modified: 07/24/91  -CEJB- Changed SCREEN commands to subroutine so
*                              CONWAIT could be used to ensure changes.
*   Modified: mm/dd/yy  -who-  -why-