Description of NOTEBOOK

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* :nick.NOTEBOOK        :sec.Unclassified
* :title.A Notebook Management Facility
* :version.7.05         :date.93/04/14   :scp.SP3, SP4
* :oname.Geoff Brain                     :onode.SYDVM1  :ouser.BRAIN
* :aname.Geoff Brain                     :anode.SYDVM1  :auser.BRAIN
* :bname.n/a                             :bnode.n/a      :buser.n/a
* :support.X            :doc.Starter Set GML, HELPCMS
* :req.REXX and XEDIT
* :repository.IBMVMGAT
* :abs.The macro and exec provide the ability to view a notebook in a
* menu like fashion and to discard, print, reply, forward, individual
* notes.  See the NOTEBOOK SCRIPT document for more information.
* Enhanced options for PEEK, NOTE, FILELIST, RDRLIST and general
* editing are available if the NOTEBOOK XEDIT macro is used as the
* defaults profile for the mentioned functions.
* A simple todo facility is also in the package.
* You can now also use NOTEBOOK to view FORUM and FOILS (SCRIPT) files
* using the NOTEBOOK methodology.  The commands are FORUM and FOILS.
* :lic.By placing material on this conference, I agree to grant
* IBM a non-exclusive, royalty-free license for the material
* as set forth in the LICENSE AGREEMNT file on this conference.
*      NOTEBOOK PACKAGE  *  This file
       NOTEBOOK LICENSE  *  The license
       NOTEBOOK XEDIT    *  This is the main program
       NOTEBSET XEDIT    *  This is the profile program and todo program
       NOTEBOFS XEDIT    *  This is the macro to send file in profs fromat
       NOTEBOOK EXEC     *  This is the exec interface for notebooks
       NOTETODO EXEC     *  This is the exec interface for todos
*      The following files are all optional
       NOTEBOOK UPROFILE *  This is the user profile file used by notebook
       NOTEBOOK SAMPPROF *  This is a sample profile xedit
       NOTEBEXT SAMPLE   *  This is a sample user exit macro
                         *  Must be renamed to NOTEBEXT XEDIT to use
                         *  Don't do this as its a sample only, see doc.
       NOTEBOOK README   *  Read this for changes and a quick start
       NOTEBOOK SCRIPT   *  This is the documentation