Description of NAM2PROF
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*********************************************************************** * :nick.NAM2PROF :sec.Copyright IBM Corporation 1993, 1995 * :title.Convert CMS NAMES file to OV/VM file(s). * :version.2.14 :date.93/04/24 :scp.SP3/SP4/SP5/SP6/XA/ESA * :oname.Peter Brandt :onode.TOROLAB2 :ouser.BRANDTP * :aname.Peter Brandt :anode.TOROLAB2 :auser.BRANDTP * :bname. :bnode. :buser. * :support.A :doc.HELPCMS :lang.Rexx :source.Y * :sw.CMS SORT * :kwd.NAM2PROF * :abs.An REXX routine to convert a User's CMS NAMES file(s) to OV/VM * file(s), including OV distribution lists. WARNING: OFS OFSMCNTL is * overwritten. It will also check for duplicate nicknames, and ensure * that all list entries have a corresponding nickname entry. * OV output files are aligned for easy viewing, in either of 2 formats. * See the NAM2PROF HELPCMS file for all the features supported. * Imbedded comments, lines beginning with '.*','*' or '/*', are ignored * during conversion. * The exec has been reworked so that it can be compiled by the Rexx * compiler and converted (via TEXT) into a module. * WARNING: The module will not execute unless linkage to the REXX * compiler library is available. * :lic.By placing material on this conference, I agree to grant * IBM a non-exclusive, royalty-free license for the material * as set forth in the LICENSE AGREEMNT file on this conference. ***********************************************************************+ NAM2PROF NEWS * Latest changes NAM2PROF REXX * Nam2prof tool NAM2PROF MODULE * Same EXEC compiled with REXX compiler NAM2PROF $PROF * Standard Profile (Rename to $PROFILE) NAM2PROF HELPCMS * CMS Help file