Description of N2D

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From Les Paton (InterNet <=== Comments, questions, observations.

Latest news at 10:17:40 on 21 Oct 1997.

Added the .MC function to EPUEJDOT.

Package Description.

Package name N2D
Title OVMLP macros and other OV/VM add-on goodies.
Version 1.13
Updated 97/10/10
Author Les Paton
Alternative author Les Paton
Userid les_paton
Software requirements Rexx, PIPELINES
Operating System VM/ESA, VM/SP
Software language used Rexx
Source code provided,
Y(es) or N(o)
Summary provided
in file
Documentation provided
in file
Abstract OVMLP macro to turn a MailBasket NOTE into a DOCUMENT. You are put into the Document Preparation facility of OV/VM with the contents of the NOTE imbedded in the document. Also various other OV/VM add-on goodies.

Package Content within the VMARC file.

      N2D      LICENSE  * License instructions for the VM DownLoad Library.
      N2D      SOURCE   * NOTE to DOCUMENT
*                         Supplied PACKED using COPYFILE.
*                         UNPACK and RENAME to filetype OVMLP.
*     N2D      TEMPLATE * You create this file yourself using the
*                         OV/VM "Create a Document" facility.
*                         You store the resulting document format in
*                         your Personal Storage then RENAME it to
*                         N2D TEMPLATE.
      M2X      OVMLP    * MAIL ( NOTE or DOCUMENT ) to XEDIT
      D2L      OVMLP    * Archived NoteLog back into Office Log.
      R2N      OVMLP    * REPLY to all correspondents in a NOTE
*                         Similar to .AR tag in JNOTE++ but uses
*                         VM NOTE EXEC to prepare your reply.
      N2F      OVMLP    * NOTE to FILE for later ".GN".
*                         Sometimes known as SN ( SaveNote ) OVMLP.
* Some other goodies....
      EPUEJDOT SOURCEX  * User exit from OV/VM Note preparation screen.
*                         Supplied PACKED using COPYFILE.
*                         UNPACK and RENAME to filetype XEDIT or add to
*                         your existing installation copy of EPUEJDOT
*                         XEDIT.
      TELE     SOURCEX  * Calls TELE EXEC ( the EMEA equivalent of
*                         CALLUP ).
*                         Supplied PACKED using COPYFILE.
*                         UNPACK and RENAME to filetype XEDIT.
      T2DIR02  SOURCE   * User exit from TELE Directory Display screen.
*                         Supplied PACKED using COPYFILE.
*                         UNPACK and RENAME to filetype EXEC or add to
*                         your existing installation copy of T2DIR02
*                         EXEC.
* The above three programs provide some useful facilities. For example...
*    Invoke the OV/VM NOTE facility
*       note johndoe
*    In the body of the note type....
*       .tele paton l
*    In the TELE Directory Display type....
*       cc
*    against the entry you wish to ".cc" in your note ( or type ad if you
*    wish to ".ad" that entry.
*    After quitting out of the TELE function the ".cc" or ".ad" entry is
*    already inserted into your note.
*    The above function is also enabled if you type TELE on the command
*    line of the note preparation screen.
*    "cc" and "ad" on the TELE screen have additional parameters....
*       cc m
*    ".cc" this persons immediate manager.
*       cc t
*    ".cc" this person AND their entire management tree ( above ).
* Dependencies ( M2X macro )....
*     DOCUMENT support requires the IMDOC PACKAGE from VMTOOLS.
* Dependencies ( R2N macro )....
*     PEEKXTND PACKAGE  From VMTOOLS ( XREPLY XEDIT and dependencies )
* Dependencies ( EPUEJDOT macro )....
*     IMDOC    PACKAGE  From VMTOOLS ( ".imdoc" command )
*     TELE     PACKAGE  EMEA Program Product ( ".tele" command )
* Dependencies ( T2DIR02 EXEC )....
*     TELE     PACKAGE  EMEA Program Product ( ".tele" command )
*     TELETREE PACKAGE  From VMTOOLS ( "tree" command )
*     TELEY    PACKAGE  From VMTOOLS ( "cc t" or "ad t" commands )
*  OR CALLSCAN MODULE   Part of CALLUP Program Product
*     WAKEUP   PACKAGE  From VMTOOLS ( "log" command )
* Dependencies ( various )....
*     One of either....
*        PIPELINES at a minimum of CMS 10
*     or PIPELINES the IUO version.
* Nice to have, NOT dependencies ( various )....
*     PIPINIT  EXEC     From VMTOOLS ( Loads IUO PIPES if necessary )
*  or PICKPIPE EXEC     From VMTOOLS ( Loads IUO PIPES if necessary )

Enjoy this package. If you have any questions or observations then send them to me by clicking on my name at the top of this page.