Description of NOREAD

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*  (c) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1993.              
*                   All Rights Reserved.                                        
* :nick.NOREAD          :sec.Unclassified                                       
* :title.Prevent VM READ Situation                                              
* :oname.Terry Gliedt   :ouser.?         :onode.?                               
* :aname.Terry Gliedt                                                           
* :version.1.00         :date.87/05/15   :scp.Any 370                           
* :support.X            :doc.None        :lang.ASM        :source.Y             
* :sw.None              :repository.IBMVMGAT                                    
* :kwd.CMS WAITRD                                                               
*:abs.This is a tool to prevent (as much as is possible) CMS from               
* doing a READ to the terminal (resulting in a "VM READ" prompt).               
* When this occurs the virtual machine is stuck and nothing may                 
* execute.  NOREAD will attempt to stack a sequence of responses                
* to a WAITRD (RDTERM) request which has nothing in the console                 
* stack (and would normally result in a VM READ).  The first                    
* time WAITRD is called, NOREAD stacks a blank (null line).  The                
* next time "QQUIT" is stacked (good to stop XEDIT). If these                   
* all fail, the WAITRD is allowed to complete and the VMREAD                    
* results.                                                                      
* Modify this program to meet your own needs.                                   
     NOREAD    LICENSE                                                          
     NOREAD    ASM